import { $assert } from '@wisemapping/core-js'; import { Group, Rect, StraightLine } from '@wisemapping/web2d'; import ImageIcon from './ImageIcon'; class IconGroupRemoveTip { private _group: Group; private _activeIcon: ImageIcon | null; private _widget: Group; private _closeTimeoutId; constructor(group: Group) { $assert(group, 'group can not be null'); this._group = group; this._activeIcon = null; } show(topicId: number, icon: ImageIcon) { $assert(icon, 'icon can not be null'); // Nothing to do ... if (this._activeIcon !== icon) { // If there is an active icon, close it first ... if (this._activeIcon) { this.close(0); } // Now, let move the position the icon... const pos = icon.getPosition(); // Register events ... const widget = this._buildWeb2d(); widget.addEvent('click', () => { icon.remove(); }); const me = this; widget.addEvent('mouseover', () => {, icon); }); widget.addEvent('mouseout', () => { me.hide(); }); widget.setPosition(pos.x + 80, pos.y - 50); this._group.append(widget); // Setup current element ... this._activeIcon = icon; this._widget = widget; } else if (this._closeTimeoutId) { clearTimeout(this._closeTimeoutId); } } hide() { this.close(200); } close(delay: number) { if (this._closeTimeoutId) { clearTimeout(this._closeTimeoutId); } if (this._activeIcon) { const widget = this._widget; const close = () => { this._activeIcon = null; this._group.removeChild(widget); this._widget = null; this._closeTimeoutId = null; }; if (delay > 0) { this._closeTimeoutId = setTimeout(close, delay); } else { close(); } } } private _buildWeb2d(): Group { const result = new Group({ width: 10, height: 10, x: 0, y: 0, coordSizeWidth: 10, coordSizeHeight: 10, }); const outerRect = new Rect(0, { x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10, stroke: '0', fillColor: 'black', }); result.append(outerRect); outerRect.setCursor('pointer'); const innerRect = new Rect(0, { x: 1, y: 1, width: 8, height: 8, stroke: '1 solid white', fillColor: 'gray', }); result.append(innerRect); const line = new StraightLine({ stroke: '1 solid white' }); line.setFrom(1, 1); line.setTo(9, 9); result.append(line); const line2 = new StraightLine({ stroke: '1 solid white' }); line2.setFrom(1, 9); line2.setTo(9, 1); result.append(line2); // Some events ... result.addEvent('mouseover', () => { innerRect.setFill('#CC0033'); }); result.addEvent('mouseout', () => { innerRect.setFill('gray'); }); result.setSize(50, 50); return result; } decorate(topicId: number, icon) { if (!icon.__remove) { icon.addEvent('mouseover', () => {, icon); }); icon.addEvent('mouseout', () => { this.hide(); }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign icon.__remove = true; } } } export default IconGroupRemoveTip;