ZOOM_IN=Zoom In ZOOM_OUT=Zoom Out TOPIC_SHAPE=Topic Shape TOPIC_ADD=Add Topic TOPIC_DELETE=Delete Topic TOPIC_ICON=Add Icon TOPIC_LINK=Add Link TOPIC_RELATIONSHIP=Relationship TOPIC_COLOR=Topic Color TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR=Topic Border Color TOPIC_NOTE=Add Note FONT_FAMILY=Font Type FONT_SIZE=Text Size FONT_BOLD=Text Bold FONT_ITALIC=Text Italic UNDO_EDITION=Undo Edition REDO_EDITION=Redo Edition UNDO=Undo REDO=Redo INSERT=Insert SAVE=Save NOTE=Note ADD_TOPIC=Add Topic LOADING=Loading ... EXPORT=Export PRINT=Print PUBLISH=Publish COLLABORATE=Share HISTORY=History DISCARD_CHANGES=Discard Changes FONT_COLOR=Text Color SAVING=Saving ... SAVE_COMPLETE=Save Complete ZOOM_IN_ERROR=Zoom too high. ZOOM_ERROR=No more zoom can be applied. ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED=Could not create a topic. Only one node must be selected. ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED=Could not create a topic. One topic must be selected. SAVE_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED=Save could not be completed. Try latter. UNEXPECTED_ERROR_LOADING=We're sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.\nTry again reloading the editor.If the problem persists, contact us to support@wisemapping.com. MAIN_TOPIC=Main Topic SUB_TOPIC=Sub Topic ISOLATED_TOPIC=Isolated Topic CENTRAL_TOPIC=Central Topic