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<map name="enc" version="tango"><topic central="true" text="Artigos GF comentários interessantes" id="1"><topic position="-466,16" order="3" text="Baraloto et al. 2010. Functional trait variation and sampling strategies in species-rich plant communities" shape="rectagle" id="5" bgColor="#cccccc" brColor="#cccccc"><topic position="-1042,-163" order="0" id="6"><text><![CDATA[Therecent growth of large functional trait data
bases has been fuelled by standardized protocols forthe
measurement of individual functional traits and intensive
efforts to compile trait data(Cornelissen etal. 2003; Chave etal. 2009). Nonetheless, there remains no consensusfor
the most appropriate sampling design so that traits can be
scaled from the individuals on whom measurements are
made to the community or ecosystem levels at which infer-
ences are drawn (Swenson etal. 2006,2007,Reich,Wright
& Lusk 2007;Kraft,Valencia & Ackerly 2008). ]]></text></topic><topic position="-918,-93" order="1" id="7"><text><![CDATA[However, the fast pace of
development of plant trait meta-analyses also suggests that
trait acquisition in the field is a factor limiting the growth of
plant trait data bases.]]></text></topic><topic position="-932,-7" order="2" id="8"><text><![CDATA[We measured
traits for every individual tree in nine 1-ha plots in tropical
lowland rainforest (N = 4709). Each plant was sampled for
10 functional traits related to wood and leaf morphology and
ecophysiology. Here, we contrast the trait means and variances
obtained with a full sampling strategy with those of
other sampling designs used in the recent literature, which we
obtain by simulation. We assess the differences in community-
level estimates of functional trait means and variances
among design types and sampling intensities. We then contrast
the relative costs of these designs and discuss the appropriateness
of different sampling designs and intensities for
different questions and systems.]]></text></topic><topic position="-1226,67" order="3" text="Falar que a escolha das categorias de sucessão e dos parâmetros ou característica dos indivíduos que serão utilizadas dependera da facilidade de coleta dos dados e do custo monetário e temporal." id="9"/><topic position="-1163,93" order="4" text="Ver se classifica sucessão por densidade de tronco para citar no artigo como exemplo de outros atributos além de germinação e ver se e custoso no tempo e em dinheiro" id="12"/><topic position="-1026,119" order="5" text="Intensas amostragens de experimentos simples tem maior retorno em acurácia de estimativa e de custo tb." id="13"/><topic position="-937,165" order="6" id="14"><text><![CDATA[With regard to estimating mean trait values, strategies
alternative to BRIDGE were consistently cost-effective. On
the other hand, strategies alternative to BRIDGE clearly
failed to accurately estimate the variance of trait values. This
indicates that in situations where accurate estimation of plotlevel
variance is desired, complete censuses are essential.]]></text><note><![CDATA[Isso significa que estudos de característica de história de vida compensam? Ver nos m&m.]]></note></topic><topic position="-915,219" order="7" id="15"><text><![CDATA[We suggest that, in these studies,
the investment in complete sampling may be worthwhile
for at least some traits.]]></text><note><![CDATA[Falar que isso corrobora nossa sugestão de utilizar poucas medidas, mas que elas sejam confiáveis.]]></note></topic></topic><topic position="297,0" order="0" text="Chazdon 2010. Biotropica. 42(1): 31–40" shape="rectagle" id="17" fontStyle=";;#000000;;;" bgColor="#cccccc" brColor="#cccccc"><topic position="2883,-437" order="0" text="Falar no artigo que esse trabalho fala que é inadequada a divisão entre pioneira e não pioneira devido a grande variação que há entre elas. Além de terem descoberto que durante a ontogenia a resposta a luminosidade muda dentro de uma mesma espécie. Porém recomendar que essa classificação continue sendo usada em curto prazo enquanto não há informações confiáveis suficiente para esta simples classificação. Outras classificações como esta do artigo são bem vinda, contanto que tenham dados confiáveis. Porém dados estáticos já são difíceis de se obter, dados temporais, como taxa de crescimento em diâmetro ou altura, são mais difíceis ainda. Falar que vários tipos de classificações podem ser utilizadas e quanto mais detalhe melhor, porém os dados é que são mais limitantes. Se focarmos em dados de germinação e crescimento limitantes, como sugerem sainete e whitmore, da uma idéia maismrápida e a curto prazo da classificação destas espécies. Depois com o tempo conseguiremos construir classificações mais detalhadas e com mais dados confiáveis. " id="24"/><topic position="586,-383" order="1" id="22"><text><![CDATA[Here, we develop a new approach that links functional attributes
of tree species with studies of forest recovery and regional
land-use transitions (Chazdon et al. 2007). Grouping species according
to their functional attributes or demographic rates provides
insight into both applied and theoretical questions, such as selecting
species for reforestation programs, assessing ecosystem services, and
understanding community assembly processes in tropical forests
(Diaz et al. 2007, Kraft et al. 2008).]]></text></topic><topic position="583,-313" order="2" id="23"><text><![CDATA[Since we have data on leaf
and wood functional traits for only a subset of the species in our
study sites, we based our functional type classification on information
for a large number of tree species obtained through vegetation
monitoring studies.]]></text></topic><topic position="720,-239" order="3" id="25"><text><![CDATA[Our approach avoided preconceived notions of successional
behavior or shade tolerance of tree species by developing an objective
and independent classification of functional types based on vegetation
monitoring data from permanent sample plots in mature and
secondary forests of northeastern Costa Rica (Finegan et al. 1999,
Chazdon et al. 2007).We apply an independent, prior classification
of 293 tree species from our study region into five functional types, based on two species attributes: canopy strata and diameter growth
rates for individuals Z10 cm dbh (Finegan et al. 1999, Salgado-
Negret 2007).]]></text></topic><topic position="575,-169" order="4" id="26"><text><![CDATA[Our results demonstrate strong linkages between functional
types defined by adult height and growth rates of large trees and
colonization groups based on the timing of seedling, sapling, and
tree recruitment in secondary forests.]]></text></topic><topic position="588,-115" order="5" id="27"><text><![CDATA[These results allow us to move beyond earlier conceptual
frameworks of tropical forest secondary succession developed
by Finegan (1996) and Chazdon (2008) based on subjective groupings,
such as pioneers and shade-tolerant species (Swaine &
Whitmore 1988).]]></text></topic><topic position="582,-37" order="6" id="28"><text><![CDATA[Reproductive traits, such as dispersal mode, pollination mode,
and sexual system, were ultimately not useful in delimiting tree
functional types for the tree species examined here (Salgado-Negret
2007). Thus, although reproductive traits do vary quantitatively in
abundance between secondary and mature forests in our landscape
(Chazdon et al. 2003), they do not seem to be important drivers of
successional dynamics of trees Z10 cm dbh. For seedlings, however,
dispersal mode and seed size are likely to play an important
role in community dynamics during succession (Dalling&Hubbell
2002).]]></text></topic><topic position="599,125" order="7" id="29"><text><![CDATA[Our classification of colonization groups defies the traditional
dichotomy between ‘late successional’ shade-tolerant and ‘early successional’
pioneer species. Many tree species, classified here as
regenerating pioneers on the basis of their population structure in
secondary forests, are common in both young secondary forest and
mature forests in this region (Guariguata et al. 1997), and many are
important timber species (Vilchez et al. 2008). These generalists are
by far the most abundant species of seedlings and saplings, conferring
a high degree of resilience in the wet tropical forests of NE
Costa Rica (Norden et al. 2009, Letcher & Chazdon 2009). The
high abundance of regenerating pioneers in seedling and sapling
size classes clearly shows that species with shade-tolerant seedlings
can also recruit as trees early in succession. For these species, early
tree colonization enhances seedling and sapling recruitment during
the first 20–30 yr of succession, due to local seed rain. Species
abundance and size distribution depend strongly on chance colonization
events early in succession (Chazdon 2008). Other studies
have shown that mature forest species are able to colonize early in
succession (Finegan 1996, van Breugel et al. 2007, Franklin & Rey
2007, Ochoa-Gaona et al. 2007), emphasizing the importance of
initial floristic composition in the determination of successional
pathways and rates of forest regrowth. On the other hand, significant
numbers of species in our sites (40% overall and the majority
of rare species) colonized only after canopy closure, and these species
may not occur as mature individuals until decades after agricultural
abandonment.]]></text></topic><topic position="589,263" order="8" id="30"><text><![CDATA[Classifying functional types
based on functional traits with low plasticity, such as wood density
and seed size, could potentially serve as robust proxies for demographic
variables (Poorter et al. 2008, Zhang et al. 2008).]]></text></topic><topic position="612,369" order="9" id="31"><text><![CDATA[CONDIT, R., S. P. HUBBELL, AND R. B. FOSTER. 1996. Assessing the response of
plant functional types in tropical forests to climatic change. J. Veg. Sci.
7: 405–416.
DALLING, J. S., AND S. P. HUBBELL. 2002. Seed size, growth rate and gap microsite
conditions as determinants of recruitment success for pioneer species.
J. Ecol. 90: 557–568.
FINEGAN, B. 1996. Pattern and process in neotropical secondary forests: The first
100 years of succession. Trends Ecol. Evol. 11: 119–124.
AND I. J. WRIGHT. 2008. Are functional traits good predictors of demographic
rates? Evidence from five Neotropical forests. Ecology 89:
ZHANG, Z. D., R. G. ZANG, AND Y. D. QI. 2008. Spatiotemporal patterns and
dynamics of species richness and abundance of woody plant functional
groups in a tropical forest landscape of Hainan Island, South China.
J. Integr. Plant Biol. 50: 547–558.
]]></text></topic></topic><topic position="-313,-224" order="1" text="Poorter 1999. Functional Ecology. 13:396-410" shape="rectagle" id="2" fontStyle=";;#000000;;;" bgColor="#cccccc" brColor="#cccccc"><topic position="-619,-221" order="0" text="Espécies pioneiras crescem mais rápido do que as não pioneiras" id="3"><topic position="-980,-221" order="0" text="Tolerância a sombra está relacionada com persistência e não com crescimento" id="4"/></topic></topic></topic></map> |