context('Playground', () => { it('the playground layout page should match its snapshot', () => { // TODO: check why this error is happening, and remove this handling cy.on('uncaught:exception', (err) => { expect(err.message).to.include('Prediction is incorrectly positioned'); return false; }); cy.visit('/layout.html'); cy.matchImageSnapshot('layout'); }); it('viewmode page should match its snapshot', () => { ['welcome', 'sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample4', 'sample5', 'sample6', 'complex', 'img-support'].forEach((mapId) => { cy.visit(`/viewmode.html?id=${mapId}`); cy.get('#mindplot.ready').should('exist'); cy.matchImageSnapshot(`viewmode-${mapId}`); }); }); it('the playground container.html page should match its snapshot', () => { cy.visit('/container.html'); cy.getIframeBody() .find('#mindplot.ready') .should('exist'); cy.matchImageSnapshot('container'); }); it('the playground editor.html page should match its snapshot', () => { cy.visit('/editor.html'); cy.get('#mindplot.ready').should('exist'); // TODO: why is the editor appearing twice in the snapshot? cy.matchImageSnapshot('editor'); }); });