1 Observation [Note: Always ask ] 2 Data Analysis [Note: You always check your data to see if it is correct and then you check it and organize the data that you have to make sure that it is right ] 3 Organizing Data [Note: Organize your data when you are doing an experiment ] 4 Questions [Note: Always ask your self a question when analysis the data it is a good idea to do.] 5 Hypothesis [Note: You make your hypothesis when you are making your observation.] 6 Experiment [Note: Always analysis your data and keep it in order when you are doing an experiment.] 7 Variable [Note: A major factor that can change the outcome in an experiment.] 8 Independent Variable [Note: When you change it you the see affect or the aftermath of what happened ] 9 Control Group [Note: A test That can be compared ] 10 Dependent Variable [Note: Changes the outcome of the other variables] 11 Constant [Note: Doesnt Change at all maybe once and a while but never that often]