# Compiling and Running ## Prerequisites The following products must be installed: * Java Development Kit 6 or higher (http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp) * Maven 2.2.1 or higher (http://maven.apache.org/) ## Compiling WiseMapping uses Maven as packaging and project management. The project is composed of 4 maven sub-modules: * core-js: Utilities JavaScript libraries * web2d: JavaScript 2D VML/SVG abstraction library used by the mind map editor * mindplot: JavaScript mind map designer core * wise-webapp: J2EE web application Full compilation of the project can be done executing within : `mvn install` Once this command is execute, the file /wise-webapp/target/wisemapping.war will be generated. ## Testing The previously generated war can be deployed locally executing within the directory /wise-webapp the following command: `mvn jetty:run-war` This will start the application on the URL: http://localhost:8080/wise-webapp/. Additionally, a file based database is automatically populated with a test user. User: test@wisemapping.org Password: test