mindplot.nlayout.OriginalLayout = new Class({ initialize: function(treeSet) { this._treeSet = treeSet; }, createNode:function(id, size, position, type) { $assert($defined(id), "id can not be null"); $assert(size, "size can not be null"); $assert(position, "position can not be null"); $assert(type, "type can not be null"); var strategy = type === 'root' ? mindplot.nlayout.OriginalLayout.GRID_SORTER : mindplot.nlayout.OriginalLayout.SYMETRIC_SORTER; return new mindplot.nlayout.Node(id, size, position, strategy); }, connectNode: function(parentId, childId, order) { var parent = this._treeSet.find(parentId); var child = this._treeSet.find(childId); // Insert the new node ... var sorter = parent.getSorter(); sorter.insert(this._treeSet, parent, child, order); // Connect the new node ... this._treeSet.connect(parentId, childId); // Fire a basic validation ... sorter.verify(this._treeSet, parent); }, disconnectNode: function(nodeId) { var node = this._treeSet.find(nodeId); $assert(this._treeSet.getParent(node),"Node already disconnected"); // Remove from children list. var sorter = node.getSorter(); sorter.detach(this._treeSet, node); // Disconnect the new node ... this._treeSet.disconnect(nodeId); // Fire a basic validation ... sorter.verify(this._treeSet, node); }, layout: function() { var roots = this._treeSet.getTreeRoots(); roots.forEach(function(node) { // Calculate all node heights ... var sorter = node.getSorter(); // @Todo: This must not be implemented in this way.Each sorter could have different notion of heights ... var heightById = sorter.computeChildrenIdByHeights(this._treeSet, node); this._layoutChildren(node, heightById); }, this); }, _layoutChildren: function(node, heightById) { var nodeId = node.getId(); var children = this._treeSet.getChildren(node); var childrenOrderMoved = children.some(function(child) { return child.hasOrderChanged(); }); // If ether any of the nodes has been changed of position or the height of the children is not // the same, children nodes must be repositioned .... var newBranchHeight = heightById[nodeId]; var heightChanged = node._branchHeight != newBranchHeight; if (childrenOrderMoved || heightChanged) { var sorter = node.getSorter(); var offsetById = sorter.computeOffsets(this._treeSet, node); var parentPosition = node.getPosition(); children.forEach(function(child) { var offset = offsetById[child.getId()]; var newPos = {x:parentPosition.x + offset.x,y:parentPosition.y + offset.y}; this._treeSet.updateBranchPosition(child, newPos); }.bind(this)); node._branchHeight = newBranchHeight; } // Continue reordering the children nodes ... children.forEach(function(child) { this._layoutChildren(child, heightById); }, this); } }); mindplot.nlayout.OriginalLayout.SYMETRIC_SORTER = new mindplot.nlayout.SymetricSorder(); mindplot.nlayout.OriginalLayout.GRID_SORTER = new mindplot.nlayout.SymetricSorder();