/* * Copyright [2015] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const BootstrapDialog = require('../libraries/bootstrap/BootstrapDialog').default; const IMenu = require('./IMenu').default; const FontFamilyPanel = require('./FontFamilyPanel').default; const FontSizePanel = require('./FontSizePanel').default; const TopicShapePanel = require('./TopicShapePanel').default; const IconPanel = require('./IconPanel').default; const ColorPalettePanel = require('./ColorPalettePanel').default; const ToolbarItem = require('./ToolbarItem').default; const KeyboardShortcutTooltip = require('./KeyboardShortcutTooltip').default; const Menu = new Class({ Extends: IMenu, initialize(designer, containerId, mapId, readOnly, baseUrl) { this.parent(designer, containerId, mapId); baseUrl = !$defined(baseUrl) ? '' : baseUrl; const widgetsBaseUrl = `${baseUrl}css/widget`; // Stop event propagation ... $(`#${this._containerId}`).bind('click', (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(`#${this._containerId}`).bind('dblclick', (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); // Create panels ... const designerModel = designer.getModel(); const fontFamilyBtn = $('#fontFamily'); if (fontFamilyBtn) { const fontFamilyModel = { getValue() { const nodes = designerModel.filterSelectedTopics(); let result = null; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const fontFamily = nodes[i].getFontFamily(); if (result != null && result != fontFamily) { result = null; break; } result = fontFamily; } return result; }, setValue(value) { designer.changeFontFamily(value); }, }; this._toolbarElems.push(new FontFamilyPanel('fontFamily', fontFamilyModel)); this._registerTooltip('fontFamily', $msg('FONT_FAMILY')); } const fontSizeBtn = $('#fontSize'); if (fontSizeBtn) { const fontSizeModel = { getValue() { const nodes = designerModel.filterSelectedTopics(); let result = null; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const fontSize = nodes[i].getFontSize(); if (result != null && result != fontSize) { result = null; break; } result = fontSize; } return result; }, setValue(value) { designer.changeFontSize(value); }, }; this._toolbarElems.push(new FontSizePanel('fontSize', fontSizeModel)); this._registerTooltip('fontSize', $msg('FONT_SIZE')); } const topicShapeBtn = $('#topicShape'); if (topicShapeBtn) { const topicShapeModel = { getValue() { const nodes = designerModel.filterSelectedTopics(); let result = null; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const shapeType = nodes[i].getShapeType(); if (result != null && result != shapeType) { result = null; break; } result = shapeType; } return result; }, setValue(value) { designer.changeTopicShape(value); }, }; this._toolbarElems.push(new TopicShapePanel('topicShape', topicShapeModel)); this._registerTooltip('topicShape', $msg('TOPIC_SHAPE')); } const topicIconBtn = $('#topicIcon'); if (topicIconBtn) { // Create icon panel dialog ... const topicIconModel = { getValue() { return null; }, setValue(value) { designer.addIconType(value); }, }; this._toolbarElems.push(new IconPanel('topicIcon', topicIconModel)); this._registerTooltip('topicIcon', $msg('TOPIC_ICON')); } // Topic color item ... const topicColorBtn = $('#topicColor'); if (topicColorBtn) { const topicColorModel = { getValue() { const nodes = designerModel.filterSelectedTopics(); let result = null; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const color = nodes[i].getBackgroundColor(); if (result != null && result != color) { result = null; break; } result = color; } return result; }, setValue(hex) { designer.changeBackgroundColor(hex); }, }; this._toolbarElems.push(new ColorPalettePanel('topicColor', topicColorModel, widgetsBaseUrl)); this._registerTooltip('topicColor', $msg('TOPIC_COLOR')); } // Border color item ... const topicBorderBtn = $('#topicBorder'); if (topicBorderBtn) { const borderColorModel = { getValue() { const nodes = designerModel.filterSelectedTopics(); let result = null; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const color = nodes[i].getBorderColor(); if (result != null && result != color) { result = null; break; } result = color; } return result; }, setValue(hex) { designer.changeBorderColor(hex); }, }; this._toolbarElems.push(new ColorPalettePanel('topicBorder', borderColorModel, widgetsBaseUrl)); this._registerTooltip('topicBorder', $msg('TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR')); } // Font color item ... const fontColorBtn = $('#fontColor'); if (fontColorBtn) { const fontColorModel = { getValue() { let result = null; const nodes = designerModel.filterSelectedTopics(); for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const color = nodes[i].getFontColor(); if (result != null && result != color) { result = null; break; } result = color; } return result; }, setValue(hex) { designer.changeFontColor(hex); }, }; this._toolbarElems.push(new ColorPalettePanel('fontColor', fontColorModel, baseUrl)); this._registerTooltip('fontColor', $msg('FONT_COLOR')); } this._addButton('export', false, false, () => { BootstrapDialog.Request.active = new BootstrapDialog.Request(`c/maps/${mapId}/exportf`, $msg('EXPORT'), { cancelButton: true, closeButton: true, }); }); this._registerTooltip('export', $msg('EXPORT')); const me = this; this._addButton('print', false, false, () => { me.save(saveElem, designer, false); const baseUrl = window.location.href.substring(0, window.location.href.lastIndexOf('c/maps/')); window.open(`${baseUrl}c/maps/${mapId}/print`); }); this._registerTooltip('print', $msg('PRINT')); this._addButton('zoomIn', false, false, () => { designer.zoomIn(); }); this._registerTooltip('zoomIn', $msg('ZOOM_IN')); this._addButton('zoomOut', false, false, () => { designer.zoomOut(); }); this._registerTooltip('zoomOut', $msg('ZOOM_OUT')); const undoButton = this._addButton('undoEdition', false, false, () => { designer.undo(); }); if (undoButton) { undoButton.disable(); } this._registerTooltip('undoEdition', $msg('UNDO'), 'meta+Z'); const redoButton = this._addButton('redoEdition', false, false, () => { designer.redo(); }); if (redoButton) { redoButton.disable(); } this._registerTooltip('redoEdition', $msg('REDO'), 'meta+shift+Z'); if (redoButton && undoButton) { designer.addEvent('modelUpdate', (event) => { if (event.undoSteps > 0) { undoButton.enable(); } else { undoButton.disable(); } if (event.redoSteps > 0) { redoButton.enable(); } else { redoButton.disable(); } }); } this._addButton('addTopic', true, false, () => { designer.createSiblingForSelectedNode(); }); this._registerTooltip('addTopic', $msg('ADD_TOPIC'), 'Enter'); this._addButton('deleteTopic', true, true, () => { designer.deleteSelectedEntities(); }); this._registerTooltip('deleteTopic', $msg('TOPIC_DELETE'), 'Delete'); this._addButton('topicLink', true, false, () => { designer.addLink(); }); this._registerTooltip('topicLink', $msg('TOPIC_LINK')); this._addButton('topicRelation', true, false, (event) => { designer.showRelPivot(event); }); this._registerTooltip('topicRelation', $msg('TOPIC_RELATIONSHIP')); this._addButton('topicNote', true, false, () => { designer.addNote(); }); this._registerTooltip('topicNote', $msg('TOPIC_NOTE')); this._addButton('fontBold', true, false, () => { designer.changeFontWeight(); }); this._registerTooltip('fontBold', $msg('FONT_BOLD'), 'meta+B'); this._addButton('fontItalic', true, false, () => { designer.changeFontStyle(); }); this._registerTooltip('fontItalic', $msg('FONT_ITALIC'), 'meta+I'); var saveElem = $('#save'); if (saveElem) { this._addButton('save', false, false, () => { me.save(saveElem, designer, true); }); this._registerTooltip('save', $msg('SAVE'), 'meta+S'); if (!readOnly) { // To prevent the user from leaving the page with changes ... // Element.NativeEvents.unload = 1; $(window).bind('unload', () => { if (me.isSaveRequired()) { me.save(saveElem, designer, false, true); } me.unlockMap(designer); }); // Autosave on a fixed period of time ... setInterval( () => { if (me.isSaveRequired()) { me.save(saveElem, designer, false); } }, 30000, ); } } const discardElem = $('#discard'); if (discardElem) { this._addButton('discard', false, false, () => { me.discardChanges(designer); }); this._registerTooltip('discard', $msg('DISCARD_CHANGES')); } const shareElem = $('#shareIt'); if (shareElem) { this._addButton('shareIt', false, false, () => { BootstrapDialog.Request.active = new BootstrapDialog.Request(`c/maps/${mapId}/sharef`, $msg('COLLABORATE'), { closeButton: true, cancelButton: true, }); designer.onObjectFocusEvent(); }); this._registerTooltip('shareIt', $msg('COLLABORATE')); } const publishElem = $('#publishIt'); if (publishElem) { this._addButton('publishIt', false, false, () => { BootstrapDialog.Request.active = new BootstrapDialog.Request(`c/maps/${mapId}/publishf`, $msg('PUBLISH'), { closeButton: true, cancelButton: true, }); designer.onObjectFocusEvent(); }); this._registerTooltip('publishIt', $msg('PUBLISH')); } const historyElem = $('#history'); if (historyElem) { this._addButton('history', false, false, () => { BootstrapDialog.Request.active = new BootstrapDialog.Request(`c/maps/${mapId}/historyf`, $msg('HISTORY'), { closeButton: true, cancelButton: true, }); designer.onObjectFocusEvent(); }); this._registerTooltip('history', $msg('HISTORY')); } this._registerEvents(designer); // Keyboard Shortcuts Action ... const keyboardShortcut = $('#keyboardShortcuts'); if (keyboardShortcut) { keyboardShortcut.bind('click', (event) => { BootstrapDialog.Request.active = new BootstrapDialog.Request('c/keyboard', $msg('SHORTCUTS'), { closeButton: true, cancelButton: true, }); designer.onObjectFocusEvent(); event.preventDefault(); }); } const videoElem = $('#tutorialVideo'); if (videoElem) { const width = 900; const height = 500; const left = (screen.width / 2) - (width / 2); const top = (screen.height / 2) - (height / 2); videoElem.bind('click', (event) => { window.open('https://www.youtube.com/tv?vq=medium#/watch?v=rKxZwNKs9cE', '_blank', `toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=${width}, height=${height}, top=${top}, left=${left}`); event.preventDefault(); }); } }, _registerEvents(designer) { const me = this; // Register on close events ... _.each(this._toolbarElems, (elem) => { elem.addEvent('show', () => { me.clear(); }); }); designer.addEvent('onblur', () => { const topics = designer.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); const rels = designer.getModel().filterSelectedRelationships(); _.each(me._toolbarElems, (button) => { const isTopicAction = button.isTopicAction(); const isRelAction = button.isRelAction(); if (isTopicAction || isRelAction) { if ((isTopicAction && topics.length != 0) || (isRelAction && rels.length != 0)) { button.enable(); } else { button.disable(); } } }); }); designer.addEvent('onfocus', () => { const topics = designer.getModel().filterSelectedTopics(); const rels = designer.getModel().filterSelectedRelationships(); _.each(me._toolbarElems, (button) => { const isTopicAction = button.isTopicAction(); const isRelAction = button.isRelAction(); if (isTopicAction || isRelAction) { if (isTopicAction && topics.length > 0) { button.enable(); } if (isRelAction && rels.length > 0) { button.enable(); } } }); }); }, _addButton(buttonId, topic, rel, fn) { const me = this; // Register Events ... let result = null; if ($(`#${buttonId}`)) { const button = new ToolbarItem(buttonId, ((event) => { fn(event); me.clear(); }), { topicAction: topic, relAction: rel }); this._toolbarElems.push(button); result = button; } return result; }, _registerTooltip(buttonId, text, shortcut) { if ($(`#${buttonId}`)) { let tooltip = text; if (shortcut) { shortcut = navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') != -1 ? shortcut.replace('meta+', '⌘') : shortcut.replace('meta+', 'ctrl+'); tooltip = `${tooltip} (${shortcut})`; } new KeyboardShortcutTooltip($(`#${buttonId}`), tooltip); } }, }); export default Menu;