const EN = { ZOOM_IN: 'Zoom In', ZOOM_OUT: 'Zoom Out', TOPIC_SHAPE: 'Topic Shape', TOPIC_ADD: 'Add Topic', TOPIC_DELETE: 'Delete Topic', TOPIC_ICON: 'Add Icon', TOPIC_LINK: 'Add Link', TOPIC_RELATIONSHIP: 'Add Relationship', TOPIC_COLOR: 'Topic Color', TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR: 'Topic Border Color', TOPIC_NOTE: 'Add Note', TOPIC_SHAPE_RECTANGLE: 'Change Topic Shape to Rectangle', TOPIC_SHAPE_ROUNDED: 'Change Topic Shape to Rounded Corners Rectangle', TOPIC_SHAPE_ELLIPSE: 'Change Topic Shape to Ellipse', TOPIC_SHAPE_LINE: 'Change Topic Shape to Line', FONT_FAMILY: 'Font Type', FONT_SIZE: 'Text Size', FONT_BOLD: 'Text Bold', FONT_ITALIC: 'Text Italic', UNDO: 'Undo', REDO: 'Redo', INSERT: 'Insert', SAVE: 'Save', NOTE: 'Note', ADD_TOPIC: 'Add Topic', LOADING: 'Loading ...', EXPORT: 'Export', PRINT: 'Print', PUBLISH: 'Publish', COLLABORATE: 'Share', HISTORY: 'History', DISCARD_CHANGES: 'Discard Changes', FONT_COLOR: 'Text Color', SAVING: 'Saving ...', SAVE_COMPLETE: 'Save Complete', ZOOM_IN_ERROR: 'Zoom too high.', ZOOM_ERROR: 'No more zoom can be applied.', ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED: 'Could not create a topic. Only one topic must be selected.', ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED: 'Could not create a topic. One topic must be selected.', ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED_COLLAPSE: 'Children can not be collapsed. One topic must be selected.', SAVE_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED: 'Save could not be completed, please try again latter.', UNEXPECTED_ERROR_LOADING: "We're sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.\nTry again reloading the editor.If the problem persists, contact us to", MAIN_TOPIC: 'Main Topic', SUB_TOPIC: 'Sub Topic', ISOLATED_TOPIC: 'Isolated Topic', CENTRAL_TOPIC: 'Central Topic', SHORTCUTS: 'Keyboard Shortcuts', ENTITIES_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED: 'Could not delete topic or relation. At least one map entity must be selected.', AT_LEAST_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED: 'At least one topic must be selected.', CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY: 'Nothing to copy. Clipboard is empty.', CENTRAL_TOPIC_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED: 'Central topic can not be deleted.', RELATIONSHIP_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED: 'Relationship could not be created. A parent relationship topic must be selected first.', SELECTION_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD: 'Topics copied to the clipboard', WRITE_YOUR_TEXT_HERE: 'Write your note here ...', REMOVE: 'Remove', ACCEPT: 'Accept', CANCEL: 'Cancel', LINK: 'Link', OPEN_LINK: 'Open URL', SESSION_EXPIRED: 'Your session has expired, please log-in again.', URL_ERROR: 'URL not valid', ACTION: 'Action', CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC: 'Create Sibling Topic', CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC: 'Create Child Topic', DELETE_TOPIC: 'Delete Topic', EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT: 'Edit Topic Text', JUST_START_TYPING: 'Just start typing', CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES: 'Cancel Text Changes', TOPIC_NAVIGATION: 'Topic Navigation', ARROW_KEYS: 'Arrow Keys', SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES: 'Select Multiple Nodes', UNDO_EDITION: 'Undo Edition', REDO_EDITION: 'Redo Edition', SELECT_ALL_TOPIC: 'Select All Topic', CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD: 'Change Text Bold Type', SAVE_CHANGES: 'Save Changes', CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC: 'Change Text Italic', DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC: 'Deselect All Topic', COLLAPSE_CHILDREN: 'Collapse Children', KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG: 'Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time by allowing you to never take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse.', COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS: 'Copy and Paste Topics', MULTIPLE_LINES: 'Add multiple text lines', BACK_TO_MAP_LIST: 'Back to Maps List', KEYBOARD_SHOTCUTS: 'Keyboard Shorcuts', PASTE_URL_HERE: 'Paste your url address here:', CTRL: 'Ctrl', SPACE_BAR: 'Space Bar', K_INSERT: 'Insert', MOUSE_CLICK: 'Mouse Click', K_DELETE: 'Delete', BACKSPACE: 'Backspace', CENTER_POSITION: 'Zoom To Fit', MAP_INFO: 'Information', FONT_FORMAT: 'Font Format', FONT_INCREASE: 'Font Size Increase', FONT_DECREASE: 'Font Size Decrease', }; export default EN;