/* Copyright [2015] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js'); const core = Core(); const ModelCodeName = require('./ModelCodeName').default; const Mindmap = require('../model/Mindmap').default; const INodeModel = require('../model/INodeModel').default; const TopicFeature = require('../TopicFeature').default; const XMLSerializer_Beta = new Class({ toXML(mindmap) { $assert(mindmap, 'Can not save a null mindmap'); const document = core.Utils.createDocument(); // Store map attributes ... const mapElem = document.createElement('map'); const name = mindmap.getId(); if ($defined(name)) { mapElem.setAttribute('name', name); } document.append(mapElem); // Create branches ... const topics = mindmap.getBranches(); for (let i = 0; i < topics.length; i++) { const topic = topics[i]; const topicDom = this._topicToXML(document, topic); mapElem.append(topicDom); } return document; }, _topicToXML(document, topic) { const parentTopic = document.createElement('topic'); // Set topic attributes... if (topic.getType() == INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { parentTopic.setAttribute('central', true); } else { const parent = topic.getParent(); if (parent == null || parent.getType() == INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { const pos = topic.getPosition(); parentTopic.setAttribute('position', `${pos.x},${pos.y}`); } else { const order = topic.getOrder(); parentTopic.setAttribute('order', order); } } const text = topic.getText(); if ($defined(text)) { parentTopic.setAttribute('text', text); } const shape = topic.getShapeType(); if ($defined(shape)) { parentTopic.setAttribute('shape', shape); } if (topic.areChildrenShrunken()) { parentTopic.setAttribute('shrink', true); } // Font properties ... let font = ''; const fontFamily = topic.getFontFamily(); font += `${fontFamily || ''};`; const fontSize = topic.getFontSize(); font += `${fontSize || ''};`; const fontColor = topic.getFontColor(); font += `${fontColor || ''};`; const fontWeight = topic.getFontWeight(); font += `${fontWeight || ''};`; const fontStyle = topic.getFontStyle(); font += `${fontStyle || ''};`; if ($defined(fontFamily) || $defined(fontSize) || $defined(fontColor) || $defined(fontWeight) || $defined(fontStyle)) { parentTopic.setAttribute('fontStyle', font); } const bgColor = topic.getBackgroundColor(); if ($defined(bgColor)) { parentTopic.setAttribute('bgColor', bgColor); } const brColor = topic.getBorderColor(); if ($defined(brColor)) { parentTopic.setAttribute('brColor', brColor); } // ICONS let i; const icons = topic.getIcons(); for (i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { const icon = icons[i]; const iconDom = this._iconToXML(document, icon); parentTopic.append(iconDom); } // LINKS const links = topic.getLinks(); for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { const link = links[i]; const linkDom = this._linkToXML(document, link); parentTopic.append(linkDom); } const notes = topic.getNotes(); for (i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { const note = notes[i]; const noteDom = this._noteToXML(document, note); parentTopic.append(noteDom); } // CHILDREN TOPICS const childTopics = topic.getChildren(); for (i = 0; i < childTopics.length; i++) { const childTopic = childTopics[i]; const childDom = this._topicToXML(document, childTopic); parentTopic.append(childDom); } return parentTopic; }, _iconToXML(document, icon) { const iconDom = document.createElement('icon'); iconDom.setAttribute('id', icon.getIconType()); return iconDom; }, _linkToXML(document, link) { const linkDom = document.createElement('link'); linkDom.setAttribute('url', link.getUrl()); return linkDom; }, _noteToXML(document, note) { const noteDom = document.createElement('note'); noteDom.setAttribute('text', note.getText()); return noteDom; }, loadFromDom(dom, mapId) { $assert(dom, 'Dom can not be null'); $assert(mapId, 'mapId can not be null'); // Is a valid object ? const { documentElement } = dom; $assert(documentElement.nodeName != 'parsererror', `Error while parsing: '${documentElement.childNodes[0].nodeValue}`); // Is a wisemap?. $assert(documentElement.tagName == XMLSerializer_Beta.MAP_ROOT_NODE, `This seem not to be a map document. Root Tag: '${documentElement.tagName},',HTML:${dom.innerHTML},XML:${core.Utils.innerXML(dom)}`); // Start the loading process ... let version = documentElement.getAttribute('version'); version = !$defined(version) ? ModelCodeName.BETA : version; const mindmap = new Mindmap(mapId, version); const children = documentElement.childNodes; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; if (child.nodeType == 1) { const topic = this._deserializeNode(child, mindmap); mindmap.addBranch(topic); } } mindmap.setId(mapId); return mindmap; }, _deserializeNode(domElem, mindmap) { const type = (domElem.getAttribute('central') != null) ? INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE : INodeModel.MAIN_TOPIC_TYPE; const topic = mindmap.createNode(type); // Load attributes... const text = domElem.getAttribute('text'); if ($defined(text)) { topic.setText(text); } const order = domElem.getAttribute('order'); if ($defined(order)) { topic.setOrder(parseInt(order)); } const shape = domElem.getAttribute('shape'); if ($defined(shape)) { topic.setShapeType(shape); } const isShrink = domElem.getAttribute('shrink'); if ($defined(isShrink)) { topic.setChildrenShrunken(isShrink); } const fontStyle = domElem.getAttribute('fontStyle'); if ($defined(fontStyle)) { const font = fontStyle.split(';'); if (font[0]) { topic.setFontFamily(font[0]); } if (font[1]) { topic.setFontSize(font[1]); } if (font[2]) { topic.setFontColor(font[2]); } if (font[3]) { topic.setFontWeight(font[3]); } if (font[4]) { topic.setFontStyle(font[4]); } } const bgColor = domElem.getAttribute('bgColor'); if ($defined(bgColor)) { topic.setBackgroundColor(bgColor); } const borderColor = domElem.getAttribute('brColor'); if ($defined(borderColor)) { topic.setBorderColor(borderColor); } const position = domElem.getAttribute('position'); if ($defined(position)) { const pos = position.split(','); topic.setPosition(pos[0], pos[1]); } // Creating icons and children nodes const children = domElem.childNodes; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; if (child.nodeType == 1) { $assert(child.tagName == 'topic' || child.tagName == 'icon' || child.tagName == 'link' || child.tagName == 'note', `Illegal node type:${child.tagName}`); if (child.tagName == 'topic') { const childTopic = this._deserializeNode(child, mindmap); childTopic.connectTo(topic); } else if (child.tagName == 'icon') { const icon = this._deserializeIcon(child, topic); topic.addFeature(icon); } else if (child.tagName == 'link') { const link = this._deserializeLink(child, topic); topic.addFeature(link); } else if (child.tagName == 'note') { const note = this._deserializeNote(child, topic); topic.addFeature(note); } } } return topic; }, _deserializeIcon(domElem) { let icon = domElem.getAttribute('id'); icon = icon.replace('images/', 'icons/legacy/'); return TopicFeature.createModel(TopicFeature.Icon.id, { id: icon }); }, _deserializeLink(domElem) { return TopicFeature.createModel(TopicFeature.Link.id, { url: domElem.getAttribute('url') }); }, _deserializeNote(domElem) { const text = domElem.getAttribute('text'); return TopicFeature.createModel(TopicFeature.Note.id, { text: text == null ? ' ' : text }); }, }); XMLSerializer_Beta.MAP_ROOT_NODE = 'map'; export default XMLSerializer_Beta;