2022-01-26 14:19:14 -08:00

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1 PPM Plan
1.1 Business Development
1.2 Backlog Management [link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit]
1.3 Freeform IT
1.4 Client Project Management
1.5 Governance & Executive
1.6 Finance
1.7 Administration
1.8 Human Resources
1.9 Freeform Hosting
1.10 Community Outreach
1.11 R&D
1.11.1 Goals
1.11.2 Formulize
1.12 Probono
2 Strategy 2: Talent Development
2.1 Strategic Priority 2a: Personal Plans
2.2 Strategic Priority 2b: External learning matches organ. goals
2.3 Strategic Priority 2c: Learning Environment
2.4 So That...
3 Strategy 4: Inclusive, Positive Environment
3.1 Strategic Priority 4a:Feedback
3.2 Strategic Priority 4b: Anti Harassment
3.3 Strategic Priority 4c: Diversity
3.4 So That...
4 Strategy 1: Recruit & Retain
4.1 So that...
4.2 Strategic Priority 1a: Recruitment
4.2.1 Modify App Form
4.2.2 Strategy integrated with hiring plan
4.3 Strategic Priority 1b: Hiring
4.4 Strategic Priority 1c: Onboarding
4.4.1 3 Month Onboarding Process
4.4.2 Tools & Guidelines
4.4.3 Mentoring
4.5 Strategic Priority 1d: Incentives
4.5.1 Raises
4.5.2 Benefits
4.5.3 Rewards Message
4.6 Strategic Priority 1e: Offboarding
5 Business Development Plan
5.1 Goals
5.1.1 Increase new clients Academic Research
5.1.2 Support New Products Formulize
5.1.3 Support CiviCRM
5.1.4 Identify Opportunites
6 Hosting NG Plan
7 Freeform IT Plan
7.1 Fragile
7.2 Tools
8 Project Teams
8.1 Projects 1-3
8.2 Projects 4-6
8.3 Projects 7 & 8
8.4 General Work
8.5 Learning Needs Plan
9 Restructure
9.1 Client Centric Process
9.2 Freeform Project Process
9.3 Supportive Systems Plan
10 Board and C Planning
10.1 Mission Statements
10.2 Values
10.3 Bylaw Review
10.4 Policies
10.5 Business Plan
11 Strategy 3: Safety and Wellness
11.1 Strategic Priority 3a: H&S Policies & Practices
11.2 Strategic Priority 3b: Health Promotion
11.2.1 Health and Wellness Committee
11.2.2 Work-life Balance Initiative [link: http://hrcouncil.ca/hr-toolkit/workplaces-health-safety.cfm]
11.3 So that...
12 Benefits
12.1 As Freeform Staff
12.2 Responsibility: HZ, JC
12.3 Release 3
12.4 Have Heather create list benefits against Best Practice & cost
12.5 Have Jason review list
12.6 Have JC & HZ consult with staff
12.7 Have best benefits we can afford
12.8 So that...
13 Community Outreach Plan
13.1 Goals
13.2 CSI
13.3 Drupal Community
13.4 CiviCRM
13.5 Other
14 Backlog Plan [link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit]
14.1 Go To Backlog Plan [link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit]
15 Strategy Prospecting
16 Stategies: Forecasting
17 Strategies Marketing
18 Exit Interviews
18.1 As Freeform
18.2 Responsiblity: HZ, KS
18.3 Release
18.4 Have Heather write procedures for exit interview process
18.5 So that
19 3 Month Onboarding Process
20 Human Resources Plan
20.1 Related Org Objectives
20.1.1 1
20.1.2 2
20.1.3 3
20.1.4 4
20.2 Related Documents
20.3 Goals
20.3.1 Goal:Staff=Optimal Bus. Growth So that... Related Strategic Priorities: KPI: HR Level equals Planned Growth Methodology Target
20.3.2 Goal: Increase Job Satisfaction So That Related Strategic Priorities KPI: Employee Satisfaction Methodology Target
20.3.3 Goal: Improve Performance So That Related Strategic Priorities KPI: Employee Performance Methodology Target
20.3.4 Goal: Reduce Turnover So That Related Strategic Priorities KPI: Retention Rate Methodology Target
20.3.5 Risk & Compliance