Indicator needs 
            Which new measures 
            Landscape of measures 
            Diversity index of innovation support instruments in the region 
            Existing investments in measures 
            What other regions do differently 
            Balance of measure index 
            Profile comparison with other regions 
            Number of specific types of measures per capita 
            How to design & implement measures 
            Good practices 
            Internal business innovation factors 
            Return on investment to innovation 
            Increase in the number of innovative companies with in-house R&D 
            Increase in th number of innovative companies without in-house R&D 
            Number of international patents 
            Start-up activity (as a percentage of start-up activity in the whole Federation) 
            Number of innovative companies to the number of students  
            Number of innovative companies to the number of researchers   
            Volume of license agreements to the volume of R&D support from the regional budget  
            How much effort: where & how 
            The bottom-line 
            Dynamics of real wages 
            Average wage (compare to the Fed) 
            Labor productivity 
            Labor productivity growth rate 
            Share of high-productive jobs 
            Share of creative industries jobs 
            Uneployment rate of university graduates 
            GRP per capita and its growth rate 
            Influencing  factors 
            Economic structure 
            Volume of manufacturing production per capita  
            Manufacturing value added per capita (non-natural resource-based) 
            The enabling environment 
            Ease of doing business 
            Level of administrative barriers (number and cost of administrative procedures)  
            Competition index 
            Quality of education 
            Inrease in the number of International students 
            Quantity of education 
            Participation in life-long learning 
            Increase in literarecy  
            Increase in University students 
            Government expenditure on General University Funding 
            Access to training, information, and consulting support  
            Science & engineering workforce 
            Availability of scientists and engineers 
            Amount of researches per 10 thousands population 
            Average wage of researches per average wage in the region 
            Share of researchers in the total number of employees in the region 
            Total expenditure of general government as a percentage of GDP 
            Government expenditure on Economic Development 
            Access to finance 
            Venture capital investments for start-ups as a percentage of GDP 
            Amounts of business angel, pre-seed, seed and venture financing 
            Amount of public co-funding of business R&D 
            Number of startups received venture financing  
            Number of companies received equity investments  
            Amount of matching grants available in the region for business R&D 
            Number of Business Angels 
            ICT use 
            Broadband penetration  
            Internet penetration 
            Computer literacy  
            Behavior of innovation actors 
            Access to markets 
            foreign JVs 
            Inflow of foreign direct investments in high-technology industries 
            Foreign direct investment jobs 
            FDI as a share of regional non natural resource-based GRP  
            Number of foreign subsidiaries operating in the region 
            Share of foreign controlled enterprises 
            Export intensity in manufacturing and services 
            Share of high-technology products in government procurements 
            Entrepreneurship culture 
            Fear of failure rate 
            Entrepreneurship as desirable career choice 
            High Status Successful Entrepreneurship 
            Collaboration & partnerships 
            Number of business contracts with foreign partners for R&D collaboration 
            Share of R&D financed from foreign sources 
            Firms collaborating on innovation with organizations in other countries 
            science and industry links 
            Technology absorption 
            Local supplier quality 
            Number of purchased new technologies 
            Machinery and equipment 
            Software and databases 
            Share of wastes in the total volume of production (by sector) 
            Innovation activities in firms 
            Share of innovative companies 
            Business R&D expenditures per GRP 
            Factors hampering innovation 
            Expenditure on innovation by firm size 
            R&D and other intellectl property products 
            Growth of the number of innovative companies  
            Volume of new to Russian market production per GRP 
            Volume of new to world market production per total production 
            Growth of the volume of production of innovative companies  
            Volume of innovation production per capita  
            Entrepreneurial activities 
            New business density 
            Volume of newly registered corporations  
            Share of gazelle companies in the total number of businesses 
            R&D production 
            Amount of PCT-applications per 1 mln. population 
            Number of domestic patent applications per R&D expenditures 
            Publication activity of regional scientists and researches 
            Regional and local budget expenditures on R&D 
            Government R&D expenditure  
            Public sector innovation 
            E-government index 
            Supporting organizations 
            Research institutions 
            R&D expenditures per 1 researcher 
            Average wage of researches per average wage in the region 
            High education expenditure on R&D 
            Scientific outputs 
            Impact of publications in the ISI database (h-index) 
            Number of publications in international journals per worker per year 
            Number of foreign patents granted per staff 
            Supportive measures 
            Diversity index of university entrepreneurship support measures 
            Industry contracts 
            Industry revenue per staff  
            Share of industry income from foreign companies 
            Difficulties faced by research organization in collaborating with SMEs 
            Private market 
            Number of innovation & IP services organizations 
            Number of private innovation infrastructure organizations  
            Access to certification and licensing for specific activities  
            Access to suppliers of equipment, production and engineering services  
            Innovation infrastructure 
            Public investment in innovation infrastructure 
            Increase of government investment in innovation infrastructure 
             Number of Development institution projects performed in the region 
            Volume of seed investments by the regional budget  
            Volume of venture financing from the regional budget  
            Volume of state support per one company  
            What to do about existing measures 
            Demand for measure 
            Quality of beneficiaries 
            Growth rates of employment in supported innovative firms 
            Growth rates of employment in supported innovative firms 
            Role of IP for tenants/clients 
            Share of tenants with innovation activities 
            Number of beneficiaries 
            Number of projects conducted by companies in cooperation with innovation infrastructure 
            Scope and intensity of use of services offered to firms 
            Number of companies supported by the infrastructure (training, information, consultations, etc.) 
            Increase in the number of business applying for public support programmes (regional, federal, international)  
            Degree of access 
            Level of awareness 
            Number of applicants 
            Increase in the number of business applying for public support programmes 
            Number of companies that know about a particular program 
            Increase in the number of start-ups applying to receive VC investments 
            Increase in the number of start-ups applying for a place in the incubators 
            Inputs of measures 
            Qualified staff 
            Budget per beneficiary 
            Performance of measure 
            Implementation of measure 
            Target vs. actual KPIs 
            Intermediate outputs per budget 
            Qualification of staff 
            Output of measure 
            Opinion surveys 
            Opinions of beneficiaries 
            Hard metrics 
            Output per headcount (e.g. staff, researchers) 
            Productivity analysis 
            Impact of measure 
            Opinion surveys 
            Perception of support impact (opinion polls) 
            Perception of the activity of regional government by the regional companies  
            Hard metrics 
            Increase in number of small innovation enterprises  
            Growth of the total volume of salary in the supported companies (excluding inflation)  
            Growth of the volume of regional taxes paid by the supported companies  
            Growth of the volume of export at the supported companies  
            Number of new products/projects at the companies that received support  
            Impact assessment  
            How to improve image 
            macro indicators 
            Innovation investment climate 
            What investments in innovative projects 
            Competitive niches 
            Clusters behavior 
            Cluster EU star rating 
            Share of value added of cluster enterprises in GRP 
            Share of cluster products in the relevant world market segment  
            Share of export in cluster total volume of sales 
            Growth of the volume of production in the cluster companies 
            Growth of the volume of innovation production in the cluster 
            Share of export in cluster total volume of sales (by zones: US, EU, CIS, other countries)  
            Internal behavior 
            Median wage in the cluster 
            Growth of the volume of R&D in the cluster 
            Cluster collaboration 
            Patent map 
            Publications map 
            FDI map 
            Gazelle map 
            Business R&D expenditures as a share of revenues by sector 
            Share of regional products in the world market 
            Expenditure on innovation by firm size, by sector  
            Startup map 
            Venture investment map 
            Attractiveness to public competitive funding 
            Fed and regional seed fund investments 
            Competitiveness support factors 
            Private investment in innovation