/* * Copyright [2015] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Events from './Events'; import Messages from './Messages'; import { StandaloneActionDispatcher, CommandContext } from './StandaloneActionDispatcher'; import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher'; import DesignerModel from './DesignerModel'; import DesignerKeyboard from './DesignerKeyboard'; import ScreenManager from './ScreenManager'; import Workspace from './Workspace'; import DragConnector from './DragConnector'; import DragManager from './DragManager'; import RelationshipPivot from './RelationshipPivot'; import Relationship from './Relationship'; import TopicEventDispatcher, { TopicEvent } from './TopicEventDispatcher'; import TopicFeature from './TopicFeature'; import NodeGraphUtils from './NodeGraphUtils'; import EventBus from './layout/EventBus'; import EventBusDispatcher from './layout/EventBusDispatcher'; import LayoutManager from './layout/LayoutManager'; import INodeModel, { TopicShape } from './model/INodeModel'; const Designer = new Class( /** @lends Designer */ { Extends: Events, /** * @constructs * @param {Object} options * @param {HTMLElement} divElement * @extends mindplot.Events */ initialize(options, divElement) { $assert(options, 'options must be defined'); $assert(options.zoom, 'zoom must be defined'); $assert(options.size, 'size must be defined'); $assert(divElement, 'divElement must be defined'); // Set up i18n location ... Messages.init(options.locale); this._options = options; // Set full div elem render area ... divElement.css(options.size); // Dispatcher manager ... const commandContext = new CommandContext(this); this._actionDispatcher = new StandaloneActionDispatcher(commandContext); const me = this; this._actionDispatcher.addEvent('modelUpdate', (event) => { me.fireEvent('modelUpdate', event); }); ActionDispatcher.setInstance(this._actionDispatcher); this._model = new DesignerModel(options); // Init Screen manager.. const screenManager = new ScreenManager(divElement); this._workspace = new Workspace(screenManager, this._model.getZoom()); // Init layout manager ... this._eventBussDispatcher = new EventBusDispatcher(this.getModel()); // Register events if (!this.isReadOnly()) { // Register mouse events ... this._registerMouseEvents(); // Register keyboard events ... DesignerKeyboard.register(this); this._dragManager = this._buildDragManager(this._workspace); } this._registerWheelEvents(); this._relPivot = new RelationshipPivot(this._workspace, this); // Set editor working area ... this.setViewPort(options.viewPort); TopicEventDispatcher.configure(this.isReadOnly()); this._clipboard = []; }, /** * @private */ _registerWheelEvents() { const zoomFactor = 1.006; const me = this; // Zoom In and Zoom Out must active event $(document).on('mousewheel', (event) => { if (event.deltaY > 0) { me.zoomIn(zoomFactor); } else { me.zoomOut(zoomFactor); } event.preventDefault(); }); }, /** * @param {String} type the event type * @param {Function} listener * forwards to the TopicEventDispatcher or the parent Events class, depending on the type */ addEvent(type, listener) { if (type == TopicEvent.EDIT || type == TopicEvent.CLICK) { const editor = TopicEventDispatcher.getInstance(); editor.addEvent(type, listener); } else { this.parent(type, listener); } }, /** * @private */ _registerMouseEvents() { const workspace = this._workspace; const screenManager = workspace.getScreenManager(); const me = this; // Initialize workspace event listeners. screenManager.addEvent('update', () => { // Topic must be set to his original state. All editors must be closed. const topics = me.getModel().getTopics(); _.each(topics, (object) => { object.closeEditors(); }); // Clean some selected nodes on event .. if (me._cleanScreen) me._cleanScreen(); }); // Deselect on click ... screenManager.addEvent('click', (event) => { me.onObjectFocusEvent(null, event); }); // Create nodes on double click... screenManager.addEvent('dblclick', (event) => { if (workspace.isWorkspaceEventsEnabled()) { const mousePos = screenManager.getWorkspaceMousePosition(event); const centralTopic = me.getModel().getCentralTopic(); const model = me._createChildModel(centralTopic, mousePos); this._actionDispatcher.addTopics([model], [centralTopic.getId()]); } }); // Register mouse drag and drop event ... function noopHandler(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); } }, /** * @private * @param {mindplot.Workspace} workspace * @return {mindplot.DragManager} the new dragManager for the workspace with events * registered */ _buildDragManager(workspace) { const designerModel = this.getModel(); const dragConnector = new DragConnector(designerModel, this._workspace); const dragManager = new DragManager(workspace, this._eventBussDispatcher); const topics = designerModel.getTopics(); dragManager.addEvent('startdragging', () => { // Enable all mouse events. for (let i = 0; i < topics.length; i++) { topics[i].setMouseEventsEnabled(false); } }); dragManager.addEvent('dragging', (event, dragTopic) => { dragTopic.updateFreeLayout(event); if (!dragTopic.isFreeLayoutOn(event)) { // The node is being drag. Is the connection still valid ? dragConnector.checkConnection(dragTopic); if (!dragTopic.isVisible() && dragTopic.isConnected()) { dragTopic.setVisibility(true); } } }); dragManager.addEvent('enddragging', (event, dragTopic) => { for (let i = 0; i < topics.length; i++) { topics[i].setMouseEventsEnabled(true); } dragTopic.applyChanges(workspace); }); return dragManager; }, /** * @param {{width:Number, height:Number}} size * sets width and height of the workspace */ setViewPort(size) { this._workspace.setViewPort(size); const model = this.getModel(); this._workspace.setZoom(model.getZoom(), true); }, /** * @private * @param {mindplot.model.NodeModel} model * @param {Boolean} readOnly * @return {mindplot.CentralTopic|mindplot.MainTopic} the topic to the given model, * connected, added to the drag manager, with events registered - complying type & read mode */ _buildNodeGraph(model, readOnly) { // Create node graph ... const topic = NodeGraphUtils.create(model, { readOnly }); this.getModel().addTopic(topic); const me = this; // Add Topic events ... if (!readOnly) { // If a node had gained focus, clean the rest of the nodes ... topic.addEvent('mousedown', (event) => { me.onObjectFocusEvent(topic, event); }); // Register node listeners ... if (topic.getType() != INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { // Central Topic doesn't support to be dragged this._dragManager.add(topic); } } // Connect Topic ... const isConnected = model.isConnected(); if (isConnected) { // Improve this ... const targetTopicModel = model.getParent(); let targetTopic = null; const topics = this.getModel().getTopics(); for (let i = 0; i < topics.length; i++) { const t = topics[i]; if (t.getModel() == targetTopicModel) { targetTopic = t; // Disconnect the node. It will be connected again later ... model.disconnect(); break; } } $assert(targetTopic, 'Could not find a topic to connect'); topic.connectTo(targetTopic, this._workspace); } topic.addEvent('ontblur', () => { const topics = me.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); const rels = me.getModel().filterSelectedRelationships(); if (topics.length == 0 || rels.length == 0) { me.fireEvent('onblur'); } }); topic.addEvent('ontfocus', () => { const topics = me.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); const rels = me.getModel().filterSelectedRelationships(); if (topics.length == 1 || rels.length == 1) { me.fireEvent('onfocus'); } }); return topic; }, /** * @param {?mindplot.Topic} currentObject * @param {Event=} event * sets focus to the given currentObject and removes it from any other objects if not * triggered with Ctrl pressed */ onObjectFocusEvent(currentObject, event) { // Close node editors .. const topics = this.getModel().getTopics(); _.each(topics, (topic) => { topic.closeEditors(); }); const model = this.getModel(); const objects = model.getEntities(); _.each(objects, (object) => { // Disable all nodes on focus but not the current if Ctrl key isn't being pressed if (!$defined(event) || (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey)) { if (object.isOnFocus() && object != currentObject) { object.setOnFocus(false); } } }); }, /** sets focus to all model entities, i.e. relationships and topics */ selectAll() { const model = this.getModel(); const objects = model.getEntities(); _.each(objects, (object) => { object.setOnFocus(true); }); }, /** removes focus from all model entities, i.e. relationships and topics */ deselectAll() { const objects = this.getModel().getEntities(); _.each(objects, (object) => { object.setOnFocus(false); }); }, /** * Set the zoom of the map * @param {Number} zoom number between 0.3 and 1.9 */ setZoom(zoom) { if (zoom > 1.9 || zoom < 0.3) { $notify($msg('ZOOM_IN_ERROR')); return; } this.getModel().setZoom(zoom); this._workspace.setZoom(zoom); }, /** * @param {Number=} factor * zoom out by the given factor, or 1.2, if undefined */ zoomOut(factor) { if (!factor) factor = 1.2; const model = this.getModel(); const scale = model.getZoom() * factor; if (scale <= 1.9) { model.setZoom(scale); this._workspace.setZoom(scale); } else { $notify($msg('ZOOM_ERROR')); } }, /** * @param {Number=} factor * zoom in by the given factor, or 1.2, if undefined */ zoomIn(factor) { if (!factor) factor = 1.2; const model = this.getModel(); const scale = model.getZoom() / factor; if (scale >= 0.3) { model.setZoom(scale); this._workspace.setZoom(scale); } else { $notify($msg('ZOOM_ERROR')); } }, /** copy selected topics to a private clipboard */ copyToClipboard() { let topics = this.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); if (topics.length <= 0) { // If there are more than one node selected, $notify($msg('AT_LEAST_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED')); return; } // Exclude central topic .. topics = topics.filter((topic) => !topic.isCentralTopic()); this._clipboard = topics.map((topic) => { const nodeModel = topic.getModel().deepCopy(); // Change position to make the new topic evident... const pos = nodeModel.getPosition(); nodeModel.setPosition(pos.x + 60 * Math.sign(pos.x), pos.y + 30); return nodeModel; }); $notify($msg('SELECTION_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD')); }, /** paste clipboard contents to the mindmap */ pasteClipboard() { if (this._clipboard.length == 0) { $notify($msg('CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY')); return; } this._actionDispatcher.addTopics(this._clipboard); this._clipboard = []; }, /** @return {mindplot.DesignerModel} model */ getModel() { return this._model; }, /** collapse the subtree of the selected topic */ shrinkSelectedBranch() { const nodes = this.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); if (nodes.length <= 0 || nodes.length != 1) { // If there are more than one node selected, $notify($msg('ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED_COLLAPSE')); return; } // Execute event ... const topic = nodes[0]; if (topic.getType() != INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { this._actionDispatcher.shrinkBranch([topic.getId()], !topic.areChildrenShrunken()); } }, /** create a NodeModel for the selected node's child and add it via the ActionDispatcher */ createChildForSelectedNode() { const nodes = this.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); if (nodes.length <= 0) { // If there are more than one node selected, $notify($msg('ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED')); return; } if (nodes.length != 1) { // If there are more than one node selected, $notify($msg('ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED')); return; } // Add new node ... const parentTopic = nodes[0]; const parentTopicId = parentTopic.getId(); const childModel = this._createChildModel(parentTopic); // Execute event ... this._actionDispatcher.addTopics([childModel], [parentTopicId]); }, /** * @private */ _copyNodeProps(sourceModel, targetModel) { // I don't copy the font size if the target is the source is the central topic. if (sourceModel.getType() != INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { const fontSize = sourceModel.getFontSize(); if (fontSize) { targetModel.setFontSize(fontSize); } } const fontFamily = sourceModel.getFontFamily(); if (fontFamily) { targetModel.setFontFamily(fontFamily); } const fontColor = sourceModel.getFontColor(); if (fontColor) { targetModel.setFontColor(fontColor); } const fontWeight = sourceModel.getFontWeight(); if (fontWeight) { targetModel.setFontWeight(fontWeight); } const fontStyle = sourceModel.getFontStyle(); if (fontStyle) { targetModel.setFontStyle(fontStyle); } const shape = sourceModel.getShapeType(); if (shape) { targetModel.setShapeType(shape); } const borderColor = sourceModel.getBorderColor(); if (borderColor) { targetModel.setBorderColor(borderColor); } const backgroundColor = sourceModel.getBackgroundColor(); if (backgroundColor) { targetModel.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); } }, /** * @private * @param {mindplot.Topic} topic the parent topic of the child to create the NodeModel for * @param {web2d.Point} mousePos the mouse position * @return {mindplot.NodeModel} the node model for the new child */ _createChildModel(topic, mousePos) { // Create a new node ... const parentModel = topic.getModel(); const mindmap = parentModel.getMindmap(); const childModel = mindmap.createNode(); // Create a new node ... const layoutManager = this._eventBussDispatcher.getLayoutManager(); const result = layoutManager.predict(topic.getId(), null, mousePos); childModel.setOrder(result.order); const { position } = result; childModel.setPosition(position.x, position.y); this._copyNodeProps(parentModel, childModel); return childModel; }, /** * @param {Events} event * @param {mindplot.model.NodeModel} model * @todo not used */ addDraggedNode(event, model) { $assert(event, 'event can not be null'); $assert(model, 'model can not be null'); // Position far from the visual area ... model.setPosition(1000, 1000); this._actionDispatcher.addTopics([model]); const topic = this.getModel().findTopicById(model.getId()); // Simulate a mouse down event to start the dragging ... topic.fireEvent('mousedown', event); }, /** * creates a sibling or child node of the selected node, if the selected node is the * central topic */ createSiblingForSelectedNode() { const nodes = this.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); if (nodes.length <= 0) { // If there are no nodes selected, $notify($msg('ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED')); return; } if (nodes.length > 1) { // If there are more than one node selected, $notify($msg('ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED')); return; } const topic = nodes[0]; if (!topic.getOutgoingConnectedTopic()) { // Central topic and isolated topics .... // Central topic doesn't have siblings ... this.createChildForSelectedNode(); } else { const parentTopic = topic.getOutgoingConnectedTopic(); const siblingModel = this._createSiblingModel(topic); // Hack: if parent is central topic, add node below not on opposite side. // This should be done in the layout if (parentTopic.getType() == INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { siblingModel.setOrder(topic.getOrder() + 2); } const parentTopicId = parentTopic.getId(); this._actionDispatcher.addTopics([siblingModel], [parentTopicId]); } }, /** * @private * @param {mindplot.Topic} topic the topic to create the sibling to * @return {mindplot.NodeModel} the node model of the sibling */ _createSiblingModel(topic) { let result = null; const parentTopic = topic.getOutgoingConnectedTopic(); if (parentTopic != null) { // Create a new node ... var model = topic.getModel(); const mindmap = model.getMindmap(); result = mindmap.createNode(); // Create a new node ... const order = topic.getOrder() + 1; result.setOrder(order); result.setPosition(10, 10); // Set a dummy position ... } this._copyNodeProps(model, result); return result; }, /** * @param {Event} event */ showRelPivot(event) { const nodes = this.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); if (nodes.length <= 0) { // This could not happen ... $notify($msg('RELATIONSHIP_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED')); return; } // Current mouse position .... const screen = this._workspace.getScreenManager(); const pos = screen.getWorkspaceMousePosition(event); // create a connection ... this._relPivot.start(nodes[0], pos); }, /** @return {{zoom:Number}} the zoom */ getMindmapProperties() { const model = this.getModel(); return { zoom: model.getZoom() }; }, /** * @param {mindplot.Mindmap} mindmapModel * @throws will throw an error if mindmapModel is null or undefined */ loadMap(mindmapModel) { $assert(mindmapModel, 'mindmapModel can not be null'); this._mindmap = mindmapModel; // Init layout manager ... const size = { width: 25, height: 25 }; const layoutManager = new LayoutManager(mindmapModel.getCentralTopic().getId(), size); const me = this; layoutManager.addEvent('change', (event) => { const id = event.getId(); const topic = me.getModel().findTopicById(id); topic.setPosition(event.getPosition()); topic.setOrder(event.getOrder()); }); this._eventBussDispatcher.setLayoutManager(layoutManager); // Building node graph ... const branches = mindmapModel.getBranches(); for (let i = 0; i < branches.length; i++) { // NodeModel -> NodeGraph ... const nodeModel = branches[i]; const nodeGraph = this.nodeModelToNodeGraph(nodeModel); // Update shrink render state... nodeGraph.setBranchVisibility(true); } const relationships = mindmapModel.getRelationships(); for (let j = 0; j < relationships.length; j++) { this._relationshipModelToRelationship(relationships[j]); } // Place the focus on the Central Topic const centralTopic = this.getModel().getCentralTopic(); this.goToNode(centralTopic); // Finally, sort the map ... EventBus.instance.fireEvent(EventBus.events.DoLayout); this.fireEvent('loadSuccess'); }, /** */ getMindmap() { return this._mindmap; }, /** */ undo() { // @Todo: This is a hack... this._actionDispatcher._actionRunner.undo(); }, /** */ redo() { this._actionDispatcher._actionRunner.redo(); }, /** */ isReadOnly() { return this._options.readOnly; }, /** * @param {mindplot.model.NodeModel} nodeModel * @return {mindplot.Topic} the topic (extends mindplot.NodeGraph) created to the model */ nodeModelToNodeGraph(nodeModel) { $assert(nodeModel, 'Node model can not be null'); let children = nodeModel.getChildren().slice(); children = children.sort((a, b) => a.getOrder() - b.getOrder()); const nodeGraph = this._buildNodeGraph(nodeModel, this.isReadOnly()); nodeGraph.setVisibility(false); this._workspace.append(nodeGraph); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; if ($defined(child)) this.nodeModelToNodeGraph(child); } return nodeGraph; }, /** * @private * @param {mindplot.model.RelationshipModel} model * @return {mindplot.Relationship} the relationship created to the model * @throws will throw an error if model is null or undefined */ _relationshipModelToRelationship(model) { $assert(model, 'Node model can not be null'); const result = this._buildRelationshipShape(model); const sourceTopic = result.getSourceTopic(); sourceTopic.addRelationship(result); const targetTopic = result.getTargetTopic(); targetTopic.addRelationship(result); result.setVisibility(sourceTopic.isVisible() && targetTopic.isVisible()); this._workspace.append(result); return result; }, /** * @param {mindplot.model.RelationshipModel} model * @return {mindplot.Relationship} the relationship added to the mindmap */ addRelationship(model) { const mindmap = this.getMindmap(); mindmap.addRelationship(model); return this._relationshipModelToRelationship(model); }, /** * deletes the relationship from the linked topics, DesignerModel, Workspace and Mindmap * @param {mindplot.Relationship} rel the relationship to delete */ deleteRelationship(rel) { const sourceTopic = rel.getSourceTopic(); sourceTopic.deleteRelationship(rel); const targetTopic = rel.getTargetTopic(); targetTopic.deleteRelationship(rel); this.getModel().removeRelationship(rel); this._workspace.removeChild(rel); const mindmap = this.getMindmap(); mindmap.deleteRelationship(rel.getModel()); }, /** * @private * @param {mindplot.model.RelationshipModel} model * @return {mindplot.Relationship} the new relationship with events registered * @throws will throw an error if the target topic cannot be found */ _buildRelationshipShape(model) { const dmodel = this.getModel(); const sourceTopicId = model.getFromNode(); const sourceTopic = dmodel.findTopicById(sourceTopicId); const targetTopicId = model.getToNode(); const targetTopic = dmodel.findTopicById(targetTopicId); $assert( targetTopic, `targetTopic could not be found:${targetTopicId}${dmodel .getTopics() .map((e) => e.getId())}`, ); // Build relationship line .... const result = new Relationship(sourceTopic, targetTopic, model); const me = this; result.addEvent('ontblur', () => { const topics = me.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); const rels = me.getModel().filterSelectedRelationships(); if (topics.length == 0 || rels.length == 0) { me.fireEvent('onblur'); } }); result.addEvent('ontfocus', () => { const topics = me.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); const rels = me.getModel().filterSelectedRelationships(); if (topics.length == 1 || rels.length == 1) { me.fireEvent('onfocus'); } }); // Append it to the workspace ... dmodel.addRelationship(result); return result; }, /** * @param {mindplot.Topic} node the topic to remove * removes the given topic and its children from Workspace, DesignerModel and NodeModel */ removeTopic(node) { if (!node.isCentralTopic()) { const parent = node._parent; node.disconnect(this._workspace); // remove children while (node.getChildren().length > 0) { this.removeTopic(node.getChildren()[0]); } this._workspace.removeChild(node); this.getModel().removeTopic(node); // Delete this node from the model... const model = node.getModel(); model.deleteNode(); if ($defined(parent)) { this.goToNode(parent); } } }, /** * @private */ _resetEdition() { const screenManager = this._workspace.getScreenManager(); screenManager.fireEvent('update'); screenManager.fireEvent('mouseup'); this._relPivot.dispose(); }, /** */ deleteSelectedEntities() { // Is there some action in progress ?. this._resetEdition(); const topics = this.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); const relation = this.getModel().filterSelectedRelationships(); if (topics.length <= 0 && relation.length <= 0) { // If there are more than one node selected, $notify($msg('ENTITIES_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED')); return; } if (topics.length == 1 && topics[0].isCentralTopic()) { $notify($msg('CENTRAL_TOPIC_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED')); return; } // If the central topic has been selected, I must filter ir const topicIds = topics .filter((topic) => !topic.isCentralTopic()) .map((topic) => topic.getId()); const relIds = relation.map((rel) => rel.getId()); // Finally delete the topics ... if (topicIds.length > 0 || relIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.deleteEntities(topicIds, relIds); } }, /** */ changeFontFamily(font) { const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.changeFontFamilyToTopic(topicsIds, font); } }, /** */ changeFontStyle() { const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.changeFontStyleToTopic(topicsIds); } }, /** */ changeFontColor(color) { $assert(color, 'color can not be null'); const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.changeFontColorToTopic(topicsIds, color); } }, /** */ changeBackgroundColor(color) { const validateFunc = function (topic) { return topic.getShapeType() != TopicShape.LINE; }; const validateError = 'Color can not be set to line topics.'; const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(validateFunc, validateError); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.changeBackgroundColorToTopic(topicsIds, color); } }, /** */ changeBorderColor(color) { const validateFunc = function (topic) { return topic.getShapeType() != TopicShape.LINE; }; const validateError = 'Color can not be set to line topics.'; const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(validateFunc, validateError); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.changeBorderColorToTopic(topicsIds, color); } }, /** */ changeFontSize(size) { const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.changeFontSizeToTopic(topicsIds, size); } }, /** */ changeTopicShape(shape) { const validateFunc = function (topic) { return !( topic.getType() == INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE && shape == TopicShape.LINE ); }; const validateError = 'Central Topic shape can not be changed to line figure.'; const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(validateFunc, validateError); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.changeShapeTypeToTopic(topicsIds, shape); } }, /** */ changeFontWeight() { const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.changeFontWeightToTopic(topicsIds); } }, /** */ addIconType(iconType) { const topicsIds = this.getModel().filterTopicsIds(); if (topicsIds.length > 0) { this._actionDispatcher.addFeatureToTopic(topicsIds[0], TopicFeature.Icon.id, { id: iconType, }); } }, /** * lets the selected topic open the link editor where the user can define or modify an * existing link */ addLink() { const model = this.getModel(); const topic = model.selectedTopic(); if (topic) { topic.showLinkEditor(); this.onObjectFocusEvent(); } }, /** */ addNote() { const model = this.getModel(); const topic = model.selectedTopic(); if (topic) { topic.showNoteEditor(); this.onObjectFocusEvent(); } }, /** * @param {mindplot.Topic} node * sets the focus to the given node */ goToNode(node) { node.setOnFocus(true); this.onObjectFocusEvent(node); }, /** @return {mindplot.Workspace} */ getWorkSpace() { return this._workspace; }, }, ); export default Designer;