/* * Copyright [2011] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ mindplot.DragTopic = new Class({ initialize:function(dragShape, draggedNode) { $assert(dragShape, 'Rect can not be null.'); $assert(draggedNode, 'draggedNode can not be null.'); this._elem2d = dragShape; this._order = null; this._draggedNode = draggedNode; this._position = new core.Point(); }, setOrder : function(order) { this._order = order; }, setPosition : function(x, y) { this._position.setValue(x, y); // Elements are positioned in the center. // All topic element must be positioned based on the innerShape. var draggedNode = this._draggedNode; var size = draggedNode.getSize(); var cx = Math.ceil(x - (size.width / 2)); var cy = Math.ceil(y - (size.height / 2)); // Update visual position. this._elem2d.setPosition(cx, cy); }, getInnerShape : function() { return this._elem2d; }, disconnect : function(workspace) { // Clear connection line ... var dragPivot = this._getDragPivot(); dragPivot.disconnect(workspace); }, canBeConnectedTo : function(targetTopic) { $assert(targetTopic, 'parent can not be null'); var result = true; if (!targetTopic.areChildrenShrunken() && !targetTopic.isCollapsed()) { // Dragged node can not be connected to himself. if (targetTopic == this._draggedNode) { result = false; } else { var draggedNode = this.getDraggedTopic(); var topicPosition = this.getPosition(); var targetTopicModel = targetTopic.getModel(); var childTopicModel = draggedNode.getModel(); result = targetTopicModel.canBeConnected(childTopicModel, topicPosition, 18); } } else { result = false; } return result; }, connectTo : function(parent) { $assert(parent, 'Parent connection node can not be null.'); var dragPivot = this._getDragPivot(); dragPivot.connectTo(parent); }, getDraggedTopic : function() { return this._draggedNode; }, removeFromWorkspace : function(workspace) { // Remove drag shadow. workspace.removeChild(this._elem2d); // Remove pivot shape. To improve performace it will not be removed. Only the visibility will be changed. var dragPivot = this._getDragPivot(); dragPivot.setVisibility(false); }, addToWorkspace : function(workspace) { workspace.appendChild(this._elem2d); var dragPivot = this._getDragPivot(); dragPivot.addToWorkspace(workspace); dragPivot.setVisibility(true); }, _getDragPivot : function() { return mindplot.DragTopic.__getDragPivot(); }, getPosition:function() { return this._position; } , isDragTopic : function() { return true; }, updateDraggedTopic : function(workspace) { $assert(workspace, 'workspace can not be null'); var dragPivot = this._getDragPivot(); var draggedTopic = this.getDraggedTopic(); var isDragConnected = this.isConnected(); // @Todo: Remove this static ... var actionDispatcher = mindplot.ActionDispatcher.getInstance(); var topicId = draggedTopic.getId(); if (isDragConnected) { var targetTopic = this.getConnectedToTopic(); if (targetTopic.getType() == mindplot.model.INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { // Update topic position ... var dragPivotPosition = dragPivot.getPosition(); // Must position the dragged topic taking into account the current node size. var pivotSize = dragPivot.getSize(); var draggedTopicSize = draggedTopic.getSize(); var xOffset = draggedTopicSize.width - pivotSize.width; xOffset = Math.round(xOffset / 2); if (dragPivotPosition.x > 0) { dragPivotPosition.x = parseInt(dragPivotPosition.x) + xOffset; } else { dragPivotPosition.x = parseInt(dragPivotPosition.x) - xOffset; } // Set new position ... actionDispatcher.dragTopic(topicId, dragPivotPosition, null, targetTopic); } else { // Main topic connections can be positioned only with the order ... actionDispatcher.dragTopic(topicId, null, this._order, targetTopic); } } else { // If the node is not connected, positionate based on the original drag topic position. var dragPosition = this.getPosition(); actionDispatcher.dragTopic(topicId, dragPosition); } }, setBoardPosition : function(point) { $assert(point, 'point can not be null'); var dragPivot = this._getDragPivot(); dragPivot.setPosition(point); }, getConnectedToTopic : function() { var dragPivot = this._getDragPivot(); return dragPivot.getTargetTopic(); }, isConnected : function() { return this.getConnectedToTopic() != null; } }); mindplot.DragTopic.PIVOT_SIZE = {width:50,height:10}; mindplot.DragTopic.init = function(workspace) { $assert(workspace, "workspace can not be null"); var pivot = mindplot.DragTopic.__getDragPivot(); workspace.appendChild(pivot); } mindplot.DragTopic.__getDragPivot = function() { var result = mindplot.DragTopic._dragPivot; if (!$defined(result)) { result = new mindplot.DragPivot(); mindplot.DragTopic._dragPivot = result; } return result; }