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2019-11-14 20:05:10 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" - Inkscape extension to apply multiple path operations
This extension takes a selection of path and a group of paths, or several
paths, and applies a path operation with the top-most path in the z-order, and
each selected path or each child of a selected group underneath.
Copyright (C) 2014 Ryan Lerch (multiple difference)
2016 Maren Hachmann <>
(refactoring, extend to multibool)
2017 su_v <>
Rewrite to support large selections (process in chunks), to
improve performance (support groups, z-sort ids with python
instead of external query), and to extend GUI options.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
# standard library
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import time
# local library
import inkex_local as inkex
except ImportError:
import inkex
import simplestyle
__version__ = '0.4'
# Global "constants"
SVG_SHAPES = ('rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'line', 'polyline', 'polygon')
# ----- general helper functions
def timed(f):
"""Minimalistic timer for functions."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
start = time.time()
ret = f()
elapsed = time.time() - start
return ret, elapsed
# ----- SVG element helper functions
def get_defs(node):
"""Find <defs> in children of *node*, return first one found."""
path = '/svg:svg//svg:defs'
return node.xpath(path, namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0]
except IndexError:
return inkex.etree.SubElement(node, inkex.addNS('defs', 'svg'))
def is_group(node):
"""Check node for group tag."""
return node.tag == inkex.addNS('g', 'svg')
def is_path(node):
"""Check node for path tag."""
return node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg')
def is_basic_shape(node):
"""Check node for SVG basic shape tag."""
return node.tag in (inkex.addNS(tag, 'svg') for tag in SVG_SHAPES)
def is_custom_shape(node):
"""Check node for Inkscape custom shape type."""
return inkex.addNS('type', 'sodipodi') in node.attrib
def is_shape(node):
"""Check node for SVG basic shape tag or Inkscape custom shape type."""
return is_basic_shape(node) or is_custom_shape(node)
def has_path_effect(node):
"""Check node for Inkscape path-effect attribute."""
return inkex.addNS('path-effect', 'inkscape') in node.attrib
def is_modifiable_path(node):
"""Check node for editable path data."""
return is_path(node) and not (has_path_effect(node) or
def is_image(node):
"""Check node for image tag."""
return node.tag == inkex.addNS('image', 'svg')
def is_text(node):
"""Check node for text tag."""
return node.tag == inkex.addNS('text', 'svg')
def does_pathops(node):
"""Check whether node is supported by Inkscape path operations."""
return (is_path(node) or
is_shape(node) or
# ----- list processing helper functions
def z_sort(node, alist):
"""Return new list sorted in document order (depth-first traversal)."""
ordered = []
id_list = list(alist)
count = len(id_list)
for element in node.iter():
element_id = element.get('id')
if element_id is not None and element_id in id_list:
count -= 1
if not count:
return ordered
def z_iter(node, alist):
"""Return iterator over ids in document order (depth-first traversal)."""
id_list = list(alist)
for element in node.iter():
element_id = element.get('id')
if element_id is not None and element_id in id_list:
yield element_id
def chunks(alist, max_len):
"""Chunk a list into sublists of max_len length."""
for i in range(0, len(alist), max_len):
yield alist[i:i+max_len]
# ----- process external command, files
def run(cmd_format, stdin_str=None, verbose=False):
"""Run command"""
if verbose:
out = err = None
myproc = Popen(cmd_format, shell=False,
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = myproc.communicate(stdin_str)
if myproc.returncode == 0:
return out
elif err is not None:
def create_pathops(top_path, id_list, ink_verb):
"""Create the list of commands to execute for a single pathop."""
# build list with command line arguments
cmdlist = []
for node_id in id_list:
cmdlist.append("--select=" + top_path)
cmdlist.append("--select=" + node_id)
cmdlist.append("--verb=" + ink_verb)
return cmdlist
def run_pathops(svgfile, cmds, max_ops, dry_run=False):
"""Run the pathops in chunks of max_ops commands."""
count = 0
chunk = cmds[:max_ops]
cmds = cmds[max_ops:]
while len(chunk) > 0:
# build list with command line arguments
count += 1
cmdlist = []
for cmd in chunk:
cmdlist += cmd
# process command list
if dry_run:
inkex.debug("\n# Processing {}. chunk ".format(count) +
"with {} objects ...".format(len(chunk)))
chunk = cmds[:max_ops]
cmds = cmds[max_ops:]
return count
def cleanup(tempfile):
"""Clean up tempfile."""
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# ----- PathOps() class, methods
class PathOps(inkex.Effect):
"""Effect-based class to apply Inkscape path operations."""
def __init__(self):
"""Init base class."""
# options
action="store", type="string",
dest="ink_verb", default="SelectionDiff",
help="Inkscape verb for path op")
action="store", type="int",
dest="max_ops", default=500,
help="Max ops per external run")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="recursive_sel", default=True,
help="Recurse beyond one group level")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="keep_top", default=True,
help="Keep top element when done")
action="store", type="string",
dest="default_stroke", default="#000000",
help="Default stroke color")
action="store", type="string",
help="Default stroke width")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="dry_run", default=False,
help="Dry-run without exec")
def update_attrib(self, node, prop, val):
"""Update checked property."""
if not self.options.dry_run:
node.attrib[prop] = val
def check_props(self, node):
"""Check properties and modify as needed based on options."""
if self.options.ink_verb == 'SelectionCutPath':
sdict = simplestyle.parseStyle(node.get('style'))
fill_color = sdict.get('fill', '')
if fill_color == 'none' or fill_color.startswith('url('):
fill_color = None
stroke_color = fill_color or self.options.default_stroke
stroke_width = self.unittouu(self.options.default_stroke_width)
prop = 'stroke'
if prop not in sdict or sdict[prop] == 'none':
sdict[prop] = stroke_color
if prop in node.attrib and node.attrib[prop] == 'none':
self.update_attrib(node, prop, stroke_color)
prop = 'stroke-width'
if prop not in sdict:
sdict[prop] = stroke_width
self.update_attrib(node, 'style', simplestyle.formatStyle(sdict))
def recurse_selection(self, node, id_list, level=0, current=0):
"""Recursively process selection, add checked elements to id list."""
current += 1
if not level or current <= level:
if is_group(node):
for child in node:
id_list = self.recurse_selection(
child, id_list, level, current)
if does_pathops(node):
return id_list
def get_selected_ids(self):
"""Return a list of valid ids for inkscape path operations."""
id_list = []
if not len(self.selected):
# level = 0: unlimited recursion into groups
# level = 1: process top-level groups only
level = 0 if self.options.recursive_sel else 1
for node in self.selected.values():
self.recurse_selection(node, id_list, level)
if len(id_list) < 2:
inkex.errormsg("This extension requires at least 2 elements "
"of type path, shape or text. "
"The elements can be part of selected groups, "
"or directly selected.")
return None
return id_list
def get_sorted_ids(self):
"""Return id of top-most object, and a list with z-sorted ids."""
top_path = None
sorted_ids = None
id_list = self.get_selected_ids()
if id_list is not None:
sorted_ids = list(z_iter(self.document.getroot(), id_list))
top_path = sorted_ids.pop()
return (top_path, sorted_ids)
def loop_pathops(self, top_path, other_paths):
"""Loop through selected items and run external command(s)."""
# init variables
max_ops = self.options.max_ops or 500
ink_verb = self.options.ink_verb or "SelectionDiff"
full_stack = False
if ink_verb == "Trim":
ink_verb = "SelectionDiff"
full_stack = True
dry_run = self.options.dry_run
tempfile = os.path.splitext(self.svg_file)[0] + "-pathops.svg"
# prepare
if dry_run:
inkex.debug("# Top object id: {}".format(top_path))
inkex.debug("# Other objects total: {}".format(len(other_paths)))
with open(tempfile, 'wb') as copycat:
# create a list of commands to execute
cmds = []
while len(other_paths) > 0:
cmds.append(create_pathops(top_path, other_paths, ink_verb))
if full_stack:
# now we make the second path the new top and perform the
# same operation again on it and the remaining paths
top_path = other_paths.pop()
# run the commands, if necessary in chunks of up to max_ops at a time
count = run_pathops(tempfile, cmds, max_ops, dry_run)
# finish up
if dry_run:
inkex.debug("\n# {} chunks processed, ".format(count) +
"with {} total objects.".format(len(other_paths)))
# replace current document with content of temp copy
xmlparser = inkex.etree.XMLParser(huge_tree=True)
self.document = inkex.etree.parse(tempfile, parser=xmlparser)
# optionally delete top-most element when done
if not self.options.keep_top:
top_node = self.getElementById(top_path)
if top_node is not None:
# purge missing tagrefs (see below)
# clean up
def effect(self):
"""Main entry point to process current document."""
if self.has_tagrefs():
# unsafe to use with extensions ...
inkex.errormsg("This document uses Inkscape selection sets. "
"Modifying the content with a PathOps extension "
"may cause Inkscape to crash on reload or close. "
"Please delete the selection sets, "
"save the document under a new name and "
"try again in a new Inkscape session.")
# process selection
top_path, other_paths = self.get_sorted_ids()
if top_path is None or other_paths is None:
self.loop_pathops(top_path, other_paths)
# ----- workaround to avoid crash on quit
# If selection set tagrefs have been deleted as a result of the
# extension's modifications of the drawing content, inkscape will
# crash when closing the document window later on unless the tagrefs
# are checked and cleaned up manually by the extension script.
# NOTE: crash on reload in the main process (after the extension has
# finished) still happens if Selection Sets dialog was actually
# opened and used in the current session ... the extension could
# create fake (invisible) objects which reuse the ids?
# No, fake placeholder elements do not prevent the crash on reload
# if the dialog was opened before.
# TODO: these checks (and the purging of obsolete tagrefs) probably
# should be applied in Effect() itself, instead of relying on
# workarounds in derived classes that modify drawing content.
def get_tagrefs(node):
"""Find tagrefs in node, return list."""
inkscape_tagrefs = []
inkscape_tagrefs = node.findall(
"inkscape:tag/inkscape:tagref", namespaces=inkex.NSS)
except TypeError:
# fallback for lxml < 2.3.0
path = 'inkscape:tag/inkscape:tagref'
inkscape_tagrefs = node.xpath(path, namespaces=inkex.NSS)
return inkscape_tagrefs
def has_tagrefs(self):
"""Check whether document has selection sets with tagrefs."""
defs = get_defs(self.document.getroot())
return True if len(self.get_tagrefs(defs)) else False
def update_tagrefs(self, mode='purge'):
"""Check tagrefs for deleted objects."""
defs = get_defs(self.document.getroot())
inkscape_tagrefs = self.get_tagrefs(defs)
if len(inkscape_tagrefs):
for tagref in inkscape_tagrefs:
href = tagref.get(inkex.addNS('href', 'xlink'))[1:]
if self.getElementById(href) is None:
if mode == 'purge':
elif mode == 'placeholder':
temp = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
temp.set('id', href)
temp.set('d', 'M 0,0 Z')
# ----- workaround to fix Effect() performance with large selections
def collect_ids(self, doc=None):
"""Iterate all elements, build id dicts (doc_ids, selected)."""
doc = self.document if doc is None else doc
id_list = list(self.options.ids)
for node in doc.getroot().iter(tag=inkex.etree.Element):
if 'id' in node.attrib:
node_id = node.get('id')
self.doc_ids[node_id] = 1
if node_id in id_list:
self.selected[node_id] = node
def getselected(self):
"""Overload Effect() method."""
def getdocids(self):
"""Overload Effect() method."""
if __name__ == '__main__':
ME = PathOps()
# vim: et shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 fileencoding=utf-8 textwidth=79