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!(function (t, e) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object' ? module.exports = e() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define([], e) : typeof exports === 'object' ? exports.Raphael = e() : t.Raphael = e(); }(window, () => (function (t) { const e = {}; function r(i) { if (e[i]) return e[i].exports; const n = e[i] = { i, l: !1, exports: {} }; return t[i].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, r), n.l = !0, n.exports; } return r.m = t, r.c = e, r.d = function (t, e, i) { r.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: i }); }, r.r = function (t) { typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }), Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); }, r.t = function (t, e) { if (1 & e && (t = r(t)), 8 & e) return t; if (4 & e && typeof t === 'object' && t && t.__esModule) return t; const i = Object.create(null); if (r.r(i), Object.defineProperty(i, 'default', { enumerable: !0, value: t }), 2 & e && typeof t !== 'string') for (const n in t)r.d(i, n, ((e) => t[e]).bind(null, n)); return i; }, r.n = function (t) { const e = t && t.__esModule ? function () { return t.default; } : function () { return t; }; return r.d(e, 'a', e), e; }, r.o = function (t, e) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e); }, r.p = '', r(r.s = 1); }([function (t, e, r) {
let i; let n; i = [r(2)], void 0 === (n = function (t) {
function e(i) { if (e.is(i, 'function')) return r ? i() : t.on('raphael.DOMload', i); if (e.is(i, A)) return e._engine.create[c](e, i.splice(0, 3 + e.is(i[0], T))).add(i); const n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); if (e.is(n[n.length - 1], 'function')) { const a = n.pop(); return r ? a.call(e._engine.create[c](e, n)) : t.on('raphael.DOMload', () => { a.call(e._engine.create[c](e, n)); }); } return e._engine.create[c](e, arguments); }e.version = '2.3.0', e.eve = t; let r; let i; const n = /[, ]+/; const a = {
circle: 1, rect: 1, path: 1, ellipse: 1, text: 1, image: 1,
}; const s = /\{(\d+)\}/g; const o = 'hasOwnProperty'; const l = { doc: document, win: window }; const h = { was: Object.prototype[o].call(l.win, 'Raphael'), is: l.win.Raphael }; const u = function () { this.ca = this.customAttributes = {}; }; var c = 'apply'; const f = 'concat'; const p = 'ontouchstart' in window || window.TouchEvent || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch; const d = ''; const g = ' '; const x = String; const v = 'split'; const y = 'click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel'[v](g); const m = { mousedown: 'touchstart', mousemove: 'touchmove', mouseup: 'touchend' }; const b = x.prototype.toLowerCase; const _ = Math; const w = _.max; const k = _.min; const B = _.abs; const C = _.pow; const S = _.PI; var T = 'number'; var A = 'array'; const M = Object.prototype.toString; const E = (e._ISURL = /^url\(['"]?(.+?)['"]?\)$/i, /^\s*((#[a-f\d]{6})|(#[a-f\d]{3})|rgba?\(\s*([\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?(?:\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?)?)\s*\)|hsba?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\)|hsla?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\))\s*$/i); const N = { NaN: 1, Infinity: 1, '-Infinity': 1 }; const L = /^(?:cubic-)?bezier\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/; const P = _.round; const z = parseFloat; const F = parseInt; const R = x.prototype.toUpperCase; const j = e._availableAttrs = {
'arrow-end': 'none', 'arrow-start': 'none', blur: 0, 'clip-rect': '0 0 1e9 1e9', cursor: 'default', cx: 0, cy: 0, fill: '#fff', 'fill-opacity': 1, font: '10px "Arial"', 'font-family': '"Arial"', 'font-size': '10', 'font-style': 'normal', 'font-weight': 400, gradient: 0, height: 0, href: 'http://raphaeljs.com/', 'letter-spacing': 0, opacity: 1, path: 'M0,0', r: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, src: '', stroke: '#000', 'stroke-dasharray': '', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt', 'stroke-linejoin': 'butt', 'stroke-miterlimit': 0, 'stroke-opacity': 1, 'stroke-width': 1, target: '_blank', 'text-anchor': 'middle', title: 'Raphael', transform: '', width: 0, x: 0, y: 0, class: '',
}; const I = e._availableAnimAttrs = {
blur: T, 'clip-rect': 'csv', cx: T, cy: T, fill: 'colour', 'fill-opacity': T, 'font-size': T, height: T, opacity: T, path: 'path', r: T, rx: T, ry: T, stroke: 'colour', 'stroke-opacity': T, 'stroke-width': T, transform: 'transform', width: T, x: T, y: T,
}; const D = /[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*/; const q = { hs: 1, rg: 1 }; const O = /,?([achlmqrstvxz]),?/gi; const V = /([achlmrqstvz])[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*)+)/gi; const W = /([rstm])[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*)+)/gi; const Y = /(-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?)[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*/gi; const G = (e._radial_gradient = /^r(?:\(([^,]+?)[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*([^\)]+?)\))?/, {}); const H = function (t, e) { return z(t) - z(e); }; const X = function (t) { return t; }; const U = e._rectPath = function (t, e, r, i, n) { return n ? [['M', t + n, e], ['l', r - 2 * n, 0], ['a', n, n, 0, 0, 1, n, n], ['l', 0, i - 2 * n], ['a', n, n, 0, 0, 1, -n, n], ['l', 2 * n - r, 0], ['a', n, n, 0, 0, 1, -n, -n], ['l', 0, 2 * n - i], ['a', n, n, 0, 0, 1, n, -n], ['z']] : [['M', t, e], ['l', r, 0], ['l', 0, i], ['l', -r, 0], ['z']]; }; const $ = function (t, e, r, i) { return i == null && (i = r), [['M', t, e], ['m', 0, -i], ['a', r, i, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2 * i], ['a', r, i, 0, 1, 1, 0, -2 * i], ['z']]; }; const Z = e._getPath = {
path(t) { return t.attr('path'); }, circle(t) { const e = t.attrs; return $(e.cx, e.cy, e.r); }, ellipse(t) { const e = t.attrs; return $(e.cx, e.cy, e.rx, e.ry); }, rect(t) { const e = t.attrs; return U(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height, e.r); }, image(t) { const e = t.attrs; return U(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height); }, text(t) { const e = t._getBBox(); return U(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height); }, set(t) { const e = t._getBBox(); return U(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height); },
}; const Q = e.mapPath = function (t, e) { if (!e) return t; let r; let i; let n; let a; let s; let o; let l; for (n = 0, s = (t = Tt(t)).length; n < s; n++) for (a = 1, o = (l = t[n]).length; a < o; a += 2)r = e.x(l[a], l[a + 1]), i = e.y(l[a], l[a + 1]), l[a] = r, l[a + 1] = i; return t; }; if (e._g = l, e.type = l.win.SVGAngle || l.doc.implementation.hasFeature('http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure', '1.1') ? 'SVG' : 'VML', e.type == 'VML') { let J; let K = l.doc.createElement('div'); if (K.innerHTML = '<v:shape adj="1"/>', (J = K.firstChild).style.behavior = 'url(#default#VML)', !J || typeof J.adj !== 'object') return e.type = d; K = null; } function tt(t) { if (typeof t === 'function' || Object(t) !== t) return t; const e = new t.constructor(); for (const r in t)t[o](r) && (e[r] = tt(t[r])); return e; }e.svg = !(e.vml = e.type == 'VML'), e._Paper = u, e.fn = i = u.prototype = e.prototype, e._id = 0, e.is = function (t, e) { return (e = b.call(e)) == 'finite' ? !N[o](+t) : e == 'array' ? t instanceof Array : e == 'null' && t === null || e === typeof t && t !== null || e == 'object' && t === Object(t) || e == 'array' && Array.isArray && Array.isArray(t) || M.call(t).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase() == e; }, e.angle = function (t, r, i, n, a, s) { if (a == null) { const o = t - i; const l = r - n; return o || l ? (180 + 180 * _.atan2(-l, -o) / S + 360) % 360 : 0; } return e.angle(t, r, a, s) - e.angle(i, n, a, s); }, e.rad = function (t) { return t % 360 * S / 180; }, e.deg = function (t) { return Math.round(180 * t / S % 360 * 1e3) / 1e3; }, e.snapTo = function (t, r, i) { if (i = e.is(i, 'finite') ? i : 10, e.is(t, A)) { for (let n = t.length; n--;) if (B(t[n] - r) <= i) return t[n]; } else { const a = r % (t = +t); if (a < i) return r - a; if (a > t - i) return r - a + t; } return r; }; let et; let rt; e.createUUID = (et = /[xy]/g, rt = function (t) { const e = 16 * _.random() | 0; return (t == 'x' ? e : 3 & e | 8).toString(16); }, function () { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(et, rt).toUpperCase(); }); e.setWindow = function (r) { t('raphael.setWindow', e, l.win, r), l.win = r, l.doc = l.win.document, e._engine.initWin && e._engine.initWin(l.win); }; var it = function (t) { if (e.vml) { let r; const i = /^\s+|\s+$/g; try { const n = new ActiveXObject('htmlfile'); n.write('<body>'), n.close(), r = n.body; } catch (t) { r = createPopup().document.body; } const a = r.createTextRange(); it = ht((t) => { try { r.style.color = x(t).replace(i, d); let e = a.queryCommandValue('ForeColor'); return `#${(`000000${(e = (255 & e) << 16 | 65280 & e | (16711680 & e) >>> 16).toString(16)}`).slice(-6)}`; } catch (t) { return 'none'; } }); } else { const s = l.doc.createElement('i'); s.title = 'Raphaël Colour Picker', s.style.display = 'none', l.doc.body.appendChild(s), it = ht((t) => (s.style.color = t, l.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(s, d).getPropertyValue('color'))); } return it(t); }; const nt = function () { return `hsb(${[this.h, this.s, this.b]})`; }; const at = function () { return `hsl(${[this.h, this.s, this.l]})`; }; const st = function () { return this.hex; }; const ot = function (t, r, i) { if (r == null && e.is(t, 'object') && 'r' in t && 'g' in t && 'b' in t && (i = t.b, r = t.g, t = t.r), r == null && e.is(t, 'string')) { const n = e.getRGB(t); t = n.r, r = n.g, i = n.b; } return (t > 1 || r > 1 || i > 1) && (t /= 255, r /= 255, i /= 255), [t, r, i]; }; const lt = function (t, r, i, n) {
const a = {
r: t *= 255, g: r *= 255, b: i *= 255, hex: e.rgb(t, r, i), toString: st,
}; return e.is(n, 'finite') && (a.opacity = n), a;
}; function ht(t, e, r) { return function i() { const n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); const a = n.join('␀'); const s = i.cache = i.cache || {}; const l = i.count = i.count || []; return s[o](a) ? ((function (t, e) { for (let r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) if (t[r] === e) return t.push(t.splice(r, 1)[0]); }(l, a)), r ? r(s[a]) : s[a]) : (l.length >= 1e3 && delete s[l.shift()], l.push(a), s[a] = t[c](e, n), r ? r(s[a]) : s[a]); }; }e.color = function (t) { let r; return e.is(t, 'object') && 'h' in t && 's' in t && 'b' in t ? (r = e.hsb2rgb(t), t.r = r.r, t.g = r.g, t.b = r.b, t.hex = r.hex) : e.is(t, 'object') && 'h' in t && 's' in t && 'l' in t ? (r = e.hsl2rgb(t), t.r = r.r, t.g = r.g, t.b = r.b, t.hex = r.hex) : (e.is(t, 'string') && (t = e.getRGB(t)), e.is(t, 'object') && 'r' in t && 'g' in t && 'b' in t ? (r = e.rgb2hsl(t), t.h = r.h, t.s = r.s, t.l = r.l, r = e.rgb2hsb(t), t.v = r.b) : (t = { hex: 'none' }).r = t.g = t.b = t.h = t.s = t.v = t.l = -1), t.toString = st, t; }, e.hsb2rgb = function (t, e, r, i) { let n; let a; let s; let o; let l; return this.is(t, 'object') && 'h' in t && 's' in t && 'b' in t && (r = t.b, e = t.s, i = t.o, t = t.h), o = (l = r * e) * (1 - B((t = (t *= 360) % 360 / 60) % 2 - 1)), n = a = s = r - l, lt(n += [l, o, 0, 0, o, l][t = ~~t], a += [o, l, l, o, 0, 0][t], s += [0, 0, o, l, l, o][t], i); }, e.hsl2rgb = function (t, e, r, i) { let n; let a; let s; let o; let l; return this.is(t, 'object') && 'h' in t && 's' in t && 'l' in t && (r = t.l, e = t.s, t = t.h), (t > 1 || e > 1 || r > 1) && (t /= 360, e /= 100, r /= 100), o = (l = 2 * e * (r < 0.5 ? r : 1 - r)) * (1 - B((t = (t *= 360) % 360 / 60) % 2 - 1)), n = a = s = r - l / 2, lt(n += [l, o, 0, 0, o, l][t = ~~t], a += [o, l, l, o, 0, 0][t], s += [0, 0, o, l, l, o][t], i); }, e.rgb2hsb = function (t, e, r) {
let i; let n; return t = (r = ot(t, e, r))[0], e = r[1], r = r[2], {
h: (((n = (i = w(t, e, r)) - k(t, e, r)) == 0 ? null : i == t ? (e - r) / n : i == e ? (r - t) / n + 2 : (t - e) / n + 4) + 360) % 6 * 60 / 360, s: n == 0 ? 0 : n / i, b: i, toString: nt,
}, e.rgb2hsl = function (t, e, r) {
let i; let n; let a; let s; return t = (r = ot(t, e, r))[0], e = r[1], r = r[2], i = ((n = w(t, e, r)) + (a = k(t, e, r))) / 2, {
h: (((s = n - a) == 0 ? null : n == t ? (e - r) / s : n == e ? (r - t) / s + 2 : (t - e) / s + 4) + 360) % 6 * 60 / 360, s: s == 0 ? 0 : i < 0.5 ? s / (2 * i) : s / (2 - 2 * i), l: i, toString: at,
}, e._path2string = function () { return this.join(',').replace(O, '$1'); }; e._preload = function (t, e) { const r = l.doc.createElement('img'); r.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em', r.onload = function () { e.call(this), this.onload = null, l.doc.body.removeChild(this); }, r.onerror = function () { l.doc.body.removeChild(this); }, l.doc.body.appendChild(r), r.src = t; }; function ut() { return this.hex; } function ct(t, e) { for (var r = [], i = 0, n = t.length; n - 2 * !e > i; i += 2) { const a = [{ x: +t[i - 2], y: +t[i - 1] }, { x: +t[i], y: +t[i + 1] }, { x: +t[i + 2], y: +t[i + 3] }, { x: +t[i + 4], y: +t[i + 5] }]; e ? i ? n - 4 == i ? a[3] = { x: +t[0], y: +t[1] } : n - 2 == i && (a[2] = { x: +t[0], y: +t[1] }, a[3] = { x: +t[2], y: +t[3] }) : a[0] = { x: +t[n - 2], y: +t[n - 1] } : n - 4 == i ? a[3] = a[2] : i || (a[0] = { x: +t[i], y: +t[i + 1] }), r.push(['C', (-a[0].x + 6 * a[1].x + a[2].x) / 6, (-a[0].y + 6 * a[1].y + a[2].y) / 6, (a[1].x + 6 * a[2].x - a[3].x) / 6, (a[1].y + 6 * a[2].y - a[3].y) / 6, a[2].x, a[2].y]); } return r; }e.getRGB = ht((t) => {
if (!t || (t = x(t)).indexOf('-') + 1) {
return {
r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: 'none', error: 1, toString: ut,
} if (t == 'none') {
return {
r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: 'none', toString: ut,
} !q[o](t.toLowerCase().substring(0, 2)) && t.charAt() != '#' && (t = it(t)); let r; let i; let n; let a; let s; let l; let h = t.match(E); return h ? (h[2] && (n = F(h[2].substring(5), 16), i = F(h[2].substring(3, 5), 16), r = F(h[2].substring(1, 3), 16)), h[3] && (n = F((s = h[3].charAt(3)) + s, 16), i = F((s = h[3].charAt(2)) + s, 16), r = F((s = h[3].charAt(1)) + s, 16)), h[4] && (l = h[4][v](D), r = z(l[0]), l[0].slice(-1) == '%' && (r *= 2.55), i = z(l[1]), l[1].slice(-1) == '%' && (i *= 2.55), n = z(l[2]), l[2].slice(-1) == '%' && (n *= 2.55), h[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == 'rgba' && (a = z(l[3])), l[3] && l[3].slice(-1) == '%' && (a /= 100)), h[5] ? (l = h[5][v](D), r = z(l[0]), l[0].slice(-1) == '%' && (r *= 2.55), i = z(l[1]), l[1].slice(-1) == '%' && (i *= 2.55), n = z(l[2]), l[2].slice(-1) == '%' && (n *= 2.55), (l[0].slice(-3) == 'deg' || l[0].slice(-1) == '°') && (r /= 360), h[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == 'hsba' && (a = z(l[3])), l[3] && l[3].slice(-1) == '%' && (a /= 100), e.hsb2rgb(r, i, n, a)) : h[6] ? (l = h[6][v](D), r = z(l[0]), l[0].slice(-1) == '%' && (r *= 2.55), i = z(l[1]), l[1].slice(-1) == '%' && (i *= 2.55), n = z(l[2]), l[2].slice(-1) == '%' && (n *= 2.55), (l[0].slice(-3) == 'deg' || l[0].slice(-1) == '°') && (r /= 360), h[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == 'hsla' && (a = z(l[3])), l[3] && l[3].slice(-1) == '%' && (a /= 100), e.hsl2rgb(r, i, n, a)) : ((h = {
r, g: i, b: n, toString: ut,
}).hex = `#${(16777216 | n | i << 8 | r << 16).toString(16).slice(1)}`, e.is(a, 'finite') && (h.opacity = a), h)) : {
r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: 'none', error: 1, toString: ut,
}, e), e.hsb = ht((t, r, i) => e.hsb2rgb(t, r, i).hex), e.hsl = ht((t, r, i) => e.hsl2rgb(t, r, i).hex), e.rgb = ht((t, e, r) => { function i(t) { return t + 0.5 | 0; } return `#${(16777216 | i(r) | i(e) << 8 | i(t) << 16).toString(16).slice(1)}`; }), e.getColor = function (t) { const e = this.getColor.start = this.getColor.start || { h: 0, s: 1, b: t || 0.75 }; const r = this.hsb2rgb(e.h, e.s, e.b); return e.h += 0.075, e.h > 1 && (e.h = 0, e.s -= 0.2, e.s <= 0 && (this.getColor.start = { h: 0, s: 1, b: e.b })), r.hex; }, e.getColor.reset = function () { delete this.start; }, e.parsePathString = function (t) {
if (!t) return null; const r = ft(t); if (r.arr) return mt(r.arr); const i = {
a: 7, c: 6, h: 1, l: 2, m: 2, r: 4, q: 4, s: 4, t: 2, v: 1, z: 0,
}; let n = []; return e.is(t, A) && e.is(t[0], A) && (n = mt(t)), n.length || x(t).replace(V, (t, e, r) => { const a = []; let s = e.toLowerCase(); if (r.replace(Y, (t, e) => { e && a.push(+e); }), s == 'm' && a.length > 2 && (n.push([e][f](a.splice(0, 2))), s = 'l', e = e == 'm' ? 'l' : 'L'), s == 'r')n.push([e][f](a)); else for (;a.length >= i[s] && (n.push([e][f](a.splice(0, i[s]))), i[s]);); }), n.toString = e._path2string, r.arr = mt(n), n;
}, e.parseTransformString = ht((t) => { if (!t) return null; let r = []; return e.is(t, A) && e.is(t[0], A) && (r = mt(t)), r.length || x(t).replace(W, (t, e, i) => { const n = []; b.call(e); i.replace(Y, (t, e) => { e && n.push(+e); }), r.push([e][f](n)); }), r.toString = e._path2string, r; }, this, (t) => { if (!t) return t; for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { for (var i = [], n = 0; n < t[r].length; n++)i.push(t[r][n]); e.push(i); } return e; }); var ft = function (t) { const e = ft.ps = ft.ps || {}; return e[t] ? e[t].sleep = 100 : e[t] = { sleep: 100 }, setTimeout(() => { for (const r in e)e[o](r) && r != t && (e[r].sleep--, !e[r].sleep && delete e[r]); }), e[t]; }; function pt(t, e, r, i, n) { return t * (t * (-3 * e + 9 * r - 9 * i + 3 * n) + 6 * e - 12 * r + 6 * i) - 3 * e + 3 * r; } function dt(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, l) { l == null && (l = 1); for (var h = (l = l > 1 ? 1 : l < 0 ? 0 : l) / 2, u = [-0.1252, 0.1252, -0.3678, 0.3678, -0.5873, 0.5873, -0.7699, 0.7699, -0.9041, 0.9041, -0.9816, 0.9816], c = [0.2491, 0.2491, 0.2335, 0.2335, 0.2032, 0.2032, 0.1601, 0.1601, 0.1069, 0.1069, 0.0472, 0.0472], f = 0, p = 0; p < 12; p++) { const d = h * u[p] + h; const g = pt(d, t, r, n, s); const x = pt(d, e, i, a, o); const v = g * g + x * x; f += c[p] * _.sqrt(v); } return h * f; } function gt(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o) { if (!(w(t, r) < k(n, s) || k(t, r) > w(n, s) || w(e, i) < k(a, o) || k(e, i) > w(a, o))) { const l = (t - r) * (a - o) - (e - i) * (n - s); if (l) { const h = ((t * i - e * r) * (n - s) - (t - r) * (n * o - a * s)) / l; const u = ((t * i - e * r) * (a - o) - (e - i) * (n * o - a * s)) / l; const c = +h.toFixed(2); const f = +u.toFixed(2); if (!(c < +k(t, r).toFixed(2) || c > +w(t, r).toFixed(2) || c < +k(n, s).toFixed(2) || c > +w(n, s).toFixed(2) || f < +k(e, i).toFixed(2) || f > +w(e, i).toFixed(2) || f < +k(a, o).toFixed(2) || f > +w(a, o).toFixed(2))) return { x: h, y: u }; } } } function xt(t, r, i) {
const n = e.bezierBBox(t); const a = e.bezierBBox(r); if (!e.isBBoxIntersect(n, a)) return i ? 0 : []; for (var s = dt.apply(0, t), o = dt.apply(0, r), l = w(~~(s / 5), 1), h = w(~~(o / 5), 1), u = [], c = [], f = {}, p = i ? 0 : [], d = 0; d < l + 1; d++) { var g = e.findDotsAtSegment.apply(e, t.concat(d / l)); u.push({ x: g.x, y: g.y, t: d / l }); } for (d = 0; d < h + 1; d++)g = e.findDotsAtSegment.apply(e, r.concat(d / h)), c.push({ x: g.x, y: g.y, t: d / h }); for (d = 0; d < l; d++) {
for (let x = 0; x < h; x++) {
const v = u[d]; const y = u[d + 1]; const m = c[x]; const b = c[x + 1]; const _ = B(y.x - v.x) < 0.001 ? 'y' : 'x'; const C = B(b.x - m.x) < 0.001 ? 'y' : 'x'; const S = gt(v.x, v.y, y.x, y.y, m.x, m.y, b.x, b.y); if (S) {
if (f[S.x.toFixed(4)] == S.y.toFixed(4)) continue; f[S.x.toFixed(4)] = S.y.toFixed(4); const T = v.t + B((S[_] - v[_]) / (y[_] - v[_])) * (y.t - v.t); const A = m.t + B((S[C] - m[C]) / (b[C] - m[C])) * (b.t - m.t); T >= 0 && T <= 1.001 && A >= 0 && A <= 1.001 && (i ? p++ : p.push({
x: S.x, y: S.y, t1: k(T, 1), t2: k(A, 1),
} return p;
} function vt(t, r, i) { t = e._path2curve(t), r = e._path2curve(r); for (var n, a, s, o, l, h, u, c, f, p, d = i ? 0 : [], g = 0, x = t.length; g < x; g++) { const v = t[g]; if (v[0] == 'M')n = l = v[1], a = h = v[2]; else { v[0] == 'C' ? (f = [n, a].concat(v.slice(1)), n = f[6], a = f[7]) : (f = [n, a, n, a, l, h, l, h], n = l, a = h); for (let y = 0, m = r.length; y < m; y++) { const b = r[y]; if (b[0] == 'M')s = u = b[1], o = c = b[2]; else { b[0] == 'C' ? (p = [s, o].concat(b.slice(1)), s = p[6], o = p[7]) : (p = [s, o, s, o, u, c, u, c], s = u, o = c); const _ = xt(f, p, i); if (i)d += _; else { for (let w = 0, k = _.length; w < k; w++)_[w].segment1 = g, _[w].segment2 = y, _[w].bez1 = f, _[w].bez2 = p; d = d.concat(_); } } } } } return d; }e.findDotsAtSegment = function (t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, l) {
const h = 1 - l; const u = C(h, 3); const c = C(h, 2); const f = l * l; const p = f * l; const d = u * t + 3 * c * l * r + 3 * h * l * l * n + p * s; const g = u * e + 3 * c * l * i + 3 * h * l * l * a + p * o; const x = t + 2 * l * (r - t) + f * (n - 2 * r + t); const v = e + 2 * l * (i - e) + f * (a - 2 * i + e); const y = r + 2 * l * (n - r) + f * (s - 2 * n + r); const m = i + 2 * l * (a - i) + f * (o - 2 * a + i); const b = h * t + l * r; const w = h * e + l * i; const k = h * n + l * s; const B = h * a + l * o; let T = 90 - 180 * _.atan2(x - y, v - m) / S; return (x > y || v < m) && (T += 180), {
x: d, y: g, m: { x, y: v }, n: { x: y, y: m }, start: { x: b, y: w }, end: { x: k, y: B }, alpha: T,
}, e.bezierBBox = function (t, r, i, n, a, s, o, l) {
e.is(t, 'array') || (t = [t, r, i, n, a, s, o, l]); const h = St.apply(null, t); return {
x: h.min.x, y: h.min.y, x2: h.max.x, y2: h.max.y, width: h.max.x - h.min.x, height: h.max.y - h.min.y,
}, e.isPointInsideBBox = function (t, e, r) { return e >= t.x && e <= t.x2 && r >= t.y && r <= t.y2; }, e.isBBoxIntersect = function (t, r) { const i = e.isPointInsideBBox; return i(r, t.x, t.y) || i(r, t.x2, t.y) || i(r, t.x, t.y2) || i(r, t.x2, t.y2) || i(t, r.x, r.y) || i(t, r.x2, r.y) || i(t, r.x, r.y2) || i(t, r.x2, r.y2) || (t.x < r.x2 && t.x > r.x || r.x < t.x2 && r.x > t.x) && (t.y < r.y2 && t.y > r.y || r.y < t.y2 && r.y > t.y); }, e.pathIntersection = function (t, e) { return vt(t, e); }, e.pathIntersectionNumber = function (t, e) { return vt(t, e, 1); }, e.isPointInsidePath = function (t, r, i) { const n = e.pathBBox(t); return e.isPointInsideBBox(n, r, i) && vt(t, [['M', r, i], ['H', n.x2 + 10]], 1) % 2 == 1; }, e._removedFactory = function (e) { return function () { t('raphael.log', null, `Raphaël: you are calling to method “${e}” of removed object`, e); }; }; const yt = e.pathBBox = function (t) {
const e = ft(t); if (e.bbox) return tt(e.bbox); if (!t) {
return {
x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0,
} for (var r, i = 0, n = 0, a = [], s = [], o = 0, l = (t = Tt(t)).length; o < l; o++) if ((r = t[o])[0] == 'M')i = r[1], n = r[2], a.push(i), s.push(n); else { const h = St(i, n, r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6]); a = a[f](h.min.x, h.max.x), s = s[f](h.min.y, h.max.y), i = r[5], n = r[6]; } const u = k[c](0, a); const p = k[c](0, s); const d = w[c](0, a); const g = w[c](0, s); const x = d - u; const v = g - p; const y = {
x: u, y: p, x2: d, y2: g, width: x, height: v, cx: u + x / 2, cy: p + v / 2,
}; return e.bbox = tt(y), y;
}; var mt = function (t) { const r = tt(t); return r.toString = e._path2string, r; }; const bt = e._pathToRelative = function (t) { const r = ft(t); if (r.rel) return mt(r.rel); e.is(t, A) && e.is(t && t[0], A) || (t = e.parsePathString(t)); const i = []; let n = 0; let a = 0; let s = 0; let o = 0; let l = 0; t[0][0] == 'M' && (s = n = t[0][1], o = a = t[0][2], l++, i.push(['M', n, a])); for (let h = l, u = t.length; h < u; h++) { let c = i[h] = []; const f = t[h]; if (f[0] != b.call(f[0])) switch (c[0] = b.call(f[0]), c[0]) { case 'a': c[1] = f[1], c[2] = f[2], c[3] = f[3], c[4] = f[4], c[5] = f[5], c[6] = +(f[6] - n).toFixed(3), c[7] = +(f[7] - a).toFixed(3); break; case 'v': c[1] = +(f[1] - a).toFixed(3); break; case 'm': s = f[1], o = f[2]; default: for (let p = 1, d = f.length; p < d; p++)c[p] = +(f[p] - (p % 2 ? n : a)).toFixed(3); } else { c = i[h] = [], f[0] == 'm' && (s = f[1] + n, o = f[2] + a); for (let g = 0, x = f.length; g < x; g++)i[h][g] = f[g]; } const v = i[h].length; switch (i[h][0]) { case 'z': n = s, a = o; break; case 'h': n += +i[h][v - 1]; break; case 'v': a += +i[h][v - 1]; break; default: n += +i[h][v - 2], a += +i[h][v - 1]; } } return i.toString = e._path2string, r.rel = mt(i), i; }; const _t = e._pathToAbsolute = function (t) { const r = ft(t); if (r.abs) return mt(r.abs); if (e.is(t, A) && e.is(t && t[0], A) || (t = e.parsePathString(t)), !t || !t.length) return [['M', 0, 0]]; let i = []; let n = 0; let a = 0; let s = 0; let o = 0; let l = 0; t[0][0] == 'M' && (s = n = +t[0][1], o = a = +t[0][2], l++, i[0] = ['M', n, a]); for (var h, u, c = t.length == 3 && t[0][0] == 'M' && t[1][0].toUpperCase() == 'R' && t[2][0].toUpperCase() == 'Z', p = l, d = t.length; p < d; p++) { if (i.push(h = []), (u = t[p])[0] != R.call(u[0])) switch (h[0] = R.call(u[0]), h[0]) { case 'A': h[1] = u[1], h[2] = u[2], h[3] = u[3], h[4] = u[4], h[5] = u[5], h[6] = +(u[6] + n), h[7] = +(u[7] + a); break; case 'V': h[1] = +u[1] + a; break; case 'H': h[1] = +u[1] + n; break; case 'R': for (var g = [n, a][f](u.slice(1)), x = 2, v = g.length; x < v; x++)g[x] = +g[x] + n, g[++x] = +g[x] + a; i.pop(), i = i[f](ct(g, c)); break; case 'M': s = +u[1] + n, o = +u[2] + a; default: for (x = 1, v = u.length; x < v; x++)h[x] = +u[x] + (x % 2 ? n : a); } else if (u[0] == 'R')g = [n, a][f](u.slice(1)), i.pop(), i = i[f](ct(g, c)), h = ['R'][f](u.slice(-2)); else for (let y = 0, m = u.length; y < m; y++)h[y] = u[y]; switch (h[0]) { case 'Z': n = s, a = o; break; case 'H': n = h[1]; break; case 'V': a = h[1]; break; case 'M': s = h[h.length - 2], o = h[h.length - 1]; default: n = h[h.length - 2], a = h[h.length - 1]; } } return i.toString = e._path2string, r.abs = mt(i), i; }; const wt = function (t, e, r, i) { return [t, e, r, i, r, i]; }; const kt = function (t, e, r, i, n, a) { return [1 / 3 * t + 2 / 3 * r, 1 / 3 * e + 2 / 3 * i, 1 / 3 * n + 2 / 3 * r, 1 / 3 * a + 2 / 3 * i, n, a]; }; var Bt = function (t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, l, h) { let u; const c = 120 * S / 180; const p = S / 180 * (+n || 0); let d = []; const g = ht((t, e, r) => ({ x: t * _.cos(r) - e * _.sin(r), y: t * _.sin(r) + e * _.cos(r) })); if (h)A = h[0], M = h[1], C = h[2], T = h[3]; else { t = (u = g(t, e, -p)).x, e = u.y, o = (u = g(o, l, -p)).x, l = u.y; _.cos(S / 180 * n), _.sin(S / 180 * n); const x = (t - o) / 2; const y = (e - l) / 2; let m = x * x / (r * r) + y * y / (i * i); m > 1 && (r *= m = _.sqrt(m), i *= m); const b = r * r; const w = i * i; const k = (a == s ? -1 : 1) * _.sqrt(B((b * w - b * y * y - w * x * x) / (b * y * y + w * x * x))); var C = k * r * y / i + (t + o) / 2; var T = k * -i * x / r + (e + l) / 2; var A = _.asin(((e - T) / i).toFixed(9)); var M = _.asin(((l - T) / i).toFixed(9)); (A = t < C ? S - A : A) < 0 && (A = 2 * S + A), (M = o < C ? S - M : M) < 0 && (M = 2 * S + M), s && A > M && (A -= 2 * S), !s && M > A && (M -= 2 * S); } let E = M - A; if (B(E) > c) { const N = M; const L = o; const P = l; M = A + c * (s && M > A ? 1 : -1), o = C + r * _.cos(M), l = T + i * _.sin(M), d = Bt(o, l, r, i, n, 0, s, L, P, [M, N, C, T]); }E = M - A; const z = _.cos(A); const F = _.sin(A); const R = _.cos(M); const j = _.sin(M); const I = _.tan(E / 4); const D = 4 / 3 * r * I; const q = 4 / 3 * i * I; const O = [t, e]; const V = [t + D * F, e - q * z]; const W = [o + D * j, l - q * R]; const Y = [o, l]; if (V[0] = 2 * O[0] - V[0], V[1] = 2 * O[1] - V[1], h) return [V, W, Y][f](d); for (var G = [], H = 0, X = (d = [V, W, Y][f](d).join()[v](',')).length; H < X; H++)G[H] = H % 2 ? g(d[H - 1], d[H], p).y : g(d[H], d[H + 1], p).x; return G; }; const Ct = function (t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, l) { const h = 1 - l; return { x: C(h, 3) * t + 3 * C(h, 2) * l * r + 3 * h * l * l * n + C(l, 3) * s, y: C(h, 3) * e + 3 * C(h, 2) * l * i + 3 * h * l * l * a + C(l, 3) * o }; }; var St = ht((t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o) => { let l; let h = n - 2 * r + t - (s - 2 * n + r); let u = 2 * (r - t) - 2 * (n - r); let f = t - r; let p = (-u + _.sqrt(u * u - 4 * h * f)) / 2 / h; let d = (-u - _.sqrt(u * u - 4 * h * f)) / 2 / h; const g = [e, o]; const x = [t, s]; return B(p) > '1e12' && (p = 0.5), B(d) > '1e12' && (d = 0.5), p > 0 && p < 1 && (l = Ct(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, p), x.push(l.x), g.push(l.y)), d > 0 && d < 1 && (l = Ct(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, d), x.push(l.x), g.push(l.y)), h = a - 2 * i + e - (o - 2 * a + i), f = e - i, p = (-(u = 2 * (i - e) - 2 * (a - i)) + _.sqrt(u * u - 4 * h * f)) / 2 / h, d = (-u - _.sqrt(u * u - 4 * h * f)) / 2 / h, B(p) > '1e12' && (p = 0.5), B(d) > '1e12' && (d = 0.5), p > 0 && p < 1 && (l = Ct(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, p), x.push(l.x), g.push(l.y)), d > 0 && d < 1 && (l = Ct(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, d), x.push(l.x), g.push(l.y)), { min: { x: k[c](0, x), y: k[c](0, g) }, max: { x: w[c](0, x), y: w[c](0, g) } }; }); var Tt = e._path2curve = ht((t, e) => {
const r = !e && ft(t); if (!e && r.curve) return mt(r.curve); for (var i = _t(t), n = e && _t(e), a = {
x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null,
}, s = {
x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null,
}, o = function (t, e, r) { let i; let n; if (!t) return ['C', e.x, e.y, e.x, e.y, e.x, e.y]; switch (!(t[0] in { T: 1, Q: 1 }) && (e.qx = e.qy = null), t[0]) { case 'M': e.X = t[1], e.Y = t[2]; break; case 'A': t = ['C'][f](Bt[c](0, [e.x, e.y][f](t.slice(1)))); break; case 'S': r == 'C' || r == 'S' ? (i = 2 * e.x - e.bx, n = 2 * e.y - e.by) : (i = e.x, n = e.y), t = ['C', i, n][f](t.slice(1)); break; case 'T': r == 'Q' || r == 'T' ? (e.qx = 2 * e.x - e.qx, e.qy = 2 * e.y - e.qy) : (e.qx = e.x, e.qy = e.y), t = ['C'][f](kt(e.x, e.y, e.qx, e.qy, t[1], t[2])); break; case 'Q': e.qx = t[1], e.qy = t[2], t = ['C'][f](kt(e.x, e.y, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4])); break; case 'L': t = ['C'][f](wt(e.x, e.y, t[1], t[2])); break; case 'H': t = ['C'][f](wt(e.x, e.y, t[1], e.y)); break; case 'V': t = ['C'][f](wt(e.x, e.y, e.x, t[1])); break; case 'Z': t = ['C'][f](wt(e.x, e.y, e.X, e.Y)); } return t; }, l = function (t, e) { if (t[e].length > 7) { t[e].shift(); for (let r = t[e]; r.length;)u[e] = 'A', n && (p[e] = 'A'), t.splice(e++, 0, ['C'][f](r.splice(0, 6))); t.splice(e, 1), v = w(i.length, n && n.length || 0); } }, h = function (t, e, r, a, s) { t && e && t[s][0] == 'M' && e[s][0] != 'M' && (e.splice(s, 0, ['M', a.x, a.y]), r.bx = 0, r.by = 0, r.x = t[s][1], r.y = t[s][2], v = w(i.length, n && n.length || 0)); }, u = [], p = [], d = '', g = '', x = 0, v = w(i.length, n && n.length || 0); x < v; x++) { i[x] && (d = i[x][0]), d != 'C' && (u[x] = d, x && (g = u[x - 1])), i[x] = o(i[x], a, g), u[x] != 'A' && d == 'C' && (u[x] = 'C'), l(i, x), n && (n[x] && (d = n[x][0]), d != 'C' && (p[x] = d, x && (g = p[x - 1])), n[x] = o(n[x], s, g), p[x] != 'A' && d == 'C' && (p[x] = 'C'), l(n, x)), h(i, n, a, s, x), h(n, i, s, a, x); const y = i[x]; const m = n && n[x]; const b = y.length; const _ = n && m.length; a.x = y[b - 2], a.y = y[b - 1], a.bx = z(y[b - 4]) || a.x, a.by = z(y[b - 3]) || a.y, s.bx = n && (z(m[_ - 4]) || s.x), s.by = n && (z(m[_ - 3]) || s.y), s.x = n && m[_ - 2], s.y = n && m[_ - 1]; } return n || (r.curve = mt(i)), n ? [i, n] : i;
}, null, mt); const At = (e._parseDots = ht((t) => { for (var r = [], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) { const a = {}; const s = t[i].match(/^([^:]*):?([\d\.]*)/); if (a.color = e.getRGB(s[1]), a.color.error) return null; a.opacity = a.color.opacity, a.color = a.color.hex, s[2] && (a.offset = `${s[2]}%`), r.push(a); } for (i = 1, n = r.length - 1; i < n; i++) if (!r[i].offset) { for (var o = z(r[i - 1].offset || 0), l = 0, h = i + 1; h < n; h++) if (r[h].offset) { l = r[h].offset; break; }l || (l = 100, h = n); for (let u = ((l = z(l)) - o) / (h - i + 1); i < h; i++)o += u, r[i].offset = `${o}%`; } return r; }), e._tear = function (t, e) { t == e.top && (e.top = t.prev), t == e.bottom && (e.bottom = t.next), t.next && (t.next.prev = t.prev), t.prev && (t.prev.next = t.next); }); const Mt = (e._tofront = function (t, e) { e.top !== t && (At(t, e), t.next = null, t.prev = e.top, e.top.next = t, e.top = t); }, e._toback = function (t, e) { e.bottom !== t && (At(t, e), t.next = e.bottom, t.prev = null, e.bottom.prev = t, e.bottom = t); }, e._insertafter = function (t, e, r) { At(t, r), e == r.top && (r.top = t), e.next && (e.next.prev = t), t.next = e.next, t.prev = e, e.next = t; }, e._insertbefore = function (t, e, r) { At(t, r), e == r.bottom && (r.bottom = t), e.prev && (e.prev.next = t), t.prev = e.prev, e.prev = t, t.next = e; }, e.toMatrix = function (t, e) { const r = yt(t); const i = { _: { transform: d }, getBBox() { return r; } }; return Et(i, e), i.matrix; }); var Et = (e.transformPath = function (t, e) { return Q(t, Mt(t, e)); }, e._extractTransform = function (t, r) { if (r == null) return t._.transform; r = x(r).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, t._.transform || d); let i; let n; const a = e.parseTransformString(r); let s = 0; let o = 1; let l = 1; const h = t._; const u = new Pt(); if (h.transform = a || [], a) for (let c = 0, f = a.length; c < f; c++) { var p; var g; var v; var y; var m; const b = a[c]; const _ = b.length; const w = x(b[0]).toLowerCase(); const k = b[0] != w; const B = k ? u.invert() : 0; w == 't' && _ == 3 ? k ? (p = B.x(0, 0), g = B.y(0, 0), v = B.x(b[1], b[2]), y = B.y(b[1], b[2]), u.translate(v - p, y - g)) : u.translate(b[1], b[2]) : w == 'r' ? _ == 2 ? (m = m || t.getBBox(1), u.rotate(b[1], m.x + m.width / 2, m.y + m.height / 2), s += b[1]) : _ == 4 && (k ? (v = B.x(b[2], b[3]), y = B.y(b[2], b[3]), u.rotate(b[1], v, y)) : u.rotate(b[1], b[2], b[3]), s += b[1]) : w == 's' ? _ == 2 || _ == 3 ? (m = m || t.getBBox(1), u.scale(b[1], b[_ - 1], m.x + m.width / 2, m.y + m.height / 2), o *= b[1], l *= b[_ - 1]) : _ == 5 && (k ? (v = B.x(b[3], b[4]), y = B.y(b[3], b[4]), u.scale(b[1], b[2], v, y)) : u.scale(b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4]), o *= b[1], l *= b[2]) : w == 'm' && _ == 7 && u.add(b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6]), h.dirtyT = 1, t.matrix = u; }t.matrix = u, h.sx = o, h.sy = l, h.deg = s, h.dx = i = u.e, h.dy = n = u.f, o == 1 && l == 1 && !s && h.bbox ? (h.bbox.x += +i, h.bbox.y += +n) : h.dirtyT = 1; }); const Nt = function (t) { const e = t[0]; switch (e.toLowerCase()) { case 't': return [e, 0, 0]; case 'm': return [e, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; case 'r': return t.length == 4 ? [e, 0, t[2], t[3]] : [e, 0]; case 's': return t.length == 5 ? [e, 1, 1, t[3], t[4]] : t.length == 3 ? [e, 1, 1] : [e, 1]; } }; const Lt = e._equaliseTransform = function (t, r) { r = x(r).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, t), t = e.parseTransformString(t) || [], r = e.parseTransformString(r) || []; for (var i, n, a, s, o = w(t.length, r.length), l = [], h = [], u = 0; u < o; u++) { if (a = t[u] || Nt(r[u]), s = r[u] || Nt(a), a[0] != s[0] || a[0].toLowerCase() == 'r' && (a[2] != s[2] || a[3] != s[3]) || a[0].toLowerCase() == 's' && (a[3] != s[3] || a[4] != s[4])) return; for (l[u] = [], h[u] = [], i = 0, n = w(a.length, s.length); i < n; i++)i in a && (l[u][i] = a[i]), i in s && (h[u][i] = s[i]); } return { from: l, to: h }; }; function Pt(t, e, r, i, n, a) { t != null ? (this.a = +t, this.b = +e, this.c = +r, this.d = +i, this.e = +n, this.f = +a) : (this.a = 1, this.b = 0, this.c = 0, this.d = 1, this.e = 0, this.f = 0); }e._getContainer = function (t, r, i, n) {
let a; if ((a = n != null || e.is(t, 'object') ? t : l.doc.getElementById(t)) != null) {
return a.tagName ? r == null ? { container: a, width: a.style.pixelWidth || a.offsetWidth, height: a.style.pixelHeight || a.offsetHeight } : { container: a, width: r, height: i } : {
container: 1, x: t, y: r, width: i, height: n,
}, e.pathToRelative = bt, e._engine = {}, e.path2curve = Tt, e.matrix = function (t, e, r, i, n, a) { return new Pt(t, e, r, i, n, a); }, (function (t) { function r(t) { return t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1]; } function i(t) { const e = _.sqrt(r(t)); t[0] && (t[0] /= e), t[1] && (t[1] /= e); }t.add = function (t, e, r, i, n, a) { let s; let o; let l; let h; const u = [[], [], []]; const c = [[this.a, this.c, this.e], [this.b, this.d, this.f], [0, 0, 1]]; let f = [[t, r, n], [e, i, a], [0, 0, 1]]; for (t && t instanceof Pt && (f = [[t.a, t.c, t.e], [t.b, t.d, t.f], [0, 0, 1]]), s = 0; s < 3; s++) for (o = 0; o < 3; o++) { for (h = 0, l = 0; l < 3; l++)h += c[s][l] * f[l][o]; u[s][o] = h; } this.a = u[0][0], this.b = u[1][0], this.c = u[0][1], this.d = u[1][1], this.e = u[0][2], this.f = u[1][2]; }, t.invert = function () { const t = this; const e = t.a * t.d - t.b * t.c; return new Pt(t.d / e, -t.b / e, -t.c / e, t.a / e, (t.c * t.f - t.d * t.e) / e, (t.b * t.e - t.a * t.f) / e); }, t.clone = function () { return new Pt(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f); }, t.translate = function (t, e) { this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, t, e); }, t.scale = function (t, e, r, i) { e == null && (e = t), (r || i) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, r, i), this.add(t, 0, 0, e, 0, 0), (r || i) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -r, -i); }, t.rotate = function (t, r, i) { t = e.rad(t), r = r || 0, i = i || 0; const n = +_.cos(t).toFixed(9); const a = +_.sin(t).toFixed(9); this.add(n, a, -a, n, r, i), this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -r, -i); }, t.x = function (t, e) { return t * this.a + e * this.c + this.e; }, t.y = function (t, e) { return t * this.b + e * this.d + this.f; }, t.get = function (t) { return +this[x.fromCharCode(97 + t)].toFixed(4); }, t.toString = function () { return e.svg ? `matrix(${[this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)].join()})` : [this.get(0), this.get(2), this.get(1), this.get(3), 0, 0].join(); }, t.toFilter = function () { return `progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=${this.get(0)}, M12=${this.get(2)}, M21=${this.get(1)}, M22=${this.get(3)}, Dx=${this.get(4)}, Dy=${this.get(5)}, sizingmethod='auto expand')`; }, t.offset = function () { return [this.e.toFixed(4), this.f.toFixed(4)]; }, t.split = function () { const t = {}; t.dx = this.e, t.dy = this.f; const n = [[this.a, this.c], [this.b, this.d]]; t.scalex = _.sqrt(r(n[0])), i(n[0]), t.shear = n[0][0] * n[1][0] + n[0][1] * n[1][1], n[1] = [n[1][0] - n[0][0] * t.shear, n[1][1] - n[0][1] * t.shear], t.scaley = _.sqrt(r(n[1])), i(n[1]), t.shear /= t.scaley; const a = -n[0][1]; const s = n[1][1]; return s < 0 ? (t.rotate = e.deg(_.acos(s)), a < 0 && (t.rotate = 360 - t.rotate)) : t.rotate = e.deg(_.asin(a)), t.isSimple = !(+t.shear.toFixed(9) || t.scalex.toFixed(9) != t.scaley.toFixed(9) && t.rotate), t.isSuperSimple = !+t.shear.toFixed(9) && t.scalex.toFixed(9) == t.scaley.toFixed(9) && !t.rotate, t.noRotation = !+t.shear.toFixed(9) && !t.rotate, t; }, t.toTransformString = function (t) { const e = t || this[v](); return e.isSimple ? (e.scalex = +e.scalex.toFixed(4), e.scaley = +e.scaley.toFixed(4), e.rotate = +e.rotate.toFixed(4), (e.dx || e.dy ? `t${[e.dx, e.dy]}` : d) + (e.scalex != 1 || e.scaley != 1 ? `s${[e.scalex, e.scaley, 0, 0]}` : d) + (e.rotate ? `r${[e.rotate, 0, 0]}` : d)) : `m${[this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)]}`; }; }(Pt.prototype)); for (var zt = function () { this.returnValue = !1; }, Ft = function () { return this.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }, Rt = function () { this.cancelBubble = !0; }, jt = function () { return this.originalEvent.stopPropagation(); }, It = function (t) { const e = l.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || l.doc.body.scrollTop; const r = l.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || l.doc.body.scrollLeft; return { x: t.clientX + r, y: t.clientY + e }; }, Dt = l.doc.addEventListener ? function (t, e, r, i) { const n = function (t) { const e = It(t); return r.call(i, t, e.x, e.y); }; if (t.addEventListener(e, n, !1), p && m[e]) { var a = function (e) { for (var n = It(e), a = e, s = 0, o = e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length; s < o; s++) if (e.targetTouches[s].target == t) { (e = e.targetTouches[s]).originalEvent = a, e.preventDefault = Ft, e.stopPropagation = jt; break; } return r.call(i, e, n.x, n.y); }; t.addEventListener(m[e], a, !1); } return function () { return t.removeEventListener(e, n, !1), p && m[e] && t.removeEventListener(m[e], a, !1), !0; }; } : l.doc.attachEvent ? function (t, e, r, i) { const n = function (t) { t = t || l.win.event; const e = l.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || l.doc.body.scrollTop; const n = l.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || l.doc.body.scrollLeft; const a = t.clientX + n; const s = t.clientY + e; return t.preventDefault = t.preventDefault || zt, t.stopPropagation = t.stopPropagation || Rt, r.call(i, t, a, s); }; return t.attachEvent(`on${e}`, n), function () { return t.detachEvent(`on${e}`, n), !0; }; } : void 0, qt = [], Ot = function (e) { for (var r, i = e.clientX, n = e.clientY, a = l.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || l.doc.body.scrollTop, s = l.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || l.doc.body.scrollLeft, o = qt.length; o--;) { if (r = qt[o], p && e.touches) { for (var h, u = e.touches.length; u--;) if ((h = e.touches[u]).identifier == r.el._drag.id) { i = h.clientX, n = h.clientY, (e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent : e).preventDefault(); break; } } else e.preventDefault(); var c; const f = r.el.node; const d = f.nextSibling; const g = f.parentNode; const x = f.style.display; l.win.opera && g.removeChild(f), f.style.display = 'none', c = r.el.paper.getElementByPoint(i, n), f.style.display = x, l.win.opera && (d ? g.insertBefore(f, d) : g.appendChild(f)), c && t(`raphael.drag.over.${r.el.id}`, r.el, c), i += s, n += a, t(`raphael.drag.move.${r.el.id}`, r.move_scope || r.el, i - r.el._drag.x, n - r.el._drag.y, i, n, e); } }, Vt = function (r) { e.unmousemove(Ot).unmouseup(Vt); for (var i, n = qt.length; n--;)(i = qt[n]).el._drag = {}, t(`raphael.drag.end.${i.el.id}`, i.end_scope || i.start_scope || i.move_scope || i.el, r); qt = []; }, Wt = e.el = {}, Yt = y.length; Yt--;)!(function (t) { e[t] = Wt[t] = function (r, i) { return e.is(r, 'function') && (this.events = this.events || [], this.events.push({ name: t, f: r, unbind: Dt(this.shape || this.node || l.doc, t, r, i || this) })), this; }, e[`un${t}`] = Wt[`un${t}`] = function (r) { for (let i = this.events || [], n = i.length; n--;)i[n].name != t || !e.is(r, 'undefined') && i[n].f != r || (i[n].unbind(), i.splice(n, 1), !i.length && delete this.events); return this; }; }(y[Yt])); Wt.data = function (r, i) { const n = G[this.id] = G[this.id] || {}; if (arguments.length == 0) return n; if (arguments.length == 1) { if (e.is(r, 'object')) { for (const a in r)r[o](a) && this.data(a, r[a]); return this; } return t(`raphael.data.get.${this.id}`, this, n[r], r), n[r]; } return n[r] = i, t(`raphael.data.set.${this.id}`, this, i, r), this; }, Wt.removeData = function (t) { return t == null ? delete G[this.id] : G[this.id] && delete G[this.id][t], this; }, Wt.getData = function () { return tt(G[this.id] || {}); }, Wt.hover = function (t, e, r, i) { return this.mouseover(t, r).mouseout(e, i || r); }, Wt.unhover = function (t, e) { return this.unmouseover(t).unmouseout(e); }; const Gt = []; Wt.drag = function (r, i, n, a, s, o) {
function h(h) {
(h.originalEvent || h).preventDefault(); let u = h.clientX; let c = h.clientY; const f = l.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || l.doc.body.scrollTop; const d = l.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || l.doc.body.scrollLeft; if (this._drag.id = h.identifier, p && h.touches) for (var g, x = h.touches.length; x--;) if (g = h.touches[x], this._drag.id = g.identifier, g.identifier == this._drag.id) { u = g.clientX, c = g.clientY; break; } this._drag.x = u + d, this._drag.y = c + f, !qt.length && e.mousemove(Ot).mouseup(Vt), qt.push({
el: this, move_scope: a, start_scope: s, end_scope: o,
}), i && t.on(`raphael.drag.start.${this.id}`, i), r && t.on(`raphael.drag.move.${this.id}`, r), n && t.on(`raphael.drag.end.${this.id}`, n), t(`raphael.drag.start.${this.id}`, s || a || this, this._drag.x, this._drag.y, h);
} return this._drag = {}, Gt.push({ el: this, start: h }), this.mousedown(h), this;
}, Wt.onDragOver = function (e) { e ? t.on(`raphael.drag.over.${this.id}`, e) : t.unbind(`raphael.drag.over.${this.id}`); }, Wt.undrag = function () { for (let r = Gt.length; r--;)Gt[r].el == this && (this.unmousedown(Gt[r].start), Gt.splice(r, 1), t.unbind(`raphael.drag.*.${this.id}`)); !Gt.length && e.unmousemove(Ot).unmouseup(Vt), qt = []; }, i.circle = function (t, r, i) { const n = e._engine.circle(this, t || 0, r || 0, i || 0); return this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(n), n; }, i.rect = function (t, r, i, n, a) { const s = e._engine.rect(this, t || 0, r || 0, i || 0, n || 0, a || 0); return this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(s), s; }, i.ellipse = function (t, r, i, n) { const a = e._engine.ellipse(this, t || 0, r || 0, i || 0, n || 0); return this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(a), a; }, i.path = function (t) { t && !e.is(t, 'string') && !e.is(t[0], A) && (t += d); const r = e._engine.path(e.format[c](e, arguments), this); return this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(r), r; }, i.image = function (t, r, i, n, a) { const s = e._engine.image(this, t || 'about:blank', r || 0, i || 0, n || 0, a || 0); return this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(s), s; }, i.text = function (t, r, i) { const n = e._engine.text(this, t || 0, r || 0, x(i)); return this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(n), n; }, i.set = function (t) { !e.is(t, 'array') && (t = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 0, arguments.length)); const r = new ce(t); return this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(r), r.paper = this, r.type = 'set', r; }, i.setStart = function (t) { this.__set__ = t || this.set(); }, i.setFinish = function (t) { const e = this.__set__; return delete this.__set__, e; }, i.getSize = function () { const t = this.canvas.parentNode; return { width: t.offsetWidth, height: t.offsetHeight }; }, i.setSize = function (t, r) { return e._engine.setSize.call(this, t, r); }, i.setViewBox = function (t, r, i, n, a) { return e._engine.setViewBox.call(this, t, r, i, n, a); }, i.top = i.bottom = null, i.raphael = e; function Ht() { return `${this.x + g + this.y + g + this.width} × ${this.height}`; }i.getElementByPoint = function (t, e) { let r; let i; let n; let a; let s; let o; let h; const u = this.canvas; let c = l.doc.elementFromPoint(t, e); if (l.win.opera && c.tagName == 'svg') { const f = (i = (r = u).getBoundingClientRect(), n = r.ownerDocument, a = n.body, s = n.documentElement, o = s.clientTop || a.clientTop || 0, h = s.clientLeft || a.clientLeft || 0, { y: i.top + (l.win.pageYOffset || s.scrollTop || a.scrollTop) - o, x: i.left + (l.win.pageXOffset || s.scrollLeft || a.scrollLeft) - h }); const p = u.createSVGRect(); p.x = t - f.x, p.y = e - f.y, p.width = p.height = 1; const d = u.getIntersectionList(p, null); d.length && (c = d[d.length - 1]); } if (!c) return null; for (;c.parentNode && c != u.parentNode && !c.raphael;)c = c.parentNode; return c == this.canvas.parentNode && (c = u), c = c && c.raphael ? this.getById(c.raphaelid) : null; }, i.getElementsByBBox = function (t) { const r = this.set(); return this.forEach((i) => { e.isBBoxIntersect(i.getBBox(), t) && r.push(i); }), r; }, i.getById = function (t) { for (let e = this.bottom; e;) { if (e.id == t) return e; e = e.next; } return null; }, i.forEach = function (t, e) { for (let r = this.bottom; r;) { if (!1 === t.call(e, r)) return this; r = r.next; } return this; }, i.getElementsByPoint = function (t, e) { const r = this.set(); return this.forEach((i) => { i.isPointInside(t, e) && r.push(i); }), r; }, Wt.isPointInside = function (t, r) { let i = this.realPath = Z[this.type](this); return this.attr('transform') && this.attr('transform').length && (i = e.transformPath(i, this.attr('transform'))), e.isPointInsidePath(i, t, r); }, Wt.getBBox = function (t) { if (this.removed) return {}; const e = this._; return t ? (!e.dirty && e.bboxwt || (this.realPath = Z[this.type](this), e.bboxwt = yt(this.realPath), e.bboxwt.toString = Ht, e.dirty = 0), e.bboxwt) : ((e.dirty || e.dirtyT || !e.bbox) && (!e.dirty && this.realPath || (e.bboxwt = 0, this.realPath = Z[this.type](this)), e.bbox = yt(Q(this.realPath, this.matrix)), e.bbox.toString = Ht, e.dirty = e.dirtyT = 0), e.bbox); }, Wt.clone = function () { if (this.removed) return null; const t = this.paper[this.type]().attr(this.attr()); return this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(t), t; }, Wt.glow = function (t) {
if (this.type == 'text') return null; const e = {
width: ((t = t || {}).width || 10) + (+this.attr('stroke-width') || 1), fill: t.fill || !1, opacity: t.opacity == null ? 0.5 : t.opacity, offsetx: t.offsetx || 0, offsety: t.offsety || 0, color: t.color || '#000',
}; const r = e.width / 2; const i = this.paper; const n = i.set(); let a = this.realPath || Z[this.type](this); a = this.matrix ? Q(a, this.matrix) : a; for (let s = 1; s < r + 1; s++) {
stroke: e.color, fill: e.fill ? e.color : 'none', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-width': +(e.width / r * s).toFixed(3), opacity: +(e.opacity / r).toFixed(3),
} return n.insertBefore(this).translate(e.offsetx, e.offsety);
}; const Xt = function (t, r, i, n, a, s, o, l, h) { return h == null ? dt(t, r, i, n, a, s, o, l) : e.findDotsAtSegment(t, r, i, n, a, s, o, l, (function (t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, l) { if (!(l < 0 || dt(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o) < l)) { let h; let u = 0.5; let c = 1 - u; for (h = dt(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, c); B(h - l) > 0.01;)h = dt(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, c += (h < l ? 1 : -1) * (u /= 2)); return c; } }(t, r, i, n, a, s, o, l, h))); }; const Ut = function (t, r) { return function (i, n, a) { for (var s, o, l, h, u, c = '', f = {}, p = 0, d = 0, g = (i = Tt(i)).length; d < g; d++) { if ((l = i[d])[0] == 'M')s = +l[1], o = +l[2]; else { if (p + (h = Xt(s, o, l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6])) > n) { if (r && !f.start) { if (c += [`C${(u = Xt(s, o, l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6], n - p)).start.x}`, u.start.y, u.m.x, u.m.y, u.x, u.y], a) return c; f.start = c, c = [`M${u.x}`, `${u.y}C${u.n.x}`, u.n.y, u.end.x, u.end.y, l[5], l[6]].join(), p += h, s = +l[5], o = +l[6]; continue; } if (!t && !r) return { x: (u = Xt(s, o, l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6], n - p)).x, y: u.y, alpha: u.alpha }; }p += h, s = +l[5], o = +l[6]; }c += l.shift() + l; } return f.end = c, (u = t ? p : r ? f : e.findDotsAtSegment(s, o, l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], 1)).alpha && (u = { x: u.x, y: u.y, alpha: u.alpha }), u; }; }; const $t = Ut(1); const Zt = Ut(); const Qt = Ut(0, 1); e.getTotalLength = $t, e.getPointAtLength = Zt, e.getSubpath = function (t, e, r) { if (this.getTotalLength(t) - r < 1e-6) return Qt(t, e).end; const i = Qt(t, r, 1); return e ? Qt(i, e).end : i; }, Wt.getTotalLength = function () { const t = this.getPath(); if (t) return this.node.getTotalLength ? this.node.getTotalLength() : $t(t); }, Wt.getPointAtLength = function (t) { const e = this.getPath(); if (e) return Zt(e, t); }, Wt.getPath = function () { let t; const r = e._getPath[this.type]; if (this.type != 'text' && this.type != 'set') return r && (t = r(this)), t; }, Wt.getSubpath = function (t, r) { const i = this.getPath(); if (i) return e.getSubpath(i, t, r); }; const Jt = e.easing_formulas = {
linear(t) { return t; }, '<': function (t) { return C(t, 1.7); }, '>': function (t) { return C(t, 0.48); }, '<>': function (t) { const e = 0.48 - t / 1.04; const r = _.sqrt(0.1734 + e * e); const i = r - e; const n = -r - e; const a = C(B(i), 1 / 3) * (i < 0 ? -1 : 1) + C(B(n), 1 / 3) * (n < 0 ? -1 : 1) + 0.5; return 3 * (1 - a) * a * a + a * a * a; }, backIn(t) { const e = 1.70158; return t * t * ((e + 1) * t - e); }, backOut(t) { const e = 1.70158; return (t -= 1) * t * ((e + 1) * t + e) + 1; }, elastic(t) { return t == !!t ? t : C(2, -10 * t) * _.sin(2 * S * (t - 0.075) / 0.3) + 1; }, bounce(t) { const e = 7.5625; const r = 2.75; return t < 1 / r ? e * t * t : t < 2 / r ? e * (t -= 1.5 / r) * t + 0.75 : t < 2.5 / r ? e * (t -= 2.25 / r) * t + 0.9375 : e * (t -= 2.625 / r) * t + 0.984375; },
}; Jt.easeIn = Jt['ease-in'] = Jt['<'], Jt.easeOut = Jt['ease-out'] = Jt['>'], Jt.easeInOut = Jt['ease-in-out'] = Jt['<>'], Jt['back-in'] = Jt.backIn, Jt['back-out'] = Jt.backOut; const Kt = []; const te = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (t) { setTimeout(t, 16); }; var ee = function () { for (let r = +new Date(), i = 0; i < Kt.length; i++) { const n = Kt[i]; if (!n.el.removed && !n.paused) { var a; var s; let l = r - n.start; var h = n.ms; const u = n.easing; var c = n.from; var p = n.diff; const d = n.to; const x = (n.t, n.el); const v = {}; const y = {}; if (n.initstatus ? (l = (n.initstatus * n.anim.top - n.prev) / (n.percent - n.prev) * h, n.status = n.initstatus, delete n.initstatus, n.stop && Kt.splice(i--, 1)) : n.status = (n.prev + (n.percent - n.prev) * (l / h)) / n.anim.top, !(l < 0)) if (l < h) { var m = u(l / h); for (var b in c) if (c[o](b)) { switch (I[b]) { case T: a = +c[b] + m * h * p[b]; break; case 'colour': a = `rgb(${[re(P(c[b].r + m * h * p[b].r)), re(P(c[b].g + m * h * p[b].g)), re(P(c[b].b + m * h * p[b].b))].join(',')})`; break; case 'path': a = []; for (var _ = 0, w = c[b].length; _ < w; _++) { a[_] = [c[b][_][0]]; for (var k = 1, B = c[b][_].length; k < B; k++)a[_][k] = +c[b][_][k] + m * h * p[b][_][k]; a[_] = a[_].join(g); }a = a.join(g); break; case 'transform': if (p[b].real) for (a = [], _ = 0, w = c[b].length; _ < w; _++) for (a[_] = [c[b][_][0]], k = 1, B = c[b][_].length; k < B; k++)a[_][k] = c[b][_][k] + m * h * p[b][_][k]; else { const C = function (t) { return +c[b][t] + m * h * p[b][t]; }; a = [['m', C(0), C(1), C(2), C(3), C(4), C(5)]]; } break; case 'csv': if (b == 'clip-rect') for (a = [], _ = 4; _--;)a[_] = +c[b][_] + m * h * p[b][_]; break; default: var S = [][f](c[b]); for (a = [], _ = x.paper.customAttributes[b].length; _--;)a[_] = +S[_] + m * h * p[b][_]; }v[b] = a; }x.attr(v), (function (e, r, i) { setTimeout(() => { t(`raphael.anim.frame.${e}`, r, i); }); }(x.id, x, n.anim)); } else { if ((function (r, i, n) { setTimeout(() => { t(`raphael.anim.frame.${i.id}`, i, n), t(`raphael.anim.finish.${i.id}`, i, n), e.is(r, 'function') && r.call(i); }); }(n.callback, x, n.anim)), x.attr(d), Kt.splice(i--, 1), n.repeat > 1 && !n.next) { for (s in d)d[o](s) && (y[s] = n.totalOrigin[s]); n.el.attr(y), ae(n.anim, n.el, n.anim.percents[0], null, n.totalOrigin, n.repeat - 1); }n.next && !n.stop && ae(n.anim, n.el, n.next, null, n.totalOrigin, n.repeat); } } }Kt.length && te(ee); }; var re = function (t) { return t > 255 ? 255 : t < 0 ? 0 : t; }; function ie(t, e, r, i, n, a) { const s = 3 * e; const o = 3 * (i - e) - s; const l = 1 - s - o; const h = 3 * r; const u = 3 * (n - r) - h; const c = 1 - h - u; function f(t) { return ((l * t + o) * t + s) * t; } return (function (t, e) { const r = (function (t, e) { let r; let i; let n; let a; let h; let u; for (n = t, u = 0; u < 8; u++) { if (a = f(n) - t, B(a) < e) return n; if (B(h = (3 * l * n + 2 * o) * n + s) < 1e-6) break; n -= a / h; } if (i = 1, (n = t) < (r = 0)) return r; if (n > i) return i; for (;r < i;) { if (a = f(n), B(a - t) < e) return n; t > a ? r = n : i = n, n = (i - r) / 2 + r; } return n; }(t, e)); return ((c * r + u) * r + h) * r; }(t, 1 / (200 * a))); } function ne(t, e) { const r = []; const i = {}; if (this.ms = e, this.times = 1, t) { for (const n in t)t[o](n) && (i[z(n)] = t[n], r.push(z(n))); r.sort(H); } this.anim = i, this.top = r[r.length - 1], this.percents = r; } function ae(r, i, a, s, l, h) {
a = z(a); let u; let c; let p; let d; let g; let y; let m = r.ms; const b = {}; const _ = {}; const w = {}; if (s) for (B = 0, C = Kt.length; B < C; B++) { var k = Kt[B]; if (k.el.id == i.id && k.anim == r) { k.percent != a ? (Kt.splice(B, 1), p = 1) : c = k, i.attr(k.totalOrigin); break; } } else s = +_; for (var B = 0, C = r.percents.length; B < C; B++) { if (r.percents[B] == a || r.percents[B] > s * r.top) { a = r.percents[B], g = r.percents[B - 1] || 0, m = m / r.top * (a - g), d = r.percents[B + 1], u = r.anim[a]; break; }s && i.attr(r.anim[r.percents[B]]); } if (u) {
if (c)c.initstatus = s, c.start = new Date() - c.ms * s; else {
for (const S in u) {
if (u[o](S) && (I[o](S) || i.paper.customAttributes[o](S))) {
switch (b[S] = i.attr(S), b[S] == null && (b[S] = j[S]), _[S] = u[S], I[S]) {
case T: w[S] = (_[S] - b[S]) / m; break; case 'colour': b[S] = e.getRGB(b[S]); var A = e.getRGB(_[S]); w[S] = { r: (A.r - b[S].r) / m, g: (A.g - b[S].g) / m, b: (A.b - b[S].b) / m }; break; case 'path': var M = Tt(b[S], _[S]); var E = M[1]; for (b[S] = M[0], w[S] = [], B = 0, C = b[S].length; B < C; B++) { w[S][B] = [0]; for (var N = 1, P = b[S][B].length; N < P; N++)w[S][B][N] = (E[B][N] - b[S][B][N]) / m; } break; case 'transform': var F = i._; var R = Lt(F[S], _[S]); if (R) for (b[S] = R.from, _[S] = R.to, w[S] = [], w[S].real = !0, B = 0, C = b[S].length; B < C; B++) for (w[S][B] = [b[S][B][0]], N = 1, P = b[S][B].length; N < P; N++)w[S][B][N] = (_[S][B][N] - b[S][B][N]) / m; else {
const D = i.matrix || new Pt(); const
q = { _: { transform: F.transform }, getBBox() { return i.getBBox(1); } }; b[S] = [D.a, D.b, D.c, D.d, D.e, D.f], Et(q, _[S]), _[S] = q._.transform, w[S] = [(q.matrix.a - D.a) / m, (q.matrix.b - D.b) / m, (q.matrix.c - D.c) / m, (q.matrix.d - D.d) / m, (q.matrix.e - D.e) / m, (q.matrix.f - D.f) / m];
} break; case 'csv': var O = x(u[S])[v](n); var V = x(b[S])[v](n); if (S == 'clip-rect') for (b[S] = V, w[S] = [], B = V.length; B--;)w[S][B] = (O[B] - b[S][B]) / m; _[S] = O; break; default: for (O = [][f](u[S]), V = [][f](b[S]), w[S] = [], B = i.paper.customAttributes[S].length; B--;)w[S][B] = ((O[B] || 0) - (V[B] || 0)) / m;
} const W = u.easing; let Y = e.easing_formulas[W]; if (!Y) if ((Y = x(W).match(L)) && Y.length == 5) { const G = Y; Y = function (t) { return ie(t, +G[1], +G[2], +G[3], +G[4], m); }; } else Y = X; if (k = {
anim: r, percent: a, timestamp: y = u.start || r.start || +new Date(), start: y + (r.del || 0), status: 0, initstatus: s || 0, stop: !1, ms: m, easing: Y, from: b, diff: w, to: _, el: i, callback: u.callback, prev: g, next: d, repeat: h || r.times, origin: i.attr(), totalOrigin: l,
}, Kt.push(k), s && !c && !p && (k.stop = !0, k.start = new Date() - m * s, Kt.length == 1)) return ee(); p && (k.start = new Date() - k.ms * s), Kt.length == 1 && te(ee);
}t(`raphael.anim.start.${i.id}`, i, r);
} function se(t) { for (let e = 0; e < Kt.length; e++)Kt[e].el.paper == t && Kt.splice(e--, 1); }Wt.animateWith = function (t, r, i, n, a, s) { if (this.removed) return s && s.call(this), this; const o = i instanceof ne ? i : e.animation(i, n, a, s); ae(o, this, o.percents[0], null, this.attr()); for (let l = 0, h = Kt.length; l < h; l++) if (Kt[l].anim == r && Kt[l].el == t) { Kt[h - 1].start = Kt[l].start; break; } return this; }, Wt.onAnimation = function (e) { return e ? t.on(`raphael.anim.frame.${this.id}`, e) : t.unbind(`raphael.anim.frame.${this.id}`), this; }, ne.prototype.delay = function (t) { const e = new ne(this.anim, this.ms); return e.times = this.times, e.del = +t || 0, e; }, ne.prototype.repeat = function (t) { const e = new ne(this.anim, this.ms); return e.del = this.del, e.times = _.floor(w(t, 0)) || 1, e; }, e.animation = function (t, r, i, n) { if (t instanceof ne) return t; !e.is(i, 'function') && i || (n = n || i || null, i = null), t = Object(t), r = +r || 0; let a; let s; const l = {}; for (s in t)t[o](s) && z(s) != s && `${z(s)}%` != s && (a = !0, l[s] = t[s]); if (a) return i && (l.easing = i), n && (l.callback = n), new ne({ 100: l }, r); if (n) { let h = 0; for (const u in t) { const c = F(u); t[o](u) && c > h && (h = c); }!t[h += '%'].callback && (t[h].callback = n); } return new ne(t, r); }, Wt.animate = function (t, r, i, n) { if (this.removed) return n && n.call(this), this; const a = t instanceof ne ? t : e.animation(t, r, i, n); return ae(a, this, a.percents[0], null, this.attr()), this; }, Wt.setTime = function (t, e) { return t && e != null && this.status(t, k(e, t.ms) / t.ms), this; }, Wt.status = function (t, e) { let r; let i; const n = []; let a = 0; if (e != null) return ae(t, this, -1, k(e, 1)), this; for (r = Kt.length; a < r; a++) if ((i = Kt[a]).el.id == this.id && (!t || i.anim == t)) { if (t) return i.status; n.push({ anim: i.anim, status: i.status }); } return t ? 0 : n; }, Wt.pause = function (e) { for (let r = 0; r < Kt.length; r++)Kt[r].el.id != this.id || e && Kt[r].anim != e || !1 !== t(`raphael.anim.pause.${this.id}`, this, Kt[r].anim) && (Kt[r].paused = !0); return this; }, Wt.resume = function (e) { for (let r = 0; r < Kt.length; r++) if (Kt[r].el.id == this.id && (!e || Kt[r].anim == e)) { const i = Kt[r]; !1 !== t(`raphael.anim.resume.${this.id}`, this, i.anim) && (delete i.paused, this.status(i.anim, i.status)); } return this; }, Wt.stop = function (e) { for (let r = 0; r < Kt.length; r++)Kt[r].el.id != this.id || e && Kt[r].anim != e || !1 !== t(`raphael.anim.stop.${this.id}`, this, Kt[r].anim) && Kt.splice(r--, 1); return this; }, t.on('raphael.remove', se), t.on('raphael.clear', se), Wt.toString = function () { return 'Raphaël’s object'; }; let oe; let le; let he; let ue; var ce = function (t) { if (this.items = [], this.length = 0, this.type = 'set', t) for (let e = 0, r = t.length; e < r; e++)!t[e] || t[e].constructor != Wt.constructor && t[e].constructor != ce || (this[this.items.length] = this.items[this.items.length] = t[e], this.length++); }; const fe = ce.prototype; for (const pe in fe.push = function () { for (var t, e, r = 0, i = arguments.length; r < i; r++)!(t = arguments[r]) || t.constructor != Wt.constructor && t.constructor != ce || (this[e = this.items.length] = this.items[e] = t, this.length++); return this; }, fe.pop = function () { return this.length && delete this[this.length--], this.items.pop(); }, fe.forEach = function (t, e) { for (let r = 0, i = this.items.length; r < i; r++) if (!1 === t.call(e, this.items[r], r)) return this; return this; }, Wt)Wt[o](pe) && (fe[pe] = (function (t) { return function () { const e = arguments; return this.forEach((r) => { r[t][c](r, e); }); }; }(pe))); return fe.attr = function (t, r) { if (t && e.is(t, A) && e.is(t[0], 'object')) for (let i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) this.items[i].attr(t[i]); else for (let a = 0, s = this.items.length; a < s; a++) this.items[a].attr(t, r); return this; }, fe.clear = function () { for (;this.length;) this.pop(); }, fe.splice = function (t, e, r) { t = t < 0 ? w(this.length + t, 0) : t, e = w(0, k(this.length - t, e)); let i; const n = []; const a = []; const s = []; for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)s.push(arguments[i]); for (i = 0; i < e; i++)a.push(this[t + i]); for (;i < this.length - t; i++)n.push(this[t + i]); const o = s.length; for (i = 0; i < o + n.length; i++) this.items[t + i] = this[t + i] = i < o ? s[i] : n[i - o]; for (i = this.items.length = this.length -= e - o; this[i];) delete this[i++]; return new ce(a); }, fe.exclude = function (t) { for (let e = 0, r = this.length; e < r; e++) if (this[e] == t) return this.splice(e, 1), !0; }, fe.animate = function (t, r, i, n) { (e.is(i, 'function') || !i) && (n = i || null); let a; let s; let o = this.items.length; let l = o; const h = this; if (!o) return this; n && (s = function () { !--o && n.call(h); }), i = e.is(i, 'string') ? i : s; const u = e.animation(t, r, i, s); for (a = this.items[--l].animate(u); l--;) this.items[l] && !this.items[l].removed && this.items[l].animateWith(a, u, u), this.items[l] && !this.items[l].removed || o--; return this; }, fe.insertAfter = function (t) { for (let e = this.items.length; e--;) this.items[e].insertAfter(t); return this; }, fe.getBBox = function () {
for (var t = [], e = [], r = [], i = [], n = this.items.length; n--;) if (!this.items[n].removed) { const a = this.items[n].getBBox(); t.push(a.x), e.push(a.y), r.push(a.x + a.width), i.push(a.y + a.height); } return {
x: t = k[c](0, t), y: e = k[c](0, e), x2: r = w[c](0, r), y2: i = w[c](0, i), width: r - t, height: i - e,
}, fe.clone = function (t) { t = this.paper.set(); for (let e = 0, r = this.items.length; e < r; e++)t.push(this.items[e].clone()); return t; }, fe.toString = function () { return 'Raphaël‘s set'; }, fe.glow = function (t) { const e = this.paper.set(); return this.forEach((r, i) => { const n = r.glow(t); n != null && n.forEach((t, r) => { e.push(t); }); }), e; }, fe.isPointInside = function (t, e) { let r = !1; return this.forEach((i) => { if (i.isPointInside(t, e)) return r = !0, !1; }), r; }, e.registerFont = function (t) {
if (!t.face) return t; this.fonts = this.fonts || {}; const e = { w: t.w, face: {}, glyphs: {} }; const r = t.face['font-family']; for (const i in t.face)t.face[o](i) && (e.face[i] = t.face[i]); if (this.fonts[r] ? this.fonts[r].push(e) : this.fonts[r] = [e], !t.svg) {
for (const n in e.face['units-per-em'] = F(t.face['units-per-em'], 10), t.glyphs) {
if (t.glyphs[o](n)) {
const a = t.glyphs[n]; if (e.glyphs[n] = {
w: a.w,
k: {},
d: a.d && `M${a.d.replace(/[mlcxtrv]/g, (t) => ({
l: 'L', c: 'C', x: 'z', t: 'm', r: 'l', v: 'c',
}[t] || 'M'))}z`,
}, a.k) for (const s in a.k)a[o](s) && (e.glyphs[n].k[s] = a.k[s]);
} return t;
}, i.getFont = function (t, r, i, n) {
if (n = n || 'normal', i = i || 'normal', r = +r || {
normal: 400, bold: 700, lighter: 300, bolder: 800,
}[r] || 400, e.fonts) { let a; let s = e.fonts[t]; if (!s) { const l = new RegExp(`(^|\\s)${t.replace(/[^\w\d\s+!~.:_-]/g, d)}(\\s|$)`, 'i'); for (const h in e.fonts) if (e.fonts[o](h) && l.test(h)) { s = e.fonts[h]; break; } } if (s) for (let u = 0, c = s.length; u < c && ((a = s[u]).face['font-weight'] != r || a.face['font-style'] != i && a.face['font-style'] || a.face['font-stretch'] != n); u++);return a; }
}, i.print = function (t, r, i, a, s, o, l, h) { o = o || 'middle', l = w(k(l || 0, 1), -1), h = w(k(h || 1, 3), 1); let u; const c = x(i)[v](d); let f = 0; let p = 0; let g = d; if (e.is(a, 'string') && (a = this.getFont(a)), a) { u = (s || 16) / a.face['units-per-em']; for (let y = a.face.bbox[v](n), m = +y[0], b = y[3] - y[1], _ = 0, B = +y[1] + (o == 'baseline' ? b + +a.face.descent : b / 2), C = 0, S = c.length; C < S; C++) { if (c[C] == '\n')f = 0, A = 0, p = 0, _ += b * h; else { const T = p && a.glyphs[c[C - 1]] || {}; var A = a.glyphs[c[C]]; f += p ? (T.w || a.w) + (T.k && T.k[c[C]] || 0) + a.w * l : 0, p = 1; }A && A.d && (g += e.transformPath(A.d, ['t', f * u, _ * u, 's', u, u, m, B, 't', (t - m) / u, (r - B) / u])); } } return this.path(g).attr({ fill: '#000', stroke: 'none' }); }, i.add = function (t) { if (e.is(t, 'array')) for (var r, i = this.set(), n = 0, s = t.length; n < s; n++)r = t[n] || {}, a[o](r.type) && i.push(this[r.type]().attr(r)); return i; }, e.format = function (t, r) { const i = e.is(r, A) ? [0][f](r) : arguments; return t && e.is(t, 'string') && i.length - 1 && (t = t.replace(s, (t, e) => (i[++e] == null ? d : i[e]))), t || d; }, e.fullfill = (oe = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g, le = /(?:(?:^|\.)(.+?)(?=\[|\.|$|\()|\[('|")(.+?)\2\])(\(\))?/g, function (t, e) { return String(t).replace(oe, (t, r) => (function (t, e, r) { let i = r; return e.replace(le, (t, e, r, n, a) => { e = e || n, i && (e in i && (i = i[e]), typeof i === 'function' && a && (i = i())); }), i = `${i == null || i == r ? t : i}`; }(t, r, e))); }), e.ninja = function () { if (h.was)l.win.Raphael = h.is; else { window.Raphael = void 0; try { delete window.Raphael; } catch (t) {} } return e; }, e.st = fe, t.on('raphael.DOMload', () => { r = !0; }), (he = document).readyState == null && he.addEventListener && (he.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ue = function () { he.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ue, !1), he.readyState = 'complete'; }, !1), he.readyState = 'loading'), (function t() { /in/.test(he.readyState) ? setTimeout(t, 9) : e.eve('raphael.DOMload'); }()), e;
}.apply(e, i)) || (t.exports = n);
}, function (t, e, r) { let i; let n; i = [r(0), r(3), r(4)], void 0 === (n = function (t) { return t; }.apply(e, i)) || (t.exports = n); }, function (t, e, r) { let i; let n; let a; let s; let o; let l; let h; let u; let c; let f; let p; let d; let g; let x; s = 'hasOwnProperty', o = /[\.\/]/, l = /\s*,\s*/, h = function (t, e) { return t - e; }, u = { n: {} }, c = function () { for (let t = 0, e = this.length; t < e; t++) if (void 0 !== this[t]) return this[t]; }, f = function () { for (let t = this.length; --t;) if (void 0 !== this[t]) return this[t]; }, p = Object.prototype.toString, d = String, g = Array.isArray || function (t) { return t instanceof Array || p.call(t) == '[object Array]'; }, (x = function (t, e) { let r; const i = a; const s = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); const o = x.listeners(t); let l = 0; const u = []; const p = {}; const d = []; const g = n; d.firstDefined = c, d.lastDefined = f, n = t, a = 0; for (var v = 0, y = o.length; v < y; v++)'zIndex' in o[v] && (u.push(o[v].zIndex), o[v].zIndex < 0 && (p[o[v].zIndex] = o[v])); for (u.sort(h); u[l] < 0;) if (r = p[u[l++]], d.push(r.apply(e, s)), a) return a = i, d; for (v = 0; v < y; v++) if ('zIndex' in (r = o[v])) if (r.zIndex == u[l]) { if (d.push(r.apply(e, s)), a) break; do { if ((r = p[u[++l]]) && d.push(r.apply(e, s)), a) break; } while (r); } else p[r.zIndex] = r; else if (d.push(r.apply(e, s)), a) break; return a = i, n = g, d; })._events = u, x.listeners = function (t) { let e; let r; let i; let n; let a; let s; let l; let h; const c = g(t) ? t : t.split(o); let f = u; let p = [f]; let d = []; for (n = 0, a = c.length; n < a; n++) { for (h = [], s = 0, l = p.length; s < l; s++) for (r = [(f = p[s].n)[c[n]], f['*']], i = 2; i--;)(e = r[i]) && (h.push(e), d = d.concat(e.f || [])); p = h; } return d; }, x.separator = function (t) { t ? (t = `[${t = d(t).replace(/(?=[\.\^\]\[\-])/g, '\\')}]`, o = new RegExp(t)) : o = /[\.\/]/; }, x.on = function (t, e) { if (typeof e !== 'function') return function () {}; for (let r = g(t) ? g(t[0]) ? t : [t] : d(t).split(l), i = 0, n = r.length; i < n; i++)!(function (t) { for (var r, i = g(t) ? t : d(t).split(o), n = u, a = 0, s = i.length; a < s; a++)n = (n = n.n).hasOwnProperty(i[a]) && n[i[a]] || (n[i[a]] = { n: {} }); for (n.f = n.f || [], a = 0, s = n.f.length; a < s; a++) if (n.f[a] == e) { r = !0; break; }!r && n.f.push(e); }(r[i])); return function (t) { +t == +t && (e.zIndex = +t); }; }, x.f = function (t) { const e = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { x.apply(null, [t, null].concat(e).concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0))); }; }, x.stop = function () { a = 1; }, x.nt = function (t) { const e = g(n) ? n.join('.') : n; return t ? new RegExp(`(?:\\.|\\/|^)${t}(?:\\.|\\/|$)`).test(e) : e; }, x.nts = function () { return g(n) ? n : n.split(o); }, x.off = x.unbind = function (t, e) { if (t) { let r = g(t) ? g(t[0]) ? t : [t] : d(t).split(l); if (r.length > 1) for (var i = 0, n = r.length; i < n; i++)x.off(r[i], e); else { r = g(t) ? t : d(t).split(o); let a; let h; let c; let f; let p; const v = [u]; for (i = 0, n = r.length; i < n; i++) for (f = 0; f < v.length; f += c.length - 2) { if (c = [f, 1], a = v[f].n, r[i] != '*')a[r[i]] && c.push(a[r[i]]); else for (h in a)a[s](h) && c.push(a[h]); v.splice.apply(v, c); } for (i = 0, n = v.length; i < n; i++) for (a = v[i]; a.n;) { if (e) { if (a.f) { for (f = 0, p = a.f.length; f < p; f++) if (a.f[f] == e) { a.f.splice(f, 1); break; }!a.f.length && delete a.f; } for (h in a.n) if (a.n[s](h) && a.n[h].f) { const y = a.n[h].f; for (f = 0, p = y.length; f < p; f++) if (y[f] == e) { y.splice(f, 1); break; }!y.length && delete a.n[h].f; } } else for (h in delete a.f, a.n)a.n[s](h) && a.n[h].f && delete a.n[h].f; a = a.n; } } } else x._events = u = { n: {} }; }, x.once = function (t, e) { var r = function () { return x.off(t, r), e.apply(this, arguments); }; return x.on(t, r); }, x.version = '0.5.0', x.toString = function () { return 'You are running Eve 0.5.0'; }, t.exports ? t.exports = x : void 0 === (i = function () { return x; }.apply(e, [])) || (t.exports = i); }, function (t, e, r) {
let i; let n; i = [r(0)], void 0 === (n = function (t) {
if (!t || t.svg) {
const e = 'hasOwnProperty'; const r = String; const i = parseFloat; const n = parseInt; const a = Math; const s = a.max; const o = a.abs; const l = a.pow; const h = /[, ]+/; const u = t.eve; const c = ''; const f = ' '; const p = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; const d = {
block: 'M5,0 0,2.5 5,5z', classic: 'M5,0 0,2.5 5,5 3.5,3 3.5,2z', diamond: 'M2.5,0 5,2.5 2.5,5 0,2.5z', open: 'M6,1 1,3.5 6,6', oval: 'M2.5,0A2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,5 2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,0z',
}; const g = {}; t.toString = function () { return `Your browser supports SVG.\nYou are running Raphaël ${this.version}`; }; var x = function (i, n) { if (n) for (const a in typeof i === 'string' && (i = x(i)), n)n[e](a) && (a.substring(0, 6) == 'xlink:' ? i.setAttributeNS(p, a.substring(6), r(n[a])) : i.setAttribute(a, r(n[a]))); else (i = t._g.doc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', i)).style && (i.style.webkitTapHighlightColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); return i; }; const v = function (e, n) {
let h = 'linear'; let u = e.id + n; let f = 0.5; let p = 0.5; const d = e.node; const g = e.paper; const v = d.style; let m = t._g.doc.getElementById(u); if (!m) {
if (n = (n = r(n).replace(t._radial_gradient, (t, e, r) => { if (h = 'radial', e && r) { f = i(e); const n = 2 * ((p = i(r)) > 0.5) - 1; l(f - 0.5, 2) + l(p - 0.5, 2) > 0.25 && (p = a.sqrt(0.25 - l(f - 0.5, 2)) * n + 0.5) && p != 0.5 && (p = p.toFixed(5) - 1e-5 * n); } return c; })).split(/\s*\-\s*/), h == 'linear') { let b = n.shift(); if (b = -i(b), isNaN(b)) return null; var _ = [0, 0, a.cos(t.rad(b)), a.sin(t.rad(b))]; const w = 1 / (s(o(_[2]), o(_[3])) || 1); _[2] *= w, _[3] *= w, _[2] < 0 && (_[0] = -_[2], _[2] = 0), _[3] < 0 && (_[1] = -_[3], _[3] = 0); } const k = t._parseDots(n); if (!k) return null; if (u = u.replace(/[\(\)\s,\xb0#]/g, '_'), e.gradient && u != e.gradient.id && (g.defs.removeChild(e.gradient), delete e.gradient), !e.gradient) {
m = x(`${h}Gradient`, { id: u }), e.gradient = m, x(m, h == 'radial' ? { fx: f, fy: p } : {
x1: _[0], y1: _[1], x2: _[2], y2: _[3], gradientTransform: e.matrix.invert(),
}), g.defs.appendChild(m); for (let B = 0, C = k.length; B < C; B++)m.appendChild(x('stop', { offset: k[B].offset ? k[B].offset : B ? '100%' : '0%', 'stop-color': k[B].color || '#fff', 'stop-opacity': isFinite(k[B].opacity) ? k[B].opacity : 1 }));
} return x(d, { fill: y(u), opacity: 1, 'fill-opacity': 1 }), v.fill = c, v.opacity = 1, v.fillOpacity = 1, 1;
}; var y = function (t) { if ((e = document.documentMode) && (e === 9 || e === 10)) return `url('#${t}')`; let e; const r = document.location; return `url('${r.protocol}//${r.host}${r.pathname}${r.search}#${t}')`; }; const m = function (t) { const e = t.getBBox(1); x(t.pattern, { patternTransform: `${t.matrix.invert()} translate(${e.x},${e.y})` }); }; const b = function (i, n, a) {
if (i.type == 'path') {
for (var s, o, l, h, u, f = r(n).toLowerCase().split('-'), p = i.paper, v = a ? 'end' : 'start', y = i.node, m = i.attrs, b = m['stroke-width'], _ = f.length, w = 'classic', k = 3, B = 3, C = 5; _--;) switch (f[_]) { case 'block': case 'classic': case 'oval': case 'diamond': case 'open': case 'none': w = f[_]; break; case 'wide': B = 5; break; case 'narrow': B = 2; break; case 'long': k = 5; break; case 'short': k = 2; } if (w == 'open' ? (k += 2, B += 2, C += 2, l = 1, h = a ? 4 : 1, u = { fill: 'none', stroke: m.stroke }) : (h = l = k / 2, u = { fill: m.stroke, stroke: 'none' }), i._.arrows ? a ? (i._.arrows.endPath && g[i._.arrows.endPath]--, i._.arrows.endMarker && g[i._.arrows.endMarker]--) : (i._.arrows.startPath && g[i._.arrows.startPath]--, i._.arrows.startMarker && g[i._.arrows.startMarker]--) : i._.arrows = {}, w != 'none') {
const S = `raphael-marker-${w}`; const T = `raphael-marker-${v}${w}${k}${B}-obj${i.id}`; t._g.doc.getElementById(S) ? g[S]++ : (p.defs.appendChild(x(x('path'), { 'stroke-linecap': 'round', d: d[w], id: S })), g[S] = 1); let A; let M = t._g.doc.getElementById(T); M ? (g[T]++, A = M.getElementsByTagName('use')[0]) : (M = x(x('marker'), {
id: T, markerHeight: B, markerWidth: k, orient: 'auto', refX: h, refY: B / 2,
}), A = x(x('use'), { 'xlink:href': `#${S}`, transform: `${a ? `rotate(180 ${k / 2} ${B / 2}) ` : c}scale(${k / C},${B / C})`, 'stroke-width': (1 / ((k / C + B / C) / 2)).toFixed(4) }), M.appendChild(A), p.defs.appendChild(M), g[T] = 1), x(A, u); const E = l * (w != 'diamond' && w != 'oval'); a ? (s = i._.arrows.startdx * b || 0, o = t.getTotalLength(m.path) - E * b) : (s = E * b, o = t.getTotalLength(m.path) - (i._.arrows.enddx * b || 0)), (u = {})[`marker-${v}`] = `url(#${T})`, (o || s) && (u.d = t.getSubpath(m.path, s, o)), x(y, u), i._.arrows[`${v}Path`] = S, i._.arrows[`${v}Marker`] = T, i._.arrows[`${v}dx`] = E, i._.arrows[`${v}Type`] = w, i._.arrows[`${v}String`] = n;
} else a ? (s = i._.arrows.startdx * b || 0, o = t.getTotalLength(m.path) - s) : (s = 0, o = t.getTotalLength(m.path) - (i._.arrows.enddx * b || 0)), i._.arrows[`${v}Path`] && x(y, { d: t.getSubpath(m.path, s, o) }), delete i._.arrows[`${v}Path`], delete i._.arrows[`${v}Marker`], delete i._.arrows[`${v}dx`], delete i._.arrows[`${v}Type`], delete i._.arrows[`${v}String`]; for (u in g) if (g[e](u) && !g[u]) { const N = t._g.doc.getElementById(u); N && N.parentNode.removeChild(N); }
}; const _ = {
'-': [3, 1], '.': [1, 1], '-.': [3, 1, 1, 1], '-..': [3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], '. ': [1, 3], '- ': [4, 3], '--': [8, 3], '- .': [4, 3, 1, 3], '--.': [8, 3, 1, 3], '--..': [8, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3],
}; const w = function (t, e, i) { if (e = _[r(e).toLowerCase()]) { for (var n = t.attrs['stroke-width'] || '1', a = { round: n, square: n, butt: 0 }[t.attrs['stroke-linecap'] || i['stroke-linecap']] || 0, s = [], o = e.length; o--;)s[o] = e[o] * n + (o % 2 ? 1 : -1) * a; x(t.node, { 'stroke-dasharray': s.join(',') }); } else x(t.node, { 'stroke-dasharray': 'none' }); }; const k = function (i, a) {
const l = i.node; const u = i.attrs; const f = l.style.visibility; for (let d in l.style.visibility = 'hidden', a) {
if (a[e](d)) {
if (!t._availableAttrs[e](d)) continue; let g = a[d]; switch (u[d] = g, d) {
case 'blur': i.blur(g); break; case 'title': var y = l.getElementsByTagName('title'); if (y.length && (y = y[0]))y.firstChild.nodeValue = g; else { y = x('title'); const _ = t._g.doc.createTextNode(g); y.appendChild(_), l.appendChild(y); } break; case 'href': case 'target': var k = l.parentNode; if (k.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'a') { const C = x('a'); k.insertBefore(C, l), C.appendChild(l), k = C; }d == 'target' ? k.setAttributeNS(p, 'show', g == 'blank' ? 'new' : g) : k.setAttributeNS(p, d, g); break; case 'cursor': l.style.cursor = g; break; case 'transform': i.transform(g); break; case 'arrow-start': b(i, g); break; case 'arrow-end': b(i, g, 1); break; case 'clip-rect': var S = r(g).split(h); if (S.length == 4) {
i.clip && i.clip.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(i.clip.parentNode); var T = x('clipPath'); const A = x('rect'); T.id = t.createUUID(), x(A, {
x: S[0], y: S[1], width: S[2], height: S[3],
}), T.appendChild(A), i.paper.defs.appendChild(T), x(l, { 'clip-path': `url(#${T.id})` }), i.clip = A;
} if (!g) { const M = l.getAttribute('clip-path'); if (M) { const E = t._g.doc.getElementById(M.replace(/(^url\(#|\)$)/g, c)); E && E.parentNode.removeChild(E), x(l, { 'clip-path': c }), delete i.clip; } } break; case 'path': i.type == 'path' && (x(l, { d: g ? u.path = t._pathToAbsolute(g) : 'M0,0' }), i._.dirty = 1, i._.arrows && ('startString' in i._.arrows && b(i, i._.arrows.startString), 'endString' in i._.arrows && b(i, i._.arrows.endString, 1))); break; case 'width': if (l.setAttribute(d, g), i._.dirty = 1, !u.fx) break; d = 'x', g = u.x; case 'x': u.fx && (g = -u.x - (u.width || 0)); case 'rx': if (d == 'rx' && i.type == 'rect') break; case 'cx': l.setAttribute(d, g), i.pattern && m(i), i._.dirty = 1; break; case 'height': if (l.setAttribute(d, g), i._.dirty = 1, !u.fy) break; d = 'y', g = u.y; case 'y': u.fy && (g = -u.y - (u.height || 0)); case 'ry': if (d == 'ry' && i.type == 'rect') break; case 'cy': l.setAttribute(d, g), i.pattern && m(i), i._.dirty = 1; break; case 'r': i.type == 'rect' ? x(l, { rx: g, ry: g }) : l.setAttribute(d, g), i._.dirty = 1; break; case 'src': i.type == 'image' && l.setAttributeNS(p, 'href', g); break; case 'stroke-width': i._.sx == 1 && i._.sy == 1 || (g /= s(o(i._.sx), o(i._.sy)) || 1), l.setAttribute(d, g), u['stroke-dasharray'] && w(i, u['stroke-dasharray'], a), i._.arrows && ('startString' in i._.arrows && b(i, i._.arrows.startString), 'endString' in i._.arrows && b(i, i._.arrows.endString, 1)); break; case 'stroke-dasharray': w(i, g, a); break; case 'fill': var N = r(g).match(t._ISURL); if (N) {
T = x('pattern'); var L = x('image'); T.id = t.createUUID(), x(T, {
x: 0, y: 0, patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse', height: 1, width: 1,
}), x(L, { x: 0, y: 0, 'xlink:href': N[1] }), T.appendChild(L), (function (e) { t._preload(N[1], function () { const t = this.offsetWidth; const r = this.offsetHeight; x(e, { width: t, height: r }), x(L, { width: t, height: r }); }); }(T)), i.paper.defs.appendChild(T), x(l, { fill: `url(#${T.id})` }), i.pattern = T, i.pattern && m(i); break;
} var P = t.getRGB(g); if (P.error) { if ((i.type == 'circle' || i.type == 'ellipse' || r(g).charAt() != 'r') && v(i, g)) { if ('opacity' in u || 'fill-opacity' in u) { var z = t._g.doc.getElementById(l.getAttribute('fill').replace(/^url\(#|\)$/g, c)); if (z) { var F = z.getElementsByTagName('stop'); x(F[F.length - 1], { 'stop-opacity': ('opacity' in u ? u.opacity : 1) * ('fill-opacity' in u ? u['fill-opacity'] : 1) }); } }u.gradient = g, u.fill = 'none'; break; } } else delete a.gradient, delete u.gradient, !t.is(u.opacity, 'undefined') && t.is(a.opacity, 'undefined') && x(l, { opacity: u.opacity }), !t.is(u['fill-opacity'], 'undefined') && t.is(a['fill-opacity'], 'undefined') && x(l, { 'fill-opacity': u['fill-opacity'] }); P[e]('opacity') && x(l, { 'fill-opacity': P.opacity > 1 ? P.opacity / 100 : P.opacity }); case 'stroke': P = t.getRGB(g), l.setAttribute(d, P.hex), d == 'stroke' && P[e]('opacity') && x(l, { 'stroke-opacity': P.opacity > 1 ? P.opacity / 100 : P.opacity }), d == 'stroke' && i._.arrows && ('startString' in i._.arrows && b(i, i._.arrows.startString), 'endString' in i._.arrows && b(i, i._.arrows.endString, 1)); break; case 'gradient': (i.type == 'circle' || i.type == 'ellipse' || r(g).charAt() != 'r') && v(i, g); break; case 'opacity': u.gradient && !u[e]('stroke-opacity') && x(l, { 'stroke-opacity': g > 1 ? g / 100 : g }); case 'fill-opacity': if (u.gradient) { (z = t._g.doc.getElementById(l.getAttribute('fill').replace(/^url\(#|\)$/g, c))) && (F = z.getElementsByTagName('stop'), x(F[F.length - 1], { 'stop-opacity': g })); break; } default: d == 'font-size' && (g = `${n(g, 10)}px`); var R = d.replace(/(\-.)/g, (t) => t.substring(1).toUpperCase()); l.style[R] = g, i._.dirty = 1, l.setAttribute(d, g);
}B(i, a), l.style.visibility = f;
}; var B = function (i, a) { if (i.type == 'text' && (a[e]('text') || a[e]('font') || a[e]('font-size') || a[e]('x') || a[e]('y'))) { const s = i.attrs; const o = i.node; const l = o.firstChild ? n(t._g.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(o.firstChild, c).getPropertyValue('font-size'), 10) : 10; if (a[e]('text')) { for (s.text = a.text; o.firstChild;)o.removeChild(o.firstChild); for (var h, u = r(a.text).split('\n'), f = [], p = 0, d = u.length; p < d; p++)h = x('tspan'), p && x(h, { dy: 1.2 * l, x: s.x }), h.appendChild(t._g.doc.createTextNode(u[p])), o.appendChild(h), f[p] = h; } else for (p = 0, d = (f = o.getElementsByTagName('tspan')).length; p < d; p++)p ? x(f[p], { dy: 1.2 * l, x: s.x }) : x(f[0], { dy: 0 }); x(o, { x: s.x, y: s.y }), i._.dirty = 1; const g = i._getBBox(); const v = s.y - (g.y + g.height / 2); v && t.is(v, 'finite') && x(f[0], { dy: v }); } }; const C = function (t) { return t.parentNode && t.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a' ? t.parentNode : t; }; const S = function (e, r) {
this[0] = this.node = e, e.raphael = !0, this.id = (`0000${(Math.random() * Math.pow(36, 5) << 0).toString(36)}`).slice(-5), e.raphaelid = this.id, this.matrix = t.matrix(), this.realPath = null, this.paper = r, this.attrs = this.attrs || {}, this._ = {
transform: [], sx: 1, sy: 1, deg: 0, dx: 0, dy: 0, dirty: 1,
}, !r.bottom && (r.bottom = this), this.prev = r.top, r.top && (r.top.next = this), r.top = this, this.next = null;
}; const T = t.el; S.prototype = T, T.constructor = S, t._engine.path = function (t, e) { const r = x('path'); e.canvas && e.canvas.appendChild(r); const i = new S(r, e); return i.type = 'path', k(i, { fill: 'none', stroke: '#000', path: t }), i; }, T.rotate = function (t, e, n) { if (this.removed) return this; if ((t = r(t).split(h)).length - 1 && (e = i(t[1]), n = i(t[2])), t = i(t[0]), n == null && (e = n), e == null || n == null) { const a = this.getBBox(1); e = a.x + a.width / 2, n = a.y + a.height / 2; } return this.transform(this._.transform.concat([['r', t, e, n]])), this; }, T.scale = function (t, e, n, a) { if (this.removed) return this; if ((t = r(t).split(h)).length - 1 && (e = i(t[1]), n = i(t[2]), a = i(t[3])), t = i(t[0]), e == null && (e = t), a == null && (n = a), n == null || a == null) var s = this.getBBox(1); return n = n == null ? s.x + s.width / 2 : n, a = a == null ? s.y + s.height / 2 : a, this.transform(this._.transform.concat([['s', t, e, n, a]])), this; }, T.translate = function (t, e) { return this.removed ? this : ((t = r(t).split(h)).length - 1 && (e = i(t[1])), t = i(t[0]) || 0, e = +e || 0, this.transform(this._.transform.concat([['t', t, e]])), this); }, T.transform = function (r) { const i = this._; if (r == null) return i.transform; if (t._extractTransform(this, r), this.clip && x(this.clip, { transform: this.matrix.invert() }), this.pattern && m(this), this.node && x(this.node, { transform: this.matrix }), i.sx != 1 || i.sy != 1) { const n = this.attrs[e]('stroke-width') ? this.attrs['stroke-width'] : 1; this.attr({ 'stroke-width': n }); } return this; }, T.hide = function () { return this.removed || (this.node.style.display = 'none'), this; }, T.show = function () { return this.removed || (this.node.style.display = ''), this; }, T.remove = function () { const e = C(this.node); if (!this.removed && e.parentNode) { const r = this.paper; for (const i in r.__set__ && r.__set__.exclude(this), u.unbind(`raphael.*.*.${this.id}`), this.gradient && r.defs.removeChild(this.gradient), t._tear(this, r), e.parentNode.removeChild(e), this.removeData(), this) this[i] = typeof this[i] === 'function' ? t._removedFactory(i) : null; this.removed = !0; } }, T._getBBox = function () {
if (this.node.style.display == 'none') { this.show(); var t = !0; } let e; let r = !1; this.paper.canvas.parentElement ? e = this.paper.canvas.parentElement.style : this.paper.canvas.parentNode && (e = this.paper.canvas.parentNode.style), e && e.display == 'none' && (r = !0, e.display = ''); let i = {}; try { i = this.node.getBBox(); } catch (t) {
i = {
x: this.node.clientLeft, y: this.node.clientTop, width: this.node.clientWidth, height: this.node.clientHeight,
} finally { i = i || {}, r && (e.display = 'none'); } return t && this.hide(), i;
}, T.attr = function (r, i) { if (this.removed) return this; if (r == null) { const n = {}; for (const a in this.attrs) this.attrs[e](a) && (n[a] = this.attrs[a]); return n.gradient && n.fill == 'none' && (n.fill = n.gradient) && delete n.gradient, n.transform = this._.transform, n; } if (i == null && t.is(r, 'string')) { if (r == 'fill' && this.attrs.fill == 'none' && this.attrs.gradient) return this.attrs.gradient; if (r == 'transform') return this._.transform; for (var s = r.split(h), o = {}, l = 0, c = s.length; l < c; l++)(r = s[l]) in this.attrs ? o[r] = this.attrs[r] : t.is(this.paper.customAttributes[r], 'function') ? o[r] = this.paper.customAttributes[r].def : o[r] = t._availableAttrs[r]; return c - 1 ? o : o[s[0]]; } if (i == null && t.is(r, 'array')) { for (o = {}, l = 0, c = r.length; l < c; l++)o[r[l]] = this.attr(r[l]); return o; } if (i != null) { var f = {}; f[r] = i; } else r != null && t.is(r, 'object') && (f = r); for (var p in f)u(`raphael.attr.${p}.${this.id}`, this, f[p]); for (p in this.paper.customAttributes) if (this.paper.customAttributes[e](p) && f[e](p) && t.is(this.paper.customAttributes[p], 'function')) { const d = this.paper.customAttributes[p].apply(this, [].concat(f[p])); for (const g in this.attrs[p] = f[p], d)d[e](g) && (f[g] = d[g]); } return k(this, f), this; }, T.toFront = function () { if (this.removed) return this; const e = C(this.node); e.parentNode.appendChild(e); const r = this.paper; return r.top != this && t._tofront(this, r), this; }, T.toBack = function () { if (this.removed) return this; const e = C(this.node); const r = e.parentNode; r.insertBefore(e, r.firstChild), t._toback(this, this.paper); this.paper; return this; }, T.insertAfter = function (e) { if (this.removed || !e) return this; const r = C(this.node); const i = C(e.node || e[e.length - 1].node); return i.nextSibling ? i.parentNode.insertBefore(r, i.nextSibling) : i.parentNode.appendChild(r), t._insertafter(this, e, this.paper), this; }, T.insertBefore = function (e) { if (this.removed || !e) return this; const r = C(this.node); const i = C(e.node || e[0].node); return i.parentNode.insertBefore(r, i), t._insertbefore(this, e, this.paper), this; }, T.blur = function (e) { const r = this; if (+e != 0) { const i = x('filter'); const n = x('feGaussianBlur'); r.attrs.blur = e, i.id = t.createUUID(), x(n, { stdDeviation: +e || 1.5 }), i.appendChild(n), r.paper.defs.appendChild(i), r._blur = i, x(r.node, { filter: `url(#${i.id})` }); } else r._blur && (r._blur.parentNode.removeChild(r._blur), delete r._blur, delete r.attrs.blur), r.node.removeAttribute('filter'); return r; }, t._engine.circle = function (t, e, r, i) {
const n = x('circle'); t.canvas && t.canvas.appendChild(n); const a = new S(n, t); return a.attrs = {
cx: e, cy: r, r: i, fill: 'none', stroke: '#000',
}, a.type = 'circle', x(n, a.attrs), a;
}, t._engine.rect = function (t, e, r, i, n, a) {
const s = x('rect'); t.canvas && t.canvas.appendChild(s); const o = new S(s, t); return o.attrs = {
x: e, y: r, width: i, height: n, rx: a || 0, ry: a || 0, fill: 'none', stroke: '#000',
}, o.type = 'rect', x(s, o.attrs), o;
}, t._engine.ellipse = function (t, e, r, i, n) {
const a = x('ellipse'); t.canvas && t.canvas.appendChild(a); const s = new S(a, t); return s.attrs = {
cx: e, cy: r, rx: i, ry: n, fill: 'none', stroke: '#000',
}, s.type = 'ellipse', x(a, s.attrs), s;
}, t._engine.image = function (t, e, r, i, n, a) {
const s = x('image'); x(s, {
x: r, y: i, width: n, height: a, preserveAspectRatio: 'none',
}), s.setAttributeNS(p, 'href', e), t.canvas && t.canvas.appendChild(s); const o = new S(s, t); return o.attrs = {
x: r, y: i, width: n, height: a, src: e,
}, o.type = 'image', o;
}, t._engine.text = function (e, r, i, n) {
const a = x('text'); e.canvas && e.canvas.appendChild(a); const s = new S(a, e); return s.attrs = {
x: r, y: i, 'text-anchor': 'middle', text: n, 'font-family': t._availableAttrs['font-family'], 'font-size': t._availableAttrs['font-size'], stroke: 'none', fill: '#000',
}, s.type = 'text', k(s, s.attrs), s;
}, t._engine.setSize = function (t, e) { return this.width = t || this.width, this.height = e || this.height, this.canvas.setAttribute('width', this.width), this.canvas.setAttribute('height', this.height), this._viewBox && this.setViewBox.apply(this, this._viewBox), this; }, t._engine.create = function () {
const e = t._getContainer.apply(0, arguments); let r = e && e.container; if (!r) throw new Error('SVG container not found.'); let i; let n = e.x; let a = e.y; let s = e.width; let o = e.height; const l = x('svg'); const h = 'overflow:hidden;'; return n = n || 0, a = a || 0, x(l, {
height: o = o || 342, version: 1.1, width: s = s || 512, xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'xmlns:xlink': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink',
}), r == 1 ? (l.style.cssText = `${h}position:absolute;left:${n}px;top:${a}px`, t._g.doc.body.appendChild(l), i = 1) : (l.style.cssText = `${h}position:relative`, r.firstChild ? r.insertBefore(l, r.firstChild) : r.appendChild(l)), (r = new t._Paper()).width = s, r.height = o, r.canvas = l, r.clear(), r._left = r._top = 0, i && (r.renderfix = function () {}), r.renderfix(), r;
}, t._engine.setViewBox = function (t, e, r, i, n) { u('raphael.setViewBox', this, this._viewBox, [t, e, r, i, n]); let a; let o; const l = this.getSize(); let h = s(r / l.width, i / l.height); let c = this.top; const p = n ? 'xMidYMid meet' : 'xMinYMin'; for (t == null ? (this._vbSize && (h = 1), delete this._vbSize, a = `0 0 ${this.width}${f}${this.height}`) : (this._vbSize = h, a = t + f + e + f + r + f + i), x(this.canvas, { viewBox: a, preserveAspectRatio: p }); h && c;)o = 'stroke-width' in c.attrs ? c.attrs['stroke-width'] : 1, c.attr({ 'stroke-width': o }), c._.dirty = 1, c._.dirtyT = 1, c = c.prev; return this._viewBox = [t, e, r, i, !!n], this; }, t.prototype.renderfix = function () { let t; const e = this.canvas; const r = e.style; try { t = e.getScreenCTM() || e.createSVGMatrix(); } catch (r) { t = e.createSVGMatrix(); } const i = -t.e % 1; const n = -t.f % 1; (i || n) && (i && (this._left = (this._left + i) % 1, r.left = `${this._left}px`), n && (this._top = (this._top + n) % 1, r.top = `${this._top}px`)); }, t.prototype.clear = function () { t.eve('raphael.clear', this); for (var e = this.canvas; e.firstChild;)e.removeChild(e.firstChild); this.bottom = this.top = null, (this.desc = x('desc')).appendChild(t._g.doc.createTextNode(`Created with Raphaël ${t.version}`)), e.appendChild(this.desc), e.appendChild(this.defs = x('defs')); }, t.prototype.remove = function () { for (const e in u('raphael.remove', this), this.canvas.parentNode && this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas), this) this[e] = typeof this[e] === 'function' ? t._removedFactory(e) : null; }; const A = t.st; for (const M in T)T[e](M) && !A[e](M) && (A[M] = (function (t) { return function () { const e = arguments; return this.forEach((r) => { r[t].apply(r, e); }); }; }(M)));
}.apply(e, i)) || (t.exports = n);
}, function (t, e, r) {
let i; let n; i = [r(0)], void 0 === (n = function (t) {
if (!t || t.vml) {
const e = 'hasOwnProperty'; const r = String; const i = parseFloat; const n = Math; const a = n.round; const s = n.max; const o = n.min; const l = n.abs; const h = /[, ]+/; const u = t.eve; const c = ' '; const f = ''; const p = {
M: 'm', L: 'l', C: 'c', Z: 'x', m: 't', l: 'r', c: 'v', z: 'x',
}; const d = /([clmz]),?([^clmz]*)/gi; const g = / progid:\S+Blur\([^\)]+\)/g; const x = /-?[^,\s-]+/g; const v = 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:1px;height:1px;behavior:url(#default#VML)'; const y = 21600; const m = { path: 1, rect: 1, image: 1 }; const b = { circle: 1, ellipse: 1 }; const _ = function (e, r, i) { const n = t.matrix(); return n.rotate(-e, 0.5, 0.5), { dx: n.x(r, i), dy: n.y(r, i) }; }; const w = function (t, e, r, i, n, a) { const s = t._; const o = t.matrix; const h = s.fillpos; const u = t.node; const f = u.style; let p = 1; let d = ''; const g = y / e; const x = y / r; if (f.visibility = 'hidden', e && r) { if (u.coordsize = l(g) + c + l(x), f.rotation = a * (e * r < 0 ? -1 : 1), a) { var v = _(a, i, n); i = v.dx, n = v.dy; } if (e < 0 && (d += 'x'), r < 0 && (d += ' y') && (p = -1), f.flip = d, u.coordorigin = i * -g + c + n * -x, h || s.fillsize) { let m = u.getElementsByTagName('fill'); m = m && m[0], u.removeChild(m), h && (v = _(a, o.x(h[0], h[1]), o.y(h[0], h[1])), m.position = v.dx * p + c + v.dy * p), s.fillsize && (m.size = s.fillsize[0] * l(e) + c + s.fillsize[1] * l(r)), u.appendChild(m); }f.visibility = 'visible'; } }; t.toString = function () { return `Your browser doesn’t support SVG. Falling down to VML.\nYou are running Raphaël ${this.version}`; }; let k; const B = function (t, e, i) { for (var n = r(e).toLowerCase().split('-'), a = i ? 'end' : 'start', s = n.length, o = 'classic', l = 'medium', h = 'medium'; s--;) switch (n[s]) { case 'block': case 'classic': case 'oval': case 'diamond': case 'open': case 'none': o = n[s]; break; case 'wide': case 'narrow': h = n[s]; break; case 'long': case 'short': l = n[s]; } const u = t.node.getElementsByTagName('stroke')[0]; u[`${a}arrow`] = o, u[`${a}arrowlength`] = l, u[`${a}arrowwidth`] = h; }; const C = function (n, l) {
n.attrs = n.attrs || {}; const u = n.node; const g = n.attrs; let v = u.style; const _ = m[n.type] && (l.x != g.x || l.y != g.y || l.width != g.width || l.height != g.height || l.cx != g.cx || l.cy != g.cy || l.rx != g.rx || l.ry != g.ry || l.r != g.r); const C = b[n.type] && (g.cx != l.cx || g.cy != l.cy || g.r != l.r || g.rx != l.rx || g.ry != l.ry); const T = n; for (const A in l)l[e](A) && (g[A] = l[A]); if (_ && (g.path = t._getPath[n.type](n), n._.dirty = 1), l.href && (u.href = l.href), l.title && (u.title = l.title), l.target && (u.target = l.target), l.cursor && (v.cursor = l.cursor), 'blur' in l && n.blur(l.blur), (l.path && n.type == 'path' || _) && (u.path = (function (e) { let i = /[ahqstv]/gi; let n = t._pathToAbsolute; if (r(e).match(i) && (n = t._path2curve), i = /[clmz]/g, n == t._pathToAbsolute && !r(e).match(i)) { var s = r(e).replace(d, (t, e, r) => { let i = []; const n = e.toLowerCase() == 'm'; let s = p[e]; return r.replace(x, (t) => { n && i.length == 2 && (s += i + p[e == 'm' ? 'l' : 'L'], i = []), i.push(a(t * y)); }), s + i; }); return s; } let o; let l; const h = n(e); s = []; for (let u = 0, g = h.length; u < g; u++) { o = h[u], (l = h[u][0].toLowerCase()) == 'z' && (l = 'x'); for (let v = 1, m = o.length; v < m; v++)l += a(o[v] * y) + (v != m - 1 ? ',' : f); s.push(l); } return s.join(c); }(~r(g.path).toLowerCase().indexOf('r') ? t._pathToAbsolute(g.path) : g.path)), n._.dirty = 1, n.type == 'image' && (n._.fillpos = [g.x, g.y], n._.fillsize = [g.width, g.height], w(n, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))), 'transform' in l && n.transform(l.transform), C) { const M = +g.cx; const E = +g.cy; const N = +g.rx || +g.r || 0; const L = +g.ry || +g.r || 0; u.path = t.format('ar{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{1},{4},{1}x', a((M - N) * y), a((E - L) * y), a((M + N) * y), a((E + L) * y), a(M * y)), n._.dirty = 1; } if ('clip-rect' in l) { const P = r(l['clip-rect']).split(h); if (P.length == 4) { P[2] = +P[2] + +P[0], P[3] = +P[3] + +P[1]; const z = u.clipRect || t._g.doc.createElement('div'); const F = z.style; F.clip = t.format('rect({1}px {2}px {3}px {0}px)', P), u.clipRect || (F.position = 'absolute', F.top = 0, F.left = 0, F.width = `${n.paper.width}px`, F.height = `${n.paper.height}px`, u.parentNode.insertBefore(z, u), z.appendChild(u), u.clipRect = z); }l['clip-rect'] || u.clipRect && (u.clipRect.style.clip = 'auto'); } if (n.textpath) { const R = n.textpath.style; l.font && (R.font = l.font), l['font-family'] && (R.fontFamily = `"${l['font-family'].split(',')[0].replace(/^['"]+|['"]+$/g, f)}"`), l['font-size'] && (R.fontSize = l['font-size']), l['font-weight'] && (R.fontWeight = l['font-weight']), l['font-style'] && (R.fontStyle = l['font-style']); } if ('arrow-start' in l && B(T, l['arrow-start']), 'arrow-end' in l && B(T, l['arrow-end'], 1), l.opacity != null || l.fill != null || l.src != null || l.stroke != null || l['stroke-width'] != null || l['stroke-opacity'] != null || l['fill-opacity'] != null || l['stroke-dasharray'] != null || l['stroke-miterlimit'] != null || l['stroke-linejoin'] != null || l['stroke-linecap'] != null) {
let j = u.getElementsByTagName('fill'); if (!(j = j && j[0]) && (j = k('fill')), n.type == 'image' && l.src && (j.src = l.src), l.fill && (j.on = !0), j.on != null && l.fill != 'none' && l.fill !== null || (j.on = !1), j.on && l.fill) { const I = r(l.fill).match(t._ISURL); if (I) { j.parentNode == u && u.removeChild(j), j.rotate = !0, j.src = I[1], j.type = 'tile'; const D = n.getBBox(1); j.position = D.x + c + D.y, n._.fillpos = [D.x, D.y], t._preload(I[1], function () { n._.fillsize = [this.offsetWidth, this.offsetHeight]; }); } else j.color = t.getRGB(l.fill).hex, j.src = f, j.type = 'solid', t.getRGB(l.fill).error && (T.type in { circle: 1, ellipse: 1 } || r(l.fill).charAt() != 'r') && S(T, l.fill, j) && (g.fill = 'none', g.gradient = l.fill, j.rotate = !1); } if ('fill-opacity' in l || 'opacity' in l) { var q = ((+g['fill-opacity'] + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+g.opacity + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+t.getRGB(l.fill).o + 1 || 2) - 1); q = o(s(q, 0), 1), j.opacity = q, j.src && (j.color = 'none'); }u.appendChild(j); let O = u.getElementsByTagName('stroke') && u.getElementsByTagName('stroke')[0]; let V = !1; !O && (V = O = k('stroke')), (l.stroke && l.stroke != 'none' || l['stroke-width'] || l['stroke-opacity'] != null || l['stroke-dasharray'] || l['stroke-miterlimit'] || l['stroke-linejoin'] || l['stroke-linecap']) && (O.on = !0), (l.stroke == 'none' || l.stroke === null || O.on == null || l.stroke == 0 || l['stroke-width'] == 0) && (O.on = !1); const W = t.getRGB(l.stroke); O.on && l.stroke && (O.color = W.hex), q = ((+g['stroke-opacity'] + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+g.opacity + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+W.o + 1 || 2) - 1); let Y = 0.75 * (i(l['stroke-width']) || 1); if (q = o(s(q, 0), 1), l['stroke-width'] == null && (Y = g['stroke-width']), l['stroke-width'] && (O.weight = Y), Y && Y < 1 && (q *= Y) && (O.weight = 1), O.opacity = q, l['stroke-linejoin'] && (O.joinstyle = l['stroke-linejoin'] || 'miter'), O.miterlimit = l['stroke-miterlimit'] || 8, l['stroke-linecap'] && (O.endcap = l['stroke-linecap'] == 'butt' ? 'flat' : l['stroke-linecap'] == 'square' ? 'square' : 'round'), 'stroke-dasharray' in l) {
const G = {
'-': 'shortdash', '.': 'shortdot', '-.': 'shortdashdot', '-..': 'shortdashdotdot', '. ': 'dot', '- ': 'dash', '--': 'longdash', '- .': 'dashdot', '--.': 'longdashdot', '--..': 'longdashdotdot',
}; O.dashstyle = G[e](l['stroke-dasharray']) ? G[l['stroke-dasharray']] : f;
}V && u.appendChild(O);
} if (T.type == 'text') { T.paper.canvas.style.display = f; const H = T.paper.span; let X = g.font && g.font.match(/\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?=px)/); v = H.style, g.font && (v.font = g.font), g['font-family'] && (v.fontFamily = g['font-family']), g['font-weight'] && (v.fontWeight = g['font-weight']), g['font-style'] && (v.fontStyle = g['font-style']), X = i(g['font-size'] || X && X[0]) || 10, v.fontSize = `${100 * X}px`, T.textpath.string && (H.innerHTML = r(T.textpath.string).replace(/</g, '<').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/\n/g, '<br>')); const U = H.getBoundingClientRect(); T.W = g.w = (U.right - U.left) / 100, T.H = g.h = (U.bottom - U.top) / 100, T.X = g.x, T.Y = g.y + T.H / 2, ('x' in l || 'y' in l) && (T.path.v = t.format('m{0},{1}l{2},{1}', a(g.x * y), a(g.y * y), a(g.x * y) + 1)); for (let $ = ['x', 'y', 'text', 'font', 'font-family', 'font-weight', 'font-style', 'font-size'], Z = 0, Q = $.length; Z < Q; Z++) if ($[Z] in l) { T._.dirty = 1; break; } switch (g['text-anchor']) { case 'start': T.textpath.style['v-text-align'] = 'left', T.bbx = T.W / 2; break; case 'end': T.textpath.style['v-text-align'] = 'right', T.bbx = -T.W / 2; break; default: T.textpath.style['v-text-align'] = 'center', T.bbx = 0; }T.textpath.style['v-text-kern'] = !0; }
}; var S = function (e, a, s) { e.attrs = e.attrs || {}; e.attrs; const o = Math.pow; let l = 'linear'; let h = '.5 .5'; if (e.attrs.gradient = a, a = (a = r(a).replace(t._radial_gradient, (t, e, r) => (l = 'radial', e && r && (e = i(e), r = i(r), o(e - 0.5, 2) + o(r - 0.5, 2) > 0.25 && (r = n.sqrt(0.25 - o(e - 0.5, 2)) * (2 * (r > 0.5) - 1) + 0.5), h = e + c + r), f))).split(/\s*\-\s*/), l == 'linear') { var u = a.shift(); if (u = -i(u), isNaN(u)) return null; } const p = t._parseDots(a); if (!p) return null; if (e = e.shape || e.node, p.length) { e.removeChild(s), s.on = !0, s.method = 'none', s.color = p[0].color, s.color2 = p[p.length - 1].color; for (var d = [], g = 0, x = p.length; g < x; g++)p[g].offset && d.push(p[g].offset + c + p[g].color); s.colors = d.length ? d.join() : `0% ${s.color}`, l == 'radial' ? (s.type = 'gradientTitle', s.focus = '100%', s.focussize = '0 0', s.focusposition = h, s.angle = 0) : (s.type = 'gradient', s.angle = (270 - u) % 360), e.appendChild(s); } return 1; }; const T = function (e, r) {
this[0] = this.node = e, e.raphael = !0, this.id = t._oid++, e.raphaelid = this.id, this.X = 0, this.Y = 0, this.attrs = {}, this.paper = r, this.matrix = t.matrix(), this._ = {
transform: [], sx: 1, sy: 1, dx: 0, dy: 0, deg: 0, dirty: 1, dirtyT: 1,
}, !r.bottom && (r.bottom = this), this.prev = r.top, r.top && (r.top.next = this), r.top = this, this.next = null;
}; const A = t.el; T.prototype = A, A.constructor = T, A.transform = function (e) { if (e == null) return this._.transform; let i; const n = this.paper._viewBoxShift; const a = n ? `s${[n.scale, n.scale]}-1-1t${[n.dx, n.dy]}` : f; n && (i = e = r(e).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, this._.transform || f)), t._extractTransform(this, a + e); let s; const o = this.matrix.clone(); const l = this.skew; const h = this.node; const u = ~r(this.attrs.fill).indexOf('-'); const p = !r(this.attrs.fill).indexOf('url('); if (o.translate(1, 1), p || u || this.type == 'image') if (l.matrix = '1 0 0 1', l.offset = '0 0', s = o.split(), u && s.noRotation || !s.isSimple) { h.style.filter = o.toFilter(); const d = this.getBBox(); const g = this.getBBox(1); const x = d.x - g.x; const v = d.y - g.y; h.coordorigin = x * -y + c + v * -y, w(this, 1, 1, x, v, 0); } else h.style.filter = f, w(this, s.scalex, s.scaley, s.dx, s.dy, s.rotate); else h.style.filter = f, l.matrix = r(o), l.offset = o.offset(); return i !== null && (this._.transform = i, t._extractTransform(this, i)), this; }, A.rotate = function (t, e, n) { if (this.removed) return this; if (t != null) { if ((t = r(t).split(h)).length - 1 && (e = i(t[1]), n = i(t[2])), t = i(t[0]), n == null && (e = n), e == null || n == null) { const a = this.getBBox(1); e = a.x + a.width / 2, n = a.y + a.height / 2; } return this._.dirtyT = 1, this.transform(this._.transform.concat([['r', t, e, n]])), this; } }, A.translate = function (t, e) { return this.removed ? this : ((t = r(t).split(h)).length - 1 && (e = i(t[1])), t = i(t[0]) || 0, e = +e || 0, this._.bbox && (this._.bbox.x += t, this._.bbox.y += e), this.transform(this._.transform.concat([['t', t, e]])), this); }, A.scale = function (t, e, n, a) { if (this.removed) return this; if ((t = r(t).split(h)).length - 1 && (e = i(t[1]), n = i(t[2]), a = i(t[3]), isNaN(n) && (n = null), isNaN(a) && (a = null)), t = i(t[0]), e == null && (e = t), a == null && (n = a), n == null || a == null) var s = this.getBBox(1); return n = n == null ? s.x + s.width / 2 : n, a = a == null ? s.y + s.height / 2 : a, this.transform(this._.transform.concat([['s', t, e, n, a]])), this._.dirtyT = 1, this; }, A.hide = function () { return !this.removed && (this.node.style.display = 'none'), this; }, A.show = function () { return !this.removed && (this.node.style.display = f), this; }, A.auxGetBBox = t.el.getBBox, A.getBBox = function () { const t = this.auxGetBBox(); if (this.paper && this.paper._viewBoxShift) { const e = {}; const r = 1 / this.paper._viewBoxShift.scale; return e.x = t.x - this.paper._viewBoxShift.dx, e.x *= r, e.y = t.y - this.paper._viewBoxShift.dy, e.y *= r, e.width = t.width * r, e.height = t.height * r, e.x2 = e.x + e.width, e.y2 = e.y + e.height, e; } return t; }, A._getBBox = function () {
return this.removed ? {} : {
x: this.X + (this.bbx || 0) - this.W / 2, y: this.Y - this.H, width: this.W, height: this.H,
}, A.remove = function () { if (!this.removed && this.node.parentNode) { for (const e in this.paper.__set__ && this.paper.__set__.exclude(this), t.eve.unbind(`raphael.*.*.${this.id}`), t._tear(this, this.paper), this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node), this.shape && this.shape.parentNode.removeChild(this.shape), this) this[e] = typeof this[e] === 'function' ? t._removedFactory(e) : null; this.removed = !0; } }, A.attr = function (r, i) { if (this.removed) return this; if (r == null) { const n = {}; for (const a in this.attrs) this.attrs[e](a) && (n[a] = this.attrs[a]); return n.gradient && n.fill == 'none' && (n.fill = n.gradient) && delete n.gradient, n.transform = this._.transform, n; } if (i == null && t.is(r, 'string')) { if (r == 'fill' && this.attrs.fill == 'none' && this.attrs.gradient) return this.attrs.gradient; for (var s = r.split(h), o = {}, l = 0, c = s.length; l < c; l++)(r = s[l]) in this.attrs ? o[r] = this.attrs[r] : t.is(this.paper.customAttributes[r], 'function') ? o[r] = this.paper.customAttributes[r].def : o[r] = t._availableAttrs[r]; return c - 1 ? o : o[s[0]]; } if (this.attrs && i == null && t.is(r, 'array')) { for (o = {}, l = 0, c = r.length; l < c; l++)o[r[l]] = this.attr(r[l]); return o; } let f; for (var p in i != null && ((f = {})[r] = i), i == null && t.is(r, 'object') && (f = r), f)u(`raphael.attr.${p}.${this.id}`, this, f[p]); if (f) { for (p in this.paper.customAttributes) if (this.paper.customAttributes[e](p) && f[e](p) && t.is(this.paper.customAttributes[p], 'function')) { const d = this.paper.customAttributes[p].apply(this, [].concat(f[p])); for (const g in this.attrs[p] = f[p], d)d[e](g) && (f[g] = d[g]); }f.text && this.type == 'text' && (this.textpath.string = f.text), C(this, f); } return this; }, A.toFront = function () { return !this.removed && this.node.parentNode.appendChild(this.node), this.paper && this.paper.top != this && t._tofront(this, this.paper), this; }, A.toBack = function () { return this.removed ? this : (this.node.parentNode.firstChild != this.node && (this.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, this.node.parentNode.firstChild), t._toback(this, this.paper)), this); }, A.insertAfter = function (e) { return this.removed ? this : (e.constructor == t.st.constructor && (e = e[e.length - 1]), e.node.nextSibling ? e.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, e.node.nextSibling) : e.node.parentNode.appendChild(this.node), t._insertafter(this, e, this.paper), this); }, A.insertBefore = function (e) { return this.removed ? this : (e.constructor == t.st.constructor && (e = e[0]), e.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, e.node), t._insertbefore(this, e, this.paper), this); }, A.blur = function (e) { const r = this.node.runtimeStyle; let i = r.filter; return i = i.replace(g, f), +e != 0 ? (this.attrs.blur = e, r.filter = `${i + c} progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=${+e || 1.5})`, r.margin = t.format('-{0}px 0 0 -{0}px', a(+e || 1.5))) : (r.filter = i, r.margin = 0, delete this.attrs.blur), this; }, t._engine.path = function (t, e) { const r = k('shape'); r.style.cssText = v, r.coordsize = y + c + y, r.coordorigin = e.coordorigin; const i = new T(r, e); const n = { fill: 'none', stroke: '#000' }; t && (n.path = t), i.type = 'path', i.path = [], i.Path = f, C(i, n), e.canvas && e.canvas.appendChild(r); const a = k('skew'); return a.on = !0, r.appendChild(a), i.skew = a, i.transform(f), i; }, t._engine.rect = function (e, r, i, n, a, s) { const o = t._rectPath(r, i, n, a, s); const l = e.path(o); const h = l.attrs; return l.X = h.x = r, l.Y = h.y = i, l.W = h.width = n, l.H = h.height = a, h.r = s, h.path = o, l.type = 'rect', l; }, t._engine.ellipse = function (t, e, r, i, n) {
const a = t.path(); a.attrs; return a.X = e - i, a.Y = r - n, a.W = 2 * i, a.H = 2 * n, a.type = 'ellipse', C(a, {
cx: e, cy: r, rx: i, ry: n,
}), a;
}, t._engine.circle = function (t, e, r, i) { const n = t.path(); n.attrs; return n.X = e - i, n.Y = r - i, n.W = n.H = 2 * i, n.type = 'circle', C(n, { cx: e, cy: r, r: i }), n; }, t._engine.image = function (e, r, i, n, a, s) { const o = t._rectPath(i, n, a, s); const l = e.path(o).attr({ stroke: 'none' }); const h = l.attrs; const u = l.node; const c = u.getElementsByTagName('fill')[0]; return h.src = r, l.X = h.x = i, l.Y = h.y = n, l.W = h.width = a, l.H = h.height = s, h.path = o, l.type = 'image', c.parentNode == u && u.removeChild(c), c.rotate = !0, c.src = r, c.type = 'tile', l._.fillpos = [i, n], l._.fillsize = [a, s], u.appendChild(c), w(l, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), l; }, t._engine.text = function (e, i, n, s) {
const o = k('shape'); const l = k('path'); const h = k('textpath'); i = i || 0, n = n || 0, s = s || '', l.v = t.format('m{0},{1}l{2},{1}', a(i * y), a(n * y), a(i * y) + 1), l.textpathok = !0, h.string = r(s), h.on = !0, o.style.cssText = v, o.coordsize = y + c + y, o.coordorigin = '0 0'; const u = new T(o, e); const p = {
fill: '#000', stroke: 'none', font: t._availableAttrs.font, text: s,
}; u.shape = o, u.path = l, u.textpath = h, u.type = 'text', u.attrs.text = r(s), u.attrs.x = i, u.attrs.y = n, u.attrs.w = 1, u.attrs.h = 1, C(u, p), o.appendChild(h), o.appendChild(l), e.canvas.appendChild(o); const d = k('skew'); return d.on = !0, o.appendChild(d), u.skew = d, u.transform(f), u;
}, t._engine.setSize = function (e, r) { const i = this.canvas.style; return this.width = e, this.height = r, e == +e && (e += 'px'), r == +r && (r += 'px'), i.width = e, i.height = r, i.clip = `rect(0 ${e} ${r} 0)`, this._viewBox && t._engine.setViewBox.apply(this, this._viewBox), this; }, t._engine.setViewBox = function (e, r, i, n, a) { t.eve('raphael.setViewBox', this, this._viewBox, [e, r, i, n, a]); let s; let o; const l = this.getSize(); const h = l.width; const u = l.height; return a && (i * (s = u / n) < h && (e -= (h - i * s) / 2 / s), n * (o = h / i) < u && (r -= (u - n * o) / 2 / o)), this._viewBox = [e, r, i, n, !!a], this._viewBoxShift = { dx: -e, dy: -r, scale: l }, this.forEach((t) => { t.transform('...'); }), this; }, t._engine.initWin = function (t) { const e = t.document; e.styleSheets.length < 31 ? e.createStyleSheet().addRule('.rvml', 'behavior:url(#default#VML)') : e.styleSheets[0].addRule('.rvml', 'behavior:url(#default#VML)'); try { !e.namespaces.rvml && e.namespaces.add('rvml', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml'), k = function (t) { return e.createElement(`<rvml:${t} class="rvml">`); }; } catch (t) { k = function (t) { return e.createElement(`<${t} xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="rvml">`); }; } }, t._engine.initWin(t._g.win), t._engine.create = function () {
const e = t._getContainer.apply(0, arguments); const r = e.container; let i = e.height; let n = e.width; let a = e.x; let s = e.y; if (!r) throw new Error('VML container not found.'); const o = new t._Paper(); const l = o.canvas = t._g.doc.createElement('div'); const
h = l.style; return a = a || 0, s = s || 0, n = n || 512, i = i || 342, o.width = n, o.height = i, n == +n && (n += 'px'), i == +i && (i += 'px'), o.coordsize = 216e5 + c + 216e5, o.coordorigin = '0 0', o.span = t._g.doc.createElement('span'), o.span.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;', l.appendChild(o.span), h.cssText = t.format('top:0;left:0;width:{0};height:{1};display:inline-block;position:relative;clip:rect(0 {0} {1} 0);overflow:hidden', n, i), r == 1 ? (t._g.doc.body.appendChild(l), h.left = `${a}px`, h.top = `${s}px`, h.position = 'absolute') : r.firstChild ? r.insertBefore(l, r.firstChild) : r.appendChild(l), o.renderfix = function () {}, o;
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}.apply(e, i)) || (t.exports = n);