/* * Copyright [2011] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * RUZEE.ShadedBorder 0.2 * (c) 2006 Steffen Rusitschka * * RUZEE.ShadedBorder is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. * For details, see http://www.ruzee.com/ */ var RUZEE = window.RUZEE || {}; RUZEE.ShadedBorder = { create: function(opts) { var isie = /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera; function sty(el, h) { for (k in h) { if (/ie_/.test(k)) { if (isie) el.style[k.substr(3)] = h[k]; } else el.style[k] = h[k]; } } function crdiv(h) { var el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "sb-gen"; sty(el, h); return el; } function op(v) { v = v < 0 ? 0 : v; v = v > 0.99999 ? 0.99999 : v; if (isie) { return " filter:alpha(opacity=" + (v * 100) + ");"; } else { return " opacity:" + v + ';'; } } var sr = opts.shadow || 0; var r = opts.corner || 0; var bor = 0; var bow = opts.border || 0; var shadow = sr != 0; var lw = r > sr ? r : sr; var rw = lw; var th = lw; var bh = lw; if (bow > 0) { bor = r; r = r - bow; } var cx = r != 0 && shadow ? Math.round(lw / 3) : 0; var cy = cx; var cs = Math.round(cx / 2); var iclass = r > 0 ? "sb-inner" : "sb-shadow"; var sclass = "sb-shadow"; var bclass = "sb-border"; var edges = opts.edges || "trlb"; if (!/t/i.test(edges)) th = 0; if (!/b/i.test(edges)) bh = 0; if (!/l/i.test(edges)) lw = 0; if (!/r/i.test(edges)) rw = 0; var p = { position:"absolute", left:"0", top:"0", width:lw + "px", height:th + "px", ie_fontSize:"1px", overflow:"hidden" }; var tl = crdiv(p); delete p.left; p.right = "0"; p.width = rw + "px"; var tr = crdiv(p); delete p.top; p.bottom = "0"; p.height = bh + "px"; var br = crdiv(p); delete p.right; p.left = "0"; p.width = lw + "px"; var bl = crdiv(p); var tw = crdiv({ position:"absolute", width:"100%", height:th + "px", ie_fontSize:"1px", top:"0", left:"0", overflow:"hidden" }); var t = crdiv({ position:"relative", height:th + "px", ie_fontSize:"1px", marginLeft:lw + "px", marginRight:rw + "px", overflow:"hidden" }); tw.appendChild(t); var bw = crdiv({ position:"absolute", left:"0", bottom:"0", width:"100%", height:bh + "px", ie_fontSize:"1px", overflow:"hidden" }); var b = crdiv({ position:"relative", height:bh + "px", ie_fontSize:"1px", marginLeft:lw + "px", marginRight:rw + "px", overflow:"hidden" }); bw.appendChild(b); var mw = crdiv({ position:"absolute", top:(-bh) + "px", left:"0", width:"100%", height:"100%", overflow:"hidden", ie_fontSize:"1px" }); function corner(el, t, l) { var w = l ? lw : rw; var h = t ? th : bh; var s = t ? cs : -cs; var dsb = []; var dsi = []; var dss = []; var xp = 0; var xd = 1; if (l) { xp = w - 1; xd = -1; } for (var x = 0; x < w; ++x) { var yp = 0; var yd = 1; if (t) { yp = h - 1; yd = -1; } for (var y = 0; y < h; ++y) { var div = '
'); } else if (d < bor && d >= r - 1 && xc >= 0 && yc >= 0) { var dd = div; if (d >= bor - 1) { dd += op(bor - d); doShadow = true; } dsb.push(dd + '" class="' + bclass + '">'); } // draw inner var dd = div + ' z-index:2;'; if (xc < 0 && yc < r || yc < 0 && xc < r) { dsi.push(dd + '" class="' + iclass + '">'); } else if (d < r && xc >= 0 && yc >= 0) { if (d >= r - 1) { dd += op(r - d); doShadow = true; } dsi.push(dd + '" class="' + iclass + '">'); } else doShadow = true; } else doShadow = true; // draw shadow if (sr > 0 && doShadow) { d = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); if (d < sr) { dss.push(div + ' z-index:0; ' + op(1 - (d / sr)) + '" class="' + sclass + '">'); } } yp += yd; } xp += xd; } el.innerHTML = dss.concat(dsb.concat(dsi)).join(''); } function mid(mw) { var ds = []; ds.push('
'); var dd = '
'); } for (var x = 0; x < rw - r - cx; ++x) { ds.push(dd + ' right:' + x + 'px;' + op((x + 1.0) / rw) + '" class="' + sclass + '">'); } if (bow > 0) { var su = ' width:' + bow + 'px;' + '" class="' + bclass + '">'; ds.push(dd + ' left:' + (lw - bor - cx) + 'px;' + su); ds.push(dd + ' right:' + (rw - bor - cx) + 'px;' + su); } mw.innerHTML = ds.join(''); } function tb(el, t) { var ds = []; var h = t ? th : bh; var dd = '
'); } if (y >= bow) { ds.push(dd + (t ? 'top:' : 'bottom:') + (y - bow) + 'px;' + ' height:' + bow + 'px;" class="' + bclass + '">'); } ds.push(dd + (t ? 'top:' : 'bottom:') + y + 'px;' + ' height:' + (r + cy + s) + 'px;" class="' + iclass + '">'); el.innerHTML = ds.join(''); } corner(tl, true, true); corner(tr, true, false); corner(bl, false, true); corner(br, false, false); mid(mw); tb(t, true); tb(b, false); return { render: function(el) { if (typeof el == 'string') el = document.getElementById(el); if (el.length != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < el.length; ++i) this.render(el[i]); return; } // remove generated children var node = el.firstChild; while (node) { var nextNode = node.nextSibling; if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.className == 'sb-gen') el.removeChild(node); node = nextNode; } var iel = el.firstChild; var twc = tw.cloneNode(true); var mwc = mw.cloneNode(true); var bwc = bw.cloneNode(true); el.insertBefore(tl.cloneNode(true), iel); el.insertBefore(tr.cloneNode(true), iel); el.insertBefore(bl.cloneNode(true), iel); el.insertBefore(br.cloneNode(true), iel); el.insertBefore(twc, iel); el.insertBefore(mwc, iel); el.insertBefore(bwc, iel); if (isie) { function resize() { twc.style.width = bwc.style.width = mwc.style.width = el.offsetWidth + "px"; mwc.firstChild.style.height = el.offsetHeight + "px"; } el.onresize = resize; resize(); } } }; } }; // add our styles to the document document.write( '' );