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-}};Keyboard.each(b,e);return a;};Keyboard.getShortcuts=function(b,a){return Keyboard.getShortcut(b,a,{many:true});};(function(){var b=null,a={},d={};var c=function(f){if(instanceOf(f,e.Set)){return f; -}else{return a[f];}};var e=this.Locale={define:function(f,j,h,i){var g;if(instanceOf(f,e.Set)){g=f.name;if(g){a[g]=f;}}else{g=f;if(!a[g]){a[g]=new e.Set(g); -}f=a[g];}if(j){f.define(j,h,i);}if(!b){b=f;}return f;},use:function(f){f=c(f);if(f){b=f;this.fireEvent("change",f);}return this;},getCurrent:function(){return b; -},get:function(g,f){return(b)?b.get(g,f):"";},inherit:function(f,g,h){f=c(f);if(f){f.inherit(g,h);}return this;},list:function(){return Object.keys(a); -}};Object.append(e,new Events);e.Set=new Class({sets:{},inherits:{locales:[],sets:{}},initialize:function(f){this.name=f||"";},define:function(i,g,h){var f=this.sets[i]; -if(!f){f={};}if(g){if(typeOf(g)=="object"){f=Object.merge(f,g);}else{f[g]=h;}}this.sets[i]=f;return this;},get:function(r,j,q){var p=Object.getFromPath(this.sets,r); -if(p!=null){var m=typeOf(p);if(m=="function"){p=p.apply(null,Array.from(j));}else{if(m=="object"){p=Object.clone(p);}}return p;}var h=r.indexOf("."),o=h<0?r:r.substr(0,h),k=(this.inherits.sets[o]||[]).combine(this.inherits.locales).include("en-US"); -if(!q){q=[];}for(var g=0,f=k.length;g]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + tag + "(?!\\w)>" : "<\/?" + tag + "([^>]+)?>", - reg = new RegExp(regstr, "gi"); - return reg; -}; - -String.implement({ - - standardize: function(){ - return walk(this, special); - }, - - repeat: function(times){ - return new Array(times + 1).join(this); - }, - - pad: function(length, str, direction){ - if (this.length >= length) return this; - - var pad = (str == null ? ' ' : '' + str) - .repeat(length - this.length) - .substr(0, length - this.length); - - if (!direction || direction == 'right') return this + pad; - if (direction == 'left') return pad + this; - - return pad.substr(0, (pad.length / 2).floor()) + this + pad.substr(0, (pad.length / 2).ceil()); - }, - - getTags: function(tag, contents){ - return this.match(getRegexForTag(tag, contents)) || []; - }, - - stripTags: function(tag, contents){ - return this.replace(getRegexForTag(tag, contents), ''); - }, - - tidy: function(){ - return walk(this, tidy); - }, - - truncate: function(max, trail, atChar){ - var string = this; - if (trail == null && arguments.length == 1) trail = '…'; - if (string.length > max){ - string = string.substring(0, max); - if (atChar){ - var index = string.lastIndexOf(atChar); - if (index != -1) string = string.substr(0, index); - } - if (trail) string += trail; - } - return string; - } - -}); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -script: String.QueryString.js - -name: String.QueryString - -description: Methods for dealing with URI query strings. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Sebastian Markbåge - - Aaron Newton - - Lennart Pilon - - Valerio Proietti - -requires: - - Core/Array - - Core/String - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [String.QueryString] - -... -*/ - -String.implement({ - - parseQueryString: function(decodeKeys, decodeValues){ - if (decodeKeys == null) decodeKeys = true; - if (decodeValues == null) decodeValues = true; - - var vars = this.split(/[&;]/), - object = {}; - if (!vars.length) return object; - - vars.each(function(val){ - var index = val.indexOf('=') + 1, - value = index ? val.substr(index) : '', - keys = index ? val.substr(0, index - 1).match(/([^\]\[]+|(\B)(?=\]))/g) : [val], - obj = object; - if (!keys) return; - if (decodeValues) value = decodeURIComponent(value); - keys.each(function(key, i){ - if (decodeKeys) key = decodeURIComponent(key); - var current = obj[key]; - - if (i < keys.length - 1) obj = obj[key] = current || {}; - else if (typeOf(current) == 'array') current.push(value); - else obj[key] = current != null ? [current, value] : value; - }); - }); - - return object; - }, - - cleanQueryString: function(method){ - return this.split('&').filter(function(val){ - var index = val.indexOf('='), - key = index < 0 ? '' : val.substr(0, index), - value = val.substr(index + 1); - - return method ? method.call(null, key, value) : (value || value === 0); - }).join('&'); - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: URI.js - -name: URI - -description: Provides methods useful in managing the window location and uris. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Sebastian Markbåge - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - Core/Object - - Core/Class - - Core/Class.Extras - - Core/Element - - /String.QueryString - -provides: [URI] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -var toString = function(){ - return this.get('value'); -}; - -var URI = this.URI = new Class({ - - Implements: Options, - - options: { - /*base: false*/ - }, - - regex: /^(?:(\w+):)?(?:\/\/(?:(?:([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)?(\.\.?$|(?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/, - parts: ['scheme', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'directory', 'file', 'query', 'fragment'], - schemes: {http: 80, https: 443, ftp: 21, rtsp: 554, mms: 1755, file: 0}, - - initialize: function(uri, options){ - this.setOptions(options); - var base = this.options.base || URI.base; - if (!uri) uri = base; - - if (uri && uri.parsed) this.parsed = Object.clone(uri.parsed); - else this.set('value', uri.href || uri.toString(), base ? new URI(base) : false); - }, - - parse: function(value, base){ - var bits = value.match(this.regex); - if (!bits) return false; - bits.shift(); - return this.merge(bits.associate(this.parts), base); - }, - - merge: function(bits, base){ - if ((!bits || !bits.scheme) && (!base || !base.scheme)) return false; - if (base){ - this.parts.every(function(part){ - if (bits[part]) return false; - bits[part] = base[part] || ''; - return true; - }); - } - bits.port = bits.port || this.schemes[bits.scheme.toLowerCase()]; - bits.directory = bits.directory ? this.parseDirectory(bits.directory, base ? base.directory : '') : '/'; - return bits; - }, - - parseDirectory: function(directory, baseDirectory){ - directory = (directory.substr(0, 1) == '/' ? '' : (baseDirectory || '/')) + directory; - if (!directory.test(URI.regs.directoryDot)) return directory; - var result = []; - directory.replace(URI.regs.endSlash, '').split('/').each(function(dir){ - if (dir == '..' && result.length > 0) result.pop(); - else if (dir != '.') result.push(dir); - }); - return result.join('/') + '/'; - }, - - combine: function(bits){ - return bits.value || bits.scheme + '://' + - (bits.user ? bits.user + (bits.password ? ':' + bits.password : '') + '@' : '') + - (bits.host || '') + (bits.port && bits.port != this.schemes[bits.scheme] ? ':' + bits.port : '') + - (bits.directory || '/') + (bits.file || '') + - (bits.query ? '?' + bits.query : '') + - (bits.fragment ? '#' + bits.fragment : ''); - }, - - set: function(part, value, base){ - if (part == 'value'){ - var scheme = value.match(URI.regs.scheme); - if (scheme) scheme = scheme[1]; - if (scheme && this.schemes[scheme.toLowerCase()] == null) this.parsed = { scheme: scheme, value: value }; - else this.parsed = this.parse(value, (base || this).parsed) || (scheme ? { scheme: scheme, value: value } : { value: value }); - } else if (part == 'data'){ - this.setData(value); - } else { - this.parsed[part] = value; - } - return this; - }, - - get: function(part, base){ - switch (part){ - case 'value': return this.combine(this.parsed, base ? base.parsed : false); - case 'data' : return this.getData(); - } - return this.parsed[part] || ''; - }, - - go: function(){ - document.location.href = this.toString(); - }, - - toURI: function(){ - return this; - }, - - getData: function(key, part){ - var qs = this.get(part || 'query'); - if (!(qs || qs === 0)) return key ? null : {}; - var obj = qs.parseQueryString(); - return key ? obj[key] : obj; - }, - - setData: function(values, merge, part){ - if (typeof values == 'string'){ - var data = this.getData(); - data[arguments[0]] = arguments[1]; - values = data; - } else if (merge){ - values = Object.merge(this.getData(), values); - } - return this.set(part || 'query', Object.toQueryString(values)); - }, - - clearData: function(part){ - return this.set(part || 'query', ''); - }, - - toString: toString, - valueOf: toString - -}); - -URI.regs = { - endSlash: /\/$/, - scheme: /^(\w+):/, - directoryDot: /\.\/|\.$/ -}; - -URI.base = new URI(Array.from(document.getElements('base[href]', true)).getLast(), {base: document.location}); - -String.implement({ - - toURI: function(options){ - return new URI(this, options); - } - -}); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -script: Class.Refactor.js - -name: Class.Refactor - -description: Extends a class onto itself with new property, preserving any items attached to the class's namespace. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - Core/Class - - /MooTools.More - -# Some modules declare themselves dependent on Class.Refactor -provides: [Class.refactor, Class.Refactor] - -... -*/ - -Class.refactor = function(original, refactors){ - - Object.each(refactors, function(item, name){ - var origin = original.prototype[name]; - origin = (origin && origin.$origin) || origin || function(){}; - original.implement(name, (typeof item == 'function') ? function(){ - var old = this.previous; - this.previous = origin; - var value = item.apply(this, arguments); - this.previous = old; - return value; - } : item); - }); - - return original; - -}; - - -/* ---- - -script: URI.Relative.js - -name: URI.Relative - -description: Extends the URI class to add methods for computing relative and absolute urls. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Sebastian Markbåge - - -requires: - - /Class.refactor - - /URI - -provides: [URI.Relative] - -... -*/ - -URI = Class.refactor(URI, { - - combine: function(bits, base){ - if (!base || bits.scheme != base.scheme || bits.host != base.host || bits.port != base.port) - return this.previous.apply(this, arguments); - var end = bits.file + (bits.query ? '?' + bits.query : '') + (bits.fragment ? '#' + bits.fragment : ''); - - if (!base.directory) return (bits.directory || (bits.file ? '' : './')) + end; - - var baseDir = base.directory.split('/'), - relDir = bits.directory.split('/'), - path = '', - offset; - - var i = 0; - for (offset = 0; offset < baseDir.length && offset < relDir.length && baseDir[offset] == relDir[offset]; offset++); - for (i = 0; i < baseDir.length - offset - 1; i++) path += '../'; - for (i = offset; i < relDir.length - 1; i++) path += relDir[i] + '/'; - - return (path || (bits.file ? '' : './')) + end; - }, - - toAbsolute: function(base){ - base = new URI(base); - if (base) base.set('directory', '').set('file', ''); - return this.toRelative(base); - }, - - toRelative: function(base){ - return this.get('value', new URI(base)); - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -name: Hash - -description: Contains Hash Prototypes. Provides a means for overcoming the JavaScript practical impossibility of extending native Objects. - -license: MIT-style license. - -requires: - - Core/Object - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Hash] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -if (this.Hash) return; - -var Hash = this.Hash = new Type('Hash', function(object){ - if (typeOf(object) == 'hash') object = Object.clone(object.getClean()); - for (var key in object) this[key] = object[key]; - return this; -}); - -this.$H = function(object){ - return new Hash(object); -}; - -Hash.implement({ - - forEach: function(fn, bind){ - Object.forEach(this, fn, bind); - }, - - getClean: function(){ - var clean = {}; - for (var key in this){ - if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) clean[key] = this[key]; - } - return clean; - }, - - getLength: function(){ - var length = 0; - for (var key in this){ - if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) length++; - } - return length; - } - -}); - -Hash.alias('each', 'forEach'); - -Hash.implement({ - - has: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, - - keyOf: function(value){ - return Object.keyOf(this, value); - }, - - hasValue: function(value){ - return Object.contains(this, value); - }, - - extend: function(properties){ - Hash.each(properties || {}, function(value, key){ - Hash.set(this, key, value); - }, this); - return this; - }, - - combine: function(properties){ - Hash.each(properties || {}, function(value, key){ - Hash.include(this, key, value); - }, this); - return this; - }, - - erase: function(key){ - if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) delete this[key]; - return this; - }, - - get: function(key){ - return (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) ? this[key] : null; - }, - - set: function(key, value){ - if (!this[key] || this.hasOwnProperty(key)) this[key] = value; - return this; - }, - - empty: function(){ - Hash.each(this, function(value, key){ - delete this[key]; - }, this); - return this; - }, - - include: function(key, value){ - if (this[key] == undefined) this[key] = value; - return this; - }, - - map: function(fn, bind){ - return new Hash(Object.map(this, fn, bind)); - }, - - filter: function(fn, bind){ - return new Hash(Object.filter(this, fn, bind)); - }, - - every: function(fn, bind){ - return Object.every(this, fn, bind); - }, - - some: function(fn, bind){ - return Object.some(this, fn, bind); - }, - - getKeys: function(){ - return Object.keys(this); - }, - - getValues: function(){ - return Object.values(this); - }, - - toQueryString: function(base){ - return Object.toQueryString(this, base); - } - -}); - -Hash.alias({indexOf: 'keyOf', contains: 'hasValue'}); - - -})(); - - - -/* ---- - -script: Object.Extras.js - -name: Object.Extras - -description: Extra Object generics, like getFromPath which allows a path notation to child elements. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - Core/Object - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Object.Extras] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -var defined = function(value){ - return value != null; -}; - -var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - -Object.extend({ - - getFromPath: function(source, parts){ - if (typeof parts == 'string') parts = parts.split('.'); - for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++){ - if (hasOwnProperty.call(source, parts[i])) source = source[parts[i]]; - else return null; - } - return source; - }, - - cleanValues: function(object, method){ - method = method || defined; - for (var key in object) if (!method(object[key])){ - delete object[key]; - } - return object; - }, - - erase: function(object, key){ - if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) delete object[key]; - return object; - }, - - run: function(object){ - var args = Array.slice(arguments, 1); - for (var key in object) if (object[key].apply){ - object[key].apply(object, args); - } - return object; - } - -}); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -script: Hash.Extras.js - -name: Hash.Extras - -description: Extends the Hash Type to include getFromPath which allows a path notation to child elements. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - /Hash - - /Object.Extras - -provides: [Hash.Extras] - -... -*/ - -Hash.implement({ - - getFromPath: function(notation){ - return Object.getFromPath(this, notation); - }, - - cleanValues: function(method){ - return new Hash(Object.cleanValues(this, method)); - }, - - run: function(){ - Object.run(arguments); - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Fx.Elements.js - -name: Fx.Elements - -description: Effect to change any number of CSS properties of any number of Elements. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - -requires: - - Core/Fx.CSS - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Fx.Elements] - -... -*/ - -Fx.Elements = new Class({ - - Extends: Fx.CSS, - - initialize: function(elements, options){ - this.elements = this.subject = $$(elements); - this.parent(options); - }, - - compute: function(from, to, delta){ - var now = {}; - - for (var i in from){ - var iFrom = from[i], iTo = to[i], iNow = now[i] = {}; - for (var p in iFrom) iNow[p] = this.parent(iFrom[p], iTo[p], delta); - } - - return now; - }, - - set: function(now){ - for (var i in now){ - if (!this.elements[i]) continue; - - var iNow = now[i]; - for (var p in iNow) this.render(this.elements[i], p, iNow[p], this.options.unit); - } - - return this; - }, - - start: function(obj){ - if (!this.check(obj)) return this; - var from = {}, to = {}; - - for (var i in obj){ - if (!this.elements[i]) continue; - - var iProps = obj[i], iFrom = from[i] = {}, iTo = to[i] = {}; - - for (var p in iProps){ - var parsed = this.prepare(this.elements[i], p, iProps[p]); - iFrom[p] = parsed.from; - iTo[p] = parsed.to; - } - } - - return this.parent(from, to); - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Fx.Accordion.js - -name: Fx.Accordion - -description: An Fx.Elements extension which allows you to easily create accordion type controls. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - -requires: - - Core/Element.Event - - /Fx.Elements - -provides: [Fx.Accordion] - -... -*/ - -Fx.Accordion = new Class({ - - Extends: Fx.Elements, - - options: {/* - onActive: function(toggler, section){}, - onBackground: function(toggler, section){},*/ - fixedHeight: false, - fixedWidth: false, - display: 0, - show: false, - height: true, - width: false, - opacity: true, - alwaysHide: false, - trigger: 'click', - initialDisplayFx: true, - resetHeight: true - }, - - initialize: function(){ - var defined = function(obj){ - return obj != null; - }; - - var params = Array.link(arguments, { - 'container': Type.isElement, //deprecated - 'options': Type.isObject, - 'togglers': defined, - 'elements': defined - }); - this.parent(params.elements, params.options); - - var options = this.options, - togglers = this.togglers = $$(params.togglers); - - this.previous = -1; - this.internalChain = new Chain(); - - if (options.alwaysHide) this.options.link = 'chain'; - - if (options.show || this.options.show === 0){ - options.display = false; - this.previous = options.show; - } - - if (options.start){ - options.display = false; - options.show = false; - } - - var effects = this.effects = {}; - - if (options.opacity) effects.opacity = 'fullOpacity'; - if (options.width) effects.width = options.fixedWidth ? 'fullWidth' : 'offsetWidth'; - if (options.height) effects.height = options.fixedHeight ? 'fullHeight' : 'scrollHeight'; - - for (var i = 0, l = togglers.length; i < l; i++) this.addSection(togglers[i], this.elements[i]); - - this.elements.each(function(el, i){ - if (options.show === i){ - this.fireEvent('active', [togglers[i], el]); - } else { - for (var fx in effects) el.setStyle(fx, 0); - } - }, this); - - if (options.display || options.display === 0 || options.initialDisplayFx === false){ - this.display(options.display, options.initialDisplayFx); - } - - if (options.fixedHeight !== false) options.resetHeight = false; - this.addEvent('complete', this.internalChain.callChain.bind(this.internalChain)); - }, - - addSection: function(toggler, element){ - toggler = document.id(toggler); - element = document.id(element); - this.togglers.include(toggler); - this.elements.include(element); - - var togglers = this.togglers, - options = this.options, - test = togglers.contains(toggler), - idx = togglers.indexOf(toggler), - displayer = this.display.pass(idx, this); - - toggler.store('accordion:display', displayer) - .addEvent(options.trigger, displayer); - - if (options.height) element.setStyles({'padding-top': 0, 'border-top': 'none', 'padding-bottom': 0, 'border-bottom': 'none'}); - if (options.width) element.setStyles({'padding-left': 0, 'border-left': 'none', 'padding-right': 0, 'border-right': 'none'}); - - element.fullOpacity = 1; - if (options.fixedWidth) element.fullWidth = options.fixedWidth; - if (options.fixedHeight) element.fullHeight = options.fixedHeight; - element.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); - - if (!test) for (var fx in this.effects){ - element.setStyle(fx, 0); - } - return this; - }, - - removeSection: function(toggler, displayIndex){ - var togglers = this.togglers, - idx = togglers.indexOf(toggler), - element = this.elements[idx]; - - var remover = function(){ - togglers.erase(toggler); - this.elements.erase(element); - this.detach(toggler); - }.bind(this); - - if (this.now == idx || displayIndex != null){ - this.display(displayIndex != null ? displayIndex : (idx - 1 >= 0 ? idx - 1 : 0)).chain(remover); - } else { - remover(); - } - return this; - }, - - detach: function(toggler){ - var remove = function(toggler){ - toggler.removeEvent(this.options.trigger, toggler.retrieve('accordion:display')); - }.bind(this); - - if (!toggler) this.togglers.each(remove); - else remove(toggler); - return this; - }, - - display: function(index, useFx){ - if (!this.check(index, useFx)) return this; - - var obj = {}, - elements = this.elements, - options = this.options, - effects = this.effects; - - if (useFx == null) useFx = true; - if (typeOf(index) == 'element') index = elements.indexOf(index); - if (index == this.previous && !options.alwaysHide) return this; - - if (options.resetHeight){ - var prev = elements[this.previous]; - if (prev && !this.selfHidden){ - for (var fx in effects) prev.setStyle(fx, prev[effects[fx]]); - } - } - - if ((this.timer && options.link == 'chain') || (index === this.previous && !options.alwaysHide)) return this; - - this.previous = index; - this.selfHidden = false; - - elements.each(function(el, i){ - obj[i] = {}; - var hide; - if (i != index){ - hide = true; - } else if (options.alwaysHide && ((el.offsetHeight > 0 && options.height) || el.offsetWidth > 0 && options.width)){ - hide = true; - this.selfHidden = true; - } - this.fireEvent(hide ? 'background' : 'active', [this.togglers[i], el]); - for (var fx in effects) obj[i][fx] = hide ? 0 : el[effects[fx]]; - if (!useFx && !hide && options.resetHeight) obj[i].height = 'auto'; - }, this); - - this.internalChain.clearChain(); - this.internalChain.chain(function(){ - if (options.resetHeight && !this.selfHidden){ - var el = elements[index]; - if (el) el.setStyle('height', 'auto'); - } - }.bind(this)); - - return useFx ? this.start(obj) : this.set(obj).internalChain.callChain(); - } - -}); - - - - -/* ---- - -script: Element.Measure.js - -name: Element.Measure - -description: Extends the Element native object to include methods useful in measuring dimensions. - -credits: "Element.measure / .expose methods by Daniel Steigerwald License: MIT-style license. Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008 Daniel Steigerwald, daniel.steigerwald.cz" - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - Core/Element.Style - - Core/Element.Dimensions - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Element.Measure] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -var getStylesList = function(styles, planes){ - var list = []; - Object.each(planes, function(directions){ - Object.each(directions, function(edge){ - styles.each(function(style){ - list.push(style + '-' + edge + (style == 'border' ? '-width' : '')); - }); - }); - }); - return list; -}; - -var calculateEdgeSize = function(edge, styles){ - var total = 0; - Object.each(styles, function(value, style){ - if (style.test(edge)) total = total + value.toInt(); - }); - return total; -}; - -var isVisible = function(el){ - return !!(!el || el.offsetHeight || el.offsetWidth); -}; - - -Element.implement({ - - measure: function(fn){ - if (isVisible(this)) return fn.call(this); - var parent = this.getParent(), - toMeasure = []; - while (!isVisible(parent) && parent != document.body){ - toMeasure.push(parent.expose()); - parent = parent.getParent(); - } - var restore = this.expose(), - result = fn.call(this); - restore(); - toMeasure.each(function(restore){ - restore(); - }); - return result; - }, - - expose: function(){ - if (this.getStyle('display') != 'none') return function(){}; - var before = this.style.cssText; - this.setStyles({ - display: 'block', - position: 'absolute', - visibility: 'hidden' - }); - return function(){ - this.style.cssText = before; - }.bind(this); - }, - - getDimensions: function(options){ - options = Object.merge({computeSize: false}, options); - var dim = {x: 0, y: 0}; - - var getSize = function(el, options){ - return (options.computeSize) ? el.getComputedSize(options) : el.getSize(); - }; - - var parent = this.getParent('body'); - - if (parent && this.getStyle('display') == 'none'){ - dim = this.measure(function(){ - return getSize(this, options); - }); - } else if (parent){ - try { //safari sometimes crashes here, so catch it - dim = getSize(this, options); - }catch(e){} - } - - return Object.append(dim, (dim.x || dim.x === 0) ? { - width: dim.x, - height: dim.y - } : { - x: dim.width, - y: dim.height - } - ); - }, - - getComputedSize: function(options){ - - - options = Object.merge({ - styles: ['padding','border'], - planes: { - height: ['top','bottom'], - width: ['left','right'] - }, - mode: 'both' - }, options); - - var styles = {}, - size = {width: 0, height: 0}, - dimensions; - - if (options.mode == 'vertical'){ - delete size.width; - delete options.planes.width; - } else if (options.mode == 'horizontal'){ - delete size.height; - delete options.planes.height; - } - - getStylesList(options.styles, options.planes).each(function(style){ - styles[style] = this.getStyle(style).toInt(); - }, this); - - Object.each(options.planes, function(edges, plane){ - - var capitalized = plane.capitalize(), - style = this.getStyle(plane); - - if (style == 'auto' && !dimensions) dimensions = this.getDimensions(); - - style = styles[plane] = (style == 'auto') ? dimensions[plane] : style.toInt(); - size['total' + capitalized] = style; - - edges.each(function(edge){ - var edgesize = calculateEdgeSize(edge, styles); - size['computed' + edge.capitalize()] = edgesize; - size['total' + capitalized] += edgesize; - }); - - }, this); - - return Object.append(size, styles); - } - -}); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -script: Element.Position.js - -name: Element.Position - -description: Extends the Element native object to include methods useful positioning elements relative to others. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - - Jacob Thornton - -requires: - - Core/Options - - Core/Element.Dimensions - - Element.Measure - -provides: [Element.Position] - -... -*/ - -(function(original){ - -var local = Element.Position = { - - options: {/* - edge: false, - returnPos: false, - minimum: {x: 0, y: 0}, - maximum: {x: 0, y: 0}, - relFixedPosition: false, - ignoreMargins: false, - ignoreScroll: false, - allowNegative: false,*/ - relativeTo: document.body, - position: { - x: 'center', //left, center, right - y: 'center' //top, center, bottom - }, - offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - }, - - getOptions: function(element, options){ - options = Object.merge({}, local.options, options); - local.setPositionOption(options); - local.setEdgeOption(options); - local.setOffsetOption(element, options); - local.setDimensionsOption(element, options); - return options; - }, - - setPositionOption: function(options){ - options.position = local.getCoordinateFromValue(options.position); - }, - - setEdgeOption: function(options){ - var edgeOption = local.getCoordinateFromValue(options.edge); - options.edge = edgeOption ? edgeOption : - (options.position.x == 'center' && options.position.y == 'center') ? {x: 'center', y: 'center'} : - {x: 'left', y: 'top'}; - }, - - setOffsetOption: function(element, options){ - var parentOffset = {x: 0, y: 0}, - offsetParent = element.measure(function(){ - return document.id(this.getOffsetParent()); - }), - parentScroll = offsetParent.getScroll(); - - if (!offsetParent || offsetParent == element.getDocument().body) return; - parentOffset = offsetParent.measure(function(){ - var position = this.getPosition(); - if (this.getStyle('position') == 'fixed'){ - var scroll = window.getScroll(); - position.x += scroll.x; - position.y += scroll.y; - } - return position; - }); - - options.offset = { - parentPositioned: offsetParent != document.id(options.relativeTo), - x: options.offset.x - parentOffset.x + parentScroll.x, - y: options.offset.y - parentOffset.y + parentScroll.y - }; - }, - - setDimensionsOption: function(element, options){ - options.dimensions = element.getDimensions({ - computeSize: true, - styles: ['padding', 'border', 'margin'] - }); - }, - - getPosition: function(element, options){ - var position = {}; - options = local.getOptions(element, options); - var relativeTo = document.id(options.relativeTo) || document.body; - - local.setPositionCoordinates(options, position, relativeTo); - if (options.edge) local.toEdge(position, options); - - var offset = options.offset; - position.left = ((position.x >= 0 || offset.parentPositioned || options.allowNegative) ? position.x : 0).toInt(); - position.top = ((position.y >= 0 || offset.parentPositioned || options.allowNegative) ? position.y : 0).toInt(); - - local.toMinMax(position, options); - - if (options.relFixedPosition || relativeTo.getStyle('position') == 'fixed') local.toRelFixedPosition(relativeTo, position); - if (options.ignoreScroll) local.toIgnoreScroll(relativeTo, position); - if (options.ignoreMargins) local.toIgnoreMargins(position, options); - - position.left = Math.ceil(position.left); - position.top = Math.ceil(position.top); - delete position.x; - delete position.y; - - return position; - }, - - setPositionCoordinates: function(options, position, relativeTo){ - var offsetY = options.offset.y, - offsetX = options.offset.x, - calc = (relativeTo == document.body) ? window.getScroll() : relativeTo.getPosition(), - top = calc.y, - left = calc.x, - winSize = window.getSize(); - - switch(options.position.x){ - case 'left': position.x = left + offsetX; break; - case 'right': position.x = left + offsetX + relativeTo.offsetWidth; break; - default: position.x = left + ((relativeTo == document.body ? winSize.x : relativeTo.offsetWidth) / 2) + offsetX; break; - } - - switch(options.position.y){ - case 'top': position.y = top + offsetY; break; - case 'bottom': position.y = top + offsetY + relativeTo.offsetHeight; break; - default: position.y = top + ((relativeTo == document.body ? winSize.y : relativeTo.offsetHeight) / 2) + offsetY; break; - } - }, - - toMinMax: function(position, options){ - var xy = {left: 'x', top: 'y'}, value; - ['minimum', 'maximum'].each(function(minmax){ - ['left', 'top'].each(function(lr){ - value = options[minmax] ? options[minmax][xy[lr]] : null; - if (value != null && ((minmax == 'minimum') ? position[lr] < value : position[lr] > value)) position[lr] = value; - }); - }); - }, - - toRelFixedPosition: function(relativeTo, position){ - var winScroll = window.getScroll(); - position.top += winScroll.y; - position.left += winScroll.x; - }, - - toIgnoreScroll: function(relativeTo, position){ - var relScroll = relativeTo.getScroll(); - position.top -= relScroll.y; - position.left -= relScroll.x; - }, - - toIgnoreMargins: function(position, options){ - position.left += options.edge.x == 'right' - ? options.dimensions['margin-right'] - : (options.edge.x != 'center' - ? -options.dimensions['margin-left'] - : -options.dimensions['margin-left'] + ((options.dimensions['margin-right'] + options.dimensions['margin-left']) / 2)); - - position.top += options.edge.y == 'bottom' - ? options.dimensions['margin-bottom'] - : (options.edge.y != 'center' - ? -options.dimensions['margin-top'] - : -options.dimensions['margin-top'] + ((options.dimensions['margin-bottom'] + options.dimensions['margin-top']) / 2)); - }, - - toEdge: function(position, options){ - var edgeOffset = {}, - dimensions = options.dimensions, - edge = options.edge; - - switch(edge.x){ - case 'left': edgeOffset.x = 0; break; - case 'right': edgeOffset.x = -dimensions.x - dimensions.computedRight - dimensions.computedLeft; break; - // center - default: edgeOffset.x = -(Math.round(dimensions.totalWidth / 2)); break; - } - - switch(edge.y){ - case 'top': edgeOffset.y = 0; break; - case 'bottom': edgeOffset.y = -dimensions.y - dimensions.computedTop - dimensions.computedBottom; break; - // center - default: edgeOffset.y = -(Math.round(dimensions.totalHeight / 2)); break; - } - - position.x += edgeOffset.x; - position.y += edgeOffset.y; - }, - - getCoordinateFromValue: function(option){ - if (typeOf(option) != 'string') return option; - option = option.toLowerCase(); - - return { - x: option.test('left') ? 'left' - : (option.test('right') ? 'right' : 'center'), - y: option.test(/upper|top/) ? 'top' - : (option.test('bottom') ? 'bottom' : 'center') - }; - } - -}; - -Element.implement({ - - position: function(options){ - if (options && (options.x != null || options.y != null)){ - return (original ? original.apply(this, arguments) : this); - } - var position = this.setStyle('position', 'absolute').calculatePosition(options); - return (options && options.returnPos) ? position : this.setStyles(position); - }, - - calculatePosition: function(options){ - return local.getPosition(this, options); - } - -}); - -})(Element.prototype.position); - - -/* ---- - -script: Fx.Move.js - -name: Fx.Move - -description: Defines Fx.Move, a class that works with Element.Position.js to transition an element from one location to another. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - Core/Fx.Morph - - /Element.Position - -provides: [Fx.Move] - -... -*/ - -Fx.Move = new Class({ - - Extends: Fx.Morph, - - options: { - relativeTo: document.body, - position: 'center', - edge: false, - offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - }, - - start: function(destination){ - var element = this.element, - topLeft = element.getStyles('top', 'left'); - if (topLeft.top == 'auto' || topLeft.left == 'auto'){ - element.setPosition(element.getPosition(element.getOffsetParent())); - } - return this.parent(element.position(Object.merge({}, this.options, destination, {returnPos: true}))); - } - -}); - -Element.Properties.move = { - - set: function(options){ - this.get('move').cancel().setOptions(options); - return this; - }, - - get: function(){ - var move = this.retrieve('move'); - if (!move){ - move = new Fx.Move(this, {link: 'cancel'}); - this.store('move', move); - } - return move; - } - -}; - -Element.implement({ - - move: function(options){ - this.get('move').start(options); - return this; - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Element.Shortcuts.js - -name: Element.Shortcuts - -description: Extends the Element native object to include some shortcut methods. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - Core/Element.Style - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Element.Shortcuts] - -... -*/ - -Element.implement({ - - isDisplayed: function(){ - return this.getStyle('display') != 'none'; - }, - - isVisible: function(){ - var w = this.offsetWidth, - h = this.offsetHeight; - return (w == 0 && h == 0) ? false : (w > 0 && h > 0) ? true : this.style.display != 'none'; - }, - - toggle: function(){ - return this[this.isDisplayed() ? 'hide' : 'show'](); - }, - - hide: function(){ - var d; - try { - //IE fails here if the element is not in the dom - d = this.getStyle('display'); - } catch(e){} - if (d == 'none') return this; - return this.store('element:_originalDisplay', d || '').setStyle('display', 'none'); - }, - - show: function(display){ - if (!display && this.isDisplayed()) return this; - display = display || this.retrieve('element:_originalDisplay') || 'block'; - return this.setStyle('display', (display == 'none') ? 'block' : display); - }, - - swapClass: function(remove, add){ - return this.removeClass(remove).addClass(add); - } - -}); - -Document.implement({ - - clearSelection: function(){ - if (window.getSelection){ - var selection = window.getSelection(); - if (selection && selection.removeAllRanges) selection.removeAllRanges(); - } else if (document.selection && document.selection.empty){ - try { - //IE fails here if selected element is not in dom - document.selection.empty(); - } catch(e){} - } - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Fx.Reveal.js - -name: Fx.Reveal - -description: Defines Fx.Reveal, a class that shows and hides elements with a transition. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - Core/Fx.Morph - - /Element.Shortcuts - - /Element.Measure - -provides: [Fx.Reveal] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - - -var hideTheseOf = function(object){ - var hideThese = object.options.hideInputs; - if (window.OverText){ - var otClasses = [null]; - OverText.each(function(ot){ - otClasses.include('.' + ot.options.labelClass); - }); - if (otClasses) hideThese += otClasses.join(', '); - } - return (hideThese) ? object.element.getElements(hideThese) : null; -}; - - -Fx.Reveal = new Class({ - - Extends: Fx.Morph, - - options: {/* - onShow: function(thisElement){}, - onHide: function(thisElement){}, - onComplete: function(thisElement){}, - heightOverride: null, - widthOverride: null,*/ - link: 'cancel', - styles: ['padding', 'border', 'margin'], - transitionOpacity: !Browser.ie6, - mode: 'vertical', - display: function(){ - return this.element.get('tag') != 'tr' ? 'block' : 'table-row'; - }, - opacity: 1, - hideInputs: Browser.ie ? 'select, input, textarea, object, embed' : null - }, - - dissolve: function(){ - if (!this.hiding && !this.showing){ - if (this.element.getStyle('display') != 'none'){ - this.hiding = true; - this.showing = false; - this.hidden = true; - this.cssText = this.element.style.cssText; - - var startStyles = this.element.getComputedSize({ - styles: this.options.styles, - mode: this.options.mode - }); - if (this.options.transitionOpacity) startStyles.opacity = this.options.opacity; - - var zero = {}; - Object.each(startStyles, function(style, name){ - zero[name] = [style, 0]; - }); - - this.element.setStyles({ - display: Function.from(this.options.display).call(this), - overflow: 'hidden' - }); - - var hideThese = hideTheseOf(this); - if (hideThese) hideThese.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); - - this.$chain.unshift(function(){ - if (this.hidden){ - this.hiding = false; - this.element.style.cssText = this.cssText; - this.element.setStyle('display', 'none'); - if (hideThese) hideThese.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); - } - this.fireEvent('hide', this.element); - this.callChain(); - }.bind(this)); - - this.start(zero); - } else { - this.callChain.delay(10, this); - this.fireEvent('complete', this.element); - this.fireEvent('hide', this.element); - } - } else if (this.options.link == 'chain'){ - this.chain(this.dissolve.bind(this)); - } else if (this.options.link == 'cancel' && !this.hiding){ - this.cancel(); - this.dissolve(); - } - return this; - }, - - reveal: function(){ - if (!this.showing && !this.hiding){ - if (this.element.getStyle('display') == 'none'){ - this.hiding = false; - this.showing = true; - this.hidden = false; - this.cssText = this.element.style.cssText; - - var startStyles; - this.element.measure(function(){ - startStyles = this.element.getComputedSize({ - styles: this.options.styles, - mode: this.options.mode - }); - }.bind(this)); - if (this.options.heightOverride != null) startStyles.height = this.options.heightOverride.toInt(); - if (this.options.widthOverride != null) startStyles.width = this.options.widthOverride.toInt(); - if (this.options.transitionOpacity){ - this.element.setStyle('opacity', 0); - startStyles.opacity = this.options.opacity; - } - - var zero = { - height: 0, - display: Function.from(this.options.display).call(this) - }; - Object.each(startStyles, function(style, name){ - zero[name] = 0; - }); - zero.overflow = 'hidden'; - - this.element.setStyles(zero); - - var hideThese = hideTheseOf(this); - if (hideThese) hideThese.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); - - this.$chain.unshift(function(){ - this.element.style.cssText = this.cssText; - this.element.setStyle('display', Function.from(this.options.display).call(this)); - if (!this.hidden) this.showing = false; - if (hideThese) hideThese.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); - this.callChain(); - this.fireEvent('show', this.element); - }.bind(this)); - - this.start(startStyles); - } else { - this.callChain(); - this.fireEvent('complete', this.element); - this.fireEvent('show', this.element); - } - } else if (this.options.link == 'chain'){ - this.chain(this.reveal.bind(this)); - } else if (this.options.link == 'cancel' && !this.showing){ - this.cancel(); - this.reveal(); - } - return this; - }, - - toggle: function(){ - if (this.element.getStyle('display') == 'none'){ - this.reveal(); - } else { - this.dissolve(); - } - return this; - }, - - cancel: function(){ - this.parent.apply(this, arguments); - if (this.cssText != null) this.element.style.cssText = this.cssText; - this.hiding = false; - this.showing = false; - return this; - } - -}); - -Element.Properties.reveal = { - - set: function(options){ - this.get('reveal').cancel().setOptions(options); - return this; - }, - - get: function(){ - var reveal = this.retrieve('reveal'); - if (!reveal){ - reveal = new Fx.Reveal(this); - this.store('reveal', reveal); - } - return reveal; - } - -}; - -Element.Properties.dissolve = Element.Properties.reveal; - -Element.implement({ - - reveal: function(options){ - this.get('reveal').setOptions(options).reveal(); - return this; - }, - - dissolve: function(options){ - this.get('reveal').setOptions(options).dissolve(); - return this; - }, - - nix: function(options){ - var params = Array.link(arguments, {destroy: Type.isBoolean, options: Type.isObject}); - this.get('reveal').setOptions(options).dissolve().chain(function(){ - this[params.destroy ? 'destroy' : 'dispose'](); - }.bind(this)); - return this; - }, - - wink: function(){ - var params = Array.link(arguments, {duration: Type.isNumber, options: Type.isObject}); - var reveal = this.get('reveal').setOptions(params.options); - reveal.reveal().chain(function(){ - (function(){ - reveal.dissolve(); - }).delay(params.duration || 2000); - }); - } - -}); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -script: Fx.Scroll.js - -name: Fx.Scroll - -description: Effect to smoothly scroll any element, including the window. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - -requires: - - Core/Fx - - Core/Element.Event - - Core/Element.Dimensions - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Fx.Scroll] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -Fx.Scroll = new Class({ - - Extends: Fx, - - options: { - offset: {x: 0, y: 0}, - wheelStops: true - }, - - initialize: function(element, options){ - this.element = this.subject = document.id(element); - this.parent(options); - - if (typeOf(this.element) != 'element') this.element = document.id(this.element.getDocument().body); - - if (this.options.wheelStops){ - var stopper = this.element, - cancel = this.cancel.pass(false, this); - this.addEvent('start', function(){ - stopper.addEvent('mousewheel', cancel); - }, true); - this.addEvent('complete', function(){ - stopper.removeEvent('mousewheel', cancel); - }, true); - } - }, - - set: function(){ - var now = Array.flatten(arguments); - if (Browser.firefox) now = [Math.round(now[0]), Math.round(now[1])]; // not needed anymore in newer firefox versions - this.element.scrollTo(now[0], now[1]); - return this; - }, - - compute: function(from, to, delta){ - return [0, 1].map(function(i){ - return Fx.compute(from[i], to[i], delta); - }); - }, - - start: function(x, y){ - if (!this.check(x, y)) return this; - var scroll = this.element.getScroll(); - return this.parent([scroll.x, scroll.y], [x, y]); - }, - - calculateScroll: function(x, y){ - var element = this.element, - scrollSize = element.getScrollSize(), - scroll = element.getScroll(), - size = element.getSize(), - offset = this.options.offset, - values = {x: x, y: y}; - - for (var z in values){ - if (!values[z] && values[z] !== 0) values[z] = scroll[z]; - if (typeOf(values[z]) != 'number') values[z] = scrollSize[z] - size[z]; - values[z] += offset[z]; - } - - return [values.x, values.y]; - }, - - toTop: function(){ - return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll(false, 0)); - }, - - toLeft: function(){ - return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll(0, false)); - }, - - toRight: function(){ - return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll('right', false)); - }, - - toBottom: function(){ - return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll(false, 'bottom')); - }, - - toElement: function(el, axes){ - axes = axes ? Array.from(axes) : ['x', 'y']; - var scroll = isBody(this.element) ? {x: 0, y: 0} : this.element.getScroll(); - var position = Object.map(document.id(el).getPosition(this.element), function(value, axis){ - return axes.contains(axis) ? value + scroll[axis] : false; - }); - return this.start.apply(this, this.calculateScroll(position.x, position.y)); - }, - - toElementEdge: function(el, axes, offset){ - axes = axes ? Array.from(axes) : ['x', 'y']; - el = document.id(el); - var to = {}, - position = el.getPosition(this.element), - size = el.getSize(), - scroll = this.element.getScroll(), - containerSize = this.element.getSize(), - edge = { - x: position.x + size.x, - y: position.y + size.y - }; - - ['x', 'y'].each(function(axis){ - if (axes.contains(axis)){ - if (edge[axis] > scroll[axis] + containerSize[axis]) to[axis] = edge[axis] - containerSize[axis]; - if (position[axis] < scroll[axis]) to[axis] = position[axis]; - } - if (to[axis] == null) to[axis] = scroll[axis]; - if (offset && offset[axis]) to[axis] = to[axis] + offset[axis]; - }, this); - - if (to.x != scroll.x || to.y != scroll.y) this.start(to.x, to.y); - return this; - }, - - toElementCenter: function(el, axes, offset){ - axes = axes ? Array.from(axes) : ['x', 'y']; - el = document.id(el); - var to = {}, - position = el.getPosition(this.element), - size = el.getSize(), - scroll = this.element.getScroll(), - containerSize = this.element.getSize(); - - ['x', 'y'].each(function(axis){ - if (axes.contains(axis)){ - to[axis] = position[axis] - (containerSize[axis] - size[axis]) / 2; - } - if (to[axis] == null) to[axis] = scroll[axis]; - if (offset && offset[axis]) to[axis] = to[axis] + offset[axis]; - }, this); - - if (to.x != scroll.x || to.y != scroll.y) this.start(to.x, to.y); - return this; - } - -}); - - - -function isBody(element){ - return (/^(?:body|html)$/i).test(element.tagName); -} - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -script: Fx.Slide.js - -name: Fx.Slide - -description: Effect to slide an element in and out of view. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - -requires: - - Core/Fx - - Core/Element.Style - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Fx.Slide] - -... -*/ - -Fx.Slide = new Class({ - - Extends: Fx, - - options: { - mode: 'vertical', - wrapper: false, - hideOverflow: true, - resetHeight: false - }, - - initialize: function(element, options){ - element = this.element = this.subject = document.id(element); - this.parent(options); - options = this.options; - - var wrapper = element.retrieve('wrapper'), - styles = element.getStyles('margin', 'position', 'overflow'); - - if (options.hideOverflow) styles = Object.append(styles, {overflow: 'hidden'}); - if (options.wrapper) wrapper = document.id(options.wrapper).setStyles(styles); - - if (!wrapper) wrapper = new Element('div', { - styles: styles - }).wraps(element); - - element.store('wrapper', wrapper).setStyle('margin', 0); - if (element.getStyle('overflow') == 'visible') element.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); - - this.now = []; - this.open = true; - this.wrapper = wrapper; - - this.addEvent('complete', function(){ - this.open = (wrapper['offset' + this.layout.capitalize()] != 0); - if (this.open && this.options.resetHeight) wrapper.setStyle('height', ''); - }, true); - }, - - vertical: function(){ - this.margin = 'margin-top'; - this.layout = 'height'; - this.offset = this.element.offsetHeight; - }, - - horizontal: function(){ - this.margin = 'margin-left'; - this.layout = 'width'; - this.offset = this.element.offsetWidth; - }, - - set: function(now){ - this.element.setStyle(this.margin, now[0]); - this.wrapper.setStyle(this.layout, now[1]); - return this; - }, - - compute: function(from, to, delta){ - return [0, 1].map(function(i){ - return Fx.compute(from[i], to[i], delta); - }); - }, - - start: function(how, mode){ - if (!this.check(how, mode)) return this; - this[mode || this.options.mode](); - - var margin = this.element.getStyle(this.margin).toInt(), - layout = this.wrapper.getStyle(this.layout).toInt(), - caseIn = [[margin, layout], [0, this.offset]], - caseOut = [[margin, layout], [-this.offset, 0]], - start; - - switch (how){ - case 'in': start = caseIn; break; - case 'out': start = caseOut; break; - case 'toggle': start = (layout == 0) ? caseIn : caseOut; - } - return this.parent(start[0], start[1]); - }, - - slideIn: function(mode){ - return this.start('in', mode); - }, - - slideOut: function(mode){ - return this.start('out', mode); - }, - - hide: function(mode){ - this[mode || this.options.mode](); - this.open = false; - return this.set([-this.offset, 0]); - }, - - show: function(mode){ - this[mode || this.options.mode](); - this.open = true; - return this.set([0, this.offset]); - }, - - toggle: function(mode){ - return this.start('toggle', mode); - } - -}); - -Element.Properties.slide = { - - set: function(options){ - this.get('slide').cancel().setOptions(options); - return this; - }, - - get: function(){ - var slide = this.retrieve('slide'); - if (!slide){ - slide = new Fx.Slide(this, {link: 'cancel'}); - this.store('slide', slide); - } - return slide; - } - -}; - -Element.implement({ - - slide: function(how, mode){ - how = how || 'toggle'; - var slide = this.get('slide'), toggle; - switch (how){ - case 'hide': slide.hide(mode); break; - case 'show': slide.show(mode); break; - case 'toggle': - var flag = this.retrieve('slide:flag', slide.open); - slide[flag ? 'slideOut' : 'slideIn'](mode); - this.store('slide:flag', !flag); - toggle = true; - break; - default: slide.start(how, mode); - } - if (!toggle) this.eliminate('slide:flag'); - return this; - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Fx.SmoothScroll.js - -name: Fx.SmoothScroll - -description: Class for creating a smooth scrolling effect to all internal links on the page. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - -requires: - - Core/Slick.Finder - - /Fx.Scroll - -provides: [Fx.SmoothScroll] - -... -*/ - -Fx.SmoothScroll = new Class({ - - Extends: Fx.Scroll, - - options: { - axes: ['x', 'y'] - }, - - initialize: function(options, context){ - context = context || document; - this.doc = context.getDocument(); - this.parent(this.doc, options); - - var win = context.getWindow(), - location = win.location.href.match(/^[^#]*/)[0] + '#', - links = $$(this.options.links || this.doc.links); - - links.each(function(link){ - if (link.href.indexOf(location) != 0) return; - var anchor = link.href.substr(location.length); - if (anchor) this.useLink(link, anchor); - }, this); - - this.addEvent('complete', function(){ - win.location.hash = this.anchor; - this.element.scrollTo(this.to[0], this.to[1]); - }, true); - }, - - useLink: function(link, anchor){ - - link.addEvent('click', function(event){ - var el = document.id(anchor) || this.doc.getElement('a[name=' + anchor + ']'); - if (!el) return; - - event.preventDefault(); - this.toElement(el, this.options.axes).chain(function(){ - this.fireEvent('scrolledTo', [link, el]); - }.bind(this)); - - this.anchor = anchor; - - }.bind(this)); - - return this; - } -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Fx.Sort.js - -name: Fx.Sort - -description: Defines Fx.Sort, a class that reorders lists with a transition. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - -requires: - - Core/Element.Dimensions - - /Fx.Elements - - /Element.Measure - -provides: [Fx.Sort] - -... -*/ - -Fx.Sort = new Class({ - - Extends: Fx.Elements, - - options: { - mode: 'vertical' - }, - - initialize: function(elements, options){ - this.parent(elements, options); - this.elements.each(function(el){ - if (el.getStyle('position') == 'static') el.setStyle('position', 'relative'); - }); - this.setDefaultOrder(); - }, - - setDefaultOrder: function(){ - this.currentOrder = this.elements.map(function(el, index){ - return index; - }); - }, - - sort: function(){ - if (!this.check(arguments)) return this; - var newOrder = Array.flatten(arguments); - - var top = 0, - left = 0, - next = {}, - zero = {}, - vert = this.options.mode == 'vertical'; - - var current = this.elements.map(function(el, index){ - var size = el.getComputedSize({styles: ['border', 'padding', 'margin']}); - var val; - if (vert){ - val = { - top: top, - margin: size['margin-top'], - height: size.totalHeight - }; - top += val.height - size['margin-top']; - } else { - val = { - left: left, - margin: size['margin-left'], - width: size.totalWidth - }; - left += val.width; - } - var plane = vert ? 'top' : 'left'; - zero[index] = {}; - var start = el.getStyle(plane).toInt(); - zero[index][plane] = start || 0; - return val; - }, this); - - this.set(zero); - newOrder = newOrder.map(function(i){ return i.toInt(); }); - if (newOrder.length != this.elements.length){ - this.currentOrder.each(function(index){ - if (!newOrder.contains(index)) newOrder.push(index); - }); - if (newOrder.length > this.elements.length) - newOrder.splice(this.elements.length-1, newOrder.length - this.elements.length); - } - var margin = 0; - top = left = 0; - newOrder.each(function(item){ - var newPos = {}; - if (vert){ - newPos.top = top - current[item].top - margin; - top += current[item].height; - } else { - newPos.left = left - current[item].left; - left += current[item].width; - } - margin = margin + current[item].margin; - next[item]=newPos; - }, this); - var mapped = {}; - Array.clone(newOrder).sort().each(function(index){ - mapped[index] = next[index]; - }); - this.start(mapped); - this.currentOrder = newOrder; - - return this; - }, - - rearrangeDOM: function(newOrder){ - newOrder = newOrder || this.currentOrder; - var parent = this.elements[0].getParent(); - var rearranged = []; - this.elements.setStyle('opacity', 0); - //move each element and store the new default order - newOrder.each(function(index){ - rearranged.push(this.elements[index].inject(parent).setStyles({ - top: 0, - left: 0 - })); - }, this); - this.elements.setStyle('opacity', 1); - this.elements = $$(rearranged); - this.setDefaultOrder(); - return this; - }, - - getDefaultOrder: function(){ - return this.elements.map(function(el, index){ - return index; - }); - }, - - getCurrentOrder: function(){ - return this.currentOrder; - }, - - forward: function(){ - return this.sort(this.getDefaultOrder()); - }, - - backward: function(){ - return this.sort(this.getDefaultOrder().reverse()); - }, - - reverse: function(){ - return this.sort(this.currentOrder.reverse()); - }, - - sortByElements: function(elements){ - return this.sort(elements.map(function(el){ - return this.elements.indexOf(el); - }, this)); - }, - - swap: function(one, two){ - if (typeOf(one) == 'element') one = this.elements.indexOf(one); - if (typeOf(two) == 'element') two = this.elements.indexOf(two); - - var newOrder = Array.clone(this.currentOrder); - newOrder[this.currentOrder.indexOf(one)] = two; - newOrder[this.currentOrder.indexOf(two)] = one; - - return this.sort(newOrder); - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Drag.js - -name: Drag - -description: The base Drag Class. Can be used to drag and resize Elements using mouse events. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - - Tom Occhinno - - Jan Kassens - -requires: - - Core/Events - - Core/Options - - Core/Element.Event - - Core/Element.Style - - Core/Element.Dimensions - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Drag] -... - -*/ - -var Drag = new Class({ - - Implements: [Events, Options], - - options: {/* - onBeforeStart: function(thisElement){}, - onStart: function(thisElement, event){}, - onSnap: function(thisElement){}, - onDrag: function(thisElement, event){}, - onCancel: function(thisElement){}, - onComplete: function(thisElement, event){},*/ - snap: 6, - unit: 'px', - grid: false, - style: true, - limit: false, - handle: false, - invert: false, - preventDefault: false, - stopPropagation: false, - modifiers: {x: 'left', y: 'top'} - }, - - initialize: function(){ - var params = Array.link(arguments, { - 'options': Type.isObject, - 'element': function(obj){ - return obj != null; - } - }); - - this.element = document.id(params.element); - this.document = this.element.getDocument(); - this.setOptions(params.options || {}); - var htype = typeOf(this.options.handle); - this.handles = ((htype == 'array' || htype == 'collection') ? $$(this.options.handle) : document.id(this.options.handle)) || this.element; - this.mouse = {'now': {}, 'pos': {}}; - this.value = {'start': {}, 'now': {}}; - - this.selection = (Browser.ie) ? 'selectstart' : 'mousedown'; - - - if (Browser.ie && !Drag.ondragstartFixed){ - document.ondragstart = Function.from(false); - Drag.ondragstartFixed = true; - } - - this.bound = { - start: this.start.bind(this), - check: this.check.bind(this), - drag: this.drag.bind(this), - stop: this.stop.bind(this), - cancel: this.cancel.bind(this), - eventStop: Function.from(false) - }; - this.attach(); - }, - - attach: function(){ - this.handles.addEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start); - return this; - }, - - detach: function(){ - this.handles.removeEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start); - return this; - }, - - start: function(event){ - var options = this.options; - - if (event.rightClick) return; - - if (options.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); - if (options.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); - this.mouse.start = event.page; - - this.fireEvent('beforeStart', this.element); - - var limit = options.limit; - this.limit = {x: [], y: []}; - - var z, coordinates; - for (z in options.modifiers){ - if (!options.modifiers[z]) continue; - - var style = this.element.getStyle(options.modifiers[z]); - - // Some browsers (IE and Opera) don't always return pixels. - if (style && !style.match(/px$/)){ - if (!coordinates) coordinates = this.element.getCoordinates(this.element.getOffsetParent()); - style = coordinates[options.modifiers[z]]; - } - - if (options.style) this.value.now[z] = (style || 0).toInt(); - else this.value.now[z] = this.element[options.modifiers[z]]; - - if (options.invert) this.value.now[z] *= -1; - - this.mouse.pos[z] = event.page[z] - this.value.now[z]; - - if (limit && limit[z]){ - var i = 2; - while (i--){ - var limitZI = limit[z][i]; - if (limitZI || limitZI === 0) this.limit[z][i] = (typeof limitZI == 'function') ? limitZI() : limitZI; - } - } - } - - if (typeOf(this.options.grid) == 'number') this.options.grid = { - x: this.options.grid, - y: this.options.grid - }; - - var events = { - mousemove: this.bound.check, - mouseup: this.bound.cancel - }; - events[this.selection] = this.bound.eventStop; - this.document.addEvents(events); - }, - - check: function(event){ - if (this.options.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); - var distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(event.page.x - this.mouse.start.x, 2) + Math.pow(event.page.y - this.mouse.start.y, 2))); - if (distance > this.options.snap){ - this.cancel(); - this.document.addEvents({ - mousemove: this.bound.drag, - mouseup: this.bound.stop - }); - this.fireEvent('start', [this.element, event]).fireEvent('snap', this.element); - } - }, - - drag: function(event){ - var options = this.options; - - if (options.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); - this.mouse.now = event.page; - - for (var z in options.modifiers){ - if (!options.modifiers[z]) continue; - this.value.now[z] = this.mouse.now[z] - this.mouse.pos[z]; - - if (options.invert) this.value.now[z] *= -1; - - if (options.limit && this.limit[z]){ - if ((this.limit[z][1] || this.limit[z][1] === 0) && (this.value.now[z] > this.limit[z][1])){ - this.value.now[z] = this.limit[z][1]; - } else if ((this.limit[z][0] || this.limit[z][0] === 0) && (this.value.now[z] < this.limit[z][0])){ - this.value.now[z] = this.limit[z][0]; - } - } - - if (options.grid[z]) this.value.now[z] -= ((this.value.now[z] - (this.limit[z][0]||0)) % options.grid[z]); - - if (options.style) this.element.setStyle(options.modifiers[z], this.value.now[z] + options.unit); - else this.element[options.modifiers[z]] = this.value.now[z]; - } - - this.fireEvent('drag', [this.element, event]); - }, - - cancel: function(event){ - this.document.removeEvents({ - mousemove: this.bound.check, - mouseup: this.bound.cancel - }); - if (event){ - this.document.removeEvent(this.selection, this.bound.eventStop); - this.fireEvent('cancel', this.element); - } - }, - - stop: function(event){ - var events = { - mousemove: this.bound.drag, - mouseup: this.bound.stop - }; - events[this.selection] = this.bound.eventStop; - this.document.removeEvents(events); - if (event) this.fireEvent('complete', [this.element, event]); - } - -}); - -Element.implement({ - - makeResizable: function(options){ - var drag = new Drag(this, Object.merge({ - modifiers: { - x: 'width', - y: 'height' - } - }, options)); - - this.store('resizer', drag); - return drag.addEvent('drag', function(){ - this.fireEvent('resize', drag); - }.bind(this)); - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Drag.Move.js - -name: Drag.Move - -description: A Drag extension that provides support for the constraining of draggables to containers and droppables. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - - Tom Occhinno - - Jan Kassens - - Aaron Newton - - Scott Kyle - -requires: - - Core/Element.Dimensions - - /Drag - -provides: [Drag.Move] - -... -*/ - -Drag.Move = new Class({ - - Extends: Drag, - - options: {/* - onEnter: function(thisElement, overed){}, - onLeave: function(thisElement, overed){}, - onDrop: function(thisElement, overed, event){},*/ - droppables: [], - container: false, - precalculate: false, - includeMargins: true, - checkDroppables: true - }, - - initialize: function(element, options){ - this.parent(element, options); - element = this.element; - - this.droppables = $$(this.options.droppables); - this.container = document.id(this.options.container); - - if (this.container && typeOf(this.container) != 'element') - this.container = document.id(this.container.getDocument().body); - - if (this.options.style){ - if (this.options.modifiers.x == 'left' && this.options.modifiers.y == 'top'){ - var parent = element.getOffsetParent(), - styles = element.getStyles('left', 'top'); - if (parent && (styles.left == 'auto' || styles.top == 'auto')){ - element.setPosition(element.getPosition(parent)); - } - } - - if (element.getStyle('position') == 'static') element.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); - } - - this.addEvent('start', this.checkDroppables, true); - this.overed = null; - }, - - start: function(event){ - if (this.container) this.options.limit = this.calculateLimit(); - - if (this.options.precalculate){ - this.positions = this.droppables.map(function(el){ - return el.getCoordinates(); - }); - } - - this.parent(event); - }, - - calculateLimit: function(){ - var element = this.element, - container = this.container, - - offsetParent = document.id(element.getOffsetParent()) || document.body, - containerCoordinates = container.getCoordinates(offsetParent), - elementMargin = {}, - elementBorder = {}, - containerMargin = {}, - containerBorder = {}, - offsetParentPadding = {}; - - ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].each(function(pad){ - elementMargin[pad] = element.getStyle('margin-' + pad).toInt(); - elementBorder[pad] = element.getStyle('border-' + pad).toInt(); - containerMargin[pad] = container.getStyle('margin-' + pad).toInt(); - containerBorder[pad] = container.getStyle('border-' + pad).toInt(); - offsetParentPadding[pad] = offsetParent.getStyle('padding-' + pad).toInt(); - }, this); - - var width = element.offsetWidth + elementMargin.left + elementMargin.right, - height = element.offsetHeight + elementMargin.top + elementMargin.bottom, - left = 0, - top = 0, - right = containerCoordinates.right - containerBorder.right - width, - bottom = containerCoordinates.bottom - containerBorder.bottom - height; - - if (this.options.includeMargins){ - left += elementMargin.left; - top += elementMargin.top; - } else { - right += elementMargin.right; - bottom += elementMargin.bottom; - } - - if (element.getStyle('position') == 'relative'){ - var coords = element.getCoordinates(offsetParent); - coords.left -= element.getStyle('left').toInt(); - coords.top -= element.getStyle('top').toInt(); - - left -= coords.left; - top -= coords.top; - if (container.getStyle('position') != 'relative'){ - left += containerBorder.left; - top += containerBorder.top; - } - right += elementMargin.left - coords.left; - bottom += elementMargin.top - coords.top; - - if (container != offsetParent){ - left += containerMargin.left + offsetParentPadding.left; - top += ((Browser.ie6 || Browser.ie7) ? 0 : containerMargin.top) + offsetParentPadding.top; - } - } else { - left -= elementMargin.left; - top -= elementMargin.top; - if (container != offsetParent){ - left += containerCoordinates.left + containerBorder.left; - top += containerCoordinates.top + containerBorder.top; - } - } - - return { - x: [left, right], - y: [top, bottom] - }; - }, - - getDroppableCoordinates: function(element){ - var position = element.getCoordinates(); - if (element.getStyle('position') == 'fixed'){ - var scroll = window.getScroll(); - position.left += scroll.x; - position.right += scroll.x; - position.top += scroll.y; - position.bottom += scroll.y; - } - return position; - }, - - checkDroppables: function(){ - var overed = this.droppables.filter(function(el, i){ - el = this.positions ? this.positions[i] : this.getDroppableCoordinates(el); - var now = this.mouse.now; - return (now.x > el.left && now.x < el.right && now.y < el.bottom && now.y > el.top); - }, this).getLast(); - - if (this.overed != overed){ - if (this.overed) this.fireEvent('leave', [this.element, this.overed]); - if (overed) this.fireEvent('enter', [this.element, overed]); - this.overed = overed; - } - }, - - drag: function(event){ - this.parent(event); - if (this.options.checkDroppables && this.droppables.length) this.checkDroppables(); - }, - - stop: function(event){ - this.checkDroppables(); - this.fireEvent('drop', [this.element, this.overed, event]); - this.overed = null; - return this.parent(event); - } - -}); - -Element.implement({ - - makeDraggable: function(options){ - var drag = new Drag.Move(this, options); - this.store('dragger', drag); - return drag; - } - -}); - - -/* ---- - -script: Assets.js - -name: Assets - -description: Provides methods to dynamically load JavaScript, CSS, and Image files into the document. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - -requires: - - Core/Element.Event - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Assets] - -... -*/ - -var Asset = { - - javascript: function(source, properties){ - if (!properties) properties = {}; - - var script = new Element('script', {src: source, type: 'text/javascript'}), - doc = properties.document || document, - load = properties.onload || properties.onLoad; - - delete properties.onload; - delete properties.onLoad; - delete properties.document; - - if (load){ - if (typeof script.onreadystatechange != 'undefined'){ - script.addEvent('readystatechange', function(){ - if (['loaded', 'complete'].contains(this.readyState)) load.call(this); - }); - } else { - script.addEvent('load', load); - } - } - - return script.set(properties).inject(doc.head); - }, - - css: function(source, properties){ - if (!properties) properties = {}; - - var link = new Element('link', { - rel: 'stylesheet', - media: 'screen', - type: 'text/css', - href: source - }); - - var load = properties.onload || properties.onLoad, - doc = properties.document || document; - - delete properties.onload; - delete properties.onLoad; - delete properties.document; - - if (load) link.addEvent('load', load); - return link.set(properties).inject(doc.head); - }, - - image: function(source, properties){ - if (!properties) properties = {}; - - var image = new Image(), - element = document.id(image) || new Element('img'); - - ['load', 'abort', 'error'].each(function(name){ - var type = 'on' + name, - cap = 'on' + name.capitalize(), - event = properties[type] || properties[cap] || function(){}; - - delete properties[cap]; - delete properties[type]; - - image[type] = function(){ - if (!image) return; - if (!element.parentNode){ - element.width = image.width; - element.height = image.height; - } - image = image.onload = image.onabort = image.onerror = null; - event.delay(1, element, element); - element.fireEvent(name, element, 1); - }; - }); - - image.src = element.src = source; - if (image && image.complete) image.onload.delay(1); - return element.set(properties); - }, - - images: function(sources, options){ - sources = Array.from(sources); - - var fn = function(){}, - counter = 0; - - options = Object.merge({ - onComplete: fn, - onProgress: fn, - onError: fn, - properties: {} - }, options); - - return new Elements(sources.map(function(source, index){ - return Asset.image(source, Object.append(options.properties, { - onload: function(){ - counter++; - options.onProgress.call(this, counter, index, source); - if (counter == sources.length) options.onComplete(); - }, - onerror: function(){ - counter++; - options.onError.call(this, counter, index, source); - if (counter == sources.length) options.onComplete(); - } - })); - })); - } - -}; - - -/* ---- - -script: Color.js - -name: Color - -description: Class for creating and manipulating colors in JavaScript. Supports HSB -> RGB Conversions and vice versa. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Valerio Proietti - -requires: - - Core/Array - - Core/String - - Core/Number - - Core/Hash - - Core/Function - - MooTools.More - -provides: [Color] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -var Color = this.Color = new Type('Color', function(color, type){ - if (arguments.length >= 3){ - type = 'rgb'; color = Array.slice(arguments, 0, 3); - } else if (typeof color == 'string'){ - if (color.match(/rgb/)) color = color.rgbToHex().hexToRgb(true); - else if (color.match(/hsb/)) color = color.hsbToRgb(); - else color = color.hexToRgb(true); - } - type = type || 'rgb'; - switch (type){ - case 'hsb': - var old = color; - color = color.hsbToRgb(); - color.hsb = old; - break; - case 'hex': color = color.hexToRgb(true); break; - } - color.rgb = color.slice(0, 3); - color.hsb = color.hsb || color.rgbToHsb(); - color.hex = color.rgbToHex(); - return Object.append(color, this); -}); - -Color.implement({ - - mix: function(){ - var colors = Array.slice(arguments); - var alpha = (typeOf(colors.getLast()) == 'number') ? colors.pop() : 50; - var rgb = this.slice(); - colors.each(function(color){ - color = new Color(color); - for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) rgb[i] = Math.round((rgb[i] / 100 * (100 - alpha)) + (color[i] / 100 * alpha)); - }); - return new Color(rgb, 'rgb'); - }, - - invert: function(){ - return new Color(this.map(function(value){ - return 255 - value; - })); - }, - - setHue: function(value){ - return new Color([value, this.hsb[1], this.hsb[2]], 'hsb'); - }, - - setSaturation: function(percent){ - return new Color([this.hsb[0], percent, this.hsb[2]], 'hsb'); - }, - - setBrightness: function(percent){ - return new Color([this.hsb[0], this.hsb[1], percent], 'hsb'); - } - -}); - -this.$RGB = function(r, g, b){ - return new Color([r, g, b], 'rgb'); -}; - -this.$HSB = function(h, s, b){ - return new Color([h, s, b], 'hsb'); -}; - -this.$HEX = function(hex){ - return new Color(hex, 'hex'); -}; - -Array.implement({ - - rgbToHsb: function(){ - var red = this[0], - green = this[1], - blue = this[2], - hue = 0; - var max = Math.max(red, green, blue), - min = Math.min(red, green, blue); - var delta = max - min; - var brightness = max / 255, - saturation = (max != 0) ? delta / max : 0; - if (saturation != 0){ - var rr = (max - red) / delta; - var gr = (max - green) / delta; - var br = (max - blue) / delta; - if (red == max) hue = br - gr; - else if (green == max) hue = 2 + rr - br; - else hue = 4 + gr - rr; - hue /= 6; - if (hue < 0) hue++; - } - return [Math.round(hue * 360), Math.round(saturation * 100), Math.round(brightness * 100)]; - }, - - hsbToRgb: function(){ - var br = Math.round(this[2] / 100 * 255); - if (this[1] == 0){ - return [br, br, br]; - } else { - var hue = this[0] % 360; - var f = hue % 60; - var p = Math.round((this[2] * (100 - this[1])) / 10000 * 255); - var q = Math.round((this[2] * (6000 - this[1] * f)) / 600000 * 255); - var t = Math.round((this[2] * (6000 - this[1] * (60 - f))) / 600000 * 255); - switch (Math.floor(hue / 60)){ - case 0: return [br, t, p]; - case 1: return [q, br, p]; - case 2: return [p, br, t]; - case 3: return [p, q, br]; - case 4: return [t, p, br]; - case 5: return [br, p, q]; - } - } - return false; - } - -}); - -String.implement({ - - rgbToHsb: function(){ - var rgb = this.match(/\d{1,3}/g); - return (rgb) ? rgb.rgbToHsb() : null; - }, - - hsbToRgb: function(){ - var hsb = this.match(/\d{1,3}/g); - return (hsb) ? hsb.hsbToRgb() : null; - } - -}); - -})(); - - - -/* ---- - -name: Events.Pseudos - -description: Adds the functionality to add pseudo events - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Arian Stolwijk - -requires: [Core/Class.Extras, Core/Slick.Parser, More/MooTools.More] - -provides: [Events.Pseudos] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -Events.Pseudos = function(pseudos, addEvent, removeEvent){ - - var storeKey = '_monitorEvents:'; - - var storageOf = function(object){ - return { - store: object.store ? function(key, value){ - object.store(storeKey + key, value); - } : function(key, value){ - (object._monitorEvents || (object._monitorEvents = {}))[key] = value; - }, - retrieve: object.retrieve ? function(key, dflt){ - return object.retrieve(storeKey + key, dflt); - } : function(key, dflt){ - if (!object._monitorEvents) return dflt; - return object._monitorEvents[key] || dflt; - } - }; - }; - - var splitType = function(type){ - if (type.indexOf(':') == -1 || !pseudos) return null; - - var parsed = Slick.parse(type).expressions[0][0], - parsedPseudos = parsed.pseudos, - l = parsedPseudos.length, - splits = []; - - while (l--){ - var pseudo = parsedPseudos[l].key, - listener = pseudos[pseudo]; - if (listener != null) splits.push({ - event: parsed.tag, - value: parsedPseudos[l].value, - pseudo: pseudo, - original: type, - listener: listener - }); - } - return splits.length ? splits : null; - }; - - return { - - addEvent: function(type, fn, internal){ - var split = splitType(type); - if (!split) return addEvent.call(this, type, fn, internal); - - var storage = storageOf(this), - events = storage.retrieve(type, []), - eventType = split[0].event, - args = Array.slice(arguments, 2), - stack = fn, - self = this; - - split.each(function(item){ - var listener = item.listener, - stackFn = stack; - if (listener == false) eventType += ':' + item.pseudo + '(' + item.value + ')'; - else stack = function(){ - listener.call(self, item, stackFn, arguments, stack); - }; - }); - - events.include({type: eventType, event: fn, monitor: stack}); - storage.store(type, events); - - if (type != eventType) addEvent.apply(this, [type, fn].concat(args)); - return addEvent.apply(this, [eventType, stack].concat(args)); - }, - - removeEvent: function(type, fn){ - var split = splitType(type); - if (!split) return removeEvent.call(this, type, fn); - - var storage = storageOf(this), - events = storage.retrieve(type); - if (!events) return this; - - var args = Array.slice(arguments, 2); - - removeEvent.apply(this, [type, fn].concat(args)); - events.each(function(monitor, i){ - if (!fn || monitor.event == fn) removeEvent.apply(this, [monitor.type, monitor.monitor].concat(args)); - delete events[i]; - }, this); - - storage.store(type, events); - return this; - } - - }; - -}; - -var pseudos = { - - once: function(split, fn, args, monitor){ - fn.apply(this, args); - this.removeEvent(split.event, monitor) - .removeEvent(split.original, fn); - }, - - throttle: function(split, fn, args){ - if (!fn._throttled){ - fn.apply(this, args); - fn._throttled = setTimeout(function(){ - fn._throttled = false; - }, split.value || 250); - } - }, - - pause: function(split, fn, args){ - clearTimeout(fn._pause); - fn._pause = fn.delay(split.value || 250, this, args); - } - -}; - -Events.definePseudo = function(key, listener){ - pseudos[key] = listener; - return this; -}; - -Events.lookupPseudo = function(key){ - return pseudos[key]; -}; - -var proto = Events.prototype; -Events.implement(Events.Pseudos(pseudos, proto.addEvent, proto.removeEvent)); - -['Request', 'Fx'].each(function(klass){ - if (this[klass]) this[klass].implement(Events.prototype); -}); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -name: Element.Event.Pseudos - -description: Adds the functionality to add pseudo events for Elements - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Arian Stolwijk - -requires: [Core/Element.Event, Core/Element.Delegation, Events.Pseudos] - -provides: [Element.Event.Pseudos, Element.Delegation] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -var pseudos = {relay: false}, - copyFromEvents = ['once', 'throttle', 'pause'], - count = copyFromEvents.length; - -while (count--) pseudos[copyFromEvents[count]] = Events.lookupPseudo(copyFromEvents[count]); - -DOMEvent.definePseudo = function(key, listener){ - pseudos[key] = listener; - return this; -}; - -var proto = Element.prototype; -[Element, Window, Document].invoke('implement', Events.Pseudos(pseudos, proto.addEvent, proto.removeEvent)); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -name: Element.Event.Pseudos.Keys - -description: Adds functionality fire events if certain keycombinations are pressed - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Arian Stolwijk - -requires: [Element.Event.Pseudos] - -provides: [Element.Event.Pseudos.Keys] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -var keysStoreKey = '$moo:keys-pressed', - keysKeyupStoreKey = '$moo:keys-keyup'; - - -DOMEvent.definePseudo('keys', function(split, fn, args){ - - var event = args[0], - keys = [], - pressed = this.retrieve(keysStoreKey, []); - - keys.append(split.value.replace('++', function(){ - keys.push('+'); // shift++ and shift+++a - return ''; - }).split('+')); - - pressed.include(event.key); - - if (keys.every(function(key){ - return pressed.contains(key); - })) fn.apply(this, args); - - this.store(keysStoreKey, pressed); - - if (!this.retrieve(keysKeyupStoreKey)){ - var keyup = function(event){ - (function(){ - pressed = this.retrieve(keysStoreKey, []).erase(event.key); - this.store(keysStoreKey, pressed); - }).delay(0, this); // Fix for IE - }; - this.store(keysKeyupStoreKey, keyup).addEvent('keyup', keyup); - } - -}); - -DOMEvent.defineKeys({ - '16': 'shift', - '17': 'control', - '18': 'alt', - '20': 'capslock', - '33': 'pageup', - '34': 'pagedown', - '35': 'end', - '36': 'home', - '144': 'numlock', - '145': 'scrolllock', - '186': ';', - '187': '=', - '188': ',', - '190': '.', - '191': '/', - '192': '`', - '219': '[', - '220': '\\', - '221': ']', - '222': "'", - '107': '+' -}).defineKey(Browser.firefox ? 109 : 189, '-'); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -script: Keyboard.js - -name: Keyboard - -description: KeyboardEvents used to intercept events on a class for keyboard and format modifiers in a specific order so as to make alt+shift+c the same as shift+alt+c. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Perrin Westrich - - Aaron Newton - - Scott Kyle - -requires: - - Core/Events - - Core/Options - - Core/Element.Event - - Element.Event.Pseudos.Keys - -provides: [Keyboard] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - - var Keyboard = this.Keyboard = new Class({ - - Extends: Events, - - Implements: [Options], - - options: {/* - onActivate: function(){}, - onDeactivate: function(){},*/ - defaultEventType: 'keydown', - active: false, - manager: null, - events: {}, - nonParsedEvents: ['activate', 'deactivate', 'onactivate', 'ondeactivate', 'changed', 'onchanged'] - }, - - initialize: function(options){ - if (options && options.manager){ - this._manager = options.manager; - delete options.manager; - } - this.setOptions(options); - this._setup(); - }, - - addEvent: function(type, fn, internal){ - return this.parent(Keyboard.parse(type, this.options.defaultEventType, this.options.nonParsedEvents), fn, internal); - }, - - removeEvent: function(type, fn){ - return this.parent(Keyboard.parse(type, this.options.defaultEventType, this.options.nonParsedEvents), fn); - }, - - toggleActive: function(){ - return this[this.isActive() ? 'deactivate' : 'activate'](); - }, - - activate: function(instance){ - if (instance){ - if (instance.isActive()) return this; - //if we're stealing focus, store the last keyboard to have it so the relinquish command works - if (this._activeKB && instance != this._activeKB){ - this.previous = this._activeKB; - this.previous.fireEvent('deactivate'); - } - //if we're enabling a child, assign it so that events are now passed to it - this._activeKB = instance.fireEvent('activate'); - Keyboard.manager.fireEvent('changed'); - } else if (this._manager){ - //else we're enabling ourselves, we must ask our parent to do it for us - this._manager.activate(this); - } - return this; - }, - - isActive: function(){ - return this._manager ? (this._manager._activeKB == this) : (Keyboard.manager == this); - }, - - deactivate: function(instance){ - if (instance){ - if (instance === this._activeKB){ - this._activeKB = null; - instance.fireEvent('deactivate'); - Keyboard.manager.fireEvent('changed'); - } - } else if (this._manager){ - this._manager.deactivate(this); - } - return this; - }, - - relinquish: function(){ - if (this.isActive() && this._manager && this._manager.previous) this._manager.activate(this._manager.previous); - else this.deactivate(); - return this; - }, - - //management logic - manage: function(instance){ - if (instance._manager) instance._manager.drop(instance); - this._instances.push(instance); - instance._manager = this; - if (!this._activeKB) this.activate(instance); - return this; - }, - - drop: function(instance){ - instance.relinquish(); - this._instances.erase(instance); - if (this._activeKB == instance){ - if (this.previous && this._instances.contains(this.previous)) this.activate(this.previous); - else this._activeKB = this._instances[0]; - } - return this; - }, - - trace: function(){ - Keyboard.trace(this); - }, - - each: function(fn){ - Keyboard.each(this, fn); - }, - - /* - PRIVATE METHODS - */ - - _instances: [], - - _disable: function(instance){ - if (this._activeKB == instance) this._activeKB = null; - }, - - _setup: function(){ - this.addEvents(this.options.events); - //if this is the root manager, nothing manages it - if (Keyboard.manager && !this._manager) Keyboard.manager.manage(this); - if (this.options.active) this.activate(); - else this.relinquish(); - }, - - _handle: function(event, type){ - //Keyboard.stop(event) prevents key propagation - if (event.preventKeyboardPropagation) return; - - var bubbles = !!this._manager; - if (bubbles && this._activeKB){ - this._activeKB._handle(event, type); - if (event.preventKeyboardPropagation) return; - } - this.fireEvent(type, event); - - if (!bubbles && this._activeKB) this._activeKB._handle(event, type); - } - - }); - - var parsed = {}; - var modifiers = ['shift', 'control', 'alt', 'meta']; - var regex = /^(?:shift|control|ctrl|alt|meta)$/; - - Keyboard.parse = function(type, eventType, ignore){ - if (ignore && ignore.contains(type.toLowerCase())) return type; - - type = type.toLowerCase().replace(/^(keyup|keydown):/, function($0, $1){ - eventType = $1; - return ''; - }); - - if (!parsed[type]){ - var key, mods = {}; - type.split('+').each(function(part){ - if (regex.test(part)) mods[part] = true; - else key = part; - }); - - mods.control = mods.control || mods.ctrl; // allow both control and ctrl - - var keys = []; - modifiers.each(function(mod){ - if (mods[mod]) keys.push(mod); - }); - - if (key) keys.push(key); - parsed[type] = keys.join('+'); - } - - return eventType + ':keys(' + parsed[type] + ')'; - }; - - Keyboard.each = function(keyboard, fn){ - var current = keyboard || Keyboard.manager; - while (current){ - fn.run(current); - current = current._activeKB; - } - }; - - Keyboard.stop = function(event){ - event.preventKeyboardPropagation = true; - }; - - Keyboard.manager = new Keyboard({ - active: true - }); - - Keyboard.trace = function(keyboard){ - keyboard = keyboard || Keyboard.manager; - var hasConsole = window.console && console.log; - if (hasConsole) console.log('the following items have focus: '); - Keyboard.each(keyboard, function(current){ - if (hasConsole) console.log(document.id(current.widget) || current.wiget || current); - }); - }; - - var handler = function(event){ - var keys = []; - modifiers.each(function(mod){ - if (event[mod]) keys.push(mod); - }); - - if (!regex.test(event.key)) keys.push(event.key); - Keyboard.manager._handle(event, event.type + ':keys(' + keys.join('+') + ')'); - }; - - document.addEvents({ - 'keyup': handler, - 'keydown': handler - }); - -})(); - - -/* ---- - -script: Keyboard.Extras.js - -name: Keyboard.Extras - -description: Enhances Keyboard by adding the ability to name and describe keyboard shortcuts, and the ability to grab shortcuts by name and bind the shortcut to different keys. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Perrin Westrich - -requires: - - /Keyboard - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Keyboard.Extras] - -... -*/ -Keyboard.prototype.options.nonParsedEvents.combine(['rebound', 'onrebound']); - -Keyboard.implement({ - - /* - shortcut should be in the format of: - { - 'keys': 'shift+s', // the default to add as an event. - 'description': 'blah blah blah', // a brief description of the functionality. - 'handler': function(){} // the event handler to run when keys are pressed. - } - */ - addShortcut: function(name, shortcut){ - this._shortcuts = this._shortcuts || []; - this._shortcutIndex = this._shortcutIndex || {}; - - shortcut.getKeyboard = Function.from(this); - shortcut.name = name; - this._shortcutIndex[name] = shortcut; - this._shortcuts.push(shortcut); - if (shortcut.keys) this.addEvent(shortcut.keys, shortcut.handler); - return this; - }, - - addShortcuts: function(obj){ - for (var name in obj) this.addShortcut(name, obj[name]); - return this; - }, - - removeShortcut: function(name){ - var shortcut = this.getShortcut(name); - if (shortcut && shortcut.keys){ - this.removeEvent(shortcut.keys, shortcut.handler); - delete this._shortcutIndex[name]; - this._shortcuts.erase(shortcut); - } - return this; - }, - - removeShortcuts: function(names){ - names.each(this.removeShortcut, this); - return this; - }, - - getShortcuts: function(){ - return this._shortcuts || []; - }, - - getShortcut: function(name){ - return (this._shortcutIndex || {})[name]; - } - -}); - -Keyboard.rebind = function(newKeys, shortcuts){ - Array.from(shortcuts).each(function(shortcut){ - shortcut.getKeyboard().removeEvent(shortcut.keys, shortcut.handler); - shortcut.getKeyboard().addEvent(newKeys, shortcut.handler); - shortcut.keys = newKeys; - shortcut.getKeyboard().fireEvent('rebound'); - }); -}; - - -Keyboard.getActiveShortcuts = function(keyboard){ - var activeKBS = [], activeSCS = []; - Keyboard.each(keyboard, [].push.bind(activeKBS)); - activeKBS.each(function(kb){ activeSCS.extend(kb.getShortcuts()); }); - return activeSCS; -}; - -Keyboard.getShortcut = function(name, keyboard, opts){ - opts = opts || {}; - var shortcuts = opts.many ? [] : null, - set = opts.many ? function(kb){ - var shortcut = kb.getShortcut(name); - if (shortcut) shortcuts.push(shortcut); - } : function(kb){ - if (!shortcuts) shortcuts = kb.getShortcut(name); - }; - Keyboard.each(keyboard, set); - return shortcuts; -}; - -Keyboard.getShortcuts = function(name, keyboard){ - return Keyboard.getShortcut(name, keyboard, { many: true }); -}; - - -/* ---- - -script: Locale.js - -name: Locale - -description: Provides methods for localization. - -license: MIT-style license - -authors: - - Aaron Newton - - Arian Stolwijk - -requires: - - Core/Events - - /Object.Extras - - /MooTools.More - -provides: [Locale, Lang] - -... -*/ - -(function(){ - -var current = null, - locales = {}, - inherits = {}; - -var getSet = function(set){ - if (instanceOf(set, Locale.Set)) return set; - else return locales[set]; -}; - -var Locale = this.Locale = { - - define: function(locale, set, key, value){ - var name; - if (instanceOf(locale, Locale.Set)){ - name = locale.name; - if (name) locales[name] = locale; - } else { - name = locale; - if (!locales[name]) locales[name] = new Locale.Set(name); - locale = locales[name]; - } - - if (set) locale.define(set, key, value); - - - - if (!current) current = locale; - - return locale; - }, - - use: function(locale){ - locale = getSet(locale); - - if (locale){ - current = locale; - - this.fireEvent('change', locale); - - - } - - return this; - }, - - getCurrent: function(){ - return current; - }, - - get: function(key, args){ - return (current) ? current.get(key, args) : ''; - }, - - inherit: function(locale, inherits, set){ - locale = getSet(locale); - - if (locale) locale.inherit(inherits, set); - return this; - }, - - list: function(){ - return Object.keys(locales); - } - -}; - -Object.append(Locale, new Events); - -Locale.Set = new Class({ - - sets: {}, - - inherits: { - locales: [], - sets: {} - }, - - initialize: function(name){ - this.name = name || ''; - }, - - define: function(set, key, value){ - var defineData = this.sets[set]; - if (!defineData) defineData = {}; - - if (key){ - if (typeOf(key) == 'object') defineData = Object.merge(defineData, key); - else defineData[key] = value; - } - this.sets[set] = defineData; - - return this; - }, - - get: function(key, args, _base){ - var value = Object.getFromPath(this.sets, key); - if (value != null){ - var type = typeOf(value); - if (type == 'function') value = value.apply(null, Array.from(args)); - else if (type == 'object') value = Object.clone(value); - return value; - } - - // get value of inherited locales - var index = key.indexOf('.'), - set = index < 0 ? key : key.substr(0, index), - names = (this.inherits.sets[set] || []).combine(this.inherits.locales).include('en-US'); - if (!_base) _base = []; - - for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++){ - if (_base.contains(names[i])) continue; - _base.include(names[i]); - - var locale = locales[names[i]]; - if (!locale) continue; - - value = locale.get(key, args, _base); - if (value != null) return value; - } - - return ''; - }, - - inherit: function(names, set){ - names = Array.from(names); - - if (set && !this.inherits.sets[set]) this.inherits.sets[set] = []; - - var l = names.length; - while (l--) (set ? this.inherits.sets[set] : this.inherits.locales).unshift(names[l]); - - return this; - } - -}); - - - -})(); - diff --git a/mindplot/src/main/javascript/widget/FloatingTip.js b/mindplot/src/main/javascript/widget/FloatingTip.js index 5263cd92..574a307e 100644 --- a/mindplot/src/main/javascript/widget/FloatingTip.js +++ b/mindplot/src/main/javascript/widget/FloatingTip.js @@ -182,7 +182,15 @@ mindplot.widget.FloatingTip = new Class({ } - var tipSz = tip.getSize(), trgC = elem.getCoordinates(body); + var tipSz = tip.getSize(); + var trgC = elem.getCoordinates(body); + + // Paulo: This is hack for Firefox 10. + trgC.right = trgC.right == null ? trgC.left : trgC.right; + trgC.bottom = trgC.bottom == null ? trgC.top : trgC.bottom; + trgC.height = !$defined(trgC.height) ? 0 : trgC.height; + trgC.width = !$defined(trgC.width) ? 0 : trgC.width; + var pos = { x: trgC.left + o.offset.x, y: trgC.top + o.offset.y }; if (opos == 'inside') { diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.mm b/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.mm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d01160d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.mm @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.mmr b/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.mmr new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b4a83a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.mmr @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.wxml b/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.wxml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6e642f63 --- /dev/null +++ b/wise-webapp/src/test/resources/data/freemind/numerosity.wxml @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +