import { Mindmap } from '@wisemapping/mindplot'; import XMLSerializerTango from '@wisemapping/mindplot/src/components/persistence/XMLSerializerTango'; import Client, { AccountInfo, BasicMapInfo, ChangeHistory, ImportMapInfo, Label, MapInfo, NewUser, Permission, } from '..'; import { LocaleCode, localeFromStr } from '../../app-i18n'; const label1: Label = { id: 1, title: 'label 1', color: 'black', } const label2: Label = { id: 2, title: 'label 2', color: 'green', } const label3: Label = { id: 3, title: 'label 3', color: 'red', } class MockClient implements Client { private maps: MapInfo[] = []; private labels: Label[] = []; private permissionsByMap: Map = new Map(); constructor() { // Remove, just for develop .... function createMapInfo( id: number, starred: boolean, title: string, labels: Label[], creator: string, creationTime: string, modifiedByUser: string, modifiedTime: string, description: string, isPublic: boolean, role: 'owner' | 'viewer' | 'editor' ): MapInfo { return { id, title, labels, createdBy: creator, creationTime, lastModificationBy: modifiedByUser, lastModificationTime: modifiedTime, starred, description, isPublic, role, }; } this.maps = [ createMapInfo( 1, true, 'El Mapa', [], 'Paulo', '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', 'Berna', '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', '', true, 'owner' ), createMapInfo( 11, false, 'El Mapa3', [label1, label2], 'Paulo3', '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', 'Berna', '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', '', false, 'editor' ), createMapInfo( 12, false, 'El Mapa3', [label2, label3], 'Paulo3', '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', 'Berna', '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', '', false, 'editor' ), ]; this.labels = [label1, label2, label3]; } fetchMindmap(id: number): Mindmap { const parser = new DOMParser(); const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(` `, 'text/xml'); const serializer = new XMLSerializerTango(); return serializer.loadFromDom(xmlDoc, String(id)); } deleteMapPermission(id: number, email: string): Promise { let perm = this.permissionsByMap.get(id) || []; perm = perm.filter((p) => != email); this.permissionsByMap.set(id, perm); return Promise.resolve(); } addMapPermissions(id: number, message: string, permissions: Permission[]): Promise { let perm = this.permissionsByMap.get(id) || []; perm = perm.concat(permissions); this.permissionsByMap.set(id, perm); console.debug(`Message ${message}`); return Promise.resolve(); } fetchMapPermissions(id: number): Promise { let perm = this.permissionsByMap.get(id); if (!perm) { perm = [ { name: 'Cosme Editor', email: '', role: 'editor', }, { name: 'Cosme Owner', email: '', role: 'owner', }, { name: 'Cosme Viewer', email: '', role: 'viewer', }, ]; this.permissionsByMap.set(id, perm); } return Promise.resolve(perm); } deleteAccount(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(); } updateAccountInfo(firstname: string, lastname: string): Promise { console.log('firstname:' + firstname, +lastname); return Promise.resolve(); } updateAccountPassword(pasword: string): Promise { console.log('password:' + pasword); return Promise.resolve(); } updateAccountLanguage(locale: LocaleCode): Promise { localStorage.setItem('locale', locale); return Promise.resolve(); } importMap(model: ImportMapInfo): Promise { console.log('model:' + model); return Promise.resolve(10); } fetchAccountInfo(): Promise { console.log('Fetch account info ...'); const locale: LocaleCode | null = localStorage.getItem('locale') as LocaleCode; return Promise.resolve({ firstname: 'Costme', lastname: 'Fulanito', email: '', locale: localeFromStr(locale), }); } deleteMaps(ids: number[]): Promise { ids.forEach((id) => this.deleteMap(id)); return Promise.resolve(); } revertHistory(id: number, cid: number): Promise { console.log('model:' + id + cid); return Promise.resolve(); } createMap(map: BasicMapInfo): Promise { throw new Error('Method not implemented.' + map); } fetchLabels(): Promise { console.log('Fetching labels from server'); return Promise.resolve(this.labels); } updateMapToPublic(id: number, isPublic: boolean): Promise { const mapInfo = this.maps.find((m) => == id); if (mapInfo) { mapInfo.isPublic = isPublic; } return Promise.resolve(); } updateStarred(id: number, starred: boolean): Promise { const mapInfo = this.maps.find((m) => == id); if (!mapInfo) { console.log(`Could not find the map iwth id ${id}`); return Promise.reject(); } mapInfo.starred = starred; return Promise.resolve(); } renameMap(id: number, basicInfo: BasicMapInfo): Promise { const exists = this.maps.find((m) => m.title == basicInfo.title) != undefined; if (!exists) { this.maps = => { const result = m; if ( == id) { result.description = basicInfo.description ? basicInfo.description : ''; result.title = basicInfo.title; } return result; }); return Promise.resolve(); } else { const fieldErrors: Map = new Map(); fieldErrors.set('name', 'name already exists '); return Promise.reject({ msg: 'Map already exists ...' + basicInfo.title, fields: fieldErrors, }); } } fetchHistory(id: number): Promise { console.log(`Fetching history for ${id}`); const result = [ { id: 1, lastModificationBy: 'Paulo', lastModificationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', }, { id: 2, lastModificationBy: 'Paulo', lastModificationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', }, { id: 3, lastModificationBy: 'Paulo', lastModificationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', }, { id: 4, lastModificationBy: 'Paulo', lastModificationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', }, { id: 5, lastModificationBy: 'Paulo', lastModificationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', }, { id: 6, lastModificationBy: 'Paulo', lastModificationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', }, { id: 7, lastModificationBy: 'Paulo', lastModificationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', }, ]; return Promise.resolve(result); } duplicateMap(id: number, basicInfo: BasicMapInfo): Promise { const exists = this.maps.find((m) => m.title == basicInfo.title) != undefined; if (!exists) { const newMap: MapInfo = { id: Math.random() * 1000, description: String(basicInfo.description), title: basicInfo.title, starred: false, createdBy: 'current user', labels: [], lastModificationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', lastModificationBy: 'Berna', creationTime: '2008-06-02T00:00:00Z', isPublic: false, role: 'owner', }; this.maps.push(newMap); return Promise.resolve(; } else { const fieldErrors: Map = new Map(); fieldErrors.set('name', 'name already exists '); return Promise.reject({ msg: 'Maps name must be unique:' + basicInfo.title, fields: fieldErrors, }); } } createLabel(title: string, color: string): Promise { const newId = Math.max.apply(Number, => + 1; this.labels.push({ id: newId, title, color, }); return newId; } deleteLabel(id: number): Promise { this.labels = this.labels.filter((l) => != id); this.maps = => { return { ...m, labels: m.labels.filter((l) => != id) }; }); return Promise.resolve(); } addLabelToMap(labelId: number, mapId: number): Promise { const labelToAdd = this.labels.find((l) => === labelId); if (!labelToAdd) { return Promise.reject({ msg: `unable to find label with id ${labelId}`}); } const map = this.maps.find((m) => === mapId); if (!map) { return Promise.reject({ msg: `unable to find map with id ${mapId}` }); } map.labels.push(labelToAdd); return Promise.resolve(); } deleteLabelFromMap(labelId: number, mapId: number): Promise { const map = this.maps.find((m) => === mapId); if (!map) { return Promise.reject({ msg: `unable to find map with id ${mapId}` }); } map.labels = map.labels.filter((l) => !== labelId); return Promise.resolve(); } deleteMap(id: number): Promise { this.maps = this.maps.filter((m) => != id); return Promise.resolve(); } registerNewUser(user: NewUser): Promise { console.log('user:' + user); if ( == "") { return Promise.reject({ msg: "Unexpected error" }); } return Promise.resolve(); } fetchAllMaps(): Promise { console.log('Fetching maps from server'); return Promise.resolve(this.maps); } resetPassword(email: string): Promise { console.log('email:' + email); return Promise.resolve(); } } export default MockClient;