/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id: file 64488 2006-03-10 17:32:09Z paulo $ */ mindplot.MainTopic = function(model) { core.assert(model, "Model can not be null"); this.setModel(model); var topicBoard = new mindplot.MainTopicBoard(this); mindplot.MainTopic.superClass.initialize.call(this, topicBoard); }; objects.extend(mindplot.MainTopic, mindplot.Topic); mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES = {stroke:'0.5 solid #009900'}; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.createSiblingModel = function() { var siblingModel = null; var parentTopic = this.getOutgoingConnectedTopic(); if (parentTopic != null) { // Create a new node ... var model = this.getModel(); var mindmap = model.getMindmap(); siblingModel = mindmap.createNode(mindplot.NodeModel.MAIN_TOPIC_TYPE); // Positionate following taking into account the sibling positon. if (parentTopic.getType() == mindplot.NodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { var pos = this.getPosition(); siblingModel.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y); } // Create a new node ... var order = this.getOrder() + 1; siblingModel.setOrder(order); } return siblingModel; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.createChildModel = function() { // Create a new node ... var model = this.getModel(); var mindmap = model.getMindmap(); var childModel = mindmap.createNode(mindplot.NodeModel.MAIN_TOPIC_TYPE); // Get the hights model order position ... var children = this._getChildren(); var order = -1; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (child.getOrder() > order) { order = child.getOrder(); } } // Create a new node ... childModel.setOrder(order + 1); return childModel; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype._buildDragShape = function() { var innerShape = this.buildShape(this.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES); var size = this.getSize(); innerShape.setSize(size.width, size.height); innerShape.setPosition(0, 0); innerShape.setOpacity(0.5); innerShape.setCursor('default'); innerShape.setVisibility(true); var brColor = this.getBorderColor(); innerShape.setAttribute("strokeColor", brColor); var bgColor = this.getBackgroundColor(); innerShape.setAttribute("fillColor", bgColor); // Create group ... var groupAttributes = {width: 100, height:100,coordSizeWidth:100,coordSizeHeight:100}; var group = new web2d.Group(groupAttributes); group.appendChild(innerShape); // Add Text ... var textShape = this._buildTextShape(true); var text = this.getText(); textShape.setText(text); textShape.setOpacity(0.5); group.appendChild(textShape); return group; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype._defaultShapeType = function() { var targetTopic = this.getOutgoingConnectedTopic(); var result; if (targetTopic) { if (targetTopic.getType() != mindplot.NodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { result = mindplot.NodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE; } else { result = mindplot.NodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECT; } } else { result = mindplot.NodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECT; } return result; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.updateTopicShape = function(targetTopic, workspace) { // Change figure based on the connected topic ... if (targetTopic.getType() != mindplot.NodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { var model = this.getModel(); var shapeType = model.getShapeType(); if (!shapeType) { // Get the real shape type ... shapeType = this.getShapeType(); this._setShapeType(mindplot.NodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE, false); } } }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.disconnect = function(workspace) { mindplot.MainTopic.superClass.disconnect.call(this, workspace); var size = this.getSize(); var model = this.getModel(); var shapeType = model.getShapeType(); if (!shapeType) { // Change figure ... shapeType = this.getShapeType(); this._setShapeType(mindplot.NodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECT, false); } }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.getTopicType = function() { return "MainTopic"; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype._updatePositionOnChangeSize = function(oldSize, newSize) { var xOffset = (newSize.width - oldSize.width) / 2; var pos = this.getPosition(); if (core.Utils.isDefined(pos)) { if (pos.x > 0) { pos.x = pos.x + xOffset; } else { pos.x = pos.x - xOffset; } this.setPosition(pos); // If height has changed, I must repositionate all elements ... if (oldSize.height != newSize.height) { var topicBoard = this.getTopicBoard(); // topicBoard.repositionate(); } } }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.setPosition = function(point) { mindplot.MainTopic.superClass.setPosition.call(this, point); // Update board zero entry position... var topicBoard = this.getTopicBoard(); topicBoard.updateChildrenPosition(this); }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.workoutIncomingConnectionPoint = function(sourcePosition, onBoundingBox) { if(!core.Utils.isDefined(onBoundingBox)){ onBoundingBox=false; } core.assert(sourcePosition, 'sourcePoint can not be null'); var pos = this.getPosition(); var size = this.getSize(); var isAtRight = mindplot.util.Shape.isAtRight(sourcePosition, pos); var result = mindplot.util.Shape.calculateRectConnectionPoint(pos, size, isAtRight); if (this.getShapeType() == mindplot.NodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE) { result.y = result.y + (this.getSize().height / 2); } // Move a little the position... var offset = mindplot.Topic.CONNECTOR_WIDTH / 2; if (this.getPosition().x > 0) { result.x = result.x + offset; } else { result.x = result.x - offset; } if(onBoundingBox){ if(isAtRight){ result.x -= 10; } else{ result.x += 10; } } return result; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.isConnectedToCentralTopic = function() { var model = this.getModel(); var parent = model.getParent(); return parent && parent.getType() === mindplot.NodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype._defaultText = function() { var targetTopic = this.getOutgoingConnectedTopic(); var result = ""; if (targetTopic) { if (targetTopic.getType() == mindplot.NodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { result = "Main Topic"; } else { result = "Sub Topic"; } } else { result = "Isolated Topic"; } return result; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype._defaultFontStyle = function() { var targetTopic = this.getOutgoingConnectedTopic(); var result; if (targetTopic) { if (targetTopic.getType() == mindplot.NodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { result = { font:"Arial", size: 8, style:"normal", weight:"normal", color:"#525c61" }; } else { result = { font:"Arial", size: 6, style:"normal", weight:"normal", color:"#525c61" }; } } else { result = { font:"Verdana", size: 8, style:"normal", weight:"normal", color:"#525c61" }; } return result; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype._defaultBackgroundColor = function() { return "#E0E5EF"; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype._defaultBorderColor = function() { return '#023BB9'; }; mindplot.MainTopic.prototype.addSibling = function() { var order = this.getOrder(); };