/* * Copyright [2021] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { CurvedLine, Arrow, Point } from '@wisemapping/web2d'; import { $assert } from '@wisemapping/core-js'; import Relationship from './Relationship'; import INodeModel from './model/INodeModel'; import Shape from './util/Shape'; class RelationshipPivot { constructor(workspace, designer) { $assert(workspace, 'workspace can not be null'); $assert(designer, 'designer can not be null'); this._workspace = workspace; this._designer = designer; // FIXME: the aim of the migration is remove .bind mootools method, please remove these! this._mouseMoveEvent = this._mouseMove.bind(this); this._onClickEvent = this._cleanOnMouseClick.bind(this); this._onTopicClick = this._connectOnFocus.bind(this); } start(sourceTopic, targetPos) { $assert(sourceTopic, 'sourceTopic can not be null'); $assert(targetPos, 'targetPos can not be null'); this.dispose(); this._sourceTopic = sourceTopic; if (sourceTopic != null) { this._workspace.enableWorkspaceEvents(false); const sourcePos = sourceTopic.getPosition(); const strokeColor = Relationship.getStrokeColor(); this._pivot = new CurvedLine(); this._pivot.setStyle(CurvedLine.SIMPLE_LINE); const fromPos = this._calculateFromPosition(sourcePos); this._pivot.setFrom(fromPos.x, fromPos.y); this._pivot.setTo(targetPos.x, targetPos.y); this._pivot.setStroke(2, 'solid', strokeColor); this._pivot.setDashed(4, 2); this._startArrow = new Arrow(); this._startArrow.setStrokeColor(strokeColor); this._startArrow.setStrokeWidth(2); this._startArrow.setFrom(sourcePos.x, sourcePos.y); this._workspace.append(this._pivot); this._workspace.append(this._startArrow); this._workspace.addEvent('mousemove', this._mouseMoveEvent); this._workspace.addEvent('click', this._onClickEvent); // Register focus events on all topics ... const model = this._designer.getModel(); const topics = model.getTopics(); topics.forEach((topic) => { topic.addEvent('ontfocus', this._onTopicClick); }); } } dispose() { const workspace = this._workspace; if (this._isActive()) { workspace.removeEvent('mousemove', this._mouseMoveEvent); workspace.removeEvent('click', this._onClickEvent); const model = this._designer.getModel(); const topics = model.getTopics(); topics.forEach(((topic) => { topic.removeEvent('ontfocus', this._onTopicClick); })); workspace.removeChild(this._pivot); workspace.removeChild(this._startArrow); workspace.enableWorkspaceEvents(true); this._sourceTopic = null; this._pivot = null; this._startArrow = null; } } _mouseMove(event) { const screen = this._workspace.getScreenManager(); const pos = screen.getWorkspaceMousePosition(event); // Leave the arrow a couple of pixels away from the cursor. const sourcePosition = this._sourceTopic.getPosition(); const gapDistance = Math.sign(pos.x - sourcePosition.x) * 5; const sPos = this._calculateFromPosition(pos); this._pivot.setFrom(sPos.x, sPos.y); // Update target position ... this._pivot.setTo(pos.x - gapDistance, pos.y); const controlPoints = this._pivot.getControlPoints(); this._startArrow.setFrom(pos.x - gapDistance, pos.y); this._startArrow.setControlPoint(controlPoints[1]); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } _cleanOnMouseClick(event) { // The user clicks on a desktop on in other element that is not a node. this.dispose(); event.stopPropagation(); } _calculateFromPosition(toPosition) { // Calculate origin position ... let sourcePosition = this._sourceTopic.getPosition(); if (this._sourceTopic.getType() === 'CentralTopic') { sourcePosition = Shape.workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(this._sourceTopic, toPosition); } const controlPoint = Shape.calculateDefaultControlPoints(sourcePosition, toPosition); const spoint = new Point(); spoint.x = parseInt(controlPoint[0].x, 10) + parseInt(sourcePosition.x, 10); spoint.y = parseInt(controlPoint[0].y, 10) + parseInt(sourcePosition.y, 10); return Shape.calculateRelationShipPointCoordinates(this._sourceTopic, spoint); } _connectOnFocus(event, targetTopic) { const sourceTopic = this._sourceTopic; const mindmap = this._designer.getMindmap(); // Avoid circular connections ... if (targetTopic.getId() !== sourceTopic.getId()) { const relModel = mindmap.createRelationship(targetTopic.getId(), sourceTopic.getId()); this._designer._actionDispatcher.addRelationship(relModel); } this.dispose(); } _isActive() { return this._pivot != null; } } export default RelationshipPivot;