diff --git a/mindplot/src/main/javascript/libraries/mootools/mootools-core-1.4.5-full-nocompat-yc.js b/mindplot/src/main/javascript/libraries/mootools/mootools-core-1.4.5-full-nocompat-yc.js index 361e20f9..a417b394 100644 --- a/mindplot/src/main/javascript/libraries/mootools/mootools-core-1.4.5-full-nocompat-yc.js +++ b/mindplot/src/main/javascript/libraries/mootools/mootools-core-1.4.5-full-nocompat-yc.js @@ -1,76 +1,668 @@ /* ---- -MooTools: the javascript framework + --- + MooTools: the javascript framework -web build: + web build: - http://mootools.net/core/b28139f033891d55fabb70ffafd6813b -packager build: + packager build: - packager build Core/Core Core/Array Core/Class Core/Class.Extras -copyrights: - - [MooTools](http://mootools.net) + copyrights: + - [MooTools](http://mootools.net) -licenses: - - [MIT License](http://mootools.net/license.txt) -... -*/ + licenses: + - [MIT License](http://mootools.net/license.txt) + ... + */ -(function(){this.MooTools={version:"1.4.5",build:"ab8ea8824dc3b24b6666867a2c4ed58ebb762cf0"};var o=this.typeOf=function(i){if(i==null){return"null";}if(i.$family!=null){return i.$family(); -}if(i.nodeName){if(i.nodeType==1){return"element";}if(i.nodeType==3){return(/\S/).test(i.nodeValue)?"textnode":"whitespace";}}else{if(typeof i.length=="number"){if(i.callee){return"arguments"; -}if("item" in i){return"collection";}}}return typeof i;};var j=this.instanceOf=function(t,i){if(t==null){return false;}var s=t.$constructor||t.constructor; -while(s){if(s===i){return true;}s=s.parent;}if(!t.hasOwnProperty){return false;}return t instanceof i;};var f=this.Function;var p=true;for(var k in {toString:1}){p=null; -}if(p){p=["hasOwnProperty","valueOf","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","toLocaleString","toString","constructor"];}f.prototype.overloadSetter=function(s){var i=this; -return function(u,t){if(u==null){return this;}if(s||typeof u!="string"){for(var v in u){i.call(this,v,u[v]);}if(p){for(var w=p.length;w--;){v=p[w];if(u.hasOwnProperty(v)){i.call(this,v,u[v]); -}}}}else{i.call(this,u,t);}return this;};};f.prototype.overloadGetter=function(s){var i=this;return function(u){var v,t;if(typeof u!="string"){v=u;}else{if(arguments.length>1){v=arguments; -}else{if(s){v=[u];}}}if(v){t={};for(var w=0;w>>0; -b>>0;b>>0;for(var a=(d<0)?Math.max(0,b+d):d||0;a>>0,b=Array(d);for(var a=0;a>>0; -b-1:String(this).indexOf(a)>-1;},trim:function(){return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); -},clean:function(){return String(this).replace(/\s+/g," ").trim();},camelCase:function(){return String(this).replace(/-\D/g,function(a){return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); -});},hyphenate:function(){return String(this).replace(/[A-Z]/g,function(a){return("-"+a.charAt(0).toLowerCase());});},capitalize:function(){return String(this).replace(/\b[a-z]/g,function(a){return a.toUpperCase(); -});},escapeRegExp:function(){return String(this).replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g,"\\$1");},rgbToHex:function(b){var a=String(this).match(/\d{1,3}/g); -return(a)?a.rgbToHex(b):null;},substitute:function(a,b){return String(this).replace(b||(/\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g),function(d,c){if(d.charAt(0)=="\\"){return d.slice(1); -}return(a[c]!=null)?a[c]:"";});}}); -Function.implement({bind:function(e){var a=this,b=arguments.length>1?Array.slice(arguments,1):null,d=function(){};var c=function(){var g=e,h=arguments.length;if(this instanceof c){d.prototype=a.prototype;g=new d;}var f=(!b&&!h)?a.call(g):a.apply(g,b&&h?b.concat(Array.slice(arguments)):b||arguments);return g==e?f:g;};return c;},pass:function(b,c){var a=this;if(b!=null){b=Array.from(b);}return function(){return a.apply(c,b||arguments);};},delay:function(b,c,a){return setTimeout(this.pass((a==null?[]:a),c),b);},}); -Number.alias("each","times");(function(b){var a={};b.each(function(c){if(!Number[c]){a[c]=function(){return Math[c].apply(null,[this].concat(Array.from(arguments))); -};}});Number.implement(a);})(["abs","acos","asin","atan","atan2","ceil","cos","exp","floor","log","max","min","pow","sin","sqrt","tan"]);(function(){var a=this.Class=new Type("Class",function(h){if(instanceOf(h,Function)){h={initialize:h}; -}var g=function(){e(this);if(g.$prototyping){return this;}this.$caller=null;var i=(this.initialize)?this.initialize.apply(this,arguments):this;this.$caller=this.caller=null; -return i;}.extend(this).implement(h);g.$constructor=a;g.prototype.$constructor=g;g.prototype.parent=c;return g;});var c=function(){if(!this.$caller){throw new Error('The method "parent" cannot be called.'); -}var g=this.$caller.$name,h=this.$caller.$owner.parent,i=(h)?h.prototype[g]:null;if(!i){throw new Error('The method "'+g+'" has no parent.');}return i.apply(this,arguments); -};var e=function(g){for(var h in g){var j=g[h];switch(typeOf(j)){case"object":var i=function(){};i.prototype=j;g[h]=e(new i);break;case"array":g[h]=j.clone(); -break;}}return g;};var b=function(g,h,j){if(j.$origin){j=j.$origin;}var i=function(){if(j.$protected&&this.$caller==null){throw new Error('The method "'+h+'" cannot be called.'); -}var l=this.caller,m=this.$caller;this.caller=m;this.$caller=i;var k=j.apply(this,arguments);this.$caller=m;this.caller=l;return k;}.extend({$owner:g,$origin:j,$name:h}); -return i;};var f=function(h,i,g){if(a.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(h)){i=a.Mutators[h].call(this,i);if(i==null){return this;}}if(typeOf(i)=="function"){if(i.$hidden){return this; -}this.prototype[h]=(g)?i:b(this,h,i);}else{Object.merge(this.prototype,h,i);}return this;};var d=function(g){g.$prototyping=true;var h=new g;delete g.$prototyping; -return h;};a.implement("implement",f.overloadSetter());a.Mutators={Extends:function(g){this.parent=g;this.prototype=d(g);},Implements:function(g){Array.from(g).each(function(j){var h=new j;for(var i in h){f.call(this,i,h[i],true);}},this);}};})(); \ No newline at end of file +(function () { + this.MooTools = {version: "1.4.5", build: "ab8ea8824dc3b24b6666867a2c4ed58ebb762cf0"}; + var o = this.typeOf = function (i) { + if (i == null) { + return "null"; + } + if (i.$family != null) { + return i.$family(); + } + if (i.nodeName) { + if (i.nodeType == 1) { + return "element"; + } + if (i.nodeType == 3) { + return (/\S/).test(i.nodeValue) ? "textnode" : "whitespace"; + } + } else { + if (typeof i.length == "number") { + if (i.callee) { + return "arguments"; + } + if ("item" in i) { + return "collection"; + } + } + } + return typeof i; + }; + var j = this.instanceOf = function (t, i) { + if (t == null) { + return false; + } + var s = t.$constructor || t.constructor; + while (s) { + if (s === i) { + return true; + } + s = s.parent; + } + if (!t.hasOwnProperty) { + return false; + } + return t instanceof i; + }; + var f = this.Function; + var p = true; + for (var k in {toString: 1}) { + p = null; + } + if (p) { + p = ["hasOwnProperty", "valueOf", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "constructor"]; + } + f.prototype.overloadSetter = function (s) { + var i = this; + return function (u, t) { + if (u == null) { + return this; + } + if (s || typeof u != "string") { + for (var v in u) { + i.call(this, v, u[v]); + } + if (p) { + for (var w = p.length; w--;) { + v = p[w]; + if (u.hasOwnProperty(v)) { + i.call(this, v, u[v]); + } + } + } + } else { + i.call(this, u, t); + } + return this; + }; + }; + f.prototype.overloadGetter = function (s) { + var i = this; + return function (u) { + var v, t; + if (typeof u != "string") { + v = u; + } else { + if (arguments.length > 1) { + v = arguments; + } else { + if (s) { + v = [u]; + } + } + } + if (v) { + t = {}; + for (var w = 0; w < v.length; w++) { + t[v[w]] = i.call(this, v[w]); + } + } else { + t = i.call(this, u); + } + return t; + }; + }; + f.prototype.extend = function (i, s) { + this[i] = s; + }.overloadSetter(); + f.prototype.implement = function (i, s) { + this.prototype[i] = s; + }.overloadSetter(); + var n = Array.prototype.slice; + f.from = function (i) { + return (o(i) == "function") ? i : function () { + return i; + }; + }; + Array.from = function (i) { + if (i == null) { + return []; + } + return (a.isEnumerable(i) && typeof i != "string") ? (o(i) == "array") ? i : n.call(i) : [i]; + }; + Number.from = function (s) { + var i = parseFloat(s); + return isFinite(i) ? i : null; + }; + String.from = function (i) { + return i + ""; + }; + f.implement({ + hide: function () { + this.$hidden = true; + return this; + }, protect: function () { + this.$protected = true; + return this; + } + }); + var a = this.Type = function (u, t) { + if (u) { + var s = u.toLowerCase(); + var i = function (v) { + return (o(v) == s); + }; + a["is" + u] = i; + if (t != null) { + t.prototype.$family = (function () { + return s; + }).hide(); + } + } + if (t == null) { + return null; + } + t.extend(this); + t.$constructor = a; + t.prototype.$constructor = t; + return t; + }; + var e = Object.prototype.toString; + a.isEnumerable = function (i) { + return (i != null && typeof i.length == "number" && e.call(i) != "[object Function]"); + }; + var q = {}; + var r = function (i) { + var s = o(i.prototype); + return q[s] || (q[s] = []); + }; + var b = function (t, x) { + if (x && x.$hidden) { + return; + } + var s = r(this); + for (var u = 0; u < s.length; + u++) { + var w = s[u]; + if (o(w) == "type") { + b.call(w, t, x); + } else { + w.call(this, t, x); + } + } + var v = this.prototype[t]; + if (v == null || !v.$protected) { + this.prototype[t] = x; + } + if (this[t] == null && o(x) == "function") { + m.call(this, t, function (i) { + return x.apply(i, n.call(arguments, 1)); + }); + } + }; + var m = function (i, t) { + if (t && t.$hidden) { + return; + } + var s = this[i]; + if (s == null || !s.$protected) { + this[i] = t; + } + }; + a.implement({ + implement: b.overloadSetter(), extend: m.overloadSetter(), alias: function (i, s) { + b.call(this, i, this.prototype[s]); + }.overloadSetter(), mirror: function (i) { + r(this).push(i); + return this; + } + }); + new a("Type", a); + var d = function (s, x, v) { + var u = (x != Object), B = x.prototype; + if (u) { + x = new a(s, x); + } + for (var y = 0, w = v.length; y < w; y++) { + var C = v[y], A = x[C], z = B[C]; + if (A) { + A.protect(); + } + if (u && z) { + x.implement(C, z.protect()); + } + } + if (u) { + var t = B.propertyIsEnumerable(v[0]); + x.forEachMethod = function (G) { + if (!t) { + for (var F = 0, D = v.length; F < D; F++) { + G.call(B, B[v[F]], v[F]); + } + } + for (var E in B) { + G.call(B, B[E], E); + } + }; + } + return d; + }; + d("String", String, ["charAt", "charCodeAt", "concat", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "match", "quote", "replace", "search", "slice", "split", "substr", "substring", "trim", "toLowerCase", "toUpperCase"])("Array", Array, ["pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift", "concat", "join", "slice", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "filter", "forEach", "every", "map", "some", "reduce", "reduceRight"])("Number", Number, ["toExponential", "toFixed", "toLocaleString", "toPrecision"])("Function", f, ["apply", "call", "bind"])("RegExp", RegExp, ["exec", "test"])("Object", Object, ["create", "defineProperty", "defineProperties", "keys", "getPrototypeOf", "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "getOwnPropertyNames", "preventExtensions", "isExtensible", "seal", "isSealed", "freeze", "isFrozen"])("Date", Date, ["now"]); + Object.extend = m.overloadSetter(); + Date.extend("now", function () { + return +(new Date); + }); + new a("Boolean", Boolean); + Number.prototype.$family = function () { + return isFinite(this) ? "number" : "null"; + }.hide(); + Number.extend("random", function (s, i) { + return Math.floor(Math.random() * (i - s + 1) + s); + }); + var g = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + Object.extend("forEach", function (i, t, u) { + for (var s in i) { + if (g.call(i, s)) { + t.call(u, i[s], s, i); + } + } + }); + Object.each = Object.forEach; + Array.implement({ + forEach: function (u, v) { + for (var t = 0, s = this.length; t < s; t++) { + if (t in this) { + u.call(v, this[t], t, this); + } + } + }, each: function (i, s) { + Array.forEach(this, i, s); + return this; + } + }); + var l = function (i) { + switch (o(i)) { + case"array": + return i.clone(); + case"object": + return Object.clone(i); + default: + return i; + } + }; + Array.implement("clone", function () { + var s = this.length, t = new Array(s); + while (s--) { + t[s] = l(this[s]); + } + return t; + }); + var h = function (s, i, t) { + switch (o(t)) { + case"object": + if (o(s[i]) == "object") { + Object.merge(s[i], t); + } else { + s[i] = Object.clone(t); + } + break; + case"array": + s[i] = t.clone(); + break; + default: + s[i] = t; + } + return s; + }; + Object.extend({ + merge: function (z, u, t) { + if (o(u) == "string") { + return h(z, u, t); + } + for (var y = 1, s = arguments.length; + y < s; y++) { + var w = arguments[y]; + for (var x in w) { + h(z, x, w[x]); + } + } + return z; + }, clone: function (i) { + var t = {}; + for (var s in i) { + t[s] = l(i[s]); + } + return t; + }, append: function (w) { + for (var v = 1, t = arguments.length; + v < t; v++) { + var s = arguments[v] || {}; + for (var u in s) { + w[u] = s[u]; + } + } + return w; + } + }); + ["Object", "WhiteSpace", "TextNode", "Collection", "Arguments"].each(function (i) { + new a(i); + }); + var c = Date.now(); + String.extend("uniqueID", function () { + return (c++).toString(36); + }); +})(); +Array.implement({ + every: function (c, d) { + for (var b = 0, a = this.length >>> 0; + b < a; b++) { + if ((b in this) && !c.call(d, this[b], b, this)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }, filter: function (d, f) { + var c = []; + for (var e, b = 0, a = this.length >>> 0; b < a; b++) { + if (b in this) { + e = this[b]; + if (d.call(f, e, b, this)) { + c.push(e); + } + } + } + return c; + }, indexOf: function (c, d) { + var b = this.length >>> 0; + for (var a = (d < 0) ? Math.max(0, b + d) : d || 0; a < b; a++) { + if (this[a] === c) { + return a; + } + } + return -1; + }, map: function (c, e) { + var d = this.length >>> 0, b = Array(d); + for (var a = 0; a < d; a++) { + if (a in this) { + b[a] = c.call(e, this[a], a, this); + } + } + return b; + }, some: function (c, d) { + for (var b = 0, a = this.length >>> 0; + b < a; b++) { + if ((b in this) && c.call(d, this[b], b, this)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }, clean: function () { + return this.filter(function (a) { + return a != null; + }); + }, invoke: function (a) { + var b = Array.slice(arguments, 1); + return this.map(function (c) { + return c[a].apply(c, b); + }); + }, associate: function (c) { + var d = {}, b = Math.min(this.length, c.length); + for (var a = 0; a < b; a++) { + d[c[a]] = this[a]; + } + return d; + }, link: function (c) { + var a = {}; + for (var e = 0, b = this.length; e < b; e++) { + for (var d in c) { + if (c[d](this[e])) { + a[d] = this[e]; + delete c[d]; + break; + } + } + } + return a; + }, contains: function (a, b) { + return this.indexOf(a, b) != -1; + }, append: function (a) { + this.push.apply(this, a); + return this; + }, getLast: function () { + return (this.length) ? this[this.length - 1] : null; + }, getRandom: function () { + return (this.length) ? this[Number.random(0, this.length - 1)] : null; + }, include: function (a) { + if (!this.contains(a)) { + this.push(a); + } + return this; + }, combine: function (c) { + for (var b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { + this.include(c[b]); + } + return this; + }, erase: function (b) { + for (var a = this.length; a--;) { + if (this[a] === b) { + this.splice(a, 1); + } + } + return this; + }, empty: function () { + this.length = 0; + return this; + }, flatten: function () { + var d = []; + for (var b = 0, a = this.length; b < a; b++) { + var c = typeOf(this[b]); + if (c == "null") { + continue; + } + d = d.concat((c == "array" || c == "collection" || c == "arguments" || instanceOf(this[b], Array)) ? Array.flatten(this[b]) : this[b]); + } + return d; + }, pick: function () { + for (var b = 0, a = this.length; b < a; b++) { + if (this[b] != null) { + return this[b]; + } + } + return null; + }, rgbToHex: function (d) { + if (this.length < 3) { + return null; + } + if (this.length == 4 && this[3] == 0 && !d) { + return "transparent"; + } + var b = []; + for (var a = 0; a < 3; a++) { + var c = (this[a] - 0).toString(16); + b.push((c.length == 1) ? "0" + c : c); + } + return (d) ? b : "#" + b.join(""); + } +}); +String.implement({ + test: function (a, b) { + return ((typeOf(a) == "regexp") ? a : new RegExp("" + a, b)).test(this); + }, contains: function (a, b) { + return (b) ? (b + this + b).indexOf(b + a + b) > -1 : String(this).indexOf(a) > -1; + }, trim: function () { + return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); + }, clean: function () { + return String(this).replace(/\s+/g, " ").trim(); + }, camelCase: function () { + return String(this).replace(/-\D/g, function (a) { + return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); + }); + }, hyphenate: function () { + return String(this).replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (a) { + return ("-" + a.charAt(0).toLowerCase()); + }); + }, capitalize: function () { + return String(this).replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function (a) { + return a.toUpperCase(); + }); + }, escapeRegExp: function () { + return String(this).replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); + }, rgbToHex: function (b) { + var a = String(this).match(/\d{1,3}/g); + return (a) ? a.rgbToHex(b) : null; + }, substitute: function (a, b) { + return String(this).replace(b || (/\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g), function (d, c) { + if (d.charAt(0) == "\\") { + return d.slice(1); + } + return (a[c] != null) ? a[c] : ""; + }); + } +}); +Function.implement({ + bind: function (e) { + var a = this, b = arguments.length > 1 ? Array.slice(arguments, 1) : null, d = function () { + }; + var c = function () { + var g = e, h = arguments.length; + if (this instanceof c) { + d.prototype = a.prototype; + g = new d; + } + var f = (!b && !h) ? a.call(g) : a.apply(g, b && h ? b.concat(Array.slice(arguments)) : b || arguments); + return g == e ? f : g; + }; + return c; + }, pass: function (b, c) { + var a = this; + if (b != null) { + b = Array.from(b); + } + return function () { + return a.apply(c, b || arguments); + }; + }, delay: function (b, c, a) { + return setTimeout(this.pass((a == null ? [] : a), c), b); + }, +}); +Number.alias("each", "times"); +(function (b) { + var a = {}; + b.each(function (c) { + if (!Number[c]) { + a[c] = function () { + return Math[c].apply(null, [this].concat(Array.from(arguments))); + }; + } + }); + Number.implement(a); +})(["abs", "acos", "asin", "atan", "atan2", "ceil", "cos", "exp", "floor", "log", "max", "min", "pow", "sin", "sqrt", "tan"]); +(function () { + var a = this.Class = new Type("Class", function (h) { + if (instanceOf(h, Function)) { + h = {initialize: h}; + } + var g = function () { + e(this); + if (g.$prototyping) { + return this; + } + this.$caller = null; + var i = (this.initialize) ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this; + this.$caller = this.caller = null; + return i; + }.extend(this).implement(h); + g.$constructor = a; + g.prototype.$constructor = g; + g.prototype.parent = c; + return g; + }); + var c = function () { + if (!this.$caller) { + throw new Error('The method "parent" cannot be called.'); + } + var g = this.$caller.$name, h = this.$caller.$owner.parent, i = (h) ? h.prototype[g] : null; + if (!i) { + throw new Error('The method "' + g + '" has no parent.'); + } + return i.apply(this, arguments); + }; + var e = function (g) { + for (var h in g) { + var j = g[h]; + switch (typeOf(j)) { + case"object": + var i = function () { + }; + i.prototype = j; + g[h] = e(new i); + break; + case"array": + g[h] = j.clone(); + break; + } + } + return g; + }; + var b = function (g, h, j) { + if (j.$origin) { + j = j.$origin; + } + var i = function () { + if (j.$protected && this.$caller == null) { + throw new Error('The method "' + h + '" cannot be called.'); + } + var l = this.caller, m = this.$caller; + this.caller = m; + this.$caller = i; + var k = j.apply(this, arguments); + this.$caller = m; + this.caller = l; + return k; + }.extend({$owner: g, $origin: j, $name: h}); + return i; + }; + var f = function (h, i, g) { + if (a.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(h)) { + i = a.Mutators[h].call(this, i); + if (i == null) { + return this; + } + } + if (typeOf(i) == "function") { + if (i.$hidden) { + return this; + } + this.prototype[h] = (g) ? i : b(this, h, i); + } else { + Object.merge(this.prototype, h, i); + } + return this; + }; + var d = function (g) { + g.$prototyping = true; + var h = new g; + delete g.$prototyping; + return h; + }; + a.implement("implement", f.overloadSetter()); + a.Mutators = { + Extends: function (g) { + this.parent = g; + this.prototype = d(g); + }, Implements: function (g) { + Array.from(g).each(function (j) { + var h = new j; + for (var i in h) { + f.call(this, i, h[i], true); + } + }, this); + } + }; +})(); \ No newline at end of file