Todos los contenidos de los talleres están relacionados con el currículo de la enseñanza básica.
+A diferencia de la práctica tradicional, pretendemos ahondar en el conocimiento partiendo de lo que realmente interesa al niño o niña,
+ayudándole a que encuentre respuesta a las preguntas que él o ella se plantea.
+ +Por ese motivo, SaberMás proyecta estar al lado de los niños que necesitan una motivación extra para entender la escuela y fluir en ella,
+y también al lado de aquellos a quienes la curiosidad y las ganas de saber les lleva más allá.
+ + +Identifying new measures or investments that should be implemented.
+ + +Number of different innovations policy instruments existing in the region as a share of a total number representing a full typology of instruments
+ + + +Understanding how to design the details of a particular measure and how to implement them.
+ + +Understanding the level of effort the region needs to take to compete on innovation and where to put this effort
+ + +This is what policy makers care about in the end
+ + +WB
+ + +GCR
+ + + +GCR
+ + +per 100 population aged 25-64
+ + +GCR
+ + + +GCR
+ + + +: the percentage of the workforce employed by foreign companies [%].
+ + + +: exports as a share of total output in manufacturing and services [%].
+ + +GEM
+ + + +GEM
+ + + +GEM
+ + + +UNESCO
+ + + +CIS
+ + + +GCR
+ + + +CIS, BEEPS
+ + +Number of new organizations per thousand working age population (WBI)
+ + + +(as a percentage of all registered corporations)
+ + + +Number of measures offered by the unversity within a preset range (NCET2 survey)
+ + + +(design firms, IP consultants, etc.)
+ + + +(e.g. accelerators, incubators)
+ + + +Understanding which measures should be strengthened, dropped or improved, and how.
+ + + +JL: not sure how this would be measured
+ + + +Understanding what investments should be made in innovative projects.
+ + +Isso significa que estudos de característica de história de vida compensam? Ver nos m&m.
+ + +Falar que isso corrobora nossa sugestão de utilizar poucas medidas, mas que elas sejam confiáveis.
+ + +This is a multiline note with some spanish char "ñ"
+ + + +