diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_ca.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_ca.properties index 114996d3..7dfe9ba8 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_ca.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_ca.properties @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=Seleccionar múltiples tòpics UNDO_EDITION=Revertir canvis REDO_EDITION=Refer canvis SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Seleccionar tots els tòpics -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=Canviar text a negreta +CHANGE_`TEXT_BOLD=Canviar text a negreta SAVE_CHANGES=Desar els canvis CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=Canviar text a itàlica DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Revertir la selecció de tòpics diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_de.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_de.properties index bdd2c6e9..37a6689b 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_de.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_de.properties @@ -1,253 +1,18 @@ # Default German Support. -NAME=Name -DESCRIPTION=Beschreibung -ADD=Hinzufügen -VIEWERS=Betrachter -USER_REGISTRATION=Benutzerregistrierung -SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=Schicke mir ein neues Passwort -CANCEL=Abbrechen -FIRSTNAME=Vorname -LASTNAME=Nachname -EMAIL=Email -HELP=Hilfe -LOGOUT=Abmelden -PASSWORD=Passwort -NEW_PASSWORD=Neues Passwort -CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=Bestätige neues Passwort -MY_WISEMAPS=Meine Wisemaps -RETYPE_PASSWORD=Schreibe Passwort nochmal -REGISTER=Registrierung -REMEMBER_ME=Bleibe angemeldet -SIGN_IN=Anmelden -SIGN_UP=Mitglied werden -ACCOUNT=Benutzerkonto -USERNAME=Benutzername -CLOSE=Schliessen -NOT_READY_A_USER=Noch kein Mitglied? -NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=Die Mitgliedschaft ist frei und die Registrierung dauert nur einen kurzen Moment -JOIN_NOW=Trete bei! -YOUR_ROLE=Deine Rolle -FORGOT_PASSWORD=Passwort vergessen ? -CHANGE_PASSWORD=Ändere Passwort -CHANGE_LANGUAGE=Ändere Sprache -FAQ=Häufig gestellte Fragen -SHORT_FAQ=FAQ -LOGIN=Anmelden -EXPORT=Exportieren -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Skalierbare Vektor Graphik (SVG) -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=Portables Dokumenten Format (PDF) -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Bilddatei (PNG/JPEG) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_09 = Freemind (version 0.9.0) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 1.0.1) -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping -LAST_UPDATE=Zuletzt geändert -LAST_UPDATE_BY=Zuletzt geändert von -DELETE=Löschen -SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping -SITE.SLOGAN=Evolution des Visuellen Denkens -KEYBOARD=Tastaturkürzel -KEYBOARD_MSG=Das sind die Tastaturkürzel, die im Editor benutzt werden können! -HOME=Eingangsseite -LOGIN_ERROR=Die eingegebene email Adresse oder das Passwort ist nicht korrekt. -USER_INACTIVE=Ihr Benutzerkonto ist leider noch nicht aktiviert. Sie bekommen eine Benachrrichtigung in Form einer email sobald Ihr Benutzerkonto aktiv ist. Bitte haben Sie noch ein wenig Geduld! -CREW=Die Mannschaft -ALREADY_A_MEMBER=Bereits Mitglied? -TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=Geschäftsbedingungen -FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=Bitte geben Sie eine email Adresse an, damit wir Ihnen helfen können Ihr WiseMapping Konto ausfindig zu machen. FIELD_REQUIRED=Ein benötigtes Feld kann icht leer gelassen werden EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=Die email Adresse existiert bereits NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=Ungültige email Adresse -USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=Der Benutzername existiert bereits PASSWORD_MISMATCH=Ihre Passwort Angaben sind nicht identisch -CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert -WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=Bitte überprüfen Sie die eingegebenen WiseMapping Benutzerkonto Informationen und Geschäftsbedingungen -REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= Mit der Registrierung erklären Sie ihr Einverständnis mit den Geschäftsbedingungen und Datenschutzregeln von WiseMapping. -REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=Bitte fülle die Felder aus, um ein Mitglied der WiseMapping Gemeinschaft zu werden. Die Registrierung is kostenlos und in wenigen Augenblicken erledigt. -CREATOR=Urheber -CREATION_TIME=Erstellungs Datum -EDITORS=Verfasser -PUBLIC=Öffentlich -SHARED=Gemeinsam benutzt -ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = Diese mindmap kann nur von Ihnen angeschaut werden. -ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = Diese mindamp können alle Benutzer anschauen. -NEW_MAP_MSG=Erzeuge eine neue map -PUBLISH=Veröffentlichen -PUBLISH_DETAILS=Die Veröffentlichung dieser map macht sie für alle Benutzer im Internet sichtbar. -ACCOUNT_DETAIL=Möchten Sie ihre Benutzereinstellungen ändern? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Skalierbare Vektor Graphik (SVG) ist ein XML Format zur Beschreibung von zwei-dimensionalen Vektorgraphiken. Dieses Format erlaubt den Druck Ihrer maps ohne Verlust von Qualität bei egal welcher Auflösung. -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Exportieren Sie ihre map im Portablen Dokumenten Format (PDF) zur Verwendung in Präsentationen. -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Exportieren Sie eine graphische Repräsentation Ihrer map mit allen Farben und Formen zur Verwendung in Dokumenten oder zur Archivierung. -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind ist eine schöne und frei erhältliche "Desktop" MindMapping Applikation. -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = Exportieren Sie ihre map im WiseMapping Dokumentenformat. -TERMSOFUSE=Geschäftsbedingungen -PRIVACYPOLICY= Datenschutzrichtlinien -EXPORT_DETAILS=Exportieren Sie ihre map in einem von Ihnen gewünschtem Format zur Verwendung in Präsentationen oder Weiterleitung mittles elektronischer Post (email). -HERE=hier -WHO_ARE_WE=Wer sind wir? WELCOME=Willkommen -RENAME=Umbenennen -MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= Maximal erlaubte Nachrichtenlänge von 512 Buchstaben. -URL=URL -DIRECT_LINK=Direkte Verbindung -BLOG_INCLUSION=Sie können das Quelltextfragment zur Einbettung in Ihren Blog oder Internet Seite anpassen. Stellen Sie sicher, das die korrekten Dimensionen der Darstellungsfläche in ihrer Seite eingestellt sind damit Ihre map sich optimal in Ihre Seite einfügt. -BLOG_SNIPPET=Kopieren Sie dieses Quelltextfragment zur Einbindung in Ihren Blog oder Internet Seite. -ZOOM=Zoom -HISTORY=Historie -SHARE=Veröffentlichen -UNEXPECTED_ERROR=Outch!!. Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=Es tut uns Leid! Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten der es uns nicht ermöglicht Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal oder gehen Sie zur Anfangsseite. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=Outch!!. Diese map ist nicht mehr verfügbar. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Rechte, um sich diese map anzusehen. Diese map ist entweder privat oder wurde gelöscht. -IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=Sie können FreeMind 1.0.1 und WiseMapping maps in Ihre List von maps importieren. Wählen Sie die Datei zum Import. -PRINT=Drucken IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=FreeMind Datei konnte nicht importiert werden. {0} MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=Sie haben schon eine map mit identischem Namen. #####FOOTER -COPYRIGHT=Powered by WiseMapping -TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen -CONTACT=Kontakt - -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= Ihr Benutzerkonto wurde aktiviert. -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = Die Aktivierung Ihres Benutzerkonto ist fehlgeschlagen. -NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= Keine Historie verfügbar. -REVERT=rückgängig -INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR = Die email wurde nicht verifiziert. -NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=Obzwar HSQLDB mit WiseMapping in der Stadardinstallation gebündelt ist, empfehlen wir nicht die Benutzung von HSQLDB in Produktionsumgebungen. Anstatt, bitte verwenden Sie MySQL Version 5.5 -IMPORT=Importieren - -EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Hinweis: Sie können die eingebettete Größe der map mit Hife der Parameter 'height' und 'width' einstellen. Sie können ausserdem den Zoom Faktor mit Hilfe des Parameters 'zoom' in der URL einstellen. -EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=Der Export als Bild, PDF oder SVG ist nur in der Editor Menüleiste verfügbar. -STARRED=Favorit -ALL_MAPS=Alle -MY_MAPS=Meine Maps -SHARED_WITH_ME=Gemeinsam mit mir genutzt -PUBLIC_MAPS=Öffentliche Maps -ACCEPT=Akzeptiert -SAVING=Sichern ... -INFO=Information -DELETE_MINDMAP=Löschen -DUPLICATE=Dulizieren -CREATE=Anlegen -LANGUAGE=Sprache -FILTERS=Filter -MORE=Mehr -ADD_NEW_MAP=Füge neue Map hinzu -IMPORTING=Importieren ... -NEW=Neu -MIND_FILE=Datei -NO_SEARCH_RESULT=Keine map für das gewählte Filterkriterium gefunden. -SEARCH=Suche -GENERAL=Allgemein -SECURITY=Sicherheit -MAP_NAME_HINT=Name der zu erzeugenden map -MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=Kurzbeschreibung der map -WARNING=Warnung -DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=Eine gelöschte mindmap kann nicht wieder hergestellt werden. Möchten Sie fortfahren? -THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=Vielen Dank für die Registrierung! -SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ Sie werden in kürze eine Bestätigungsnachricht von WiseMapping erhalten. Darin werden Sie gebeten, Ihr WiseMapping Benutzerkonto zu aktivieren.
Bitte wählen Sie die Verbindung in dieser email zur Aktivierung. Danach können Sie eigene maps anlegen und veröffentlichen. -SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=Ihr Benutzerkonot wurde erfolgreich angelegt, drücken Sie hier um sich anzumelden und WiseMapping zu geniessen. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=Diese Nachricht ist nicht registriert oder Ihr Benutzerkonto ist noch nicht aktiviert. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=Falls das Problem weiterhin auftritt dann senden Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht an support@wisemapping.com -SENDING=Senden ... -SIGN_ING=Anmelden ... -ENABLE_PUBLISHING=Mitbenutzung einschalten -FRAME_HEIGHT=Rahmenhöhe -FRAME_WIDTH=Rahmenbreite -EMBED=Eingebettet -PUBLIC_URL=Öffentliche URLs -ADD_PEOPLE=Personen hinzufügen -COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=Geben Sie die email Adresse der Mitbenutzer als Komma separierte Liste an -CAN_EDIT=Kann Ändern -CAN_VIEW=Kann Anschauen -EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Email Benachrichtigung Einstellungen -ADD_MESSAGE=Nachricht hinzufügen -WHO_CAN_ACCESS=Wer hat Zugriff -IS_OWNER=Ist Besitzer -OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Optional\: Fügen Sie eine persönliche Nachricht ein -VIEW=Ansicht -YOU=Sie -INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=Ihre Daten sind erfolgreich geändert worden -OR_GREATER=oder größer -IMPORTANT=Wichtig - -BROWSER_RECOMMENDATION=Die Browser sind nach Geschwindigkeit und Ausführlichkeit der Tests durch das WiseMappig Team sortiert. -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE=Ups\!\!\!. Ihr Browser ist momentan nicht unterstützt! -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG=Ihr Browser wurde nicht vollständig mit der WiseMapping Applikation getestet, s.d. manche Funktionen nicht zur Verfügung stehen. WiseMapping wurde optimiert für: -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TRY_AGAIN=Bitte versuchen Sie es nocheinmal mit einem von WiseMapping unterstützten Browser. - -INSTALL_CFG=Tut uns Leid, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 ist nur teilweise unterstützt. -INSTALL_CFG_REASON = Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 hat keine Unterstützung für HTML 5 SVG. SVG ist die von WiseMapping benutzte Technologie, um mindmaps zu editieren und anzuzeigen. Wir empfehlen eine Aktualisierung auf Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 oder die Benutzung eines anderen Browser wie z.B. Google Chrome, Firefox oder Safari. -INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=Falls Sie dennoch Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 benutzen möchten, drücken Sie hier, um das Gogle Chrome Frame Plugin zu instalieren. Das Google Chrome Frame Plugin erweitert Internet Explorer mit Unterstützung für HTML 5. -SHOW_REGISTERS=Zeige _MENU_ Einträge -LOADING=Laden ... -NO_MATCHING_FOUND=Keine passenden Einträge gefunden -TABLE_ROWS=_START_-_END_ von _TOTAL_ -ACTION=Aktion -CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=Erzeuge ein Schwester Thema -CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=Eryeuge ein Unterthema -DELETE_TOPIC=Lösche Thema -EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=Editiere Thematext -JUST_START_TYPING=Einfach mit der Eingabe beginnen -CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=Textänderungen abbrechen -TOPIC_NAVIGATION=Themen Navigation -ARROW_KEYS=Pfeiltasten -SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=Wähle mehrfache Knoten aus -UNDO_EDITION=Änderungen rückgängig machen -REDO_EDITION=Änderung nochmal ausführen -SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Wähle alle Themen aus -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=Ändere Text in fette Schrift -SAVE_CHANGES=Änderungen sichern -CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=Ändere Text in kursive Schrift -DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Deselektiere alle Themen -SHORTCUTS=Tastenkürzel -COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=Kindknoten zusammenklappen -KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=Tastenkürzel helfen Zeit zu sparen und erlauben die Arbeit nur mit der Tatstatur, s.d. Sie niemals die Hand von der Tastatur nehmen müßen, um die Maus zu bedienen. -COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=Kopieren und Einsetzen von Themen -MULTIPLE_LINES=Füge mehrer Textzeilen hinzu -TERM_OF_USE=Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - # Properties used on the tutorial mindmap .... -TUTORIAL.MULTIPLE_TEXT_STYLES=Mehrfache Textstile -TUTORIAL.DIFFERENT_SHAPES=Verschiedene Formen -TUTORIAL.FANCY_ICONS=Fantasievolle Szmbole -TUTORIAL.MOVE_WITH_ARROWS=Mit Pfeiltasten zwischen Themen auswählen -TUTORIAL.START_TYPING_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Einfach mit dem tippen beginnen, um Text zu editieren -TUTORIAL.CTRL_TO_ADD_CHILD=Drücke Ctrl/Meta+Enter um ein Unterthema einzufügen -TUTORIAL.ENTER_TO_ADD_SIBLING=Drücke Enter um ein Schwesterthema einzufügen -TUTORIAL.MORE_KEY_TIPS=Mehr ?. Drücke auf obige Tastenkürzel -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_ADD=Doppelklick auf den Canvas, um Themen zu erzeugen -TUTORIAL.DRAG_AND_DROP_TO_POSITION=Ziehen des Thema auf die Position -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Doppelklic auf ein Thema, um Text zu editieren -TUTORIAL.ADD_NOTES=Füge Notizen hinzu -TUTORIAL.USER_THE_TOOLBAR=Benutze die Werkzeugleiste -TUTORIAL.PUBLISH_YOUR_MAPS=Veröffentliche Ihre map -TUTORIAL.EMBED_IN_BLOGS=In Blog einbinden -TUTORIAL.INVITE_FRIEND=Freunde zur zusammenarbeit einladen -TUTORIAL.SHARING=Mitbenutzung -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_MOUSE=Editieren mit der Maus -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_KEYBOARD=Editieren mit der Tastatur -TUTORIAL.ADD_LINKS_WEBPAGES=Verbindungen auf Internetseiten hinzufügen -TUTORIAL.TOPIC_PROPERTIES=Themen Eigenschaften -TUTORIAL.HOW_TO_START=Wie fange ich an ? -TUTORIAL.FONT_COLOR=Farbe -TUTORIAL.FONT_STYLE=Stil -TUTORIAL.FONT_TYPE=Typ -TUTORIAL.SAMPLE_NOTE=Das ist eine einfache Notiz! -SUPPORT=Unterstützung -FEEDBACK=Resonanz -CONTACT_US=Kontaktieren Sie uns - #Pending for translation ... CAPTCHA_LOADING_ERROR=ReCaptcha konnte nicht geladen werden. Sie müssen den Zugriff auf den Google ReCaptcha Dienst sicher stellen. ACCESS_HAS_BEEN_REVOKED= Upps. Ihre Zugriffsrechte auf diese map sind zurückgesetzt worden. Kontaktieren Sie den Besitzer dieser map. -LICENSE=Lizenz -WELCOME_TO_WISEMAPPING=Wilkommen zu WiseMapping -WELCOME_DETAILS=WiseMapping erlaubt Ihnen das anlegen und anzeigen von maps von überall. Mit WiseMapping können sie: . -DIRECT_LINK_EXPLANATION=Kopieren und Einsetzen der unten stehenden Verbindung, um die Mitbenutzung der map mit Ihren Freunden und Kollegen zu ermöglichen -TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT=Ihr temporäres Passwort wurde angelegt -TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT_DETAILS=Wir haben Ihnen eine email gesendet, die es Ihnen erlaubt Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen. Bitte prüfen Sie den Posteingang. -TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT_SUPPORT=Falls sie Probleme haben die email zu empfangen, kontaktieren Sie uns unter support@wisemapping.com + diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_en.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_en.properties index f0a5dd70..4090f4f0 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_en.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_en.properties @@ -1,395 +1,24 @@ # Default English Support. -NAME=Name -DESCRIPTION=Description -ADD=Add -VIEWERS=Viewers -USER_REGISTRATION=User Registration -SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=Send Me A New Password -CANCEL=Cancel -FIRSTNAME=First Name -LASTNAME=Last Name -EMAIL=Email -HELP=Help -LOGOUT=Logout -PASSWORD=Password -NEW_PASSWORD=New password -CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=Confirm new password -DELETE__ACCOUNT=Delete My Account -MY_WISEMAPS=My Wisemaps -RETYPE_PASSWORD=Retype Password -REGISTER=Register -REMEMBER_ME=Stay signed in -SIGN_IN=Sign In -SIGN_UP=Sign Up -ACCOUNT=Account -USERNAME=Username -CLOSE=Close -NOT_READY_A_USER=Not a member yet? -NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=Registration is free and takes just a moment. -JOIN_NOW=Join Now! -YOUR_ROLE=Your Role -FORGOT_PASSWORD=Forgot Password ? -CHANGE_PASSWORD=Change Password -CHANGE_LANGUAGE=Change Language -WARNING_DELETE_USER=If you do not think you will use WiseMapping again and would like your account deleted, we can take care of this for you. Keep in mind that you will not be able retrieve any mindmap you have added.

If you would still like your account deleted, click "Delete My Account". -FAQ=Frequent Asked Questions -SHORT_FAQ=FAQ -LOGIN=Login -EXPORT=Export -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=Portable Document Format (PDF) -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Image File (PNG/JPEG) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_09 = Freemind (version 0.9.0) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 1.0.1) -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping -LAST_UPDATE=Last Update -LAST_UPDATE_BY=Last Update By -DELETE=Delete -SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping -SITE.SLOGAN=Visual Thinking Evolution -KEYBOARD=Keyboard Shortcuts -KEYBOARD_MSG=These are the keyboard shortcuts you can use in the editor! -HOME=Homepage -LOGIN_ERROR=The email address or password you entered is incorrect. -USER_INACTIVE=Sorry, your account has not been activated yet. You'll receive a notification email when it becomes active. Stay tuned!. -CREW=The Crew -ALREADY_A_MEMBER=Already a member? -TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=Terms of Service: FIELD_REQUIRED=Required field cannot be left blank EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=There is an account already with this email. NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=Invalid email address -USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=Username already exists PASSWORD_MISMATCH=Your password entries did not match -CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=Your password has been changed successfully. -WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=Please check the WiseMapping Account information you've entered above, and review the Terms of Service -REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= By clicking on 'Register' below you are agreeing to the Terms of Service above and the Privacy Policy. -REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=Please, fill the fields and become a member of WiseMapping community. Registration is Free and takes just a moment. -CREATOR=Creator -CREATION_TIME=Creation Time -EDITORS=Editors -PUBLIC=Public -SHARED=Shared -ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = This mindmap can be viewed by you only. -ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = This mindmap can be viewed by any user. -NEW_MAP_MSG=Create a new map -NEW_LABEL_MSG=Create a new label -PUBLISH=Publish -PUBLISH_DETAILS=By publishing the map you make it visible to everyone on the Internet. -ACCOUNT_DETAIL=Do you want to change you user options?. Here is the place. -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML markup language for describing two-dimensional vector graphics. This format will enable you to print your maps without quality lost at any resolution. -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as Portable Document Format(PDF) to share use in your presentations. -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get a graphic representation of your map including all colors and shapes to reuse in documents or for archiving -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind is a nice desktop mind mapping application that has the great benefit of being free. -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = Export your map as WiseMapping document format. -TERMSOFUSE=Terms of Use -PRIVACYPOLICY= Privacy Policy -EXPORT_DETAILS=Export this map in the format that you want and start using it in your presentations or sharing by email -HERE=here -WHO_ARE_WE=Who are we? WELCOME=Welcome -RENAME=Rename -MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= Maximum allowed message length of 512 characters. -URL=URL -DIRECT_LINK=Direct Link -BLOG_INCLUSION=You can customize the code snippet to embed this map on your blog or website. Make sure you enter the correct dimensions of the content area of your blog so that the map fits nicely -BLOG_SNIPPET=Copy this snippet of code to embed in your blog or page -ZOOM=Zoom -HISTORY=History -SHARE=Share -UNEXPECTED_ERROR=Outch!!. An unexpected error has occurred. -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=We're sorry, an error has occurred and we can't process your request. Please try again, or go to the home page. -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_SERVER_ERROR=We're sorry, an error has occurred and we can't process your request. Refresh the page and try again. If the problem persist, click below on "Raise An Issue" to open a ticket. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=Outch!!. This map is not available anymore. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=You do not have enough right access to see this map. This map has been changed to private or deleted. -IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=You can import FreeMind 1.0.1 and WiseMapping maps to your list of maps. Select the file you want to import. -PRINT=Print IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=FreeMind file could not be imported. {0} MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=You have already a map with the same name LABEL_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=You have already a label with the same name #####FOOTER -COPYRIGHT=Powered by WiseMapping -TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=Terms and Conditions -CONTACT=Contact - -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= Your account has been activated -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = Account Activation Failed -NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= No history information available. -REVERT=revert -INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR = The e-mail was not verified -NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=Although HSQLDB is bundled with WiseMapping by default during the installation, we do not recommend this database for production use. Please consider using MySQL 5.5 instead. You can find more information how to configure MySQL -IMPORT=Import - -EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Note: You can change embedded map size modifying 'height' and 'width' style properties. You can also adjust the zoom factor modifying 'zoom' parameter from the URL. -EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=Exporting to Image, PDF or SVG is available only in the editor toolbar. -STARRED=Starred -ALL_MAPS=All -MY_MAPS=My Maps -SHARED_WITH_ME=Shared With Me -PUBLIC_MAPS=Public Maps -ACCEPT=Accept -SAVING=Saving ... -INFO=Info -DELETE_MINDMAP=Delete -DUPLICATE=Duplicate -CREATE=Create -LANGUAGE=Language -FILTERS=Filter -MORE=More -ADD_NEW_MAP=Add New Map -ADD_NEW_LABEL=Add New Label -LABEL=Label -IMPORTING=Importing ... -NEW=New -MIND_FILE=File -PARENT_LABEL=Nest label under -COLOR=Color -ICON=Icon -CHOOSE_LABEL=Choose a label -SELECT_LABEL=Please select a label -NO_SEARCH_RESULT=No mindmap available for the selected filter criteria -SEARCH=Search -GENERAL=General -SECURITY=Security -MAP_NAME_HINT=Name of the new map to create -LABEL_NAME_HINT=Name of the new label to create -MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=Some description for your map -WARNING=Warning -DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=Deleted mindmap can not be recovered. Do you want to continue ?. -DELETE_LABELS_WARNING=All labelled mindmaps will be untagged. Do you want to continue ?. -THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=Thanks for signing up\! -SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ You will receive a confirmation message shortly from WiseMapping. This message will ask you to activate your WiseMapping account.
Please select the link to activate and start creating and sharing maps. -SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=Your account has been created successfully, click here to sign in and start enjoying WiseMapping. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=The email is not register or you logged with OpenId . -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=If the problem persist please send us an email to support@wisemapping.com -SENDING=Sending ... -SIGN_ING=Signing in ... -ENABLE_PUBLISHING=Enable Sharing -FRAME_HEIGHT=Frame height -FRAME_WIDTH=Frame width -EMBED=Embebber -PUBLIC_URL=Public URLs -ADD_PEOPLE=Add People -COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=Enter collaborators emails separated by comas -CAN_EDIT=Can Edit -CAN_VIEW=Can View -EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Customize Email Notification -ADD_MESSAGE=Add message -WHO_CAN_ACCESS=Who has access -IS_OWNER=Is Owner -OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Optional\: Include a personal message -VIEW=view -YOU=You -INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=Your info has been changed successfully -OR_GREATER=or greater -IMPORTANT=Important - -SHOW_REGISTERS=Show _MENU_ entries -LOADING=Loading ... -NO_MATCHING_FOUND=No matching records found -TABLE_ROWS=_START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_ -ACTION=Action -CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=Create Sibling Topic -CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=Create Child Topic -DELETE_TOPIC=Delete Topic -EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=Edit Topic Text -JUST_START_TYPING=Just start typing -CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=Cancel Text Changes -TOPIC_NAVIGATION=Topic Navigation -ARROW_KEYS=Arrow Keys -SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=Select Multiple Nodes -UNDO_EDITION=Undo Edition -REDO_EDITION=Redo Edition -SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Select All Topic -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=Change Text Bold Type -SAVE_CHANGES=Save Changes -CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=Change Text Italic -DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Deselect All Topic -SHORTCUTS=Shortcuts -COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=Collapse Children -KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time by allowing you to never take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse. -COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=Copy and Paste Topics -MULTIPLE_LINES=Add multiple text lines -TERM_OF_USE=Terms and Conditions - # Properties used on the tutorial mindmap .... -TUTORIAL.MULTIPLE_TEXT_STYLES=Multiple Text Styles -TUTORIAL.DIFFERENT_SHAPES=Different Shapes -TUTORIAL.FANCY_ICONS=Fancy Icons -TUTORIAL.MOVE_WITH_ARROWS=Move Between Topics With The Arrows -TUTORIAL.START_TYPING_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Start Typing to Edit Text -TUTORIAL.CTRL_TO_ADD_CHILD=Press Ctrl/Meta+Enter to Add Child Topic -TUTORIAL.ENTER_TO_ADD_SIBLING=Press Enter to Add a Sibling Topic -TUTORIAL.MORE_KEY_TIPS=More ?. Click on shortcuts above -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_ADD=Double Click on the Canvas to Create Topics -TUTORIAL.DRAG_AND_DROP_TO_POSITION=Drag and Drop Topics Position -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Double Click on a Topic to Edit the Text -TUTORIAL.ADD_NOTES=Add Notes -TUTORIAL.USER_THE_TOOLBAR=Use the Toolbar -TUTORIAL.PUBLISH_YOUR_MAPS=Publish your Mindmap -TUTORIAL.EMBED_IN_BLOGS=Embed in Blogs -TUTORIAL.INVITE_FRIEND=Invite Friends to Collaborate -TUTORIAL.SHARING=Sharing -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_MOUSE=Edition Using Mouse -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_KEYBOARD=Edition Using Keyboard -TUTORIAL.ADD_LINKS_WEBPAGES=Add Links to Web Pages -TUTORIAL.TOPIC_PROPERTIES=Topics Properties -TUTORIAL.HOW_TO_START=How to Start ? -TUTORIAL.FONT_COLOR=Color -TUTORIAL.FONT_STYLE=Styles -TUTORIAL.FONT_TYPE=Type -TUTORIAL.SAMPLE_NOTE=This is a simple note !. -SUPPORT=Support -FEEDBACK=Got Feedback ? -REPORT_BUG=Raise An Issue -CONTACT_US=Contact Us - #Pending for translation ... CAPTCHA_LOADING_ERROR=ReCaptcha could not be loaded. You must have access to Google ReCaptcha service. ACCESS_HAS_BEEN_REVOKED= Upps. your access permissions to this map has been revoked. Contact map owner. MAP_CAN_NOT_BE_FOUND= Upps. The map can not be found. It must have been deleted. LABEL_CAN_NOT_BE_FOUND= Upps. The label can not be found. It must have been deleted. -LICENSE=License -DIRECT_LINK_EXPLANATION=Copy and paste the link below to share your map with colleagues MINDMAP_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED=It's not possible to save your changes because your mindmap has been modified by '{0}'. Refresh the page and try again. MINDMAP_OUTDATED_BY_YOU=It's not possible to save your changes because map is out of date. Do you have multiple tabs opened ?. Refresh the page and try again. -MINDMAP_LOCKED=Map is being edited by {0} <{1}>. Map is opened in read only mode. -TUTORIAL_VIDEO=Tutorial Video -XLS_EXPORT_FORMAT=Microsoft Excel -TXT_EXPORT_FORMAT=Plan Text -OPEN_OFFICE_EXPORT_FORMAT=OpenOffice Writer -XLS_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as Microsoft Excel (XSL) -TXT_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as a plan text format -OPEN_OFFICE_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as OpenOffice Write Document -MINDJET_EXPORT_FORMAT=(BETA) MindJet 8.x -MINDJET_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Export your maps in MindJet 8.x format MINDMAP_IS_LOCKED=Mindmap is locked for edition. # icons.. -ASTERISK=Asterisk -PLUS=Plus -EURO=Euro -MINUS=Minus -CLOUD=Cloud -ENVELOPE=Envelope -PENCIL=Pencil -CLASS=Glass -MUSIC=Music -HEART=Heart -STAR=Star -STAR-EMPTY=Empty Star -USER=User -FILM=Film -OK=Ok -REMOVE=Remove -SIGNAL=Signal -COG=Cog -TRASH=Trash -FILE=File -TIME=Time -DOWNLOAD-ALT=Download -DOWNLOAD=Download -UPLOAD=Upload -INBOX=Inbox -REPEAT=Repeat -REFRESH=Refresh -LIST-ALT=List -LOCK=Lock -FLAG=Flag -HEADPHONES=Headphones -GRCODE=GR Code -BARCODE=Barcode -TAG=Tag -TAGS=Tags -BOOK=Book -BOOKMARK=Bookmark -PRING=Print -CAMERA=Camera -LIST=List -FACETIME-VIDEO=Facetime Video -PICTURE=Picture -MAP-MARKER=Map Maker -ADJUST=Adjust -TINT=Tint -EDIT=Edit -CHECK=Check -CHEVRON-LEFT=Chevron Left -CHEVRON-RIGHT=Chevron Right -PLUS-SIGN=Plus Sign -MINUS-SIGN=Minus Sign -REMOVE-SIGN=Remove Sign -OK-SIGN=Ok Sign -QUESTION-SIGN=Question Sign -INFO-SIGN=Info Sign -SCREENSHOT=Screenshot -REMOVE-CIRCLE=Remove Circle -OK-CIRCLE=Ok Circle -BAN-CIRCLE=Ban Circle -ARROW-LEFT=Arrow Left -ARROW-RIGHT=Arrow Right -ARROW-UP=Arrow Up -ARROW-DOWN=Arrow Down -SHARE-ALT=Share -EXCLAMATION-SIGN=Exclamation -GIFT=Gift -LEAF=Leaf -FIRE=Fire -EYE-OPEN=Open eye -EYE-CLOSE=Closed eye -WARNING-SIGN=Warning -PLANE=Plane -CALENDAR=Calendar -RANDOM=Random -COMMENT=Comment -MAGNET=Magnet -CHEVRON-UP=Chevrop Up -CHEVRON-DOWN=Chevron Down -SHOPPING-CART=Shopping -FOLDER-CLOSE=Closed Folder -FOLDER-OPEN=Open Folder -HDD=HDD -BULLHORN=Bullhorn -BELL=Bell -CERTIFICATE=Certificate -THUMBS-UP=Thumbs up -THUMBS-DOWN=Thumbs down -HAND-RIGHT=Hand right -HAND-LEFT=Hand left -HAND-UP=Hang up -HAND-DOWN=Hang down -CIRCLE-ARROW-RIGHT=Circle right -CIRCLE-ARROW-LEFT=Circle left -CIRCLE-ARROW-UP=Circle up -CIRCLE-ARROW-DOWN=Circle down -GLOBE=Globe -WRENCH=Wrench -TASKS=Tasks -FILTER=Filter -BRIEFCASE=Briefcase -PAPERCLIP=Paperclip -HEART-EMPTY=Empty Heart -LINK=Link -PHONE=Phone -PUSHPIN=Pushpin -USD=USD -GBP=GBP -UNCHECKED=Unchecked -FLASH=Flash -RECORD=Record -SAVED=Saved -SEND=Send -FLOPPY-DISK=Floppy Disk -TRANSFER= -CUTLERY=Cutlery -HEADER=Header -COMPRESSED=Compressed -EARPHONE=Earphone -PHONE-ALT=Phone -TOWER=Tower -STATS=Stats -COPYRIGTH-MARK=Copyright -REGISTRATION-MARK=Registration Mark - - # Confirmed RESET_PASSWORD_INVALID_EMAIL=The email provided is not a valid user account. Please, try again with an valid email. diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_es.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_es.properties index 9834198f..19cf4537 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_es.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_es.properties @@ -1,257 +1,15 @@ # FIRST LINE IS IGNORED -DESCRIPTION=Descripción -SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping -SITE.SLOGAN=Evolución En Inteligencia Visual -VIEWERS=Lectores -USER_REGISTRATION=Registración de Usuarios -CANCEL=Cancelar -FIRSTNAME=Nombre -LASTNAME=Apellido -EMAIL=E-mail -HELP=Ayuda -ADD=Agregar -LOGOUT=Salir -PASSWORD=Contraseña -MY_WISEMAPS=Mis Wisemaps -RETYPE_PASSWORD=Reingresar Contraseña -REGISTER=Registración -REMEMBER_ME=Recordar mi sesión -SIGN_IN=Ingresar -SIGN_UP=Registrate -ACCOUNT=Mi Cuenta -USERNAME=Nombre de usuario -CLOSE=Cerrar -NOT_READY_A_USER=Todavía no usa WiseMapping? -NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=La registración es rápida y sólo toma un momento. -JOIN_NOW=Inscribete Ahora ! -FORGOT_PASSWORD=Se olvidó la contraseña ? -CHANGE_PASSWORD=Cambiar la Contraseña -FAQ=Preguntas Frecuentes -SHORT_FAQ=FAQ -LOGIN=Ingresar -MIND_FILE=Archivo -EXPORT=Exportar -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=Portable Document Format (PDF) -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Imagen (PNG/JPEG) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_09 = Freemind (version 0.9.0) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 1.0.1) -DELETE=Borrar -LOGIN_ERROR=El nombre de usuario o la contraseña introducidos no son correctos. -USER_INACTIVE=Disculpe, su cuenta aun no ha sido activada. Usted recibirá una notificación por email tan pronto la activemos. -CREW=The Crew -ALREADY_A_MEMBER=Ya un miembro ? -TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=Términos de servicio: -FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=Ingrese su e-mail para iniciar el proceso de recuperación de su contraseña. FIELD_REQUIRED=Campo requerido EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=e-mail ya existente NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=e-mail invalido -USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=Nombre de usuario ya existente PASSWORD_MISMATCH=La contraseña no concuerda -WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=Por favor, verifique la información que ha ingresado y lea las condiciones del servicio. -REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= Seleccionando 'Registración' esta aceptando las condiciones de uso de arriba y la politica de privacidad. -REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=Complete el siguiente formulario para convertirse en un miembro de la comunidad de WiseMapping.
La registración es Gratis y sólo toma un momento. -CREATOR=Creador -CREATION_TIME=Fecha de creación -EDITORS=Editores -PUBLIC=Público -SHARED=Compartido -ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = Este documento sólo puede ser visualizado por usted. -ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = Este documento puede ser visualizado por cualquier usuario. -NEW_MAP_MSG=Crear un nuevo mapa -PUBLISH=Publicar -PUBLISH_DETAILS=Publicando el mapa hará que el mismo sea visible por cualquier persona que utlice Internet. Copie el código de abajo para integrar el mapa con su sitio web o blog. -ACCOUNT_DETAIL=Desea cambiar sus preferencias? Este es el lugar. -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) es un XML markup language para describir gráficos vectoriale de dos dimensiones. Este formato le permitira imprimir sus mapas sin perdida de calidad o resolución. -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Obtenga su mapa como un documento (PDF) para compartirlo y usarlo en sus presentaciones. -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Obtenga una representación gráfica de su mapa incluyendo todo los colores y formas para reusarlo en documentos o para ser archivado -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind una aplicación de escritorio gratuita de diseño de mapas mentales -TERMSOFUSE=Términos de uso -PRIVACYPOLICY= Politica de privacidad -EXPORT_DETAILS=Exporte el mapa en el formato que desee y comience a utilizarlo en sus presentaciones -WHO_ARE_WE=Quienes somos? WELCOME=Bienvenido -NO_HISTORY_RESULTS=No existen cambios registrados para el mapa seleccionado -RENAME=Renombrar -BLOG_SNIPPET=Copie el pedazo de código para embeber el mapa en un blog o en una página. -MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= El máximo mensaje permitido puede contener 512 caracteres. -URL=URL -DIRECT_LINK=Enlace directo -BLOG_INCLUSION=Para incluirlo en blogs y web pages - -ZOOM=Zoom -UNEXPECTED_ERROR=Outch!!. Un error inesperado ha ocurrido -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=Disculpas, un error ha ocurrido y no podremos procesar su pedido. Por favor intente nuevamente o vaya a la pagina de inico. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=Outch!!. EL mapa buscado no se encuentra disponible. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=No tiene suficiente permisos de acceso para ver este mapa. El mapa no es mas publico o ha sido borrado. -PRINT=Imprimir IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=El archivo importado no parece ser un archivo FreeMind válido MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=Nombre de mapa ya existente -EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Note: You can change embedded map size modifying 'height' and 'width' style properties. You can also adjust the zoom factor modifying 'zoom' parameter from the URL. - #FOOTER -TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=Términos and Condiciones -CONTACT=Contacto - -KEYBOARD=Atajos de Teclado -KEYBOARD_MSG=Estos son los atajos de teclado que puede utilizar en el editor! - -REVERT=revertir -EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=Important: Exporting to Image, PDF or SVG is available only in the editor toolbar. -STARRED=Destacados -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED=Su cuenta ha sido activada -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL=Falla al Activar Cuenta -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT=WiseMapping -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Expota tu mapa en formato WiseMapping. -YOUR_ROLE=Tu Role -CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=Contraseña cambiada exitosamente -CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=Confirmar Contraseña -COPYRIGHT=Impulsado por WiseMapping -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_SERVER_ERROR=Lo sentimos, un error ha ocurrido y no es posible procesar su pedido. Recargue la página y intentelo nuevamente. Si el problema persiste, hace un click en "Reportar un Problema" para abrir un ticket. -SHARE=Compartir -SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=Enviar Nueva Contraseña -ALL_MAPS=Todos -CREATE=Crear -DUPLICATE=Duplicar -DELETE_MINDMAP=Borrar -INFO=Infomación -SAVING=Grabando ... -PUBLIC_MAPS=Mapas Publicos -MY_MAPS=Mis Mapas -NEW_PASSWORD=Nueva Contraseña -DELETE__ACCOUNT=Eliminar cuenta -LANGUAGE=Idioma -SHARED_WITH_ME=Compartidos -ACCEPT=Aceptar -IMPORT=Importar -HISTORY=Historia -INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR=El e-mail no fue verificado -LAST_UPDATE=Ultima Actualización -LAST_UPDATE_BY=Ultima Actualización Por -NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=A pesar que la base de datos HSQLDB es distribuida por defecto durante la instalación, la misma no es recomendada para el uso en entornos productivos. Se recomienda fuertemente usar MySQL 5.5 o superior. Los pasos para configurar MySQL pueden ser encontrados -CHANGE_LANGUAGE=Cambiar Idioma -FILTERS=Filtros -MORE=Mas -ADD_NEW_MAP=Nuevo Mapa -IMPORTING=Importando ... -NEW=Nuevo -NO_SEARCH_RESULT=No existen mapas disponibles para el criterio de búsqueda seleccionado -GENERAL=General -SECURITY=Seguridad -MAP_NAME_HINT=El nombre del nuevo mapa -MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=Una descripción de tu mapa -WARNING=Cuidado -DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=Una vez borrado de un mapa no puede ser recuperado. Desea continuar ? -THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=Graciar por registarse ! -SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=You will receive a confirmation message shortly from WiseMapping. This message will ask you to activate your WiseMapping account.
Please select the link to activate and start creating and sharing maps. -SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=Su cuenta ha sido creada exitosamente,haga click acá para ingresar y empezar a disfrutar de WiseMapping. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=El e-mail ingresado no pertenece a un usuario registrado o la cuenta no ha sido activada todavía. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=Si el problema persiste, envíe un e-mail a support@wisemapping.com -SENDING=Enviando ... -SIGN_ING=Ingresando ... -ENABLE_PUBLISHING=Habilitar publicación -FRAME_HEIGHT=Alto -FRAME_WIDTH=Ancho -EMBED=Embeber -PUBLIC_URL=Dirección URL -ADD_PEOPLE=Agregar Colaboradores -COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=Ingrese una lista de e-mails de colaboradores separada por comas -CAN_EDIT=Puede Editar -CAN_VIEW=Puede Ver -EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Personalizar e-mail -ADD_MESSAGE=Agregar un mensaje -WHO_CAN_ACCESS=Quienes pueden acceder -IS_OWNER=Es dueño -OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Opcional\: Incluir un mensaje personalizado -IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=Es posible importar mapas en formato FreeMind 1.0.1 y WiseMapping. Seleccione el archivo a importar. -VIEW=ver -YOU=Vos -INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=Your info has been changed successfully -OR_GREATER=o superior -IMPORTANT=Importante - -BROWSER_RECOMMENDATION=Browsers are listed based on performance and hours of testing invested by our team. -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE=Ups\!\!\!. Su navegador no esta soportado -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG=El navegador que esta usando no ha sido probado extensivamente y es posible que no sea completamente funcional con el sitio. WiseMapping ha sido optimizado para: -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TRY_AGAIN=Por favor, intente nuevamente con alguno de los browsers previamente listados. -INSTALL_CFG=Disculpe, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 esta parcialmente soportado -INSTALL_CFG_REASON = Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 soporta parcialmente HTML 5 y SVG. SVG es la tecnología que WiseMapping usa para el editor de mapas. Le recomendamos que actualice a Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 o utilice otro navegador como ser Google Chrome, Firefox o Safari. -INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=Si desea seguir utilizando Internet Explorer 8, haga click acá para instalar Google Chrome Frame Plugin. Google Chrome Frame Plugin extiende las capaciadades de Internet Explorer con HTML 5. -HERE=aquí -SEARCH=Buscar -HOME=Homepage -SHOW_REGISTERS=Mostrar _MENU_ registros -LOADING=Cargando ... -NO_MATCHING_FOUND=No se encontraron resultados -TABLE_ROWS=\ _START_-_END_ de _TOTAL_ -ACTION=Acción -CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=Agregar Tópico Hermano -CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=Agregar Tópico Hijo -DELETE_TOPIC=Borrar Tópico -EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=Editar Texto de Tópico -JUST_START_TYPING=Comenza a escribir -CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=Cancelar Edición de Texto -TOPIC_NAVIGATION=Navegación Entre Tópicos -ARROW_KEYS=Flechas Del Cursor -SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=Selecciónar Multiples Tópicos -UNDO_EDITION=Revertir Cambios -REDO_EDITION=Rehacer Cambios -SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Seleccionar Todos los Tópicos -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=Cambiar Texto a Negrita -SAVE_CHANGES=Guardar los Cambios -CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=Cambiar Texto a Italica -DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Revertir Selección de Tópicos -SHORTCUTS=Accesos Directos -COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=Colapsar Hijos -KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=Los accesos directos pueden ayudarte a salvar tiempo permitiéndote no sacar las manos del teclado para usar el mouse. -NAME=Nombre -COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=Copiar y Pegar Tópicos -MULTIPLE_LINES=Agregar multiples lineas de texto -TERM_OF_USE=Términos y Condiciones -TUTORIAL.MULTIPLE_TEXT_STYLES=Multiples Estilos de Fuente -TUTORIAL.DIFFERENT_SHAPES=Formas Diferentes -TUTORIAL.FANCY_ICONS=Iconos -TUTORIAL.MOVE_WITH_ARROWS=Movete Entre Tópicos Con El Cursor -TUTORIAL.START_TYPING_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Comienza a Escribir Para Editar un Texto -TUTORIAL.CTRL_TO_ADD_CHILD=Presiona Ctrl/Meta+Enter para Agregar un Sub Tópico -TUTORIAL.ENTER_TO_ADD_SIBLING=Presiones Enter para Agregar un Tópico Hermano -TUTORIAL.MORE_KEY_TIPS=Más ?. Hace click in 'Accesos directos' arriba -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_ADD=Doble Click en para Crear Tópicos -TUTORIAL.DRAG_AND_DROP_TO_POSITION=Arrastra Tópicos para Posicionar -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Doble Click en un Tópico para Editar Texto -TUTORIAL.ADD_NOTES=Agregar Notas -TUTORIAL.USER_THE_TOOLBAR=Usa el Toolbar -TUTORIAL.PUBLISH_YOUR_MAPS=Publica tu Mapas -TUTORIAL.EMBED_IN_BLOGS=Embeber en Blogs -TUTORIAL.INVITE_FRIEND=Invita Amigos a Colaborar -TUTORIAL.SHARING=Compartir -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_MOUSE=Edicion Usando Mouse -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_KEYBOARD=Edición Usando el Teclado -TUTORIAL.ADD_LINKS_WEBPAGES=Agregar Enlaces a Paginas Web -TUTORIAL.TOPIC_PROPERTIES=Propiedades de Tópicos -TUTORIAL.HOW_TO_START=Como Comenzar ? -TUTORIAL.FONT_COLOR=Color -TUTORIAL.FONT_STYLE=Estilos -TUTORIAL.FONT_TYPE=Tipos de Fuente -TUTORIAL.SAMPLE_NOTE=Esto es una Nota ! -SUPPORT=Ayuda -FEEDBACK=Tenes Feedback ? -REPORT_BUG=Reportar Problema - -CONTACT_US=Contáctenos - - ACCESS_HAS_BEEN_REVOKED=Los permisos de acceso al mapa han sido revocados. No es posible grabar sus cambios. CAPTCHA_LOADING_ERROR=ReCaptcha no pudo ser cargado. Debes tener accesso al servicio de Google ReCaptcha. -LICENSE=Licencia -WELCOME_TO_WISEMAPPING=Bienvenido a WiseMapping -WELCOME_DETAILS=WiseMapping te permite crear y leer tus mapas mentales en cualquier lugar. Con WiseMapping tu puedes: . -DIRECT_LINK_EXPLANATION=Copie y pegue el este enlace para compartir su mapa mental con amigos y colegas -TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT_SUPPORT=Si tienes algun problema o no reciviste el mail, contactanos a support@wisemapping.com -TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT_DETAILS=Se te ha enviado un mail con los detalles para cambiar to password. Revisa tu correo ahora. -TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT=Tu contraseña temporal ha sido enviada -MINDMAP_LOCKED=El mapa esta siendo editado por {0} <{1}>. Mapa sera abierto en modo lectura. MINDMAP_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED=No es posible grabar sus cambios por que el mapa ha sido modificado por {0}'. Refresque la pagina y intentelo nuevamente. diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties index c924c418..9f959349 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties @@ -6,249 +6,20 @@ # (221) 'neouds' replaced by 'noeuds' # (201-219) all texts translated : these lines are items of 'shortcuts' list (and not scripts) -NAME=Nom -DESCRIPTION=Description -ADD=Ajouter -VIEWERS=Utilisateurs -USER_REGISTRATION=Enregistrement utilisateur -SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=M'envoyer un nouveau mot de passe -CANCEL=Annuler -FIRSTNAME=Prénom -LASTNAME=Nom -EMAIL=Email -HELP=Aide -LOGOUT=Déconnexion -PASSWORD=Mot de passe -NEW_PASSWORD=Nouveau mot de passe -CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=Confirmer nouveau mot de passe -MY_WISEMAPS=Mes Wisemaps -RETYPE_PASSWORD=Répéter mot de passe -REGISTER=M'enregistreREMEMBER_ME=Se souvenir de moi -SIGN_IN=Se connecter -SIGN_UP=S'inscrire -ACCOUNT=Compte -USERNAME=Nom d'utilisateur -CLOSE=Fermer -NOT_READY_A_USER=Pas encore membre? -NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=L'inscription est gratuite et ne prend qu'un instant. -JOIN_NOW=Rejoignez-nous! -YOUR_ROLE=Votre Rôle -FORGOT_PASSWORD=Mot de passe perdu ? -CHANGE_PASSWORD=Changer mot de passe -CHANGE_LANGUAGE=Changer de langue -FAQ=Foire Aux Questions -SHORT_FAQ=FAQ -LOGIN=Connexion -EXPORT=Exporter -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=Portable Document Format (PDF) -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Fichier Graphique (PNG/JPEG) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_09 = Freemind (version 0.9.0) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 1.0.1) -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping -LAST_UPDATE=Date dernière modification -LAST_UPDATE_BY=Dernière modification par -DELETE=Détruire -SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping -SITE.SLOGAN=Visual Thinking Evolution -KEYBOARD=Raccourcis clavier -KEYBOARD_MSG=Voici les raccourcis claviers utilisables dans l'éditeur! -HOME=Page d'accueil -LOGIN_ERROR=L'adresse email ou le mot de passe que vous avez saisis sont incorrects. -USER_INACTIVE=Désolé, votre compte n'est pas encore activé. Vous recevrez un message email quand il sera activé. Restez à l'écoute ! -CREW=L'équipe -ALREADY_A_MEMBER=Déjà membre? -TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=Conditions de service: -FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=Merci de saisir votre adresse email pour nous aider à retrouver votre compte WiseMapping. FIELD_REQUIRED=Ce champ ne peut pas rester vide EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=Cet email est déjà utilisé NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=Email non valide -USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=Ce nom d'utilisateur est déjà utilisé PASSWORD_MISMATCH=Le mot de passe saisi ne correspond pas -CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=Votre mot de passe a été changé avec succès. -WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=Merci de vérifier l'information de Compte WiseMapping que vous avez saisie, et de relire les conditions de service -REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE=En cliquant "M'enregistrer" ci-dessous, vous acceptez les conditions de service ci-dessus ainsi que les règles de confidentialité. -REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=Devenez membre de la communauté WiseMapping en remplissant les champs ci-dessous. L'inscription est gratuite et ne prend qu'un instant. -CREATOR=Créateur -CREATION_TIME=Heure de création -EDITORS=Editeurs -PUBLIC=Public -SHARED=Partagé -ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = Cette carte n'est visible que par vous. -ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = Cette carte est visible par tout utilisateur. -NEW_MAP_MSG=Créer une nouvelle carte -PUBLISH=Publier -PUBLISH_DETAILS=En publiant la carte vous la rendez visible par tout le monde sur Internet. -ACCOUNT_DETAIL=Voulez-vous modifier vos options d'utilisateur ? C'est par ici. -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) est un langage XML de représentation graphique vectorielle en 2-D. Ce format permet d'imprimer à n'importe quelle échelle sans perte de résolution. -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Exportez votre carte sous forme de Portable Document Format(PDF) pour en partager l'utilisation en présentation. -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Créez une représentation graphique de votre carte avec toutes les couleurs et les formes, pour l'inclure dans d'autres documents ou l'archiver. -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind est un excellent logiciel de cartographie mentale en usage local, ayant le gros avantage d'être gratuit. -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = Exporter votre carte en format WiseMapping. -TERMSOFUSE=Conditions d'utilisation -PRIVACYPOLICY= Politique de confidentialité -EXPORT_DETAILS=Exporter cette carte dans le format de votre choix pour l'utiliser dans vos présentations ou la transmettre par email -HERE=Ici -WHO_ARE_WE=Qui sommes-nous ? WELCOME=Bienvenue -RENAME=Renommer -MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= Longueur maximale des messages 512 caractères. -URL=URL -DIRECT_LINK=Lien direct -BLOG_INCLUSION=Vous pouvez personnaliser ce morceau de code pour incruster cette carte sur votre blog ou votre site. Vérifiez les dimensions de la zone de contenu, de manière à obtenir une bonne mise en page de la carte. -BLOG_SNIPPET=Copier ce morceau de code pour incruster cette carte sur votre blog ou votre page -ZOOM=Zoom -HISTORY=Historique -SHARE=Partager -UNEXPECTED_ERROR=Aïe!!. Une erreur inattendue est survenue. -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=Désolé, une erreur s'est produite et nous ne pouvons pas exécuter votre demande. Essayez à nouveau, ou retournez à la page d'accueil. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=Aïe!!. Cette carte n'est plus accessible. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=Vous n'avez pas les droits d'accès suffisants pour voir cette carte. Cette carte est devenue privée, ou a été détruite. -IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=Vous pouvez importer des cartes FreeMind 1.0.1 et WiseMapping dans votre liste de cartes. Choisissez le fichier à importer. -PRINT=Imprimer IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=Le fichier FreeMind n'a pas pu être importé. {0} MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=Vous avez déjà une carte portant le même nom. #####FOOTER -COPYRIGHT=Propulsé par WiseMapping -TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=Clauses et Conditions -CONTACT=Contact - -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= Votre compte a été activé -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = L'activation du compte a échoué -NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= Pas d'historique disponible. -REVERT=Inverser -INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR = L'email n'a pas été confirmé -NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=Bien que HSQLDB soit inclus avec WiseMapping par défaut durant l'installation, nous ne recommendons pas cette base de données en production. Nevisagez plutôt MySQL 5.5. Vous pouvez trouver comment configurer MySQL. -IMPORT=Importer - -EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Note: vous pouvez changer le format de la carte encapsulée en modifiant les propriétés de style 'height' et 'width'. Vous pouvez aussi modifier le facteur de zoom par le paramètre 'zoom' de l'URL. -EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=Exporter vers Image, PDF ou SVG n'est possible que depuis la barre d'outils de l'éditeur. -STARRED=Favoris -ALL_MAPS=Toutes les cartes -MY_MAPS=Mes cartes -SHARED_WITH_ME=Partagées avec moi -PUBLIC_MAPS=Cartes publiques -ACCEPT=Accepter -SAVING=Enregistrement ... -INFO=Info -DELETE_MINDMAP=Effacer la carte -DUPLICATE=Dupliquer -CREATE=Créer -LANGUAGE=Langue -FILTERS=Filtre -MORE=Plus -ADD_NEW_MAP=Ajouter nouvelle carte -IMPORTING=Importation ... -NEW=Nouvelle -MIND_FILE=Fichier -NO_SEARCH_RESULT=Pas de carte trouvée avec les critères de filtrage sélectionnés. -SEARCH=Rechercher -GENERAL=General -SECURITY=Securité -MAP_NAME_HINT=Nom de la nouvelle carte à créer -MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=Brève description de votre carte -WARNING=Avertissement -DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=Une carte effacée ne peut pas être récupérée. Voulez-vous continuer ? -THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=Merci de vous inscrire \! -SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ Vous recevrez prochainement un bref message de confirmation de WiseMapping. Ce message vous demandera d'activer votre compte WiseMapping.
SVP suivez le lien pour activer commencer à créer et partager vos cartes. -SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=Votre compte a été créé, cliquez here pour vous connecter et commencer à apprécier WiseMapping. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=L'email n'est pas enregistré, ou votre compte n'est pas encore activé. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=Si le problème persiste SVP écrivez-nous ici : support@wisemapping.com -SENDING=Envoi en cours ... -SIGN_ING=Connexion en cours ... -ENABLE_PUBLISHING=Activer le partage -FRAME_HEIGHT=Hauteur de cadre -FRAME_WIDTH=Largeur de cadre -EMBED=Encapsuler -PUBLIC_URL=URLs publics -ADD_PEOPLE=Ajouter des personnes -COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=Saisissez les adresses email des collaborateurs, séparées par des virgules. -CAN_EDIT=Peut Editer -CAN_VIEW=Peut Regarder -EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Personnaliser la Notification Email -ADD_MESSAGE=Ajouter message -WHO_CAN_ACCESS=Qui a accès -IS_OWNER=Est propriétaire -OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Option\: Inclure un message personnel -VIEW=regarder -YOU=Vous -INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=Votre info a bien été modifiée -OR_GREATER=ou plus -IMPORTANT=Important - -BROWSER_RECOMMENDATION=Les navigateurs sont sélectionnés sur la base de performances et d'heures de tests investies par notre équipe. -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE=Oups\!\!\!. Votre navigateur n'est pas supporté ! -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG= Votre navigateur n'a pas été testé en détail, et ne fonctionne peut-être pas pleinement. WiseMapping est optimisé pour: -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TRY_AGAIN=Essayez à nouveau avec un des navigateurs sélectionnés. - -INSTALL_CFG=Désloé, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 n'est que partiellement compatible -INSTALL_CFG_REASON = Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 n'est pas compatible avec le format SVG HTML 5. SVG est le format utilisé par WiseMapping pour afficher et éditer les cartes. Nous recommandons fortement, soit de mettre à jour vers Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, ou d'utiliser plutôt un navigateur comme Google Chrome, Firefox ou Safari. -INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=Si vous continuez à utiliser votre vieux Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, cliquez ici pour installer l'extension Google Chrome Frame Plugin, qui va étendre les capacités de Internet Explorer à fonctionner avec HTML 5. -SHOW_REGISTERS=Show _MENU_ entries -LOADING=Chargement ... -NO_MATCHING_FOUND=Pas d'enregistrements conformes -# BEGIN Translator interrogations : lines below might be scripting parameters or instructions ? -TABLE_ROWS=\ _START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_ +# BEGIN Translator interrogations : lines below might be scripting parameters or instructions ? # END Translator interrogations -ACTION=Action -CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=Créer noeud même niveau -CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=Créer noeud enfant -DELETE_TOPIC=Détruire noeud -EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=Editer texte du noeud -JUST_START_TYPING=Commencer saisie -CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=Annuler changement texte -TOPIC_NAVIGATION=Navigation sur les noeuds -ARROW_KEYS=Touches flèches -SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=Selection multiple de noeuds -UNDO_EDITION=Annuler édition -REDO_EDITION=Refaire édition -SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Sélection tous noeuds -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=Caractères en gras -SAVE_CHANGES=Enregistrer changements -CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=Caractères en italique -DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Deselection tous noeuds -SHORTCUTS=Raccourcis -COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=Fermer enfants -KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=Les raccourcis clavier vous font gagner du temps, en vous permettant de garder les mains sur le clavier sans utiliser la souris. -COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=Copier et coller les noeuds -MULTIPLE_LINES=Ajouter plusieurs lignes de texte -TERM_OF_USE=Modalités et conditions - # Properties used on the tutorial mindmap .... -TUTORIAL.MULTIPLE_TEXT_STYLES=Multiples Styles de Texte -TUTORIAL.DIFFERENT_SHAPES=Differentes Formes -TUTORIAL.FANCY_ICONS=Icônes fantaisie -TUTORIAL.MOVE_WITH_ARROWS=Se déplacer entre les noeuds avec les flèches -TUTORIAL.START_TYPING_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Pour éditer, commencer à taper du texte -TUTORIAL.CTRL_TO_ADD_CHILD=Appuyer sur Ctrl/Meta+Enter pour ajouter un noeud enfant -TUTORIAL.ENTER_TO_ADD_SIBLING=Appuyer sur Enter pour ajouter un noeud de même niveau -TUTORIAL.MORE_KEY_TIPS=Plus de ?. Cliquer sur les raccourcis -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_ADD=Double-Clic sur le fond : créer un noeud -TUTORIAL.DRAG_AND_DROP_TO_POSITION=Déplacer la position des noeuds -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Double-Clic sur un noeud : édite le texte -TUTORIAL.ADD_NOTES=Ajouter Notes -TUTORIAL.USER_THE_TOOLBAR=Utiliser la barre d'outils -TUTORIAL.PUBLISH_YOUR_MAPS=Publier votre carte -TUTORIAL.EMBED_IN_BLOGS=Encapsuler dans un blog -TUTORIAL.INVITE_FRIEND=Inviter des amis -TUTORIAL.SHARING=Partage -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_MOUSE=Edition avec la souris -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_KEYBOARD=Edition avec le clavier -TUTORIAL.ADD_LINKS_WEBPAGES=Ajouter des liens vers des pages web -TUTORIAL.TOPIC_PROPERTIES=Propriétés des noeuds -TUTORIAL.HOW_TO_START=Comment démarrer ? -TUTORIAL.FONT_COLOR=Couleurs de caractères -TUTORIAL.FONT_STYLE=Styles de caractères -TUTORIAL.FONT_TYPE=Types de caractères -TUTORIAL.SAMPLE_NOTE=Ceci est une simple note !. - - - CAPTCHA_LOADING_ERROR=ReCaptcha could not be loaded. You must have access to Google ReCaptcha service. ACCESS_HAS_BEEN_REVOKED= Upps. your access permissions to this map has been revoked. Contact map owner. -LICENSE=License -WELCOME_TO_WISEMAPPING=Welcome to WiseMapping -WELCOME_DETAILS=WiseMapping will enable you to create and read your mind maps everywhere. With WiseMapping you can: . + diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_it.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_it.properties index 744e918f..bd7d242f 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_it.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_it.properties @@ -1,239 +1,16 @@ # Default English Support. -NAME=Nome -DESCRIPTION=Descrizione -ADD=Aggiungi -VIEWERS=Viste -USER_REGISTRATION=Registrazione Utente -SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=Inviami una nuova password -CANCEL=Cancella -FIRSTNAME=Nome -LASTNAME=Cognome -EMAIL=Email -HELP=Aiuto -LOGOUT=Esci -PASSWORD=Password -NEW_PASSWORD=Nuova password -CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=Conferma nuova password -MY_WISEMAPS=Miei Wisemaps -RETYPE_PASSWORD=Ridigita Password -REGISTER=Registra -REMEMBER_ME=Ricordami -SIGN_IN=Entra -SIGN_UP=Esci -ACCOUNT=Account -USERNAME=Nome utente -CLOSE=Chiudi -NOT_READY_A_USER=Non sei ancora registrato? -NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=La registrazione è gratuita e veloce. Prova -JOIN_NOW=Registrati ora! -YOUR_ROLE=Tuo ruolo -FORGOT_PASSWORD=Password dimenticata ? -CHANGE_PASSWORD=Cambia password -CHANGE_LANGUAGE=Cambia Lingua -FAQ=Frequent Asked Questions -SHORT_FAQ=FAQ -LOGIN=Login -EXPORT=Esporta -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=Portable Document Format (PDF) -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=File Immagine (PNG/JPEG) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_09 = Freemind (version 0.9.0) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 1.0.1) -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping -LAST_UPDATE=Ultimo Aggiornamento -LAST_UPDATE_BY=Ultimo aggiornamento da -DELETE=Elimina -SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping -SITE.SLOGAN=Visual Thinking Evolution -KEYBOARD=Scorciatoie da Tastiera -KEYBOARD_MSG=Queste sono le scorciatoie da tastiera che puoi usare nell'editor! -HOME=Homepage -LOGIN_ERROR=L'indirizzo e-mail o la password inseriti non sono corretti. -USER_INACTIVE=Siamo spiacenti, il tuo account non è ancora attivo. Riceverai una notifica via e-mail quando sarà attivata. Resta in contatto!. -CREW=Lo Staff -ALREADY_A_MEMBER=Già registrato? -TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=Termini di Servizio: -FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=Prego, inserire un indirizzo e-mail per aiutarci a localizzare il tuo account WiseMapping. FIELD_REQUIRED=I campi richiesti non possono essere lasciati vuoti EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=Indirizzo e-mail esiste già NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=Indirizzo e-mail non valido -USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=Il nome utente esiste già PASSWORD_MISMATCH=La password inserita non corrisponde -CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=La password è stata cambiata correttamente -WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=Prego, controllare le informazioni del tuo account WiseMapping appena inserite, e prendi note dei Termini di Servizio -REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= Cliccando su 'Registra' di seguito, si accettano i Termini di Servizio riportati e le Privacy Policy di cui sopra. -REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=Prego, compilare tutti i campi per diventare membri della Community WiseMapping. La registrazione è Free richiede pochi istanti. -CREATOR=Creatore -CREATION_TIME=Orario di creazione -EDITORS=Editori -PUBLIC=Pubblico -SHARED=Condiviso -ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = Questa mindmap può essere visualizzata solo da te. -ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = Questa mindmap può essere visualizzata da chiunque. -NEW_MAP_MSG=Crea nuova mappa -PUBLISH=Pubblica -PUBLISH_DETAILS=Pubblicando questa mappa, la renderai visibile da chiunque su Internet. -ACCOUNT_DETAIL=Vuoi cambiare le tue opzioni utente?. Questo è il posto giusto. -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) è un linguaggio di markup XML per descrivere grafici vettorial a due dimensioni. Questo formato ti permetterà di stampare le tue mappe senza perdita di qualità e a qualsiasi risoluzione. -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Rendi la tua mappa come un Portable Document Format(PDF) per condividerlo nelle tue presentazioni. -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Crea la rappresentazione grafica della tua mappa per inclusi tutti i colori e forme per utlizzarla in documenti o per l'archiviazione -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind è un'applicazione desktop per il mind mapping con il beneficio dell'essere gratuito. -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = Esporta la tua mappa come un documento in formato WiseMapping. -TERMSOFUSE=Termini di utilizzo -PRIVACYPOLICY= Privacy Policy -EXPORT_DETAILS=Esporta questa mappa nel formato desiderato ed inizia ad utilizzarlo nelle tue presentazioni o condividilo via e-mail -HERE=Qui -WHO_ARE_WE=Chi c'è qui? WELCOME=Benvenuto -RENAME=Rinomina -MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= La lunghezza massima del messaggio è di 512 caratteri. -URL=URL -DIRECT_LINK=Link diretto -BLOG_INCLUSION=Puoi personalizzare il codice snippet per pubblicare questa mappa sul tuo blog o sito web. Make sure you enter the correct dimensions of the content area of your blog so that the map fits nicely -BLOG_SNIPPET=Copia questo blocco di codice per pubblicarlo sul tuo blog o su di una pagina web -ZOOM=Zoom -HISTORY=Cronologia -SHARE=Condividi -UNEXPECTED_ERROR=Oops!! Si è verificato un errore inaspettato. -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=Siamo spiacenti, si è verificato un errore e non possiamo procedere nella tua richiesta. Prego, provare più tardi o torna alla home page. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=Oops!!. Questa mappa non è più disponibile. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=Non hai sufficienti diritti per visualizzare questa mappa. Il suo stato è cambiato in Privato oppure è stata eliminata. -IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=Puoi importare mappe da FreeMind 1.0.1 e da WiseMapping sulla tua lista di mappe. Seleziona il file da importare. -PRINT=Stampa IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=Il file FreeMind non può essere importato. {0} MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=Esiste già una mappa con lo stesso nome #####FOOTER -COPYRIGHT=Powered by WiseMapping -TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=Termini e condizioni -CONTACT=Contatto - -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= Il tuo account è stato attivato -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = E' fallita la procedura di attivazione dell'account -NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= Nessuna informazione disponibile per lo storico. -REVERT=Ritorna -INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR = L'indirizzo e-mail non è stato verificato -NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=Although HSQLDB is bundled with WiseMapping by default during the installation, we do not recommend this database for production use. Please consider using MySQL 5.5 instead. You can find more information how to configure MySQL -IMPORT=Importa ================================================================================================================================================================================================================ -EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Note: You can change embedded map size modifying 'height' and 'width' style properties. You can also adjust the zoom factor modifying 'zoom' parameter from the URL. -EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=Exporting to Image, PDF or SVG is available only in the editor toolbar. -STARRED=Starred -ALL_MAPS=Tutti -MY_MAPS=Mie mappe -SHARED_WITH_ME=Condividi con me -PUBLIC_MAPS=Pubblica Mappe -ACCEPT=Accetta -SAVING=Salvataggio ... -INFO=Info -DELETE_MINDMAP=Elimina -DUPLICATE=Duplica -CREATE=Crea -LANGUAGE=Lingua -FILTERS=Filtro -MORE=Altro -ADD_NEW_MAP=Aggiungi una nuova Mappa -IMPORTING=Importazione ... -NEW=Nuovo -MIND_FILE=File -NO_SEARCH_RESULT=Nessuna mappa disponibile per i criteri di ricerca selezionati -SEARCH=Cerca -GENERAL=Generale -SECURITY=Sicurezza -MAP_NAME_HINT=Nome della nuova mappa da creare -MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=Una descrizione della nuova mappa -WARNING=Attenzione -DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=Eliminando la mappa, non può essere più recuperata. Si desidera continuare? -THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=Grazie per esserti registrato\! -SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ Riceverete un messaggio di conferma da WiseMapping. Questo messaggio vi chiederà di attivare il nuovo account WiseMapping.
Selezionare il link per attivare l'account ed iniziare a creare e condividere le tue mappe. -SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=Il tuo account è stato creato correttamente, clicca qui per entrare ed iniziare ad usare WiseMapping. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=L'indirizzo email non è registrato oppure il tuo account non è ancora attivo. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=Se il problema persiste, inviare una mail a support@wisemapping.com -SENDING=Invio in corso ... -SIGN_ING=Attendere prego ... -ENABLE_PUBLISHING=Abilita condivisione -FRAME_HEIGHT=Altezza Frame (height) -FRAME_WIDTH=Larghezza Frame (width) -EMBED=Embebber -PUBLIC_URL=Pubblica URLs -ADD_PEOPLE=Aggiungi persone -COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=Aggiungi le e-mail dei tuoi collaboratori separati da una virgola -CAN_EDIT=Può Modificare -CAN_VIEW=Può Leggere -EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Personalizza la mail di notifica -ADD_MESSAGE=Aggiungi messaggio -WHO_CAN_ACCESS=Chi ha accesso -IS_OWNER=Proprietario -OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Opzionale\: Include un messaggio personale -VIEW=Vista -YOU=Tu -INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=Le tue informazioni sono state modificate correttamente -OR_GREATER=o superiore -IMPORTANT=Importante - -BROWSER_RECOMMENDATION=I browser sono ordinati in base alle performance e le ore di test investite dal nostro Team. -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE=Oops\!\!\!. Il tuo browser non è ancora supportato -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG=Il tuo browser non è stato del tutto testato e potrebbe avere una funzionalità parziale. WiseMapping è stato ottimizzato per: -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TRY_AGAIN=Prova di nuvovo con uno dei browser precedentemente elencati. - -INSTALL_CFG=Sorry, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 è parzialmente supportato -INSTALL_CFG_REASON = Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 non supporta il linguaggio HTML 5 SVG. SVG è la tecnologia usata da WiseMapping per generare e modificare le MindMap. Raccomandiamo fortemente di aggiornare alla versione più recente Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 o usare un altro browser come Google Chrome, Firefox o Safari. -INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=Se stai ancora usando Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, clicca qui per installare Google Chrome Frame Plugin. Google Chrome Frame Plugin estende le capacità di Internet Explorer aggiungendo il supporto al linguaggio HTML 5. -SHOW_REGISTERS=Mostra gli elementi di _MENU_ -LOADING=Caricamento ... -NO_MATCHING_FOUND=Nessun elemento trovato -TABLE_ROWS=\ _START_-_END_ di _TOTAL_ -ACTION=Azione -CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=Crea argomento -CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=Crea argomento figlio -DELETE_TOPIC=Elimina argomento -EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=Modifica testo argomento -JUST_START_TYPING=Inizia a scrivere -CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=Annulla le modifiche al testo -TOPIC_NAVIGATION=Navigazione Argomenti -ARROW_KEYS=Tasti freccia -SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=Seleziona nodi multipli -UNDO_EDITION=Annulla -REDO_EDITION=Ripeti -SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Seleziona tutti -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=Cambia spessore testo -SAVE_CHANGES=Salva modifiche -CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=Cambia testo italico -DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Deseleziona tutti -SHORTCUTS=Scorciatoie -COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=Chiudi figli -KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=Le scorciatoie da tastiera posso aiutarti a risparmiare tempo, così da non allontanare mai le mani dalla tastiera. -COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=Copia e incolla argomenti -MULTIPLE_LINES=Aggiunti testo multilinea -TERM_OF_USE=Termini e Condizioni - # Properties used on the tutorial mindmap .... -TUTORIAL.MULTIPLE_TEXT_STYLES=Stile testo multilinea -TUTORIAL.DIFFERENT_SHAPES=Forme diverse -TUTORIAL.FANCY_ICONS=Icone Fancy -TUTORIAL.MOVE_WITH_ARROWS=Spostati tra argomenti con le frecce -TUTORIAL.START_TYPING_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Premi un tasto per modificare il testo -TUTORIAL.CTRL_TO_ADD_CHILD=Premi Ctrl/Meta+Invio per aggiungere un argomento figlio -TUTORIAL.ENTER_TO_ADD_SIBLING=Premi Invio per aggiungere un argomento parente -TUTORIAL.MORE_KEY_TIPS=Vuoi sapere di più ?. Clicca sul link di seguito -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_ADD=Doppio click sul riquadro per creare argomenti -TUTORIAL.DRAG_AND_DROP_TO_POSITION=Drag and Drop posizione degli argomenti -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Doppio click su un argomento per modificare il testo -TUTORIAL.ADD_NOTES=Aggiungi note -TUTORIAL.USER_THE_TOOLBAR=Usa la toolbar -TUTORIAL.PUBLISH_YOUR_MAPS=Pubblica la mappa -TUTORIAL.EMBED_IN_BLOGS=Inserisci nei Blog -TUTORIAL.INVITE_FRIEND=Invita amici a collaborare -TUTORIAL.SHARING=Condividi -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_MOUSE=Modifica usando il mouse -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_KEYBOARD=Modifica usando la tastiera -TUTORIAL.ADD_LINKS_WEBPAGES=Aggiungi link a siti web -TUTORIAL.TOPIC_PROPERTIES=Proprietà Argomenti -TUTORIAL.HOW_TO_START=Come iniziare ? -TUTORIAL.FONT_COLOR=Colore -TUTORIAL.FONT_STYLE=Stili -TUTORIAL.FONT_TYPE=Font -TUTORIAL.SAMPLE_NOTE=Questa è una semplice nota !. + diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_pt_BR.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_pt_BR.properties index 044e0093..43b8d26c 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_pt_BR.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_pt_BR.properties @@ -1,238 +1,10 @@ -NAME=Nome -DESCRIPTION=Descrição -ADD=Adicionar -VIEWERS=Visualizadores -USER_REGISTRATION=Registro de Usuário -SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=Envie-me uma nova senha -CANCEL=Cancelar -FIRSTNAME=Primeiro Nome -LASTNAME=Último Nome -EMAIL=Email -HELP=Ajuda -LOGOUT=Desconectar -PASSWORD=Senha -NEW_PASSWORD=Nova Senha -CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=Confirmar Nova Senha -MY_WISEMAPS=Meus Wisemaps -RETYPE_PASSWORD=Redigitar Senha -REGISTER=Registrar -REMEMBER_ME=Mantenha-me conectado -SIGN_IN=Acessar -SIGN_UP=Inscrever-se -ACCOUNT=Conta -USERNAME=Nome de usuário -CLOSE=Fechar -NOT_READY_A_USER=Ainda não é Membro? -NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=O Registro é gratuito e leva alguns instantes. -JOIN_NOW=Junte-se Agora! -YOUR_ROLE=Sua função -FORGOT_PASSWORD=Esqueceu a senha? -CHANGE_PASSWORD=Alterar Senha -CHANGE_LANGUAGE=Mudar Idioma -FAQ=Perguntas Frequentes -SHORT_FAQ=FAQ -LOGIN=Login -EXPORT=Exportar -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Gráfico Vetorial Escalável (SVG) -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=Formato de Documento Portável (PDF) -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Arquivo de Imagem (PNG/JPEG) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_09 = Exportar para o Freemind (version 0.9.0) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Exportar para o Freemind (version 1.0.1) -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping -LAST_UPDATE=Última Atualização -LAST_UPDATE_BY=Última Atualização -DELETE=Deletar -SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping -SITE.SLOGAN=A Evolução Visual do Pensar -KEYBOARD=Atalhos de Teclado -KEYBOARD_MSG=Estes são os atalhos de teclado que você pode usar no editor! -HOME=Homepage -LOGIN_ERROR=Email ou senha inserida está incorreta. -USER_INACTIVE=Lamento, Sua conta ainda não foi ativada. Você receberá um email notificando a ativação. Fique ligado!. -CREW=A equipe -ALREADY_A_MEMBER=Já é membro? -TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=Termos do Serviço: -FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=Insira um endereço de email para nos ajudar a localizar a sua conta WiseMapping. FIELD_REQUIRED=Campo requierido não pode ficar vazio. EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=Email já existe NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=Endereço de email Inválido -USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=Nome de usuário ja existe PASSWORD_MISMATCH=As senhas inseridas não conferem. -CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=Sua senha foi alterada com sucesso. -WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=Confira a informação da conta WiseMapping que você inseriu acima e reveja os Termos de Serviço. -REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= Clicando em Registrar abaixo você está concordando com os Termos de Seviço acima e a Política de Privacidade. -REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=Preencha os campos e toene-se membro da comunidade WiseMapping. O Registro é Gratuito e leva só alguns instantes. -CREATOR=Criador -CREATION_TIME=Tempo de Criação -EDITORS=Editores -PUBLIC=Público -SHARED=Compartilhado -ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = Este mapa mental pode ser visto apenas por você. -ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = Este mapa mental pode ser visto por qualquer usuário. -NEW_MAP_MSG=Criar novo mapa -PUBLISH=Publicar -PUBLISH_DETAILS=Publicar o mapa o tornará visível a todos na Internet. -ACCOUNT_DETAIL=Quer mudar as suas opções de usuário?. Este é o lugar. -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Gráfico Vetorial Escalável(SVG) é uma linguagem de Marcação XML para descrever gráficos vetoriais bidimensionaisis. Este formato permite que você imprima seus mapas sem perda de qualidade em qualquer resolução. -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Gere seu mapa como Formato de Documento Portável(PDF) para compartilhar e usá-lo em apresentações. -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Gere uma representação gráfica do seu mapa incluindo todas as cores e formas para reutilização em documentos ou para arquivamento. -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind é uma ótima aplicação desktop de mapeamento mental que tem a grande vantagem de ser livre. -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = Exporte seu mapa no formato de documento do WiseMapping. -TERMSOFUSE=Termos de Uso -PRIVACYPOLICY= Política de Privacidade -EXPORT_DETAILS=Exporte este mapa no formato que quer começar a usá-lo em suas apresentações ou compartilhamento por email by email -HERE=Aqui -WHO_ARE_WE=Quam Somos? WELCOME=Bemvindo -RENAME=Renomear -MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= O tamanho Máximo permitido para a mensagem é de 512 caracteres. -URL=URL -DIRECT_LINK=Link Direto -BLOG_INCLUSION=Você pode personalizar o trecho de código para embutir este mapa no seu blog ou website. Certifique-se de inserir o tamanho correto da área de conteúdo do seu blog, assim o mapa se encaixará perfeitamente. -BLOG_SNIPPET=Copie este trecho de código para embutir na página do seu blog. -ZOOM=Ampliação -HISTORY=História -SHARE=Compartilhar -UNEXPECTED_ERROR=Opa!!. Ocorreu um erro inesperado. -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=Lamentamos, ocorreu um erro e não podemos processar a sua solicitação. Por favor, tente novamente ou vá para a página Inicial. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=Opa!!. Este mapa não está mais disponível. -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=Você não tem privilégios suficientes para ver este mapa. Este mapa foi alterado para privado ou deletado. -IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=Você pode importar mapas do FreeMind 1.0.1 e do WiseMapping para sua lista de mapas. Selecione o arquivo que você quer importar. -PRINT=Imprimir IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=O arquivo FreeMind não pode ser importado. {0} MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=Você já tem um mapa com o mesmo nome #####FOOTER -COPYRIGHT=Potencializado por WiseMapping -TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=Termos e Condições -CONTACT=Contact -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= sua conta foi ativada -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = Ativação de conta falhou -NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= Sem informação de histórico disponível. -REVERT=reverter -INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR = O email não foi verificado -NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=Uma vez que o HSQLDB é empacotado com o WiseMapping por padrão durante a instalação, não recomendamos esta base de dados para uso em produção. Ao invés disto, considere usar o MySQL 5.5. Você pode encontrar maiores informações de como cnfigurar o MySQL -IMPORT=Importar - -EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Nota: Você pode alterar o tamano do mapa embutido modificando as propriedades de estilo 'height' e 'width'. Você pode ajustar o fator de ampliação modificando o parâmetro 'zoom' a partir da URL. -EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=Exportar para Imagem, PDF ou SVG só está disponível na barra de ferramentes do editor. -STARRED=Com Estrela -ALL_MAPS=Todos -MY_MAPS=Meus Mapas -SHARED_WITH_ME=Compartilhados comigo -PUBLIC_MAPS=Mapas Públicos -ACCEPT=Aceitar -SAVING=Salvar ... -INFO=Info -DELETE_MINDMAP=Deletar -DUPLICATE=Duplicar -CREATE=Criar -LANGUAGE=Idioma -FILTERS=Filtro -MORE=Mais -ADD_NEW_MAP=Adicionar Novo Mapa -IMPORTING=Importando ... -NEW=Novo -MIND_FILE=Arquivo -NO_SEARCH_RESULT=Nenhum mapa mental disponível para os critérios de filtro selecionados -SEARCH=Localizar -GENERAL=Geral -SECURITY=Segurança -MAP_NAME_HINT=Nome do novo mapa para criar -MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=Alguma descrição para o seu mapa -WARNING=Alerta -DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=Mapa mental deletado não poderá ser recuperado. Quer continuar? -THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=Obrigado por acessar\! -SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ Você receberá uma mensagem de confirmação do WiseMapping em breve. Esta mensagem vai pedir que você ative sua conta WiseMapping.
SElecione o link para ativar e comece criando e compartilhando mapas. -SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=Sua conta foi criada com sucesso, clique aqui para acessar e comece a desfrutar do WiseMapping. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=O emai não foi registrado ou sua conta não está ativada ainda. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=SE o problema persistir envie-nos um email para support@wisemapping.com -SENDING=Enviando ... -SIGN_ING=Acessando ... -ENABLE_PUBLISHING=Permitir Compartilhamento -FRAME_HEIGHT=Altura do Quadro -FRAME_WIDTH=Largura do Quadro -EMBED=Embutidor -PUBLIC_URL=URLs Públicas -ADD_PEOPLE=Adicionar Pessoas -COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=Inserir email de colaboradores separados por vírgulas -CAN_EDIT=Pode editar -CAN_VIEW=Pode ver -EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Personalize Notificação de Email -ADD_MESSAGE=Adicionar Mensagem -WHO_CAN_ACCESS=Quem tem acesso -IS_OWNER=É proprietário -OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Opcional\: Incluir mensagem pessoal -VIEW=Ver -YOU=Você -INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=Sua informação foi alterada com sucesso -OR_GREATER=ou maior -IMPORTANT=Importante - -BROWSER_RECOMMENDATION=Navegadores de Internet estão listados em ordem de performance. -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE=Ups\!\!\!. Seu navegador não é suportado atualmente -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG=Seu navegador não foi competamente testado e pode não estar completamente funcional. WiseMapping foi otimizado para: -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TRY_AGAIN=Tente novamente com um dos navegadores previamente listados. - -INSTALL_CFG=Lamento, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 é suportado parcialmente -INSTALL_CFG_REASON = Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 não suporta HTML 5 SVG. SVG é a tecnologia usada pelo WiseMapping para exibir e editar mapas mentais. Recomendamos atualizarainda que seja o Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 ou usar outro navegador como o Google Chrome, Firefox ou Safari. -INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=SE ainda assim você quiser usar o Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, clique aqui para instalar o Plugin Google Chrome Frame Plugin. Google Chrome Frame Plugin extende as capacidades do Internet Explorer adicionando suporte a HTML 5. -SHOW_REGISTERS=Mostrar entradas de _MENU_ -LOADING=Carregando ... -NO_MATCHING_FOUND=Nenhum resultado coincidente encontrado -TABLE_ROWS=_START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_ -ACTION=Ação -CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=Criar tópico tronco -CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=Criar Tópico Filho -DELETE_TOPIC=Deletar Tópico -EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=Editar Texto do Tópico -JUST_START_TYPING= Comece apenas digitando -CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=Cancelar Alterações no Texto -TOPIC_NAVIGATION=Navegação de Tópico -ARROW_KEYS=Setas de Navegação -SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=Selecionar Múltiplos nós -UNDO_EDITION=Desfazer Edição -REDO_EDITION=REfazer Edição -SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=SElecionar todos os Tópicos -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=Mudar a fonte para negrito -SAVE_CHANGES=Salvar alterações -CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=Mudar texto Itálico -DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Deselecionar todos os tópicos -SHORTCUTS=Atalhos -COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=Encolher Sub-Tópico -KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=Atalhos de teclado podem ajud-alo a poupar tempo evitando que você precise tirar as mãos do teclado para usar o mouse. -COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=Copiar e colar tópicos -MULTIPLE_LINES=Adicionar Múltiplas Linhas de Texto -TERM_OF_USE=Termos e Condições - -TUTORIAL.MULTIPLE_TEXT_STYLES=Múltiplos Estilos de Texto -TUTORIAL.DIFFERENT_SHAPES=Formas Diferentes -TUTORIAL.FANCY_ICONS=Ícones Aprimorados -TUTORIAL.MOVE_WITH_ARROWS=Mover-se Entre os Tópicos com as Setas de Navegação -TUTORIAL.START_TYPING_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Iniciar Digitando para Editar Texto -TUTORIAL.CTRL_TO_ADD_CHILD=Pressione Ctrl/Meta+Enter para um Sub-Tópico -TUTORIAL.ENTER_TO_ADD_SIBLING=Pressione Enter para Adicionar um Tópico Tronco -TUTORIAL.MORE_KEY_TIPS=Mais ?. Clicque nos atalhos acima -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_ADD=Duplo Clique na área de Desenho para Criar Tópicos -TUTORIAL.DRAG_AND_DROP_TO_POSITION=Arrastar e Soltar para Posicionar Tópicos -TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Duplo Clique em um Tópico para Editar o Texto -TUTORIAL.ADD_NOTES=Adicionar Notas -TUTORIAL.USER_THE_TOOLBAR=Use a Barra de Ferramentas -TUTORIAL.PUBLISH_YOUR_MAPS=Publique o seu Mapa Mental -TUTORIAL.EMBED_IN_BLOGS=Embutir em Blogs -TUTORIAL.INVITE_FRIEND=Convidar Amigos para Colaborar -TUTORIAL.SHARING=Compartilhar -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_MOUSE=Edição Usando o Mouse -TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_KEYBOARD=Edição Usando o Teclado -TUTORIAL.ADD_LINKS_WEBPAGES=Adicionar links às páginas Web -TUTORIAL.TOPIC_PROPERTIES=Propriedades dos Tópicos -TUTORIAL.HOW_TO_START=Como Começar? -TUTORIAL.FONT_COLOR=Cor -TUTORIAL.FONT_STYLE=Estilos -TUTORIAL.FONT_TYPE=Tipo da Fonte -TUTORIAL.SAMPLE_NOTE=Esta é uma nota simples !. -SUPPORT=Ajudar -FEEDBACK=Feedback -CONTACT_US=Contato -TUTORIAL_VIDEO=Tutorial Video diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_zh_CN.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_zh_CN.properties index 01c696c6..54320291 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_zh_CN.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_zh_CN.properties @@ -1,211 +1,12 @@ # Chine Traditional -NAME=名称 -DESCRIPTION=描述 -ADD=添加 -VIEWERS=访问者 -USER_REGISTRATION=用户注册 -SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=发送一个新密码 -CANCEL=取消 -FIRSTNAME=名字 -LASTNAME=姓氏 -EMAIL=电子邮箱 -HELP=帮助 -LOGOUT=退出 -PASSWORD=密码 -NEW_PASSWORD=新密码 -CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=确认密码 -MY_WISEMAPS=我的Wisemaps -RETYPE_PASSWORD=再次输入密码 -REGISTER=注册 -REMEMBER_ME=记住登录状态 -SIGN_IN=登录 -SIGN_UP=注册 -ACCOUNT=账户 -USERNAME=用户名 -CLOSE=关闭 -NOT_READY_A_USER=还不是会员? -NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=免费快速注册。 -JOIN_NOW=现在注册! -YOUR_ROLE=你的角色 -FORGOT_PASSWORD=忘记密码? -CHANGE_PASSWORD=变更密码 -CHANGE_LANGUAGE=选择语言 -FAQ=常见问题 -SHORT_FAQ=FAQ -LOGIN=登录 -EXPORT=导出 -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=可缩放矢量图形(SVG) -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=便携文件格式(PDF) -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=图像文件(PNG/JPEG) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 0.9.0) -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping -LAST_UPDATE=最近更新 -LAST_UPDATE_BY=最近更新者 -DELETE=删除 -SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping -SITE.SLOGAN=可视化思维解决方案 -KEYBOARD=键盘快捷键 -KEYBOARD_MSG=这些是你在编辑中能用到的快捷键! -HOME=首页 -LOGIN_ERROR=你的邮件地址或者密码输入错误! -USER_INACTIVE=对不起,你的账户还未激活。 当激活时,你将会收到一封确认邮件。 请继续关注! -CREW=工作人员 -ALREADY_A_MEMBER=已经是会员? -TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=服务条款: -FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=请输入你的邮件地址,以便我们确认你的帐号。 FIELD_REQUIRED=必填项不能留空白 EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=邮件地址已存在 NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=邮件地址无效 -USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=用户名已存在 PASSWORD_MISMATCH=密码输入不匹配 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=密码修改成功! -WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=请检查已输入的账户信息,并查阅服务条款 -REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= 点击下面的“注册”,表示你同意上面提到的服务条款和隐私政策。 -REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=请填写表单,你将成为WiseMapping社区的一员。注册 免费 快速。 -CREATOR=创建者 -CREATION_TIME=创建时间 -EDITORS=编辑者 -PUBLIC=公开的 -SHARED=共享的 -ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = 这个思维导图仅应许你自己浏览。 -ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = 这个思维导图可以被任何用户浏览。 -NEW_MAP_MSG=新建一个图 -PUBLISH=公开 -PUBLISH_DETAILS=通过公开图,网络上的所有人均可见。 -ACCOUNT_DETAIL=想修改你的选项?就在这里。 -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=可缩放矢量图形Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 是一种用于描写二维矢量图的XML标记语言。这种格式可以使你在打印图像时不会出现失真。 -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=将图导出为便携文件格式Portable Document Format(PDF) 可使其在你的显示设备和软件中使用。 -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=将图导出为包括所有色彩和形状的图像格式,以便在文档中使用或存档。 -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind 是一款非常好的桌面思维导图应用软件,免费是其一大好处。 -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = 导出你的思维导图为 WiseMapping 文件格式. -TERMSOFUSE=使用条款 -PRIVACYPOLICY= 隐私政策 -EXPORT_DETAILS=导出此图成你想要的格式,然后在你的显示设备和软件中使用或者通过电子邮件分享它。 -HERE=here -WHO_ARE_WE=关于我们? WELCOME=欢迎访问 -RENAME=重命名 -MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= 最大许可消息长度为512 个字符。 -URL=URL -DIRECT_LINK=直接链接 -BLOG_INCLUSION=你可以定制代码片段,嵌入此思维导图到你的博客或者网站。确保输入正确的博客大小尺度以使图配合融洽。 -BLOG_SNIPPET=复制这个代码片段到你的博客或者网页。 -ZOOM=缩放 -HISTORY=历史 -SHARE=共享 -UNEXPECTED_ERROR=晕!!不可预知的错误。 -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=抱歉,突遭错误,我们无法处理你的请求。 请重试或者访问首页。 -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=晕!!此图不可访问。 -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=你没有权限访问这张图。此图已修改访问权限或者已删除。 -IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=你可以导入 FreeMind 1.0.1 和 WiseMapping 格式的思维导图。选择你想要导入的文件。 -PRINT=打印 IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=FreeMind 文件不能导入。 MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=已有同名称图 #####FOOTER -COPYRIGHT=WiseMapping出品 -TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=条款和条件 -CONTACT=联系 -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= 你的账户已激活 -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = 账户激活失败 -NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= 无可用历史信息 -REVERT=重置 -INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR =电子邮件未核实 -NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=即使安装时 HSQLDB 默认绑定 WiseMapping, 我们也不推荐使用这个数据库。 请考虑使用MySQL 5.5 替换之。你可以找到更多有关配置 MySQL的信息。 -IMPORT=输入 - -EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* 注意:你可以通过调整“高度”和“宽度”样式属性来改变嵌入思维导图的大小。你也可以修改URL中的“缩放”参数来调整缩放。 -EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=在编辑工具条中仅可以导出为 图像,PDF 或者 SVG。 -STARRED=标星号的图 -ALL_MAPS=所有图 -MY_MAPS=我的图 -SHARED_WITH_ME=与我共享 -PUBLIC_MAPS=公开图 -ACCEPT=接收 -SAVING=保存中... -INFO=信息 -DELETE_MINDMAP=删除 -DUPLICATE=复制 -CREATE=新建 -LANGUAGE=语言 -FILTERS=过滤器 -MORE=更多 -ADD_NEW_MAP=添加新图 -IMPORTING=导入中…… -NEW=新的 -MIND_FILE=文件 -NO_SEARCH_RESULT=未找到对应过滤条件的思维导图 -SEARCH=搜索 -GENERAL=一般 -SECURITY=安全 -MAP_NAME_HINT=新思路图的名字 -MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=一些有关你的图的描述 -WARNING=警告 -DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=删除思维导图后无法恢复,是否继续? -THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=感谢注册! -SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ 你不久将收到从WiseMapping发来的一封确认信息. 这个消息将询问你是否激活你的WiseMapping 账户。
请选择链接激活账户,开始创建思路图并分享它们吧。 -SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=你的帐户已成功建立, 点击 这里 登录使用WiseMapping. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=你的电子邮件未注册或者你的账号还未激活。 -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=如果问题依然存在,请发送邮件到 support@wisemapping.com -SENDING=发送中…… -SIGN_ING=等待中…… -ENABLE_PUBLISHING=可分享 -FRAME_HEIGHT=框高度 -FRAME_WIDTH=框宽度 -EMBED=嵌入 -PUBLIC_URL=公众URLs -ADD_PEOPLE=添加人 -COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=用逗号分隔不同合作者的邮箱 -CAN_EDIT=可编辑 -CAN_VIEW=可浏览 -EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=定制电子邮件通知 -ADD_MESSAGE=添加消息 -WHO_CAN_ACCESS=谁有访问权 -IS_OWNER=是否所有者 -OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Optional\: 包含个人信息 -VIEW=浏览 -YOU=你 -INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=你的个人信息已经修改成功 -OR_GREATER=或者更好 -IMPORTANT=重要 - -BROWSER_RECOMMENDATION=列表中的浏览器已经我们团队测试,具有良好表现。 -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE=晕!!你的浏览器当前不支持。 -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG=你的浏览器未经完全测试,可能不能展现WiseMapping的全部功能。 WiseMapping已优化于: -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TRY_AGAIN=用前面列表中的一个浏览器再试一次。 - -INSTALL_CFG=抱歉, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 不完全支持。 -INSTALL_CFG_REASON = Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 不支持 HTML 5 SVG. WiseMapping 使用SVG 技术来呈现和编辑思维导图。我们强烈推荐更新为Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 或者 使用其他浏览器,如Google Chrome,Firefox 或 Safari。 -INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=如果你仍想使用Microsoft Internet Explorer 8,点击这里下载Google Chrome Frame Plugin。Google Chrome Frame Plugin 为Internet Explorer 扩展了支持 HTML 5的能力。 -SHOW_REGISTERS=Show _MENU_ entries -LOADING=载人中…… -NO_MATCHING_FOUND=未找到匹配纪录 -TABLE_ROWS=\ _START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_ -ACTION=处理 -CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=建立平行节点 -CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=建立子节点 -DELETE_TOPIC=删除节点 -EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=编辑节点文本 -JUST_START_TYPING=开始敲入文字吧 -CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=取消文字修改 -TOPIC_NAVIGATION=节点导航 -ARROW_KEYS=方向键 -SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=选择多个节点 -UNDO_EDITION=撤销 -REDO_EDITION=重做 -SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=选择所有节点 -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=设字体为粗体 -SAVE_CHANGES=保存修改 -CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=设字体为斜体 -DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=不选任何节点 -SHORTCUTS=快捷键 -COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=折叠子节点 -KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=快捷键可以帮助你节约时间,使你的手不必离开键盘而去使用鼠标。 -COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=拷贝和粘贴节点 -MULTIPLE_LINES=添加多行长文本 -TERM_OF_USE=条款和条件 -CONTACT_US=联系我们 -FEEDBACK=反馈 -SUPPORT=支援 diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_zh_TW.properties b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_zh_TW.properties index 7b85b219..0a19817d 100644 --- a/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_zh_TW.properties +++ b/wise-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_zh_TW.properties @@ -1,213 +1,12 @@ # Chine Simplified -NAME=名稱 -DESCRIPTION=描述 -ADD=添加 -VIEWERS=訪問者 -USER_REGISTRATION=用戶註冊 -SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=發送一個新密碼 -CANCEL=取消 -FIRSTNAME=名字 -LASTNAME=姓氏 -EMAIL=電子郵箱 -HELP=幫助 -LOGOUT=退出 -PASSWORD=密碼 -NEW_PASSWORD=新密碼 -CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=確認密碼 -MY_WISEMAPS=我的Wisemaps -RETYPE_PASSWORD=再次輸入密碼 -REGISTER=註冊 -REMEMBER_ME=記住登錄狀態 -SIGN_IN=登錄 -SIGN_UP=註冊 -ACCOUNT=帳戶 -USERNAME=用戶名 -CLOSE=關閉 -NOT_READY_A_USER=還不是會員? -NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=免費快速註冊。 -JOIN_NOW=現在註冊! -YOUR_ROLE=你的角色 -FORGOT_PASSWORD=忘記密碼? -CHANGE_PASSWORD=變更密碼 -CHANGE_LANGUAGE=選擇語言 -FAQ=常見問題 -SHORT_FAQ=FAQ -LOGIN=登錄 -EXPORT=導出 -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=可縮放向量圖形(SVG) -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=便攜檔格式(PDF) -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=圖像檔(PNG/JPEG) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_09 = Freemind (version 0.9.0) -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 1.0.1) -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping -LAST_UPDATE=最近更新 -LAST_UPDATE_BY=最近更新者 -DELETE=刪除 -SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping -SITE.SLOGAN=可視化思維解決方案 -KEYBOARD=鍵盤快捷鍵 -KEYBOARD_MSG=這些是你在編輯中能用到的快捷鍵! -HOME=首頁 -LOGIN_ERROR=你的郵件地址或者密碼輸入錯誤! -USER_INACTIVE=對不起,你的帳戶還未啟動。 當啟動時,你將會收到一封確認郵件。 請繼續關注! -CREW=工作人員 -ALREADY_A_MEMBER=已經是會員? -TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=服務條款: -FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=請輸入你的郵件地址,以便我們確認你的帳號。 FIELD_REQUIRED=必填項不能留空白 EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=郵件地址已存在 NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=郵件地址無效 -USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=用戶名已存在 PASSWORD_MISMATCH=密碼輸入不匹配 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=密碼修改成功! -WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=請檢查已輸入的帳戶資訊,並查閱服務條款 -REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= 點擊下麵的“註冊”,表示你同意上面提到的服務條款和隱私政策。 -REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=請填寫表單,你將成為WiseMapping社區的一員。註冊 免費 快速。 -CREATOR=創建者 -CREATION_TIME=創建時間 -EDITORS=編輯者 -PUBLIC=公開的 -SHARED=共用的 -ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = 這個思維導圖僅應許你自己流覽。 -ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = 這個思維導圖可以被任何用戶流覽。 -NEW_MAP_MSG=新建一個圖 -PUBLISH=公開 -PUBLISH_DETAILS=通過公開圖,網路上的所有人均可見。 -ACCOUNT_DETAIL=想修改你的選項?就在這裏。 -SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=可縮放向量圖形Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 是一種用於描寫二維向量圖的XML標記語言。這種格式可以使你在列印圖像時不會出現失真。 -PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=將圖導出為便攜檔格式Portable Document Format(PDF) 可使其在你的顯示設備和軟體中使用。 -IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=將圖導出為包括所有色彩和形狀的圖像格式,以便在文檔中使用或存檔。 -FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind 是一款非常好的桌面思維導圖應用軟體,免費是其一大好處。 -WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = 導出你的思維導圖為 WiseMapping 檔格式. -TERMSOFUSE=使用條款 -PRIVACYPOLICY= 隱私政策 -EXPORT_DETAILS=導出此圖成你想要的格式,然後在你的顯示設備和軟體中使用或者通過電子郵件分享它。 -HERE=here -WHO_ARE_WE=關於我們? WELCOME=歡迎訪問 -RENAME=重命名 -MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= 最大許可消息長度為512 個字元。 -URL=URL -DIRECT_LINK=直接鏈接 -BLOG_INCLUSION=你可以定制代碼片段,嵌入此思維導圖到你的博客或者網站。確保輸入正確的博客大小尺度以使圖配合融洽。 -BLOG_SNIPPET=複製這個代碼片段到你的博客或者網頁。 -ZOOM=縮放 -HISTORY=歷史 -SHARE=共用 -UNEXPECTED_ERROR=暈!!不可預知的錯誤。 -UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=抱歉,突遭錯誤,我們無法處理你的請求。 請重試或者訪問首頁。 -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=暈!!此圖不可訪問。 -NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=你沒有許可權訪問這張圖。此圖已修改訪問許可權或者已刪除。 -IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=你可以導入 FreeMind 1.0.1 和 WiseMapping 格式的思維導圖。選擇你想要導入的檔。 -PRINT=列印 IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=FreeMind 檔不能導入。 MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=已有同名稱圖 #####FOOTER -COPYRIGHT=WiseMapping出品 -TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=條款和條件 -CONTACT=聯繫 -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= 你的帳戶已啟動 -ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = 帳戶啟動失敗 -NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= 無可用歷史資訊 -REVERT=重置 -INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR =電子郵件未核實 -NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=即使安裝時 HSQLDB 默認綁定 WiseMapping, 我們也不推薦使用這個資料庫。 請考慮使用MySQL 5.5 替換之。你可以找到更多有關配置 MySQL的資訊。 -IMPORT=輸入 - -EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* 注意:你可以通過調整“高度”和“寬度”樣式屬性來改變嵌入思維導圖的大小。你也可以修改URL中的“縮放”參數來調整縮放。 -EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=在編輯工具條中僅可以導出為 圖像,PDF 或者 SVG。 -STARRED=標星號的圖 -ALL_MAPS=所有圖 -MY_MAPS=我的圖 -SHARED_WITH_ME=與我共用 -PUBLIC_MAPS=公開圖 -ACCEPT=接收 -SAVING=保存中... -INFO=資訊 -DELETE_MINDMAP=刪除 -DUPLICATE=複製 -CREATE=新建 -LANGUAGE=語言 -FILTERS=篩檢程式 -MORE=更多 -ADD_NEW_MAP=添加新圖 -IMPORTING=導入中…… -NEW=新的 -MIND_FILE=檔 -NO_SEARCH_RESULT=未找到對應過濾條件的思維導圖 -SEARCH=搜索 -GENERAL=一般 -SECURITY=安全 -MAP_NAME_HINT=新思路圖的名字 -MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=一些有關你的圖的描述 -WARNING=警告 -DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=刪除思維導圖後無法恢復,是否繼續? -THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=感謝註冊! -SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ 你不久將收到從WiseMapping發來的一封確認資訊. 這個消息將詢問你是否啟動你的WiseMapping 帳戶。
請選擇鏈接啟動帳戶,開始創建思路圖並分享它們吧。 -SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=你的帳戶已成功建立, 點擊 這裏 登錄使用WiseMapping. -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=你的電子郵件未註冊或者你的帳號還未啟動。 -ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=如果問題依然存在,請發送郵件到 support@wisemapping.com -SENDING=發送中…… -SIGN_ING=等待中…… -ENABLE_PUBLISHING=可分享 -FRAME_HEIGHT=框高度 -FRAME_WIDTH=框寬度 -EMBED=嵌入 -PUBLIC_URL=公眾URLs -ADD_PEOPLE=添加人 -COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=用逗號分隔不同合作者的郵箱 -CAN_EDIT=可編輯 -CAN_VIEW=可流覽 -EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=定制電子郵件通知 -ADD_MESSAGE=添加消息 -WHO_CAN_ACCESS=誰有訪問權 -IS_OWNER=是否所有者 -OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Optional\: 包含個人資訊 -VIEW=流覽 -YOU=你 -INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=你的個人資訊已經修改成功 -OR_GREATER=或者更好 -IMPORTANT=重要 - -BROWSER_RECOMMENDATION=列表中的流覽器已經我們團隊測試,具有良好表現。 -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE=暈!!你的流覽器當前不支持。 -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG=你的流覽器未經完全測試,可能不能展現WiseMapping的全部功能。 WiseMapping已優化於: -BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TRY_AGAIN=用前面列表中的一個流覽器再試一次。 - -INSTALL_CFG=抱歉, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 不完全支持。 -INSTALL_CFG_REASON = Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 不支持 HTML 5 SVG. WiseMapping 使用SVG 技術來呈現和編輯思維導圖。我們強烈推薦更新為Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 或者 使用其他流覽器,如Google Chrome,Firefox 或 Safari。 -INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=如果你仍想使用Microsoft Internet Explorer 8,點擊這裏下載Google Chrome Frame Plugin。Google Chrome Frame Plugin 為Internet Explorer 擴展了支持 HTML 5的能力。 -SHOW_REGISTERS=Show _MENU_ entries -LOADING=載人中…… -NO_MATCHING_FOUND=未找到匹配紀錄 -TABLE_ROWS=\ _START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_ -ACTION=處理 -CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=建立平行節點 -CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=建立子節點 -DELETE_TOPIC=刪除節點 -EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=編輯節點文本 -JUST_START_TYPING=開始敲入文字吧 -CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=取消文字修改 -TOPIC_NAVIGATION=節點導航 -ARROW_KEYS=方向鍵 -SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=選擇多個節點 -UNDO_EDITION=撤銷 -REDO_EDITION=重做 -SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=選擇所有節點 -CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=設字體為粗體 -SAVE_CHANGES=保存修改 -CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=設字體為斜體 -DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=不選任何節點 -SHORTCUTS=快捷鍵 -COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=折疊子節點 -KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=快捷鍵可以幫助你節約時間,使你的手不必離開鍵盤而去使用滑鼠。 -COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=拷貝和粘貼節點 -MULTIPLE_LINES=添加多行長文本 -TERM_OF_USE=條款和條件 -CONTACT_US=聯繫我們 -FEEDBACK=反饋 -SUPPORT=幫助 -TUTORIAL_VIDEO=Tutorial Video