/* * Copyright [2011] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ mindplot.model.NodeModel = new Class({ Extends: mindplot.model.INodeModel, initialize:function(type, mindmap, id) { $assert(type, 'Node type can not be null'); $assert(mindmap, 'mindmap can not be null'); this._properties = {}; this.parent(mindmap); this.setId(id); this.setType(type); this.areChildrenShrinked(false); this.setSize(50, 20); this._children = []; this._icons = []; this._links = []; this._notes = []; }, getPropertiesKeys : function() { return Object.keys(this._properties); }, putProperty : function(key, value) { $defined(key, 'key can not be null'); this._properties[key] = value; }, getProperties: function() { return this._properties; }, getProperty : function(key) { $defined(key, 'key can not be null'); var result = this._properties[key]; return !$defined(result) ? null : result; }, clone : function() { var result = new mindplot.model.NodeModel(this.getType(), this._mindmap); result._children = this._children.each(function(node) { var cnode = node.clone(); cnode._parent = result; return cnode; }); result._properties = Object.clone(this._properties); result._icons = this._icons.clone(); result._links = this._links.clone(); result._notes = this._notes.clone(); return result; }, addChildren : function() { $assert(child && child.isNodeModel(), 'Only NodeModel can be appended to Mindmap object'); this._children.push(child); child._parent = this; }, createLink : function(url) { $assert(url, 'Link URL must be specified.'); return new mindplot.model.LinkModel(url, this); }, addLink : function(link) { $assert(link && link.isLinkModel(), 'Only LinkModel can be appended to Mindmap object as links'); this._links.push(link); }, _removeLink : function(link) { $assert(link && link.isLinkModel(), 'Only LinkModel can be appended to Mindmap object as links'); this._links.erase(link); }, createNote : function(text) { $assert(text != null, 'note text must be specified.'); return new mindplot.model.NoteModel(text, this); }, addNote : function(note) { $assert(note && note.isNoteModel(), 'Only NoteModel can be appended to Mindmap object as links'); this._notes.push(note); }, removeNote : function(note) { $assert(note && note.isNoteModel(), 'Only NoteModel can be appended to Mindmap object as links'); this._notes.erase(note); }, createIcon : function(iconType) { $assert(iconType, 'IconType must be specified.'); return new mindplot.model.IconModel(iconType, this); }, addIcon : function(icon) { $assert(icon && icon.isIconModel(), 'Only IconModel can be appended to Mindmap object as icons'); this._icons.push(icon); }, removeIcon : function(icon) { $assert(icon && icon.isIconModel(), 'Only IconModel can be appended to Mindmap object as icons'); this._icons.erase(icon); }, removeLastIcon : function() { this._icons.pop(); }, appendChild : function(child) { $assert(child && child.isNodeModel(), 'Only NodeModel can be appended to Mindmap object'); this._children.push(child); child._parent = this; }, removeChild : function(child) { $assert(child && child.isNodeModel(), 'Only NodeModel can be appended to Mindmap object.'); this._children.erase(child); child._parent = null; }, getChildren : function() { return this._children; }, getIcons : function() { return this._icons; }, getLinks : function() { return this._links; }, getNotes : function() { return this._notes; }, getParent : function() { return this._parent; }, setParent : function(parent) { $assert(parent != this, 'The same node can not be parent and child if itself.'); this._parent = parent; }, canBeConnected : function(sourceModel, sourcePosition, targetTopicHeight) { $assert(sourceModel != this, 'The same node can not be parent and child if itself.'); $assert(sourcePosition, 'childPosition can not be null.'); $assert(targetTopicHeight, 'childrenWidth can not be null.'); // Only can be connected if the node is in the left or rigth. var targetModel = this; var mindmap = targetModel.getMindmap(); var targetPosition = targetModel.getPosition(); var result = false; if (sourceModel.getType() == mindplot.model.INodeModel.MAIN_TOPIC_TYPE) { // Finally, check current node ubication. var targetTopicSize = targetModel.getSize(); var yDistance = Math.abs(sourcePosition.y - targetPosition.y); var gap = 35 + targetTopicHeight / 2; if (targetModel.getChildren().length > 0) { gap += Math.abs(targetPosition.y - targetModel.getChildren()[0].getPosition().y); } if (yDistance <= gap) { // Circular connection ? if (!sourceModel._isChildNode(this)) { var toleranceDistance = (targetTopicSize.width / 2) + targetTopicHeight; var xDistance = sourcePosition.x - targetPosition.x; var isTargetAtRightFromCentral = targetPosition.x >= 0; if (isTargetAtRightFromCentral) { if (xDistance >= -targetTopicSize.width / 2 && xDistance <= mindplot.model.INodeModel.MAIN_TOPIC_TO_MAIN_TOPIC_DISTANCE / 2 + (targetTopicSize.width / 2)) { result = true; } } else { if (xDistance <= targetTopicSize.width / 2 && Math.abs(xDistance) <= mindplot.model.INodeModel.MAIN_TOPIC_TO_MAIN_TOPIC_DISTANCE / 2 + (targetTopicSize.width / 2)) { result = true; } } } } } else { throw "No implemented yet"; } return result; }, _isChildNode : function(node) { var result = false; if (node == this) { result = true; } else { var children = this.getChildren(); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; result = child._isChildNode(node); if (result) { break; } } } return result; }, inspect : function() { return '(type:' + this.getType() + ' , id: ' + this.getId() + ')'; } });