SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML markup language for describing two-dimensional vector graphics. This format will enable you to print your maps without quality lost at any resolution.
PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as Portable Document Format(PDF) to share use in your presentations.
IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get a graphic representation of your map including all colors and shapes to reuse in documents or for archiving
FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=FreeMind is a nice desktop mind mapping application that has the great benefit of being free.
BLOG_INCLUSION=You can customize the code snippet to embed this map on your blog or website. Make sure you enter the correct dimensions of the content area of your blog so that the map fits nicely
BLOG_SNIPPET=Copy this snippet of code to embed in your blog or page
UNEXPECTED_ERROR_SERVER_ERROR=We're sorry, an error has occurred and we can't process your request. Refresh the page and try again. If the problem persist, contactenos a
NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=Although HSQLDB is bundled with WiseMapping by default during the installation, we do not recommend this database for production use. Please consider using MySQL 5.5 instead. You can find more information how to configure MySQL
EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Note: You can change embedded map size modifying 'height' and 'width' style properties. You can also adjust the zoom factor modifying 'zoom' parameter from the URL.
NO_SEARCH_RESULT=No mindmap available for the selected filter criteria
MAP_NAME_HINT=Name of the new map to create
MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=Some description for your map
DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=Deleted mindmap can not be recovered. Do you want to continue ?.
WHAT_IS_NEW=What is New
WHAT_IS_NEW_DETAILS=<ul><li>New User Interface</li><li>FreeMind 0.9 Update</li><li>Improved HTML 5.0 Support</li><li>Firefox 12 officially supported</li></ul>
THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=Thanks for signing up\!
SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ You will receive a confirmation message shortly from WiseMapping. This message will ask you to activate your WiseMapping account.</br>Please select the link to activate and start creating and sharing maps.
SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=Your account has been created successfully, click <a href\="c/login">here</a> to sign in and start enjoying WiseMapping.
ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=The email is not register or you account is not active yet.
ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=If the problem persist please send us an email to <a href\="mailto\"> </a>
INSTALL_CFG_REASON=Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 does not support HTML 5 SVG. SVG is the technology used be WiseMapping to render and edit mindmaps. We strongly encourage update to either Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 or use other browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox o Safari.
INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=If you still want to use Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, click here to install Google Chrome Frame Plugin. Google Chrome Frame Plugin extends Internet Explorer capabilities adding support for HTML 5.