/* * Copyright [2015] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const AbstractBasicSorter = require('./AbstractBasicSorter').default; const BalancedSorter = new Class( /** @lends BalancedSorter */ { Extends: AbstractBasicSorter, /** * @constructs * @extends mindplot.layout.AbstractBasicSorter */ initialize() {}, /** * @param {} graph * @param {} parent * @param {} node * @param {} position * @param {Boolean} free * @return an array with order and position */ predict(graph, parent, node, position, free) { // If its a free node... if (free) { $assert( $defined(position), 'position cannot be null for predict in free positioning', ); $assert($defined(node), 'node cannot be null for predict in free positioning'); var rootNode = graph.getRootNode(parent); var direction = this._getRelativeDirection( rootNode.getPosition(), node.getPosition(), ); const limitXPos = parent.getPosition().x + direction * (parent.getSize().width / 2 + node.getSize().width / 2 + BalancedSorter.INTERNODE_HORIZONTAL_PADDING); const xPos = direction > 0 ? position.x >= limitXPos ? position.x : limitXPos : position.x <= limitXPos ? position.x : limitXPos; return [0, { x: xPos, y: position.y }]; } var rootNode = graph.getRootNode(parent); // If it is a dragged node... if (node) { $assert($defined(position), 'position cannot be null for predict in dragging'); const nodeDirection = this._getRelativeDirection( rootNode.getPosition(), node.getPosition(), ); const positionDirection = this._getRelativeDirection( rootNode.getPosition(), position, ); const siblings = graph.getSiblings(node); const sameParent = parent == graph.getParent(node); if (siblings.length == 0 && nodeDirection == positionDirection && sameParent) { return [node.getOrder(), node.getPosition()]; } } if (!position) { var right = this._getChildrenForOrder(parent, graph, 0); var left = this._getChildrenForOrder(parent, graph, 1); } // Filter nodes on one side.. const order = position ? position.x > rootNode.getPosition().x ? 0 : 1 : right.length - left.length > 0 ? 1 : 0; var direction = order % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1; // Exclude the dragged node (if set) const children = this._getChildrenForOrder(parent, graph, order).filter((child) => child != node); // No children? if (children.length == 0) { return [ order, { x: parent.getPosition().x + direction * (parent.getSize().width / 2 + BalancedSorter.INTERNODE_HORIZONTAL_PADDING * 2), y: parent.getPosition().y, }, ]; } // Try to fit within ... let result = null; const last = children.getLast(); position = position || { x: last.getPosition().x, y: last.getPosition().y + 1 }; _.each(children, (child, index) => { const cpos = child.getPosition(); if (position.y > cpos.y) { const yOffset = child == last ? child.getSize().height + BalancedSorter.INTERNODE_VERTICAL_PADDING * 2 : (children[index + 1].getPosition().y - child.getPosition().y) / 2; result = [child.getOrder() + 2, { x: cpos.x, y: cpos.y + yOffset }]; } }); // Position wasn't below any node, so it must be inserted above if (!result) { const first = children[0]; result = [ position.x > 0 ? 0 : 1, { x: first.getPosition().x, y: first.getPosition().y - first.getSize().height - BalancedSorter.INTERNODE_VERTICAL_PADDING * 2, }, ]; } return result; }, /** * @param {} treeSet * @param {} parent * @param {} child * @param {} order */ insert(treeSet, parent, child, order) { const children = this._getChildrenForOrder(parent, treeSet, order); // If no children, return 0 or 1 depending on the side if (children.length == 0) { child.setOrder(order % 2); return; } // Shift all the elements by two, so side is the same. // In case of balanced sorter, order don't need to be continuous... let max = 0; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const node = children[i]; max = Math.max(max, node.getOrder()); if (node.getOrder() >= order) { max = Math.max(max, node.getOrder() + 2); node.setOrder(node.getOrder() + 2); } } const newOrder = order > max + 1 ? max + 2 : order; child.setOrder(newOrder); }, /** * @param {} treeSet * @param {} node */ detach(treeSet, node) { const parent = treeSet.getParent(node); // Filter nodes on one side.. const children = this._getChildrenForOrder(parent, treeSet, node.getOrder()); _.each(children, (child, index) => { if (child.getOrder() > node.getOrder()) { child.setOrder(child.getOrder() - 2); } }); node.setOrder(node.getOrder() % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1); }, /** * @param {} treeSet * @param {} node * @return offsets */ computeOffsets(treeSet, node) { $assert(treeSet, 'treeSet can no be null.'); $assert(node, 'node can no be null.'); const children = this._getSortedChildren(treeSet, node); // Compute heights ... const heights = children .map(function (child) { return { id: child.getId(), order: child.getOrder(), width: child.getSize().width, height: this._computeChildrenHeight(treeSet, child), }; }, this) .reverse(); // Compute the center of the branch ... let totalPHeight = 0; let totalNHeight = 0; _.each(heights, (elem) => { if (elem.order % 2 == 0) { totalPHeight += elem.height; } else { totalNHeight += elem.height; } }); let psum = totalPHeight / 2; let nsum = totalNHeight / 2; let ysum = 0; // Calculate the offsets ... const result = {}; for (let i = 0; i < heights.length; i++) { const direction = heights[i].order % 2 ? -1 : 1; if (direction > 0) { psum -= heights[i].height; ysum = psum; } else { nsum -= heights[i].height; ysum = nsum; } const yOffset = ysum + heights[i].height / 2; const xOffset = direction * (node.getSize().width / 2 + heights[i].width / 2 + +BalancedSorter.INTERNODE_HORIZONTAL_PADDING); $assert(!isNaN(xOffset), 'xOffset can not be null'); $assert(!isNaN(yOffset), 'yOffset can not be null'); result[heights[i].id] = { x: xOffset, y: yOffset }; } return result; }, /** * @param {} treeSet * @param {} node * @throw will throw an error if order elements are missing */ verify(treeSet, node) { // Check that all is consistent ... const children = this._getChildrenForOrder(node, treeSet, node.getOrder()); // All odd ordered nodes should be "continuous" by themselves // All even numbered nodes should be "continuous" by themselves const factor = node.getOrder() % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const order = i == 0 && factor == 1 ? 1 : factor * i; $assert( children[i].getOrder() == order, `Missing order elements. Missing order: ${ i * factor }. Parent:${ node.getId() },Node:${ children[i].getId()}`, ); } }, /** * @param {} treeSet * @param {} child * @return the direction of the child within the treeSet */ getChildDirection(treeSet, child) { return child.getOrder() % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1; }, /** * @return {String} the print name of this class */ toString() { return 'Balanced Sorter'; }, _getChildrenForOrder(parent, graph, order) { return this._getSortedChildren(graph, parent).filter((child) => child.getOrder() % 2 == order % 2); }, _getVerticalPadding() { return BalancedSorter.INTERNODE_VERTICAL_PADDING; }, }, ); /** * @constant * @type {Number} * @default */ BalancedSorter.INTERNODE_VERTICAL_PADDING = 5; /** * @constant * @type {Number} * @default */ BalancedSorter.INTERNODE_HORIZONTAL_PADDING = 30; export default BalancedSorter;