<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <style> th, td { border: 1px solid black; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> web2d = { peer: {} }; web2d.peer = { svg: {} }; web2d.peer.utils = {}; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function initialize() { web2d.Toolkit.init(); var strokeStyleTest = function () { function builder(parent, scale, strokeWidth) { var rectSize = scale * 80; var yPosition = 10 * scale; var xPosition = 10 * scale; var rect = new web2d.Rect(); rect.setSize(rectSize, rectSize); rect.setPosition(xPosition, yPosition); rect.setFill('yellow'); rect.setStroke(1, 'solid', 'black'); parent.append(rect); xPosition = xPosition + 90 * scale; rect = new web2d.Rect(); rect.setSize(rectSize, rectSize); rect.setPosition(xPosition, yPosition); rect.setFill('yellow'); rect.setStroke(strokeWidth, 'dot', 'black'); parent.append(rect); xPosition = xPosition + 90 * scale; rect = new web2d.Rect(); rect.setSize(rectSize, rectSize); rect.setPosition(xPosition, yPosition); rect.setFill('yellow'); rect.setStroke(strokeWidth, 'dash', 'black'); parent.append(rect); xPosition = xPosition + 90 * scale; rect = new web2d.Rect(); rect.setSize(rectSize, rectSize); rect.setPosition(xPosition, yPosition); rect.setFill('yellow'); rect.setStroke(strokeWidth, 'longdash', 'black'); parent.append(rect); xPosition = xPosition + 90 * scale; rect = new web2d.Rect(); rect.setSize(rectSize, rectSize); rect.setPosition(xPosition, yPosition); rect.setFill('yellow'); rect.setStroke(strokeWidth, 'dashdot', 'black'); parent.append(rect); } // Workspace with default scale ... var workspace = new web2d.Workspace(); workspace.setSize("500px", "100px"); workspace.setCoordSize(500, 100); workspace.setCoordOrigin(0, 0); builder(workspace, 1, 1); workspace.addItAsChildTo($('#strokeStyle')); // Workspace with modified scale ... workspace = new web2d.Workspace(); workspace.setSize("500px", "100px"); workspace.setCoordSize(5000, 1000); workspace.setCoordOrigin(0, 0); builder(workspace, 10, 1); workspace.addItAsChildTo($('#strokeStyleGroup')); // Workspace with default scale ... workspace = new web2d.Workspace(); workspace.setSize("500px", "100px"); workspace.setCoordSize(500, 100); workspace.setCoordOrigin(0, 0); builder(workspace, 1, 5); workspace.addItAsChildTo($('#strokeStyleWidth')); }; strokeStyleTest(); var strokeOpacityTest = function () { var workspace = new web2d.Workspace(); workspace.setSize("500px", "100px"); workspace.setCoordSize(500, 100); workspace.setCoordOrigin(0, 0); var rect = new web2d.Rect(0, { x: 5, y: 5, width: 390, height: 90, fillColor: 'green', strokeColor: 'black', strokeStyle: 'solid', strokeWidth: 1 }); workspace.append(rect); var rectAttributes = { width: 60, height: 60, fillColor: 'yellow', strokeColor: 'black', strokeStyle: 'solid', strokeWidth: 10 }; rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(20, 20); rect.setAttribute("strokeOpacity", 1); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(120, 20); rect.setAttribute("strokeOpacity", 0.5); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(220, 20); rect.setAttribute("strokeOpacity", 0.3); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(320, 20); rect.setAttribute("strokeOpacity", 0); workspace.append(rect); workspace.addItAsChildTo($('#strokeOpacity')); }; strokeOpacityTest(); var fillOpacityTest = function () { var workspace = new web2d.Workspace(); workspace.setSize("500px", "100px"); workspace.setCoordSize(500, 100); workspace.setCoordOrigin(0, 0); var rect = new web2d.Rect(0, { x: 5, y: 5, width: 390, height: 90, fillColor: 'green', strokeColor: 'black', strokeStyle: 'solid', strokeWidth: 4 }); workspace.append(rect); var rectAttributes = { width: 60, height: 60, fillColor: 'yellow', strokeColor: 'black', strokeStyle: 'solid', strokeWidth: 10 }; rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(20, 20); rect.setAttribute("fillOpacity", 1); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(120, 20); rect.setAttribute("fillOpacity", 0.5); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(220, 20); rect.setAttribute("fillOpacity", 0.3); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(320, 20); rect.setAttribute("fillOpacity", 0); workspace.append(rect); workspace.addItAsChildTo($('#fillOpacity')); }; fillOpacityTest(); var opacityTest = function () { var workspace = new web2d.Workspace(); workspace.setSize("500px", "100px"); workspace.setCoordSize(500, 100); workspace.setCoordOrigin(0, 0); var rect = new web2d.Rect(0, { x: 5, y: 5, width: 390, height: 90, fillColor: 'green', strokeColor: 'black', strokeStyle: 'solid', strokeWidth: 4 }); workspace.append(rect); var rectAttributes = { width: 60, height: 60, fillColor: 'yellow', strokeColor: 'black', strokeStyle: 'solid', strokeWidth: 10 }; rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(20, 20); rect.setOpacity(0.8); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(120, 20); rect.setOpacity(0.5); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(220, 20); rect.setOpacity(0.3); workspace.append(rect); rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(320, 20); rect.setOpacity(0); workspace.append(rect); workspace.addItAsChildTo($('#opacity')); }; opacityTest(); var visibilityTest = function () { var workspace = new web2d.Workspace({ fillColor: 'yellow', strokeWidth: '2px' }); workspace.setSize("500px", "100px"); workspace.setCoordSize(500, 100); workspace.setCoordOrigin(0, 0); var rectAttributes = { width: 60, height: 60, fillColor: 'green', strokeColor: 'black', strokeStyle: 'solid', strokeWidth: 10 }; var rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes); rect.setPosition(120, 20); workspace.append(rect); rect.addEvent("mouseover", function () { alert("Mouse Over"); }); var isVisible = true; var executer = function () { isVisible = !isVisible; rect.setVisibility(isVisible); }; //executer.periodical(100); workspace.addItAsChildTo($('#visibility')); }; visibilityTest(); } </script> </head> <body onload="initialize();"> <h1>Element properties Tests </h1> <table> <colgroup style="width:80%;"> <col style="width:10%" /> <col style="width:90%" /> </colgroup> <tr> <td> Stroke Styles. </td> <td> <div> <div id="strokeStyle"></div> <div id="strokeStyleGroup"></div> <div id="strokeStyleWidth"></div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Stroke Width. </td> <td> <div id="strokeWidth"></div> </td> </tr> <!-- ************************************************** --> <tr> <td> Stroke Opacity. </td> <td> <div id="strokeOpacity"></div> </td> </tr> <!-- ************************************************** --> <tr> <td> Fill Opacity. </td> <td> <div id="fillOpacity"></div> </td> </tr> <!-- ************************************************** --> <tr> <td> Opacity. </td> <td> <div id="opacity"></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Visibility. </td> <td> <div id="visibility"></div> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>