1 PPM Plan 1.1 Business Development 1.2 Backlog Management [Link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit] 1.3 Freeform IT 1.4 Client Project Management 1.5 Governance & Executive 1.6 Finance 1.7 Administration 1.8 Human Resources [Note: HR Vision: Freeform Solutions is successful at its mission, sustainable as an organization AND is a great place to work. HR Mission: To provide a positive HR service experience for applicants and employees, and collaborate with departments to recruit, develop, support, and retain diverse and talented employees who are the key to Freeform’s reputation and success.] 1.9 Freeform Hosting 1.10 Community Outreach 1.11 R&D 1.11.1 Goals 1.11.2 Formulize 1.12 Probono 1.12.1 2 Strategy 2: Talent Development [Note: Strategy #2: Support the talent development of our employees through professional development and learning and through improved performance management.] 2.1 Strategic Priority 2a: Personal Plans [Note: Each employee will have a personal Professional Development Plan. ] 2.2 Strategic Priority 2b: External learning matches organ. goals [Note: Each department of Freeform will identify areas that need development to meet overall FS goals. Eg. Project Manager may identify needed improvement in a development tool. Or... Bus. Dev. may identify a new need in NFP that FS could fill within mandate, if training were provided. Professional Dev. priority will be given to proposals for development with clear ROIs.] 2.3 Strategic Priority 2c: Learning Environment [Note: Learning and innovation are an essential part of providing the best solutions to NFPs. Cost effective internal learning and time to explore innovation will be encouraged, provided they conform with organization goal and clear ROI is demonstrated.] 2.4 🌈 So That... [Note: (So that... our employees have improved skills and knowledge, So that... they are highly competent and can work well in agile teams and feel fulfilled and self actualized... So that we can so the best work possible, for the least cost, in the shortest time for other NFPs, So that... NFPs can help those who need it.)] 3 Strategy 4: Inclusive, Positive Environment [Note: Strategy #4: Foster a diverse, inclusive community with a positive work environment.] 3.1 Strategic Priority 4a:Feedback [Note: Conduct regular organizational feedback assessments and collaborate to improve the work climate] 3.2 Strategic Priority 4b: Anti Harassment [Note: Educate employees on the prevention of harassment and discrimination and productive ways to resolve conflict] 3.3 Strategic Priority 4c: Diversity [Note: Insure we promote our commitment to diversity and non-discrimination through our actions and in our outreach and employee recruitment efforts] 3.4 3.5 🌈 So That... [Note: (So that... we can reflect the diverse populations we serve AND ensure everyone feels safe, respected and included, So that... we better serve our diverse client organizations AND we are a great place to work )] 4 Strategy 1: Recruit & Retain [Note: Recruit and retain top talent commensurate with identified organizational capacity requirements ] 4.1 So that... [Note: (So that... we find and keep good people, So that... they are highly competent and can work well in agile teams... So that we can so the best work possible, for the least cost, in the shortest time for other NFPs, So that... NFPs can help those who need it.)] 4.2 Strategic Priority 1a: Recruitment [Note: 1. Identify and use proactive and effective recruitment strategies, ] 4.2.1 Modify App Form [Note: Recently, I saw a few job posts sent through different community groups and they seem to be taking our idea of screening candidates to a next level. Not only they ask candidates to provide resume and cover letter + some project related information but also request written answers to questions like "Why are you interested in this position" etc. That allows to screen out people who just submit multiple resumes to multiple organizations without really applying for that particular job and it would make our interview process more straightforward, knowing answers to some questions. For example, we may want to always include in the screening questions: - Why do you want to work for Freeform Solutions? - Why are you interested in this position? - What's your experience working with NFP? - What's your experience working with Open Source software? etc. I also saw that people ask for references up front, in that submissions form. We could include the HR requirement that Heather brought recently for "permissions to ask your references about you" in the online form so that we don't have to follow up with this later. Attached below a sample of such screening questions] 4.2.2 Strategy integrated with hiring plan [Note: Hiring plan should be comprehensive... not Agile or Iterative, in the sense that staff capacity and skill needs should be met within at least a six month plan. If three Drupal developers are needed, the hiring should be done concurrently to minimize HR costs and time.] 4.3 Strategic Priority 1b: Hiring [Note: 2. Continue to practice our unique Freeform hiring process that balances fit with the Freeform culture and best talent ] 4.4 Strategic Priority 1c: Onboarding [Note: ] 4.4.1 3 Month Onboarding Process 4.4.2 Tools & Guidelines 4.4.3 Mentoring 4.5 Strategic Priority 1d: Incentives [Note: 5. Explore incentives - monetary, benefits, fulfilment - needed to encourage top talent to work for and remain working for an NFP] 4.5.1 Raises 4.5.2 Benefits 4.5.3 Rewards Message [Note: Create a total rewards message to encourage prospective and current employees to understand the full value of working for Freeform] 4.6 Strategic Priority 1e: Offboarding [Note: Assess and address reasons why talented people leave Freeform] 5 Business Development Plan 5.1 Goals 5.1.1 Increase new clients Academic Research 5.1.2 Support New Products Formulize 5.1.3 Support CiviCRM 5.1.4 Identify Opportunites 6 Hosting NG Plan 7 Freeform IT Plan 7.1 Fragile 7.2 Tools 7.3 8 Project Teams 8.1 Projects 1-3 8.2 Projects 4-6 8.3 Projects 7 & 8 8.4 General Work 8.5 Learning Needs Plan 9 Restructure 9.1 Client Centric Process 9.2 Freeform Project Process 9.3 Supportive Systems Plan 10 Board and C Planning 10.1 Mission Statements [Note: In the absence of one clearly defined mission statement, we have reviewed various expressed mission statement as following Objects of Incorporation in Letters Patent The objects of the Corporation are:To provide solutions that facilitate the effective use of information technology in not-for-profit, non-governmental, and charitable organizations throughout Canada, to support and improve their mission delivery. 2006 Strategic Business Plan - Brand Positioning We are a nonprofit dedicated to helping other nonprofits understand and employ technology appropriately and effectively to support their mission. Our mission is to provide flexible consulting, website development, and Internet hosting solutions that give you peace of mind and help you stay focused on your mission. Freeform One Page (Freeform Wiki) About Freeform Solutions: Freeform Solutions is a not-for-profit organization. Our mission is help (sic) other not-for-profits organizations to build their capacity and increase their effectiveness. Result of Google search for β€œFreeform Solutions mission” Freeform Solutions is a not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to help other not-for-profits use technology to build their capacity and increase their effectiveness. (www.freeformsolutions.ca/en/files/AboutFreeformSolutions.pdf Freeform Solutions (www.freeformsolutions.ca) is a non profit organization. Our mission is to help other non-profit organizations to realize their missions through the appropriate deployment of information and knowledge management systems.www.freeformsolutions.ca/en/sites/default/.../virtual.volunteering.pdf We are a not-for-profit organization (NFP) that helps other NFPs use IT to achieve their organizational goals and better serve their communities. Freeform Solutions is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping other nonprofit organizations understand and employ technology appropriately and effectively to support their missions. Our mission is to provide flexible consulting, website development, and hosting solutions http://socialinnovation.ca/community/organizations/freeform-solutions Freeform Solutions is a not-for-profit organization, with a mission to help other not-for-profits use technology more effectively to meet their own missions. http://timreview.ca/article/387 Freeform Solutions – their mission: β€œwe help not-for-profit organisations use technology to build their capacity and increase their effectiveness. http://www.warnerlaw.ca/links/community-organisations-and-local-businesses/ Freeform Solutions is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to help other not-for-profits use technology to meet their goals. http://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3860 At Freeform Solutions, we have a mission to help not-for-profit and public sector organizations use technology more effectively. http://osbrca.blogspot.ca/2010/07/development-commons-approach.html Freeform Solutions Facebook Page Mission: Freeform Solutions is a not-for-profit organization (NFP) that helps other NFPs use IT to achieve their organizational goals and better serve their communities. The current Freeform Solutions website We started Freeform to help NFPs use IT to achieve their organizational goals and better serve their communities - to support and improve their mission delivery. Our mission is to strengthen the capacity of NFPs and the voluntary sector, and to help build a civil society.] 10.2 Values 10.3 Bylaw Review 10.4 Policies 10.5 Business Plan 11 Strategy 3: Safety and Wellness [Note: Strategy # 3: Promote the achievement of safety and wellness in our virtual employee community.] 11.1 Strategic Priority 3a: H&S Policies & Practices [Note: Continuing improvement in Health and Safety policies and practices & compliance with OHSC legislation] 11.1.1 11.2 Strategic Priority 3b: Health Promotion [Note: Promoting safety, work-life balance, self-care, ergonomics and other factors for wellness and productivity in a virtual workplace environment] 11.2.1 Health and Wellness Committee [Note: The Freeform H&S rep will lead a Health and Wellness Committee to responsible for recognizing health and safety concerns and identifying solutions.] 11.2.2 Work-life Balance Initiative [Link: http://hrcouncil.ca/hr-toolkit/workplaces-health-safety.cfm] 11.3 🌈 So that... [Note: (So that... our employees remain well and safe, So that... they are highly competent and can work well in agile teams and feel fulfilled and self actualized... So that we can so the best work possible, for the least cost, in the shortest time for other NFPs, So that... NFPs can help those who need it.)] 12 Benefits [Note: As Freeform Employees we will have benefits reviewed in light of our priorities and cost to Freeform] 12.1 πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ As Freeform Staff 12.2 Responsibility: HZ, JC 12.3 Release 3 12.4 βœ… Have Heather create list benefits against Best Practice & cost 12.5 Have Jason review list 12.6 Have JC & HZ consult with staff 12.7 Have best benefits we can afford 12.8 🌈 So that... [Note: so that our efforts to excel are rewarded.] 13 Community Outreach Plan 13.1 Goals 13.2 CSI 13.3 Drupal Community 13.4 CiviCRM 13.5 Other 14 Backlog Plan [Link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit] 14.1 😎 Go To Backlog Plan [Link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit] 15 Strategy Prospecting 15.1 15.2 15.3 16 Stategies: Forecasting 16.1 16.2 16.3 17 Strategies Marketing 18 19 Exit Interviews 19.1 πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ As Freeform 19.2 Responsiblity: HZ, KS 19.3 βŒ› Release 19.4 Have Heather write procedures for exit interview process 19.5 🌈 So that [Note: We learn from our mistakes and missed opportunities in future with the goal of keeping the best talent.] 20 3 Month Onboarding Process 21 Human Resources Plan 21.1 Related Org Objectives 21.1.1 1 [Note: Attract, build and retain a motivated, agile, knowledgeable team of Top Talent that loves to β€œcome” to work] 21.1.2 2 [Note: Maintain level of human resource capacity and skill to meet planned growth and client contractual commitments] 21.1.3 3 [Note: Conform to all legislated requirements] 21.1.4 4 [Note: Minimize and mitigate risk to the organization] 21.2 Related Documents [Note: MIssion, Values, Principles, Org Business Plan, Human Resources Policy Manual] 21.3 Goals 21.3.1 🏈 Goal:Staff=Optimal Bus. Growth [Note: Human resource capacity will remain at a level to meet planned growth growth objectives and client contractual commitments] 🌈 So that... Related Strategic Priorities: πŸ“Š KPI: HR Level equals Planned Growth Methodology [Note: Schedule of required HR capacity vs. actual HR capacity. Variance + or - 1] Target [Note: = + or - 1] 21.3.2 🏈 Goal: Increase Job Satisfaction 🌈 So That [Note: Establish better relationships. Identify with the new employer. Build a great attitude with the company.] Related Strategic Priorities πŸ“Š KPI: Employee Satisfaction Methodology [Note: Percentage of improvement in employee reported job satisfaction based on survey vs previous year. Base level to be established in first year. ] Target [Note: Base level 1st year] 21.3.3 🏈 Goal: Improve Performance [Note: To increase knowledge, skills and experience of the Freeform staff relevant to organizational priorities.] 🌈 So That [Note: Clarify expectations. Understand values and priorities. Decrease the learning curve.] Related Strategic Priorities [Note: 1] πŸ“Š KPI: Employee Performance Methodology Target 21.3.4 🏈 Goal: Reduce Turnover [Note: To reduce turnover of Top Talent.] 🌈 So That [Note: Provide support through feedback. Help the employee feel valued. Again, decrease the learning curve.] Related Strategic Priorities πŸ“Š KPI: Retention Rate Methodology Target 21.3.5 🏈 Risk & Compliance [Note: To eliminate or minimize risk and to comply with all legislated requirements. ]