NAME=Name DESCRIPTION=Description FILE_FORMAT=File Format OK=Ok WISEMAPPING=WiseMapping ADD=Add ACTIONS=Actions ADD_COLLABORATORS=Add Collaborators CURRENT_COLLABORATORS=Current collaborators VIEWERS=Viewers ADD_VIEWERS=Add Viewers CURRENT_VIEWERS=Current Viewers USER_REGISTRATION=User Registration SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=Send Me A New Password CANCEL=Cancel SUBMIT=Submit FIRSTNAME=Firstname LASTNAME=Lastname EMAIL=Email HELP=Help LOGOUT=Logout PASSWORD=Password NEW_PASSWORD=New password CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=Confirm new password MY_WISEMAPS=My Wisemaps SAVE_AND_CLOSE=Save and Close RETYPE_PASSWORD=Retype Password REGISTER=Register REMEMBER_ME=Stay signed in SIGN_IN=Sign In SIGN_UP=Sign Up ACCOUNT=Account USERNAME=Username BACK=Back CLOSE=Close NOT_READY_A_USER=Not a member yet? NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=Registration is free and takes just a moment. JOIN_NOW=Join Now! REMOVE=Remove MINDMAP=Mindmap ROLE=Role YOUR_ROLE=Your Role CAPTCHA= Word Verification FORGOT_PASSWORD=Forgot Password ? CHANGE_PASSWORD=Change Password FAQ=Frequent Asked Questions SHORT_FAQ=FAQ LOGIN=Login SUBJECT=Subject MSG=Message PROBLEM_DETAIL=Description EXPORT=Export EXPORT_MSG=Export EXPORT_FORMAT=Export Format: EDIT_PROFILE= Edit your Profile JPEG_EXPORT_FORMAT=JPEG PNG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Portable Network Graphics (PNG) SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=Portable Document Format (PDF) IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Image File (PNG/JPEG) FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 0.9.0) WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping FILE=File FILE_URL=File URL STATUS=Status LAST_EDITOR=Last Edition LAST_UPDATE=Last Update LAST_UPDATE_BY=Last Update By DELETE_SELECTED_CONFIRMATION=All selected Maps will be deleted. Do you want to continue? DELETE_CONFIRMATION=Are you sure that you want to delete this map? DELETE_SELECTED=Delete selected DELETE_NO_MAPS_SELECTED=No maps were selected DELETE=Delete YES=yes NO=no EDITOR.LOADING=Loading ... EDITOR.ERROR_LOADING=An unexpected error has occurred initializing this page.
We'll solve this problem as soon as possible. Please, click here to return to your mindmap list. SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping SITE.SLOGAN=Visual Thinking Evolution SAVE=Save DISCARD_CHANGES=Discard Changes ABOUT=About ABOUT_TITLE=What is WiseMapping? KEYBOARD=Keyboard Shortcuts KEYBOARD_MSG=These are the keyboard shortcuts you can use in the editor! FIRST_STEPS=Editor First Steps FIRST_STEPS_MSG=Make these first steps in 2 minutes, and start running in 5! HOME=Home LOGIN_ERROR=The email address or password you entered is incorrect. USER_INACTIVE=Sorry, your account has not been activated yet. You'll receive a notification email when it becomes active. Stay tuned!. CREW=The Crew ALREADY_A_MEMBER=Already a member? WORD_VERIFICATION=Word Verification TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=Terms of Service: FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=Please enter an email address to help us locate your WiseMapping account. SEARCH_FIELD=Map Title or Tag FIELD_REQUIRED=Required field cannot be left blank EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=Email already exists NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=Invalid email address USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=Username already exists PASSWORD_MISSMATCH=Your password entries did not match CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=Your password has been changed successfully. TYPE_CHARACTER_BELOW=Type the characters you see in the picture below. WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=Please check the WiseMapping Account information you've entered above, and review the Terms of Service REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= By clicking on 'Register' below you are agreeing to the Terms of Service above and the Privacy Policy. REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=Please, fill the fields and become a member of WiseMapping community.Registration is Free and takes just a moment. CAPTCHA_ERROR=Enter the letters as they are shown in the image above. DETAIL_INFORMATION=Detail Information CREATOR=Creator CREATION_TIME=Creation Time VIEWS=Views STATE=State COLLABORATORS=Collaborators ADD_COLLABORATOR=Add Collaborator EDITORS=Editors VIEWER=Viewer PRIVATE=Private PUBLIC=Public SHARED=Shared ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = This mindmap can be viewed by you only. ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = This mindmap can be viewed by any user. EMAILS_ADRESSES = E-mails Addresses CURRENT_CONTACTS = Current Contacts MESSAGE=Message COLLABORATION= Collaboration SHARE_DETAILS=Share your maps with your colleagues. Invite them to collaborate with you. NEW_MAP_MSG=Fill all the fields to create a new map TAG=Tag PUBLISH=Publish PUBLISH_MSG = What about using your maps in sites and blogs? PUBLISH_DETAILS=By publishing the map you make it visible to everyone on the Internet. DETAIL=Detail RECENT_FILES=Recent Maps MINDMAP_DETAIL = Mind Map Detail EDIT=Edit INSERT=Insert EDITOR.LAST_SAVED=last modification by {0} SHARE_IT=Share It ACCOUNT_DETAIL=Do you want to change you user options?. Here is the place. SETTINGS_MSG=Please, select what option want to change from you profile: TAGS=Tags AVAILABLE_TAGS = Available tags EMPTY_MINDMAP_TABLE=Mapping your ideas is very simple. Create a map and try it! EMPTY_RECENT_MINDMAP_TABLE=No recent maps TAGS_DETAILS=Add tags you maps is very simple. Try! TAG_IT=Tag It PUBLISH_IT=Publish It UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER=Unsupported Browser FIELD_REQUIRED_MSG=Fields marked with an asterisk * are required. TAGS_MSG=Tagging is a simple way to keep your maps in order and help other people to find your public maps COMMA_SEPARATED_EMAILS=Comma separated emails INVITE_USERS=Invite Users AS_COLLABORATOR=as Collaborators AS_VIEWER=as Viewers CUSTOMIZE_INVITATION=Customize Invitation INVITATION=Invitation INVITATION_MSG= I've just shared a mind map with you.\nLog in to and you will see the shared map in your mind map list. SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML markup language for describing two-dimensional vector graphics. This format will enable you to print your maps without quality lost at any resolution. PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as Portable Document Format(PDF) to share use in your presentations. IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get a graphic representation of your map including all colors and shapes to reuse in documents or for archiving FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind is a nice desktop mind mapping application that has the great benefit of being free. WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = Export your map as WiseMapping document format. DELETE_MAP=Delete Confirmation TERMSOFUSE=Terms of Use PRIVACYPOLICY= Privacy Policy EXPORT_DETAILS=Export this map in the format that you want and start using it in your presentations or sharing by email PUBLIC_MAP_VIEW=Public Map Info HERE=here DETAILS=Details PUBLIC_VIEW_TITLE={0} Map View WHO_ARE_WE=Who are we? MEMBERS=Members WELCOME=Welcome RENAME=Rename RENAME_DETAILS=Change map's name and description MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= Maximum allowed message length of 512 characters. PUBLISH_MAP_TO_INTERNET=Publish map to the Internet URL=URL DIRECT_LINK=Direct Link BLOG_INCLUSION=You can customize the code snippet to embed this map on your blog or website. Make sure you enter the correct dimensions of the content area of your blog so that the map fits nicely BLOG_SNIPPET=Copy this snippet of code to embed in your blog or page OPEN=Open OPEN_MSG=Open map for edition ZOOM=Zoom ZOOM_IN=Zoom In ZOOM_OUT=Zoom Out HISTORY=History TOPIC=Topic TOPIC_BACKGROUND_COLOR=Topic Background Color TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR=Topic Border Color BORDER_COLOR=Border Color BORDER=Border TOPIC_SHAPE=Topic Shape SHAPE=Shape TOPIC_ADD=Add Topic TOPIC_DELETE=Delete Topic TOPIC_ICON=Add Icon ICON=Icon TOPIC_LINK=Add Link LINK=Link TOPIC_RELATIONSHIP=Relationship RELATION=Relationship TOPIC_NOTE=Add Note NOTE=Note FONT=Font FONT_TYPE=Font Type TYPE=Type FONT_SIZE=Font Size SIZE=Size FONT_BOLD=Bold BOLD=Bold FONT_ITALIC=Italic ITALIC=Italic FONT_COLOR=Font Color COLOR=Color SHARE=Share UNEXPECTED_ERROR=Outch!!. An unexpected error has occurred. UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=We're sorry, an error has occurred and we can't process your request. Please try again, or go to the home page. UNEXPECTED_ERROR_SERVER_ERROR=We're sorry, an error has occurred and we can't process your request. Refresh the page and try again. If the problem persist, contactenos a NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=Outch!!. This map is not available anymore. NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=You do not have enough right access to see this map. This map has been changed to private or deleted. SHARING=Sharing IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=You can import FreeMind 0.9 and WiseMapping maps to your list of maps. Select the file you want to import. PRINT=Print IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=FreeMind file could not be imported. {0} MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=You have already a map with the same name EMBEDDED_VIEWER=Embed a map viewer in your own web site, blog or post! EMBEDDED_VIEWER_MESSAGE=Once you make your map public, you will be able to embed a mind map viewer in your own web site, blog or post just as we did it here!
Try it!!, you can drag nodes, pan the map, and zoom in and out. FREEMIND_EXPORT_IMPORT=Import and Export maps from/to FreeMind FREEMIND_EXPORT_IMPORT_MESSAGE=You can now easily import and export mind maps from/to FreeMind. EDITOR_TOOLBAR_IMPROVED=Usability Improvement: The editor toolbar has been redesign EDITOR_TOOLBAR_IMPROVED_MESSAGE= The toolbar has been redesign to improve its usability. COLLABORATE=Collaborate GO_TO= Go to my maps NEWS_AND_ARTICLES=News & Articles NEWS_TITLE_EMBEDDED_MAPS=Embed your maps in anyplace NEWS_DESC_EMBEDDED_MAPS=With this new feature, you can embed your maps in blogs and web pages. NEWS_TITLE_FREEMIND=FreeMind import and export NEWS_DESC_FREEMIND=Now, you can import and export your FreeMind maps. NEWS_DESC_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION=WiseMapping let's you create the most powerfull mind maps using the keyboard JOIN_WISEMAPPING=Join WiseMapping IT_IS_FREE=It's free! EDITOR_HELP=A Help button has been placed at the bottom-left corner of the editor. From there you can see all the editor keyboard shortcuts you can use while editing your maps, and a quick tutorial on how to use the editor. SHRINK_TEXT=You can now collapse and expand nodes by clicking on the node's dot, or by pressing the space bar button. EDITOR_LINKS=Mind Map feature: Add links to the topics EDITOR_LINKS_SHORT=Add links to the topics #####FOOTER COPYRIGHT=Powered by WiseMapping TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=Terms and Conditions CONTACT=Contact ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= Your account has been activated ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = Account Activation failed BROWSE=Browse UNDO_EDITION=Undo Edition UNDO=Undo REDO_EDITION=Redo Edition REDO=Redo NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= No History Information was found. REVERT=revert INSTALL_CFG=You need to install the Google Chrome Frame Plugin INSTALL_CFG_REASON = We used to support IE 7/8 by rendering VML instead of SVG. In a few words, VML was the SVG equivalent in the Microsoft world, and we have invested a lot of energy in VML during several years solving several performance and instability issues among others things. Since Internet Explorer 9 has support for HTML 5.0 (thus SVG support), we decided to deprecate the support of VML. The side effect of this is that all users using Internet Explorer 7/8 will have to install a plugin from Google that enables the display of HTML 5.0 web pages.
You might have to reopen the browser after you have installed the plugin.

We highly recommend using Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer 9 where this plugin is not required and the performance is much better. INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=To install Google Chrome Frame Plugin click here INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR = The e-mail was not verified BROWSER_NOT_SUPPOERTED= Current Browser is not supported. CHECK_BROWSERS= You can check supported browser at NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=Although HSQLDB is bundled with WiseMapping by default during the installation, we do not recommend this database for production use. Please consider using MySQL 5.5 instead. You can find more information how to configure MySQL IMPORT=Import EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Note: You can change embedded map size modifying 'height' and 'width' style properties. You can also adjust the zoom factor modifying 'zoom' parameter from the URL. EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=Exporting to Image, PDF or SVG is available only in the editor toolbar. STARRED=Starred LOADING_MSG=Loading ...