/* * Copyright [2011] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wisemapping.service; import com.wisemapping.dao.MindmapManager; import com.wisemapping.exceptions.WiseMappingException; import com.wisemapping.mail.NotificationService; import com.wisemapping.model.*; import com.wisemapping.security.Utils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import java.util.*; public class MindmapServiceImpl implements MindmapService { @Autowired private MindmapManager mindmapManager; @Autowired @Qualifier("userService") private UserService userService; @Autowired private NotificationService notificationService; private String adminUser; @Override public boolean hasPermissions(@Nullable User user, int mapId, @NotNull CollaborationRole grantedRole) { final Mindmap map = mindmapManager.getMindmapById(mapId); return hasPermissions(user, map, grantedRole); } @Override public boolean hasPermissions(@Nullable User user, @Nullable Mindmap map, @NotNull CollaborationRole role) { boolean result = false; if (map != null) { if ((map.isPublic() && role == CollaborationRole.VIEWER) || (isAdmin(user) && role == CollaborationRole.VIEWER)) { result = true; } else if (user != null) { final Collaboration collaboration = map.findCollaboration(user); if (collaboration != null) { result = collaboration.hasPermissions(role); } } } return result; } private boolean isAdmin(User user) { return user != null && user.getEmail() != null && user.getEmail().equals(adminUser); } @Override public Mindmap getMindmapByTitle(String title, User user) { return mindmapManager.getMindmapByTitle(title, user); } @Override @NotNull public Mindmap findMindmapById(int id) { return mindmapManager.getMindmapById(id); } @Override public List findCollaborations(@NotNull User user) { return mindmapManager.findCollaboration(user.getId()); } @Override public void updateMindmap(@NotNull Mindmap mindMap, boolean saveHistory) throws WiseMappingException { if (mindMap.getTitle() == null || mindMap.getTitle().length() == 0) { throw new WiseMappingException("The tile can not be empty"); } mindmapManager.updateMindmap(mindMap, saveHistory); } @Override public List search(MindMapCriteria criteria) { return mindmapManager.search(criteria); } @Override public void removeCollaboration(@NotNull Mindmap mindmap, @NotNull Collaboration collaboration) throws CollaborationException { // remove collaborator association final Mindmap mindMap = collaboration.getMindMap(); final Set collaborations = mindMap.getCollaborations(); if (mindMap.getCreator().getEmail().equals(collaboration.getCollaborator().getEmail())) { throw new CollaborationException("User is the creator and must have ownership permissions.Creator Email:" + mindMap.getCreator().getEmail() + ",Collaborator:" + collaboration.getCollaborator().getEmail()); } // When you delete an object from hibernate you have to delete it from *all* collections it exists in... mindmapManager.removeCollaboration(collaboration); collaborations.remove(collaboration); } @Override public void removeMindmap(@NotNull Mindmap mindmap, @NotNull User user) throws WiseMappingException { if (mindmap.getCreator().equals(user)) { mindmapManager.removeMindmap(mindmap); } else { final Collaboration collaboration = mindmap.findCollaboration(user); if (collaboration != null) { this.removeCollaboration(mindmap, collaboration); } } } @Override public void addMindmap(@NotNull Mindmap map, @NotNull User user) throws WiseMappingException { final String title = map.getTitle(); if (title == null || title.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The tile can not be empty"); } //noinspection ConstantConditions if (user == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User can not be null"); } final Calendar creationTime = Calendar.getInstance(); map.setLastEditor(user); map.setCreationTime(creationTime); map.setLastModificationTime(creationTime); map.setCreator(user); // Add map creator with owner permissions ... final User dbUser = userService.getUserBy(user.getId()); final Collaboration collaboration = new Collaboration(CollaborationRole.OWNER, dbUser, map); map.getCollaborations().add(collaboration); mindmapManager.addMindmap(dbUser, map); } @Override public void addCollaboration(@NotNull Mindmap mindmap, @NotNull String email, @NotNull CollaborationRole role, @Nullable String message) throws CollaborationException { // Validate final Collaborator owner = mindmap.getCreator(); if (owner.getEmail().equals(email)) { throw new CollaborationException("The user " + owner.getEmail() + " is the owner"); } if (role == CollaborationRole.OWNER) { throw new CollaborationException("Ownership can not be modified"); } final Set collaborations = mindmap.getCollaborations(); Collaboration collaboration = getCollaborationBy(email, collaborations); if (collaboration == null) { final Collaborator collaborator = addCollaborator(email); collaboration = new Collaboration(role, collaborator, mindmap); mindmap.getCollaborations().add(collaboration); mindmapManager.saveMindmap(mindmap); // Notify by email ... final User user = Utils.getUser(); notificationService.newCollaboration(collaboration, mindmap, user, message); } else if (collaboration.getRole() != role) { // If the relationship already exists and the role changed then only update the role collaboration.setRole(role); mindmapManager.updateMindmap(mindmap, false); } } private Collaborator addCollaborator(String email) { // Add a new collaborator ... Collaborator collaborator = mindmapManager.findCollaborator(email); if (collaborator == null) { collaborator = new Collaborator(); collaborator.setEmail(email); collaborator.setCreationDate(Calendar.getInstance()); mindmapManager.addCollaborator(collaborator); } return collaborator; } @Override public void addTags(@NotNull Mindmap mindmap, String tags) { mindmap.setTags(tags); mindmapManager.updateMindmap(mindmap, false); if (tags != null && tags.length() > 0) { final String tag[] = tags.split(TAG_SEPARATOR); final User user = mindmap.getCreator(); // Add new Tags to User boolean updateUser = false; for (String userTag : tag) { if (!user.getTags().contains(userTag)) { user.getTags().add(userTag); updateUser = true; } } if (updateUser) { //update user userService.updateUser(user); } } } @Override public List findMindmapHistory(int mindmapId) { return mindmapManager.getHistoryFrom(mindmapId); } @Override public void revertChange(@NotNull Mindmap mindmap, int historyId) throws WiseMappingException { final MindMapHistory history = mindmapManager.getHistory(historyId); mindmap.setXml(history.getXml()); updateMindmap(mindmap, true); } @Override public MindMapHistory findMindmapHistory(int id, int hid) throws WiseMappingException { final List mindmapHistory = this.findMindmapHistory(id); MindMapHistory result = null; for (MindMapHistory history : mindmapHistory) { if (history.getId() == hid) { result = history; break; } } if (result == null) { throw new WiseMappingException("History could not be found for mapid=" + id + ",hid" + hid); } return result; } @Override public void updateCollaboration(@NotNull Collaborator collaborator, @NotNull Collaboration collaboration) throws WiseMappingException { if (collaborator.equals(collaboration.getCollaborator())) { throw new WiseMappingException("No enough permissions for this operation."); } mindmapManager.updateCollaboration(collaboration); } private Collaboration getCollaborationBy(String email, Set collaborations) { Collaboration collaboration = null; for (Collaboration user : collaborations) { if (user.getCollaborator().getEmail().equals(email)) { collaboration = user; break; } } return collaboration; } public void setMindmapManager(MindmapManager mindmapManager) { this.mindmapManager = mindmapManager; } public void setUserService(UserService userService) { this.userService = userService; } public void setNotificationService(NotificationService notificationService) { this.notificationService = notificationService; } public void setAdminUser(@NotNull String adminUser) { this.adminUser = adminUser; } @NotNull public String getAdminUser() { return adminUser; } }