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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright [2011] [wisemapping]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the
* "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.wisemapping.org/license
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
2009-06-07 20:59:43 +02:00
Window.onDomReady(function() {
// variable for the list status
var listStatus = 'closed';
// setup var that holds our opened list's id
var listOpen;
// show list function
var showList = function(lid) {
var listId = lid.replace(/For/g, '');
// need to check if there is an open list
if (listStatus == "open") {
// check if the open list is the same
// as toggled list. If not, then we hide it
if (listId != listOpen) {
if (listStatus == "closed") {
// set our list status
listStatus = 'open';
// set the curent open list id
listOpen = listId;
// show our list with a little effects
new fx.Opacity($(listOpen), {duration: 500}).custom(0, 1);
new fx.Height($(listOpen), {duration: 300}).custom(20, 40);
new fx.Width($(listOpen), {duration: 300}).custom(20, 131);
// we add a timeout so the sublist goes away
// if the user doesn't click/mouseover another
// menu item
// hide list function
var hideList = function() {
if (listOpen) {
// check if our list is shown already - if so run the effects to hide list
if ($(listOpen).getStyle('visibility') == "visible") {
new fx.Opacity($(listOpen), {duration: 500}).custom(1, 0);
new fx.Height($(listOpen), {duration: 300}).custom(40, 20);
new fx.Width($(listOpen), {duration: 300}).custom(131, 20);
// set our list status
listStatus = 'closed';
// reset open list id
listOpen = '';
// initialize the submenu - gets general data in order to attempt to position
// the submenu in relation to the image/anchor tag that opens it
initialize: function() {
// check if element has our flag for having a drop menu
if (this.hasClass('hasSubNav')) {
var listId = this.name.replace(/For/g, '');
// have to do it this way.
// for some reason this.firstChild.getTag() won't work
if ($(this.firstChild).getTag() == 'img') {
// attempt to set offset to be a little taller
// than your image
var yOffset = this.firstChild.height + 1;
} else {
// set your default offset here
var yOffset = 20;
// set the styles of your list
// to position it (relatively) correctly
$(listId).setStyles({ top: yOffset + 'px', left: this.getLeft() + 'px' });
onmouseover: function() {
// add mouseover action to change image
this.firstChild.src = this.firstChild.src.replace(/off/g, 'on');
// optional effect for mouseover
this.effect('opacity').custom(.3, 1);
// check if element has our flag for having a drop menu
if (this.hasClass('hasSubNav')) {
// pass the id of the mouseover, so we can determine
// which list to show
} else {
// if the button moused over does not have a list
// then we close the list since we are obviously
// on another button now
if (listStatus == 'open') {
onmouseout: function() {
// switch mouseout button
this.firstChild.src = this.firstChild.src.replace(/on/g, 'off');
// optional effect for mouseout
this.effect('opacity').custom(.3, 1);