/* * Copyright [2011] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wisemapping.service; import com.wisemapping.dao.MindmapManager; import com.wisemapping.exceptions.WiseMappingException; import com.wisemapping.mail.Mailer; import com.wisemapping.model.*; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; public class MindmapServiceImpl implements MindmapService { private MindmapManager mindmapManager; private UserService userService; private Mailer mailer; public boolean isAllowedToColaborate(User user, int mapId, UserRole grantedRole) { final MindMap map = mindmapManager.getMindmapById(mapId); return isAllowedToCollaborate(user, map, grantedRole); } public boolean isAllowedToView(User user, int mapId, UserRole grantedRole) { final MindMap map = mindmapManager.getMindmapById(mapId); return isAllowedToView(user, map, grantedRole); } public boolean isAllowedToView(User user, MindMap map, UserRole grantedRole) { boolean isAllowed = false; if (map != null) { if (map.isPublic()) { isAllowed = true; } else if (user != null) { isAllowed = isAllowedToCollaborate(user, map, grantedRole); } } return isAllowed; } public boolean isAllowedToCollaborate(@NotNull User user, @Nullable MindMap map, UserRole grantedRole) { boolean isAllowed = false; if (map != null) { if (map.getOwner().getId() == user.getId()) { isAllowed = true; } else { final Set users = map.getMindmapUsers(); UserRole rol = null; for (MindmapUser mindmapUser : users) { if (mindmapUser.getCollaborator().getId() == user.getId()) { rol = mindmapUser.getRole(); break; } } // only if the user has a role for the current map isAllowed = rol != null && (grantedRole.equals(rol) || rol.ordinal() < grantedRole.ordinal()); } } return isAllowed; } public MindmapUser getMindmapUserBy(int mindmapId, User user) { return mindmapManager.getMindmapUserBy(mindmapId, user); } public MindMap getMindmapByTitle(String title, User user) { return mindmapManager.getMindmapByTitle(title, user); } public MindMap getMindmapById(int mindmapId) { return mindmapManager.getMindmapById(mindmapId); } public List getMindmapUserByUser(User user) { return mindmapManager.getMindmapUserByCollaborator(user.getId()); } public void updateMindmap(MindMap mindMap, boolean saveHistory) throws WiseMappingException { if (mindMap.getTitle() == null || mindMap.getTitle().length() == 0) { throw new WiseMappingException("The tile can not be empty"); } mindmapManager.updateMindmap(mindMap, saveHistory); } public List getPublicMaps(int cant) { return mindmapManager.search(null, cant); } public List search(MindMapCriteria criteria) { return mindmapManager.search(criteria); } public void removeColaboratorFromMindmap(MindMap mindmap, long colaboratorId) { // remove colaborator association Set mindmapusers = mindmap.getMindmapUsers(); MindmapUser mindmapuserToDelete = null; for (MindmapUser mindmapuser : mindmapusers) { if (mindmapuser.getCollaborator().getId() == colaboratorId) { mindmapuserToDelete = mindmapuser; //@TODO evaluar si el colaborador no tiene mas asociaciones si hay que eliminarlo, por ahora NO // final List otherAsociations = mindmapManager.getMindmapUserByCollaborator(colaboratorId); // if (otherAsociations != null) // { // // final User user = userService.getUserBy(colaboratorId); // // Is not a User // if (user == null) // { // final Collaborator col = mindmapManager.getCollaboratorBy(colaboratorId); // mindmapManager.removeCollaborator(col); // } // } break; } } if (mindmapuserToDelete != null) { // When you delete an object from hibernate you have to delete it from *all* collections it exists in... mindmapusers.remove(mindmapuserToDelete); mindmapManager.removeMindmapUser(mindmapuserToDelete); } } public void removeMindmap(MindMap mindmap, User user) throws WiseMappingException { if (mindmap.getOwner().equals(user)) { mindmapManager.removeMindmap(mindmap); } else { this.removeColaboratorFromMindmap(mindmap, user.getId()); } } public void addMindmap(@NotNull MindMap map, @NotNull User user) throws WiseMappingException { final String title = map.getTitle(); if (title == null || title.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The tile can not be empty"); } if (user==null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User can not be null"); } final Calendar creationTime = Calendar.getInstance(); final String username = user.getUsername(); map.setCreator(username); map.setLastModifierUser(username); map.setCreationTime(creationTime); map.setLastModificationTime(creationTime); map.setOwner(user); // Hack to reload dbuser ... final User dbUser = userService.getUserBy(user.getId()); final MindmapUser mindmapUser = new MindmapUser(UserRole.OWNER.ordinal(), dbUser, map); map.getMindmapUsers().add(mindmapUser); mindmapManager.addMindmap(user, map); } public void addCollaborators(MindMap mindmap, String[] colaboratorEmails, UserRole role, ColaborationEmail email) throws InvalidColaboratorException { if (colaboratorEmails != null && colaboratorEmails.length > 0) { final Collaborator owner = mindmap.getOwner(); final Set mindmapUsers = mindmap.getMindmapUsers(); for (String colaboratorEmail : colaboratorEmails) { if (owner.getEmail().equals(colaboratorEmail)) { throw new InvalidColaboratorException("The user " + owner.getEmail() + " is the owner"); } MindmapUser mindmapUser = getMindmapUserBy(colaboratorEmail, mindmapUsers); if (mindmapUser == null) { addCollaborator(colaboratorEmail, role, mindmap, email); } else if (mindmapUser.getRole() != role) { // If the relationship already exists and the role changed then only update the role mindmapUser.setRoleId(role.ordinal()); mindmapManager.updateMindmap(mindmap, false); } } } } public void addTags(MindMap mindmap, String tags) { mindmap.setTags(tags); mindmapManager.updateMindmap(mindmap, false); if (tags != null && tags.length() > 0) { final String tag[] = tags.split(TAG_SEPARATOR); final User user = mindmap.getOwner(); // Add new Tags to User boolean updateUser = false; for (String userTag : tag) { if (!user.getTags().contains(userTag)) { user.getTags().add(userTag); updateUser = true; } } if (updateUser) { //update user userService.updateUser(user); } } } public void addWelcomeMindmap(User user) throws WiseMappingException { final MindMap savedWelcome = getMindmapById(Constants.WELCOME_MAP_ID); // Is there a welcomed map configured ? if(savedWelcome!=null) { final MindMap welcomeMap = new MindMap(); welcomeMap.setTitle(savedWelcome.getTitle() + " " + user.getFirstname()); welcomeMap.setDescription(savedWelcome.getDescription()); welcomeMap.setXml(savedWelcome.getXml()); addMindmap(welcomeMap, user); } } public void addView(int mapId) { mindmapManager.addView(mapId); } public List getMindMapHistory(int mindmapId) { return mindmapManager.getHistoryFrom(mindmapId); } public void revertMapToHistory(MindMap map, int historyId) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { final MindMapHistory history = mindmapManager.getHistory(historyId); map.setXml(history.getXml()); updateMindmap(map, false); } private MindmapUser getMindmapUserBy(String email, Set mindmapUsers) { MindmapUser mindmapUser = null; for (MindmapUser user : mindmapUsers) { if (user.getCollaborator().getEmail().equals(email)) { mindmapUser = user; break; } } return mindmapUser; } private void addCollaborator(String colaboratorEmail, UserRole role, MindMap mindmap, ColaborationEmail email) { Collaborator collaborator = mindmapManager.getCollaboratorBy(colaboratorEmail); if (collaborator == null) { collaborator = new Collaborator(); collaborator.setEmail(colaboratorEmail); collaborator.setCreationDate(Calendar.getInstance()); mindmapManager.addCollaborator(collaborator); } final MindmapUser newMindmapUser = new MindmapUser(role.ordinal(), collaborator, mindmap); mindmap.getMindmapUsers().add(newMindmapUser); mindmapManager.saveMindmap(mindmap); final Map model = new HashMap(); model.put("role", role); model.put("map", mindmap); model.put("message", email.getMessage()); mailer.sendEmail(mailer.getSiteEmail(), colaboratorEmail, email.getSubject(), model, "newColaborator.vm"); } public void setMindmapManager(MindmapManager mindmapManager) { this.mindmapManager = mindmapManager; } public void setUserService(UserService userService) { this.userService = userService; } public void setMailer(Mailer mailer) { this.mailer = mailer; } }