Now has option to add new LDAP users to YourLS config to avoid issues where the user doesn't exist. Removed debug line accidentally let in
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Plugin Name: Simple LDAP Auth
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin enables use of LDAP provider for authentication
Version: 1.0
Author: k3a
Author URI:
// Thanks to nicwaller ( for cas plugin I used as a reference!
// No direct call
if( !defined( 'YOURLS_ABSPATH' ) ) die();
// returns true if the environment is set up right
function ldapauth_environment_check() {
$required_params = array(
'LDAPAUTH_HOST', // ldap host
//'LDAAUTHP_PORT', // ldap port
'LDAPAUTH_BASE', // base ldap path
//'LDAPAUTH_USERNAME_FIELD', // field to check the username against
foreach ($required_params as $pname) {
if ( !defined( $pname ) ) {
$message = 'Missing defined parameter '.$pname.' in plugin '. $thisplugname;
return false;
if ( !defined( 'LDAPAUTH_PORT' ) )
define( 'LDAPAUTH_PORT', 389 );
if ( !defined( 'LDAPAUTH_USERNAME_FIELD' ) )
define( 'LDAPAUTH_USERNAME_FIELD', 'uid' );
if ( !defined( 'LDAPAUTH_ALL_USERS_ADMIN' ) )
define( 'LDAPAUTH_ALL_USERS_ADMIN', true );
if ( !defined( 'LDAPAUTH_ADD_NEW' ) )
define( 'LDAPAUTH_ADD_NEW', false );
global $ldapauth_authorized_admins;
if ( !isset( $ldapauth_authorized_admins ) ) {
error_log('Undefined $ldapauth_authorized_admins');
$ldapauth_authorized_admins = array();
return true;
yourls_add_filter( 'is_valid_user', 'ldapauth_is_valid_user' );
// returns true/false
function ldapauth_is_valid_user( $value ) {
// doesn't work for API...
if (yourls_is_API())
return $value;
// Always check & set early
if ( !ldapauth_environment_check() ) {
die( 'Invalid configuration for YOURLS LDAP plugin. Check PHP error log.' );
if ( isset( $_SESSION['LDAPAUTH_AUTH_USER'] ) ) {
// already authenticated...
if ( ldapauth_is_authorized_user( $username ) ) {
yourls_set_user( $_SESSION['LDAPAUTH_AUTH_USER'] );
return true;
} else {
return $username.' is not admin user.';
} else if ( isset( $_REQUEST['username'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['password'] )
&& !empty( $_REQUEST['username'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['password'] ) ) {
// try to authenticate
$ldapConnection = ldap_connect(LDAPAUTH_HOST, LDAPAUTH_PORT);
if (!$ldapConnection) die("Cannot connect to LDAP " . LDAPAUTH_HOST);
ldap_set_option($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
// Check if using a privileged user account to search
if (defined('LDAPAUTH_SEARCH_USER') && defined('LDAPAUTH_SEARCH_PASS')) {
if (!@ldap_bind($ldapConnection, LDAPAUTH_SEARCH_USER, LDAPAUTH_SEARCH_PASS)) {
die('Couldn\'t bind search user ' . LDAPAUTH_SEARCH_USER);
// Limit the attrs to the ones we need
$attrs = array('dn', LDAPAUTH_USERNAME_FIELD);
if (defined('LDAPAUTH_GROUP_ATTR'))
array_push($attrs, LDAPAUTH_GROUP_ATTR);
$searchDn = ldap_search($ldapConnection, LDAPAUTH_BASE, LDAPAUTH_USERNAME_FIELD . "=" . $_REQUEST['username'], $attrs );
if (!$searchDn) return $value;
$searchResult = ldap_get_entries($ldapConnection, $searchDn);
if (!$searchResult) return $value;
$userDn = $searchResult[0]['dn'];
if (!$userDn) return $value;
$ldapSuccess = @ldap_bind($ldapConnection, $userDn, $_REQUEST['password']);
// success?
if ($ldapSuccess)
// are we checking group auth?
if (defined('LDAPAUTH_GROUP_ATTR') && defined('LDAPAUTH_GROUP_REQ')) {
if (!array_key_exists(LDAPAUTH_GROUP_ATTR, $searchResult[0])) die('Not in any LDAP groups');
$in_group = false;
foreach($searchResult[0][LDAPAUTH_GROUP_ATTR] as $grps) {
if (strtolower($grps) == strtolower(LDAPAUTH_GROUP_REQ)) { $in_group = true; break; }
if (!$in_group) die('Not in admin group');
$username = $searchResult[0][LDAPAUTH_USERNAME_FIELD][0];
global $yourls_user_passwords;
if (LDAPAUTH_ADD_NEW && !array_key_exists($username, $yourls_user_passwords)) {
ldapauth_create_user( $username, $_REQUEST['password'] );
$yourls_user_passwords[$username] = ldapauth_hash_password($_REQUEST['password']);
return true;
} else {
error_log("No LDAP success");
return $value;
function ldapauth_is_authorized_user( $username ) {
// by default, anybody who can authenticate is also
// authorized as an administrator.
return true;
// users listed in config.php are admin users. let them in.
global $ldapauth_authorized_admins;
if ( in_array( $username, $ldapauth_authorized_admins ) ) {
return true;
// not an admin user
return false;
yourls_add_action( 'logout', 'ldapauth_logout_hook' );
function ldapauth_logout_hook( $args ) {
setcookie('PHPSESSID', '', 0, '/');
* Create user in config file
* Code reused from yourls_hash_passwords_now()
function ldapauth_create_user( $user, $new_password ) {
$configdata = file_get_contents( YOURLS_CONFIGFILE );
if ( $configdata == FALSE ) {
die('Couldn\'t read the config file');
if (!is_writable(YOURLS_CONFIGFILE))
die('Can\'t write to config file');
$pass_hash = ldapauth_hash_password($new_password);
$user_line = "\t'$user' => 'phpass:$pass_hash' /* Password encrypted by YOURLS */,";
// Add the user on a new line after the start of the passwords array
$new_contents = preg_replace('/(yourls_user_passwords\s=\sarray\()/', '$0 ' . PHP_EOL . $user_line, $configdata, -1, $count);
if ($count === 0) {
die('Couldn\'t add user, plugin may not be compatible with YourLS version');
} else if ($count > 1) {
die('Added user more than once. Check config file.');
$success = file_put_contents( YOURLS_CONFIGFILE, $new_contents );
if ( $success === false ) {
die('Unable to save config file');
return $pass_hash;
* Hashes password the same way as yourls_hash_passwords_now()
function ldapauth_hash_password ($password) {
$pass_hash = yourls_phpass_hash( $password );
// PHP would interpret $ as a variable, so replace it in storage.
$pass_hash = str_replace( '$', '!', $pass_hash );
return $pass_hash;