# Default English Support. NAME=Name DESCRIPTION=Description ADD=Add VIEWERS=Viewers USER_REGISTRATION=User Registration SEND_ME_A_NEW_PASSWORD=Send Me A New Password CANCEL=Cancel FIRSTNAME=First Name LASTNAME=Last Name EMAIL=Email HELP=Help LOGOUT=Logout PASSWORD=Password NEW_PASSWORD=New password CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD=Confirm new password DELETE__ACCOUNT=Delete My Account MY_WISEMAPS=My Wisemaps RETYPE_PASSWORD=Retype Password REGISTER=Register REMEMBER_ME=Stay signed in SIGN_IN=Sign In SIGN_UP=Sign Up ACCOUNT=Account USERNAME=Username CLOSE=Close NOT_READY_A_USER=Not a member yet? NOT_READY_A_USER_MESSAGE=Registration is free and takes just a moment. JOIN_NOW=Join Now! YOUR_ROLE=Your Role FORGOT_PASSWORD=Forgot Password ? CHANGE_PASSWORD=Change Password CHANGE_LANGUAGE=Change Language WARNING_DELETE_USER=If you do not think you will use WiseMapping again and would like your account deleted, we can take care of this for you. Keep in mind that you will not be able retrieve any mindmap you have added.

If you would still like your account deleted, click "Delete My Account". FAQ=Frequent Asked Questions SHORT_FAQ=FAQ LOGIN=Login EXPORT=Export SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT=Portable Document Format (PDF) IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT=Image File (PNG/JPEG) FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_09 = Freemind (version 0.9.0) FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT = Freemind (version 1.0.1) WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT = WiseMapping LAST_UPDATE=Last Update LAST_UPDATE_BY=Last Update By DELETE=Delete SITE.TITLE=WiseMapping SITE.SLOGAN=Visual Thinking Evolution KEYBOARD=Keyboard Shortcuts KEYBOARD_MSG=These are the keyboard shortcuts you can use in the editor! HOME=Homepage LOGIN_ERROR=The email address or password you entered is incorrect. USER_INACTIVE=Sorry, your account has not been activated yet. You'll receive a notification email when it becomes active. Stay tuned!. CREW=The Crew ALREADY_A_MEMBER=Already a member? TERM_OF_THE_SERVICE=Terms of Service: FORGOT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=Please enter an email address to help us locate your WiseMapping account. FIELD_REQUIRED=Required field cannot be left blank EMAIL_ALREADY_EXIST=Email already exists NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS=Invalid email address USERNAME_ALREADY_EXIST=Username already exists PASSWORD_MISSMATCH=Your password entries did not match CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS=Your password has been changed successfully. WISEMAPPING_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE=Please check the WiseMapping Account information you've entered above, and review the Terms of Service REGISTRATION_CLICK_ADVICE= By clicking on 'Register' below you are agreeing to the Terms of Service above and the Privacy Policy. REGISTRATION_TITLE_MSG=Please, fill the fields and become a member of WiseMapping community. Registration is Free and takes just a moment. CAPTCHA_ERROR=Enter the letters as they are shown in the image above. CREATOR=Creator CREATION_TIME=Creation Time EDITORS=Editors PUBLIC=Public SHARED=Shared ONLY_VIEW_PRIVATE = This mindmap can be viewed by you only. ALL_VIEW_PUBLIC = This mindmap can be viewed by any user. NEW_MAP_MSG=Create a new map NEW_LABEL_MSG=Create a new label PUBLISH=Publish PUBLISH_DETAILS=By publishing the map you make it visible to everyone on the Internet. ACCOUNT_DETAIL=Do you want to change you user options?. Here is the place. SVG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML markup language for describing two-dimensional vector graphics. This format will enable you to print your maps without quality lost at any resolution. PDF_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as Portable Document Format(PDF) to share use in your presentations. IMG_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get a graphic representation of your map including all colors and shapes to reuse in documents or for archiving FREEMIND_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = FreeMind is a nice desktop mind mapping application that has the great benefit of being free. WISEMAPPING_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS = Export your map as WiseMapping document format. TERMSOFUSE=Terms of Use PRIVACYPOLICY= Privacy Policy EXPORT_DETAILS=Export this map in the format that you want and start using it in your presentations or sharing by email HERE=here WHO_ARE_WE=Who are we? WELCOME=Welcome RENAME=Rename MAX_CHARACTER_SIZE= Maximum allowed message length of 512 characters. URL=URL DIRECT_LINK=Direct Link BLOG_INCLUSION=You can customize the code snippet to embed this map on your blog or website. Make sure you enter the correct dimensions of the content area of your blog so that the map fits nicely BLOG_SNIPPET=Copy this snippet of code to embed in your blog or page ZOOM=Zoom HISTORY=History SHARE=Share UNEXPECTED_ERROR=Outch!!. An unexpected error has occurred. UNEXPECTED_ERROR_DETAILS=We're sorry, an error has occurred and we can't process your request. Please try again, or go to the home page. UNEXPECTED_ERROR_SERVER_ERROR=We're sorry, an error has occurred and we can't process your request. Refresh the page and try again. If the problem persist, click below on "Raise An Issue" to open a ticket. NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS=Outch!!. This map is not available anymore. NO_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS_DETAILS=You do not have enough right access to see this map. This map has been changed to private or deleted. IMPORT_MINDMAP_INFO=You can import FreeMind 1.0.1 and WiseMapping maps to your list of maps. Select the file you want to import. PRINT=Print IMPORT_MAP_ERROR=FreeMind file could not be imported. {0} MAP_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=You have already a map with the same name LABEL_TITLE_ALREADY_EXISTS=You have already a label with the same name #####FOOTER COPYRIGHT=Powered by WiseMapping TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS=Terms and Conditions CONTACT=Contact ACCOUNT_ACTIVED= Your account has been activated ACCOUNT_ACTIVED_FAIL = Account Activation Failed NO_HISTORY_RESULTS= No history information available. REVERT=revert INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR = The e-mail was not verified NO_PRODUCTION_DATABASE_CONFIGURED=Although HSQLDB is bundled with WiseMapping by default during the installation, we do not recommend this database for production use. Please consider using MySQL 5.5 instead. You can find more information how to configure MySQL IMPORT=Import EMBEDDED_MAP_SIZE=* Note: You can change embedded map size modifying 'height' and 'width' style properties. You can also adjust the zoom factor modifying 'zoom' parameter from the URL. EXPORT_FORMAT_RESTRICTIONS=Exporting to Image, PDF or SVG is available only in the editor toolbar. STARRED=Starred ALL_MAPS=All MY_MAPS=My Maps SHARED_WITH_ME=Shared With Me PUBLIC_MAPS=Public Maps ACCEPT=Accept SAVING=Saving ... INFO=Info DELETE_MINDMAP=Delete DUPLICATE=Duplicate CREATE=Create LANGUAGE=Language FILTERS=Filter MORE=More ADD_NEW_MAP=Add New Map ADD_NEW_LABEL=Add New Label LABEL=Label IMPORTING=Importing ... NEW=New MIND_FILE=File PARENT_LABEL=Nest label under COLOR=Color ICON=Icon CHOOSE_LABEL=Choose a label SELECT_LABEL=Please select a label NO_SEARCH_RESULT=No mindmap available for the selected filter criteria SEARCH=Search GENERAL=General SECURITY=Security MAP_NAME_HINT=Name of the new map to create LABEL_NAME_HINT=Name of the new label to create MAP_DESCRIPTION_HINT=Some description for your map WARNING=Warning DELETE_MAPS_WARNING=Deleted mindmap can not be recovered. Do you want to continue ?. DELETE_LABELS_WARNING=All labelled mindmaps will be untagged. Do you want to continue ?. THANKS_FOR_SIGN_UP=Thanks for signing up\! SIGN_UP_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL=\ You will receive a confirmation message shortly from WiseMapping. This message will ask you to activate your WiseMapping account.
Please select the link to activate and start creating and sharing maps. SIGN_UP_SUCCESS=Your account has been created successfully, click here to sign in and start enjoying WiseMapping. ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS=The email is not register or you logged with OpenId . ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_SUPPORT=If the problem persist please send us an email to support@wisemapping.com SENDING=Sending ... SIGN_ING=Signing in ... ENABLE_PUBLISHING=Enable Sharing FRAME_HEIGHT=Frame height FRAME_WIDTH=Frame width EMBED=Embebber PUBLIC_URL=Public URLs ADD_PEOPLE=Add People COLLABORATORS_SEPARATED_BY_COMA=Enter collaborators emails separated by comas CAN_EDIT=Can Edit CAN_VIEW=Can View EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Customize Email Notification ADD_MESSAGE=Add message WHO_CAN_ACCESS=Who has access IS_OWNER=Is Owner OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE=Optional\: Include a personal message VIEW=view YOU=You INFO_UPDATE_SUCCESS=Your info has been changed successfully OR_GREATER=or greater IMPORTANT=Important BROWSER_RECOMMENDATION=Browsers are listed in order based on performance and hours of testing invested by our team. BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TITLE=Ups\!\!\!. Your browser is not currently supported BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG=Your browser has not been fully tested and it might not be completely functional. WiseMapping has been optimized for: BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED_TRY_AGAIN=Try again with one of the browsers previously listed. INSTALL_CFG=Sorry, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 is partially supported INSTALL_CFG_REASON = Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 does not support HTML 5 SVG. SVG is the technology used be WiseMapping to render and edit mindmaps. We strongly encourage update to either Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 or use other browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox o Safari. INSTALL_CFG_CLICK_HERE=If you still want to use Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, click here to install Google Chrome Frame Plugin. Google Chrome Frame Plugin extends Internet Explorer capabilities adding support for HTML 5. SHOW_REGISTERS=Show _MENU_ entries LOADING=Loading ... NO_MATCHING_FOUND=No matching records found TABLE_ROWS=_START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_ ACTION=Action CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC=Create Sibling Topic CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC=Create Child Topic DELETE_TOPIC=Delete Topic EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT=Edit Topic Text JUST_START_TYPING=Just start typing CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES=Cancel Text Changes TOPIC_NAVIGATION=Topic Navigation ARROW_KEYS=Arrow Keys SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES=Select Multiple Nodes UNDO_EDITION=Undo Edition REDO_EDITION=Redo Edition SELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Select All Topic CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD=Change Text Bold Type SAVE_CHANGES=Save Changes CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC=Change Text Italic DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC=Deselect All Topic SHORTCUTS=Shortcuts COLLAPSE_CHILDREN=Collapse Children KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG=Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time by allowing you to never take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse. COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS=Copy and Paste Topics MULTIPLE_LINES=Add multiple text lines TERM_OF_USE=Terms and Conditions # Properties used on the tutorial mindmap .... TUTORIAL.MULTIPLE_TEXT_STYLES=Multiple Text Styles TUTORIAL.DIFFERENT_SHAPES=Different Shapes TUTORIAL.FANCY_ICONS=Fancy Icons TUTORIAL.MOVE_WITH_ARROWS=Move Between Topics With The Arrows TUTORIAL.START_TYPING_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Start Typing to Edit Text TUTORIAL.CTRL_TO_ADD_CHILD=Press Ctrl/Meta+Enter to Add Child Topic TUTORIAL.ENTER_TO_ADD_SIBLING=Press Enter to Add a Sibling Topic TUTORIAL.MORE_KEY_TIPS=More ?. Click on shortcuts above TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_ADD=Double Click on the Canvas to Create Topics TUTORIAL.DRAG_AND_DROP_TO_POSITION=Drag and Drop Topics Position TUTORIAL.DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_TEXT=Double Click on a Topic to Edit the Text TUTORIAL.ADD_NOTES=Add Notes TUTORIAL.USER_THE_TOOLBAR=Use the Toolbar TUTORIAL.PUBLISH_YOUR_MAPS=Publish your Mindmap TUTORIAL.EMBED_IN_BLOGS=Embed in Blogs TUTORIAL.INVITE_FRIEND=Invite Friends to Collaborate TUTORIAL.SHARING=Sharing TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_MOUSE=Edition Using Mouse TUTORIAL.EDITION_USING_KEYBOARD=Edition Using Keyboard TUTORIAL.ADD_LINKS_WEBPAGES=Add Links to Web Pages TUTORIAL.TOPIC_PROPERTIES=Topics Properties TUTORIAL.HOW_TO_START=How to Start ? TUTORIAL.FONT_COLOR=Color TUTORIAL.FONT_STYLE=Styles TUTORIAL.FONT_TYPE=Type TUTORIAL.SAMPLE_NOTE=This is a simple note !. SUPPORT=Support FEEDBACK=Got Feedback ? REPORT_BUG=Raise An Issue CONTACT_US=Contact Us #Pending for translation ... CAPTCHA_LOADING_ERROR=ReCaptcha could not be loaded. You must have access to Google ReCaptcha service. ACCESS_HAS_BEEN_REVOKED= Upps. your access permissions to this map has been revoked. Contact map owner. MAP_CAN_NOT_BE_FOUND= Upps. The map can not be found. It must have been deleted. LABEL_CAN_NOT_BE_FOUND= Upps. The label can not be found. It must have been deleted. LICENSE=License WELCOME_TO_WISEMAPPING=Welcome to WiseMapping WELCOME_DETAILS=WiseMapping will enable you to create and read your mind maps everywhere. With WiseMapping you can: OPENID_LOGIN=Open Id Login LOGING_OPENID_DETAILS=Do you already have an account on one of these sites?. Click the logo to log in with it here: WHY_OPENID=Why OpenID ?
It's a single username and password that allows you to log in to any OpenID-enabled site. It works on thousands of websites.
It's an open standard.
learn more DIRECT_LINK_EXPLANATION=Copy and paste the link below to share your map with colleagues TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT=Your temporal password has been sent TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT_DETAILS=We've sent you an email that will allow you to reset your password. Please check your email now. TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_SENT_SUPPORT=If you have any problem receiving the email, contact us to support@wisemapping.com MINDMAP_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED=It's not possible to save your changes because your mindmap has been modified by '{0}'. Refresh the page and try again. MINDMAP_OUTDATED_BY_YOU=It's not possible to save your changes because map is out of date. Do you have multiple tabs opened ?. Refresh the page and try again. MINDMAP_LOCKED=Map is being edited by {0} <{1}>. Map is opened in read only mode. TUTORIAL_VIDEO=Tutorial Video LOGIN_USING_OPENID=Do you already have an account on GMail, Yahoo, AOL or other OpenId site ?. Sign in in with it XLS_EXPORT_FORMAT=Microsoft Excel TXT_EXPORT_FORMAT=Plan Text OPEN_OFFICE_EXPORT_FORMAT=OpenOffice Writer XLS_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as Microsoft Excel (XSL) TXT_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as a plan text format OPEN_OFFICE_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Get your map as OpenOffice Write Document MINDJET_EXPORT_FORMAT=(BETA) MindJet 8.x MINDJET_EXPORT_FORMAT_DETAILS=Export your maps in MindJet 8.x format MINDMAP_IS_LOCKED=Mindmap is locked for edition. # icons.. ASTERISK=Asterisk PLUS=Plus EURO=Euro MINUS=Minus CLOUD=Cloud ENVELOPE=Envelope PENCIL=Pencil CLASS=Glass MUSIC=Music HEART=Heart STAR=Star STAR-EMPTY=Empty Star USER=User FILM=Film OK=Ok REMOVE=Remove SIGNAL=Signal COG=Cog TRASH=Trash FILE=File TIME=Time DOWNLOAD-ALT=Download DOWNLOAD=Download UPLOAD=Upload INBOX=Inbox REPEAT=Repeat REFRESH=Refresh LIST-ALT=List LOCK=Lock FLAG=Flag HEADPHONES=Headphones GRCODE=GR Code BARCODE=Barcode TAG=Tag TAGS=Tags BOOK=Book BOOKMARK=Bookmark PRING=Print CAMERA=Camera LIST=List FACETIME-VIDEO=Facetime Video PICTURE=Picture MAP-MARKER=Map Maker ADJUST=Adjust TINT=Tint EDIT=Edit CHECK=Check CHEVRON-LEFT=Chevron Left CHEVRON-RIGHT=Chevron Right PLUS-SIGN=Plus Sign MINUS-SIGN=Minus Sign REMOVE-SIGN=Remove Sign OK-SIGN=Ok Sign QUESTION-SIGN=Question Sign INFO-SIGN=Info Sign SCREENSHOT=Screenshot REMOVE-CIRCLE=Remove Circle OK-CIRCLE=Ok Circle BAN-CIRCLE=Ban Circle ARROW-LEFT=Arrow Left ARROW-RIGHT=Arrow Right ARROW-UP=Arrow Up ARROW-DOWN=Arrow Down SHARE-ALT=Share EXCLAMATION-SIGN=Exclamation GIFT=Gift LEAF=Leaf FIRE=Fire EYE-OPEN=Open eye EYE-CLOSE=Closed eye WARNING-SIGN=Warning PLANE=Plane CALENDAR=Calendar RANDOM=Random COMMENT=Comment MAGNET=Magnet CHEVRON-UP=Chevrop Up CHEVRON-DOWN=Chevron Down SHOPPING-CART=Shopping FOLDER-CLOSE=Closed Folder FOLDER-OPEN=Open Folder HDD=HDD BULLHORN=Bullhorn BELL=Bell CERTIFICATE=Certificate THUMBS-UP=Thumbs up THUMBS-DOWN=Thumbs down HAND-RIGHT=Hand right HAND-LEFT=Hand left HAND-UP=Hang up HAND-DOWN=Hang down CIRCLE-ARROW-RIGHT=Circle right CIRCLE-ARROW-LEFT=Circle left CIRCLE-ARROW-UP=Circle up CIRCLE-ARROW-DOWN=Circle down GLOBE=Globe WRENCH=Wrench TASKS=Tasks FILTER=Filter BRIEFCASE=Briefcase PAPERCLIP=Paperclip HEART-EMPTY=Empty Heart LINK=Link PHONE=Phone PUSHPIN=Pushpin USD=USD GBP=GBP UNCHECKED=Unchecked FLASH=Flash RECORD=Record SAVED=Saved SEND=Send FLOPPY-DISK=Floppy Disk TRANSFER CUTLERY=Cutlery HEADER=Header COMPRESSED=Compressed EARPHONE=Earphone PHONE-ALT=Phone TOWER=Tower STATS=Stats COPYRIGTH-MARK=Copyright REGISTRATION-MARK=Registration Mark CLOUD-DOWNLOAD=Cloud Download CLOUD-UPLOAD=Cloud Updload