/* * Copyright [2011] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * http://www.wisemapping.org/license * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ mindplot.Topic = new Class({ Extends:mindplot.NodeGraph, initialize : function(model, options) { this.parent(model, options); this._textEditor = new mindplot.MultilineTextEditor(this); this._children = []; this._parent = null; this._relationships = []; this._isInWorkspace = false; this._buildShape(); // Position a topic .... var pos = model.getPosition(); if (pos != null && model.getType() == mindplot.model.INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { this.setPosition(pos); } // Register events for the topic ... if (!options.readOnly) { this._registerEvents(); } }, _registerEvents : function() { this.setMouseEventsEnabled(true); // Prevent click on the topics being propagated ... this.addEvent('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); this.addEvent('dblclick', function (event) { this._textEditor.show(); event.stopPropagation(true); }.bind(this)); this._textEditor.addEvent('input', function(event, text) { var textShape = this.getTextShape(); // var oldText = textShape.getText(); // this._setText(text, false); // @Todo: I must resize, no change the position ... // textShape.setText(oldText); }.bind(this)); }, setShapeType : function(type) { this._setShapeType(type, true); }, getParent : function() { return this._parent; }, _setShapeType : function(type, updateModel) { // Remove inner shape figure ... var model = this.getModel(); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { model.setShapeType(type); } var oldInnerShape = this.getInnerShape(); if (oldInnerShape != null) { this._removeInnerShape(); // Create a new one ... var innerShape = this.getInnerShape(); // Update figure size ... var size = model.getSize(); this.setSize(size, true); var group = this.get2DElement(); group.appendChild(innerShape); // Move text to the front ... var text = this.getTextShape(); text.moveToFront(); //Move iconGroup to front ... var iconGroup = this.getIconGroup(); if ($defined(iconGroup)) { iconGroup.moveToFront(); } //Move connector to front var connector = this.getShrinkConnector(); if ($defined(connector)) { connector.moveToFront(); } } }, getShapeType : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getShapeType(); if (!$defined(result)) { result = this._defaultShapeType(); } return result; }, _removeInnerShape : function() { var group = this.get2DElement(); var innerShape = this.getInnerShape(); group.removeChild(innerShape); this._innerShape = null; return innerShape; }, getInnerShape : function() { if (!$defined(this._innerShape)) { // Create inner box. this._innerShape = this.buildShape(mindplot.Topic.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES); // Update bgcolor ... var bgColor = this.getBackgroundColor(); this._setBackgroundColor(bgColor, false); // Update border color ... var brColor = this.getBorderColor(); this._setBorderColor(brColor, false); // Define the pointer ... if (this.getType() != mindplot.model.INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { this._innerShape.setCursor('move'); } else { this._innerShape.setCursor('default'); } } return this._innerShape; }, buildShape : function(attributes, type) { var result; if (!$defined(type)) { type = this.getShapeType(); } if (type == mindplot.model.INodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_RECT) { result = new web2d.Rect(0, attributes); } else if (type == mindplot.model.INodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_ELIPSE) { result = new web2d.Rect(0.9, attributes); } else if (type == mindplot.model.INodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECT) { result = new web2d.Rect(0.3, attributes); } else if (type == mindplot.model.INodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE) { result = new web2d.Line({strokeColor:"#495879",strokeWidth:1}); result.setSize = function(width, height) { this.size = {width:width, height:height}; result.setFrom(0, height); result.setTo(width, height); // Lines will have the same color of the default connection lines... var stokeColor = mindplot.ConnectionLine.getStrokeColor(); result.setStroke(1, 'solid', stokeColor); }; result.getSize = function() { return this.size; }; result.setPosition = function() { }; var setStrokeFunction = result.setStroke; result.setFill = function() { }; result.setStroke = function() { }; } else { $assert(false, "Unsupported figure type:" + type); } result.setPosition(0, 0); return result; }, setCursor : function(type) { var innerShape = this.getInnerShape(); innerShape.setCursor(type); var outerShape = this.getOuterShape(); outerShape.setCursor(type); var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setCursor(type); }, getOuterShape : function() { if (!$defined(this._outerShape)) { var rect = this.buildShape(mindplot.Topic.OUTER_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES, mindplot.model.INodeModel.SHAPE_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECT); rect.setPosition(-2, -3); rect.setOpacity(0); this._outerShape = rect; } return this._outerShape; }, getTextShape : function() { if (!$defined(this._text)) { this._text = this._buildTextShape(false); // Set Text ... var text = this.getText(); this._setText(text, false); } return this._text; }, getOrBuildIconGroup : function() { if (!$defined(this._iconsGroup)) { this._iconsGroup = this._buildIconGroup(); var group = this.get2DElement(); group.appendChild(this._iconsGroup.getNativeElement()); this._iconsGroup.moveToFront(); } return this._iconsGroup; }, getIconGroup : function() { return this._iconsGroup; }, _buildIconGroup : function() { var textHeight = this.getTextShape().getFontHeight(); var result = new mindplot.IconGroup(this.getId(), textHeight); var padding = this._getInnerPadding(); result.setPosition(padding, padding); // Load topic features ... var model = this.getModel(); var featuresModel = model.getFeatures(); for (var i = 0; i < featuresModel.length; i++) { var featureModel = featuresModel[i]; var icon = mindplot.TopicFeature.createIcon(this, featureModel); result.addIcon(icon, featureModel.getType() == "icon"); // @Todo: Remove hack ... } return result; }, addFeature : function(type, attributes) { var iconGroup = this.getOrBuildIconGroup(); this.closeEditors(); var model = this.getModel(); // Update model ... var feature = model.createFeature(type, attributes); model.addFeature(feature); var result = mindplot.TopicFeature.createIcon(this, feature); iconGroup.addIcon(result, type == "icon"); // @Todo: Remove hack ... this._adjustShapes(); return result; }, findFeatureById : function(id) { var model = this.getModel(); return model.findFeatureById(id); }, removeFeature : function(featureModel) { $assert(featureModel, "featureModel could not be null"); //Removing the icon from MODEL var model = this.getModel(); model.removeFeature(featureModel); //Removing the icon from UI var iconGroup = this.getIconGroup(); if ($defined(iconGroup)) { iconGroup.removeIconByModel(featureModel); } this._adjustShapes(); }, connectByRelation : function(relationship) { this._relationships.push(relationship); }, removeRelationship : function(relationship) { this._relationships.erase(relationship); }, getRelationships : function() { return this._relationships; }, _buildTextShape : function(readOnly) { var result = new web2d.Text(); var family = this.getFontFamily(); var size = this.getFontSize(); var weight = this.getFontWeight(); var style = this.getFontStyle(); result.setFont(family, size, style, weight); var color = this.getFontColor(); result.setColor(color); if (!readOnly) { // Propagate mouse events ... if (this.getType() != mindplot.model.INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { result.setCursor('move'); } else { result.setCursor('default'); } } return result; }, _getInnerPadding : function() { throw "this must be implemented"; }, setFontFamily : function(value, updateModel) { var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setFontFamily(value); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setFontFamily(value); } this._adjustShapes(updateModel); }, setFontSize : function(value, updateModel) { var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setSize(value); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setFontSize(value); } this._adjustShapes(updateModel); }, setFontStyle : function(value, updateModel) { var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setStyle(value); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setFontStyle(value); } this._adjustShapes(updateModel); }, setFontWeight : function(value, updateModel) { var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setWeight(value); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setFontWeight(value); } this._adjustShapes(); }, getFontWeight : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getFontWeight(); if (!$defined(result)) { var font = this._defaultFontStyle(); result = font.weight; } return result; }, getFontFamily : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getFontFamily(); if (!$defined(result)) { var font = this._defaultFontStyle(); result = font.font; } return result; }, getFontColor : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getFontColor(); if (!$defined(result)) { var font = this._defaultFontStyle(); result = font.color; } return result; }, getFontStyle : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getFontStyle(); if (!$defined(result)) { var font = this._defaultFontStyle(); result = font.style; } return result; }, getFontSize : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getFontSize(); if (!$defined(result)) { var font = this._defaultFontStyle(); result = font.size; } return result; }, setFontColor : function(value, updateModel) { var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setColor(value); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setFontColor(value); } }, _setText : function(text, updateModel) { var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setText(text == null ? this._defaultText() : text); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setText(text); } }, setText : function(text) { // Avoid empty nodes ... if (text.trim().length == 0) { text = null; } this._setText(text, true); this._adjustShapes(); }, getText : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getText(); if (!$defined(result)) { result = this._defaultText(); } return result; }, setBackgroundColor : function(color) { this._setBackgroundColor(color, true); }, _setBackgroundColor : function(color, updateModel) { var innerShape = this.getInnerShape(); innerShape.setFill(color); var connector = this.getShrinkConnector(); connector.setFill(color); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setBackgroundColor(color); } }, getBackgroundColor : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getBackgroundColor(); if (!$defined(result)) { result = this._defaultBackgroundColor(); } return result; }, setBorderColor : function(color) { this._setBorderColor(color, true); }, _setBorderColor : function(color, updateModel) { var innerShape = this.getInnerShape(); innerShape.setAttribute('strokeColor', color); var connector = this.getShrinkConnector(); connector.setAttribute('strokeColor', color); if ($defined(updateModel) && updateModel) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setBorderColor(color); } }, getBorderColor : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = model.getBorderColor(); if (!$defined(result)) { result = this._defaultBorderColor(); } return result; }, _buildShape : function() { var groupAttributes = {width: 100, height:100,coordSizeWidth:100,coordSizeHeight:100}; var group = new web2d.Group(groupAttributes); this._set2DElement(group); // Shape must be build based on the model width ... var outerShape = this.getOuterShape(); var innerShape = this.getInnerShape(); var textShape = this.getTextShape(); var shrinkConnector = this.getShrinkConnector(); // Add to the group ... group.appendChild(outerShape); group.appendChild(innerShape); group.appendChild(textShape); // Update figure size ... var model = this.getModel(); if (model.getFeatures().length != 0) { this.getOrBuildIconGroup(); } if (this.getType() != mindplot.model.INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { shrinkConnector.addToWorkspace(group); } // Register listeners ... this._registerDefaultListenersToElement(group, this); }, _registerDefaultListenersToElement : function(elem, topic) { var mouseOver = function(event) { if (topic.isMouseEventsEnabled()) { topic.handleMouseOver(event); } }; elem.addEvent('mouseover', mouseOver); var outout = function(event) { if (topic.isMouseEventsEnabled()) { topic.handleMouseOut(event); } }; elem.addEvent('mouseout', outout); // Focus events ... var mouseDown = function(event) { var value = true; if ((event.meta && Browser.Platform.mac) || (event.control && !Browser.Platform.mac)) { value = !this.isOnFocus(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } topic.setOnFocus(value); }.bind(this); elem.addEvent('mousedown', mouseDown); }, areChildrenShrunken : function() { var model = this.getModel(); return model.areChildrenShrunken(); }, isCollapsed : function() { var model = this.getModel(); var result = false; var current = this.getParent(); while (current && !result) { result = current.areChildrenShrunken(); current = current.getParent(); } return result; }, setChildrenShrunken : function(value) { // Update Model ... var model = this.getModel(); model.setChildrenShrunken(value); // Change render base on the state. var shrinkConnector = this.getShrinkConnector(); shrinkConnector.changeRender(value); // Hide children ... core.Utils.setChildrenVisibilityAnimated(this, !value); mindplot.EventBus.instance.fireEvent(mindplot.EventBus.events.NodeShrinkEvent, this.getModel()); }, getShrinkConnector : function() { var result = this._connector; if (this._connector == null) { this._connector = new mindplot.ShirinkConnector(this); this._connector.setVisibility(false); result = this._connector; } return result; }, handleMouseOver : function() { var outerShape = this.getOuterShape(); outerShape.setOpacity(1); }, handleMouseOut : function(event) { var outerShape = this.getOuterShape(); if (!this.isOnFocus()) { outerShape.setOpacity(0); } }, showTextEditor : function(text) { this._textEditor.show(text); }, showNoteEditor : function() { var topicId = this.getId(); var model = this.getModel(); var editorModel = { getValue : function() { var notes = model.findFeatureByType(mindplot.TopicFeature.Note.id); var result; if (notes.length > 0) result = notes[0].getText(); return result; }, setValue : function(value) { var dispatcher = mindplot.ActionDispatcher.getInstance(); var notes = model.findFeatureByType(mindplot.TopicFeature.Note.id); if (!$defined(value)) { var featureId = notes[0].getId(); dispatcher.removeFeatureFromTopic(topicId, featureId); } else { if (notes.length > 0) { dispatcher.changeFeatureToTopic(topicId, notes[0].getId(), {text:value}); } else { dispatcher.addFeatureToTopic(topicId, mindplot.TopicFeature.Note.id, {text:value}); } } } }; var editor = new mindplot.widget.NoteEditor(editorModel); this.closeEditors(); editor.show(); }, showLinkEditor : function() { var topicId = this.getId(); var model = this.getModel(); var editorModel = { getValue : function() { var links = model.findFeatureByType(mindplot.TopicFeature.Link.id); var result; if (links.length > 0) result = links[0].getUrl(); return result; }, setValue : function(value) { var dispatcher = mindplot.ActionDispatcher.getInstance(); var links = model.findFeatureByType(mindplot.TopicFeature.Link.id); if (!$defined(value)) { var featureId = links[0].getId(); dispatcher.removeFeatureFromTopic(topicId, featureId); } else { if (links.length > 0) { dispatcher.changeFeatureToTopic(topicId, links[0].getId(), {url:value}); } else { dispatcher.addFeatureToTopic(topicId, mindplot.TopicFeature.Link.id, {url:value}); } } } }; this.closeEditors(); var editor = new mindplot.widget.LinkEditor(editorModel); editor.show(); }, closeEditors : function() { this._textEditor.close(true); }, /** * Point: references the center of the rect shape.!!! */ setPosition : function(point) { $assert(point, "position can not be null"); point.x = Math.ceil(point.x); point.y = Math.ceil(point.y); // Update model's position ... var model = this.getModel(); model.setPosition(point.x, point.y); // Elements are positioned in the center. // All topic element must be positioned based on the innerShape. var size = this.getSize(); var cx = point.x - (size.width / 2); var cy = point.y - (size.height / 2); // Update visual position. this._elem2d.setPosition(cx, cy); // Update connection lines ... this._updateConnectionLines(); // Check object state. this.invariant(); }, getOutgoingLine : function() { return this._outgoingLine; }, getIncomingLines : function() { var result = []; var children = this._getChildren(); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var node = children[i]; var line = node.getOutgoingLine(); if ($defined(line)) { result.push(line); } } return result; }, getOutgoingConnectedTopic : function() { var result = null; var line = this.getOutgoingLine(); if ($defined(line)) { result = line.getTargetTopic(); } return result; }, _updateConnectionLines : function() { // Update this to parent line ... var outgoingLine = this.getOutgoingLine(); if ($defined(outgoingLine)) { outgoingLine.redraw(); } // Update all the incoming lines ... var incomingLines = this.getIncomingLines(); for (var i = 0; i < incomingLines.length; i++) { incomingLines[i].redraw(); } // Update relationship lines for (var j = 0; j < this._relationships.length; j++) { this._relationships[j].redraw(); } }, setBranchVisibility : function(value) { var current = this; var parent = this; while (parent != null && parent.getType() != mindplot.model.INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { current = parent; parent = current.getParent(); } current.setVisibility(value); }, setVisibility : function(value) { this._setTopicVisibility(value); // Hide all children... this._setChildrenVisibility(value); this._setRelationshipLinesVisibility(value); }, moveToBack : function() { // Update relationship lines for (var j = 0; j < this._relationships.length; j++) { this._relationships[j].moveToBack(); } var connector = this.getShrinkConnector(); if ($defined(connector)) { connector.moveToBack(); } this.get2DElement().moveToBack(); }, moveToFront : function() { this.get2DElement().moveToFront(); var connector = this.getShrinkConnector(); if ($defined(connector)) { connector.moveToFront(); } // Update relationship lines for (var j = 0; j < this._relationships.length; j++) { this._relationships[j].moveToFront(); } }, isVisible : function() { var elem = this.get2DElement(); return elem.isVisible(); }, _setRelationshipLinesVisibility : function(value) { this._relationships.forEach(function(relationship) { relationship.setVisibility(value); }); }, _setTopicVisibility : function(value) { var elem = this.get2DElement(); elem.setVisibility(value); if (this.getIncomingLines().length > 0) { var connector = this.getShrinkConnector(); connector.setVisibility(value); } var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setVisibility(value); }, setOpacity : function(opacity) { var elem = this.get2DElement(); elem.setOpacity(opacity); this.getShrinkConnector().setOpacity(opacity); var textShape = this.getTextShape(); textShape.setOpacity(opacity); }, _setChildrenVisibility : function(isVisible) { // Hide all children. var children = this._getChildren(); var model = this.getModel(); isVisible = isVisible ? !model.areChildrenShrunken() : isVisible; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; child.setVisibility(isVisible); var outgoingLine = child.getOutgoingLine(); outgoingLine.setVisibility(isVisible); } }, invariant : function() { var line = this._outgoingLine; var model = this.getModel(); var isConnected = model.isConnected(); // Check consistency... if ((isConnected && !line) || (!isConnected && line)) { // $assert(false,'Illegal state exception.'); } }, setSize : function(size, force) { $assert(size, "size can not be null"); $assert($defined(size.width), "size seem not to be a valid element"); size = {width:Math.ceil(size.width),height: Math.ceil(size.height)}; var oldSize = this.getSize(); var hasSizeChanged = oldSize.width != size.width || oldSize.height != size.height; if (hasSizeChanged || force) { mindplot.NodeGraph.prototype.setSize.call(this, size); var outerShape = this.getOuterShape(); var innerShape = this.getInnerShape(); outerShape.setSize(size.width + 4, size.height + 6); innerShape.setSize(size.width, size.height); // Update the figure position(ej: central topic must be centered) and children position. this._updatePositionOnChangeSize(oldSize, size); if (hasSizeChanged) { mindplot.EventBus.instance.fireEvent(mindplot.EventBus.events.NodeResizeEvent, {node:this.getModel(),size:size}); } } }, _updatePositionOnChangeSize : function(oldSize, newSize) { $assert(false, "this method must be overwrited."); }, disconnect : function(workspace) { var outgoingLine = this.getOutgoingLine(); if ($defined(outgoingLine)) { $assert(workspace, 'workspace can not be null'); this._outgoingLine = null; // Disconnect nodes ... var targetTopic = outgoingLine.getTargetTopic(); targetTopic.removeChild(this); // Update model ... var childModel = this.getModel(); childModel.disconnect(); this._parent = null; // Remove graphical element from the workspace... outgoingLine.removeFromWorkspace(workspace); // Remove from workspace. mindplot.EventBus.instance.fireEvent(mindplot.EventBus.events.NodeDisconnectEvent, this.getModel()); // Change text based on the current connection ... var model = this.getModel(); if (!model.getText()) { var text = this.getText(); this._setText(text, false); } if (!model.getFontSize()) { var size = this.getFontSize(); this.setFontSize(size, false); } // Hide connection line?. if (targetTopic._getChildren().length == 0) { var connector = targetTopic.getShrinkConnector(); connector.setVisibility(false); } } }, getOrder : function() { var model = this.getModel(); return model.getOrder(); }, setOrder : function(value) { var model = this.getModel(); model.setOrder(value); }, connectTo : function(targetTopic, workspace, isVisible) { $assert(!this._outgoingLine, 'Could not connect an already connected node'); $assert(targetTopic != this, 'Cilcular connection are not allowed'); $assert(targetTopic, 'Parent Graph can not be null'); $assert(workspace, 'Workspace can not be null'); // Connect Graphical Nodes ... targetTopic.appendChild(this); this._parent = targetTopic; // Update model ... var targetModel = targetTopic.getModel(); var childModel = this.getModel(); childModel.connectTo(targetModel); // Create a connection line ... var outgoingLine = new mindplot.ConnectionLine(this, targetTopic); if ($defined(isVisible)) outgoingLine.setVisibility(isVisible); this._outgoingLine = outgoingLine; workspace.appendChild(outgoingLine); // Update figure is necessary. this.updateTopicShape(targetTopic); // Change text based on the current connection ... var model = this.getModel(); if (!model.getText()) { var text = this.getText(); this._setText(text, false); } if (!model.getFontSize()) { var size = this.getFontSize(); this.setFontSize(size, false); } this.getTextShape(); // Display connection node... var connector = targetTopic.getShrinkConnector(); connector.setVisibility(true); // Redraw line ... outgoingLine.redraw(); // Fire connection event ... if (this.isInWorkspace()) { mindplot.EventBus.instance.fireEvent(mindplot.EventBus.events.NodeConnectEvent, {parentNode:targetTopic.getModel(), childNode: this.getModel()}); } }, appendChild : function(child) { var children = this._getChildren(); children.push(child); }, removeChild : function(child) { var children = this._getChildren(); children.erase(child); }, _getChildren : function() { var result = this._children; if (!$defined(result)) { this._children = []; result = this._children; } return result; }, removeFromWorkspace : function(workspace) { var elem2d = this.get2DElement(); workspace.removeChild(elem2d); var line = this.getOutgoingLine(); if ($defined(line)) { workspace.removeChild(line); } this._isInWorkspace = false; mindplot.EventBus.instance.fireEvent(mindplot.EventBus.events.NodeRemoved, this.getModel()); }, addToWorkspace : function(workspace) { var elem = this.get2DElement(); workspace.appendChild(elem); if (!this.isInWorkspace()) { if (this.getType() != mindplot.model.INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) { mindplot.EventBus.instance.fireEvent(mindplot.EventBus.events.NodeAdded, this.getModel()); } if (this.getModel().isConnected()) mindplot.EventBus.instance.fireEvent(mindplot.EventBus.events.NodeConnectEvent, {parentNode:this.getOutgoingConnectedTopic().getModel(), childNode: this.getModel()}); } this._isInWorkspace = true; this._adjustShapes(); }, isInWorkspace : function() { return this._isInWorkspace; }, createDragNode : function(layoutManager) { var result = this.parent(layoutManager); // Is the node already connected ? var targetTopic = this.getOutgoingConnectedTopic(); if ($defined(targetTopic)) { result.connectTo(targetTopic); result.setVisibility(false); } // If a drag node is create for it, let's hide the editor. this._textEditor.close(); return result; }, _adjustShapes : function() { if (this._isInWorkspace) { var textShape = this.getTextShape(); var textWidth = textShape.getWidth(); var textHeight = textShape.getHeight(); textHeight = textHeight != 0 ? textHeight : 20; var topicPadding = this._getInnerPadding(); // Adjust the icon size to the size of the text ... var iconGroup = this.getOrBuildIconGroup(); var fontHeight = this.getTextShape().getFontHeight(); iconGroup.setPosition(topicPadding, topicPadding); iconGroup.seIconSize(fontHeight, fontHeight); // Add a extra padding between the text and the icons var iconsWidth = iconGroup.getSize().width; if (iconsWidth != 0) { iconsWidth = iconsWidth + (textHeight / 4); } var height = textHeight + (topicPadding * 2); var width = textWidth + iconsWidth + (topicPadding * 2); this.setSize({width:width,height:height}); // Position node ... textShape.setPosition(topicPadding + iconsWidth, topicPadding); } } }); mindplot.Topic.CONNECTOR_WIDTH = 6; mindplot.Topic.OUTER_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES = {fillColor:'rgb(252,235,192)',stroke:'1 dot rgb(241,163,39)',x:0,y:0}; mindplot.Topic.OUTER_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES_FOCUS = {fillColor:'rgb(244,184,45)',x:0,y:0}; mindplot.Topic.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES = {stroke:'2 solid'};