/* Simple OpenID Plugin http://code.google.com/p/openid-selector/ This code is licensed under the New BSD License. */ var providers_large = { google : { name : 'Google', url : 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id' }, yahoo : { name : 'Yahoo', url : 'http://me.yahoo.com/' }, aol : { name : 'AOL', label : 'Enter your AOL screenname.', url : 'http://openid.aol.com/{username}' }, myopenid : { name : 'MyOpenID', label : 'Enter your MyOpenID username.', url : 'http://{username}.myopenid.com/' }, openid : { name : 'OpenID', label : 'Enter your OpenID.', url : null } }; var providers_small = { livejournal : { name : 'LiveJournal', label : 'Enter your Livejournal username.', url : 'http://{username}.livejournal.com/' }, /* flickr: { name: 'Flickr', label: 'Enter your Flickr username.', url: 'http://flickr.com/{username}/' }, */ /* technorati: { name: 'Technorati', label: 'Enter your Technorati username.', url: 'http://technorati.com/people/technorati/{username}/' }, */ wordpress : { name : 'Wordpress', label : 'Enter your Wordpress.com username.', url : 'http://{username}.wordpress.com/' }, blogger : { name : 'Blogger', label : 'Your Blogger account', url : 'http://{username}.blogspot.com/' }, verisign : { name : 'Verisign', label : 'Your Verisign username', url : 'http://{username}.pip.verisignlabs.com/' }, /* vidoop: { name: 'Vidoop', label: 'Your Vidoop username', url: 'http://{username}.myvidoop.com/' }, */ /* launchpad: { name: 'Launchpad', label: 'Your Launchpad username', url: 'https://launchpad.net/~{username}' }, */ claimid : { name : 'ClaimID', label : 'Your ClaimID username', url : 'http://claimid.com/{username}' }, clickpass : { name : 'ClickPass', label : 'Enter your ClickPass username', url : 'http://clickpass.com/public/{username}' }, google_profile : { name : 'Google Profile', label : 'Enter your Google Profile username', url : 'http://www.google.com/profiles/{username}' } }; openid.locale = 'en'; openid.sprite = 'en'; // reused in german& japan localization openid.demo_text = 'In client demo mode. Normally would have submitted OpenID:'; openid.signin_text = 'Sign-In'; openid.image_title = 'log in with {provider}';