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2019-11-14 20:05:10 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
#import Inkscape_helper.inkscape_helper as helper
import fablabchemnitz_shelves_helper as doc
#import simplestyle
#Note: keep in mind that SVG coordinates start in the top-left corner i.e. with an inverted y-axis
class Shelves(doc.Effect):
Creates a new layer with the drawings for a parametrically generaded box.
def __init__(self):
self.OptionParser.add_option('--unit', action = 'store',
type = 'string', dest = 'unit', default = 'cm',
help = 'Unit, should be one of ')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--tool_diameter', action = 'store',
type = 'float', dest = 'tool_diameter', default = '0.3',
help = 'Tool diameter')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--tolerance', action = 'store',
type = 'float', dest = 'tolerance', default = '0.05',
help = '')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--thickness', action = 'store',
type = 'float', dest = 'thickness', default = '1.2',
help = 'Material thickness')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--width', action = 'store',
type = 'float', dest = 'width', default = '3.0',
help = 'Box width')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--height', action = 'store',
type = 'float', dest = 'height', default = '10.0',
help = 'Box height')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--depth', action = 'store',
type = 'float', dest = 'depth', default = '3.0',
help = 'Box depth')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--shelves', action = 'store',
type = 'string', dest = 'shelve_list', default = '',
help = 'semicolon separated list of shelve heigths')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--groove_depth', action = 'store',
type = 'float', dest = 'groove_depth', default = '0.5',
help = 'Groove depth')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--tab_size', action = 'store',
type = 'float', dest = 'tab_size', default = '10',
help = 'Approximate tab width (tabs will be evenly spaced along the length of the edge)')
def effect(self):
Draws a shelved cupboard, based on provided parameters
# input sanity check and unit conversion
error = False
if self.options.unit not in self.knownUnits:
doc.errormsg('Error: unknown unit. '+ self.options.unit)
error = True
unit = self.options.unit
if min(self.options.height, self.options.width, self.options.depth) == 0:
doc.errormsg('Error: Dimensions must be non zero')
error = True
shelves = []
for s in self.options.shelve_list.split(';'):
shelves.append(self.unittouu(str(s).strip() + unit))
except ValueError:
doc.errormsg('Error: nonnumeric value in shelves (' + s + ')')
error = True
if error:
height = self.unittouu(str(self.options.height) + unit)
width = self.unittouu(str(self.options.width) + unit)
depth = self.unittouu(str(self.options.depth) + unit)
thickness = self.unittouu(str(self.options.thickness) + unit)
groove_depth = self.unittouu(str(self.options.groove_depth) + unit)
tab_size = self.unittouu(str(self.options.tab_size) + unit)
tolerance = self.unittouu(str(self.options.tolerance) + unit)
tool_diameter = self.unittouu(str(self.options.tool_diameter) + unit)
doc_root = self.document.getroot()
docWidth = self.unittouu(doc_root.get('width'))
docHeigh = self.unittouu(doc_root.attrib['height'])
layer = doc.layer(doc_root, 'Shelves')
def H(x):
return doc.Coordinate(x, 0)
def V(x):
return doc.Coordinate(0, x)
def tab_count(dist, desired_tab_size):
F = int(dist // desired_tab_size)
if F / 2 % 2 == 0: # make sure we have an odd number of tabs
n = F // 2
n = (F - 1) // 2
return 2 * n + 1
# create groups for the different parts
g_l_side =
g_r_side =
g_top =
g_bottom =
g_back =
g_divider =
h_spacing = H(10 + thickness)
v_spacing = V(10 + thickness)
v_tab_count = tab_count(height, tab_size)
v_tab = V(height / v_tab_count)
h_tab_count = tab_count(width, tab_size)
h_tab = H(width / h_tab_count)
d_tab_count = tab_count(depth, tab_size)
d_tab_size = depth / d_tab_count
h_tab_height = V(thickness)
top_origin = h_spacing * 2 + v_spacing + H(depth)
left_side_origin = h_spacing + v_spacing * 2 + V(depth)
back_origin = left_side_origin + h_spacing + H(depth)
right_side_origin = back_origin + h_spacing + H(width)
bottom_origin = back_origin + v_spacing + V(height)
def draw_tabbed_edge(parent, edge_start, tab, inset, count, invert = False):
start = edge_start + (inset if invert else doc.Coordinate(0, 0))
for i in range(count):
if (i % 2 == 0) != invert:
t_offset = inset
t_offset = doc.Coordinate(0, 0)
end = start + tab
#inkex.debug(str((i, start, end, t_offset)))
doc.draw_line(parent, start, end)
if i < count - 1: # skip last one
start = edge_start + t_offset + tab * (i + 1)
doc.draw_line(parent, end, start)
# top
doc.draw_line(g_top, top_origin, top_origin + H(width))
draw_tabbed_edge(g_top, top_origin, V(d_tab_size), H(thickness), d_tab_count, False)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_top, top_origin + H(width) , V(d_tab_size), H(-thickness), d_tab_count, False)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_top, top_origin + V(depth), h_tab, V(-thickness), h_tab_count, True)
# groove
groove_style = doc.groove_style
center_v_groove_l = (width - thickness) / 2 - tolerance
groove_l_side = top_origin + H(center_v_groove_l)
groove_r_side = groove_l_side + H(thickness + tolerance * 2)
doc.draw_line(g_top, groove_l_side, groove_l_side + V(depth), groove_style)
doc.draw_line(g_top, groove_r_side, groove_r_side + V(depth), groove_style)
# left
doc.draw_line(g_l_side, left_side_origin, left_side_origin + V(height))
draw_tabbed_edge(g_l_side, left_side_origin + H(depth), v_tab, H(-thickness), v_tab_count, True)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_l_side, left_side_origin, H(d_tab_size), V(thickness), d_tab_count, True)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_l_side, left_side_origin + V(height), H(d_tab_size), V(-thickness), d_tab_count, True)
# back
draw_tabbed_edge(g_back, back_origin, v_tab, H(thickness), v_tab_count, False)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_back, back_origin + H(width), v_tab, H(-thickness), v_tab_count, False)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_back, back_origin, h_tab, V(thickness), h_tab_count, False)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_back, back_origin + V(height), h_tab, V(-thickness), h_tab_count, False)
# groove
groove_l_side = back_origin + H(center_v_groove_l)
groove_r_side = groove_l_side + H(thickness + tolerance * 2)
doc.draw_line(g_back, groove_l_side, groove_l_side + V(height), groove_style)
doc.draw_line(g_back, groove_r_side, groove_r_side + V(height), groove_style)
# right
doc.draw_line(g_r_side, right_side_origin + H(depth), right_side_origin + H(depth) + V(height))
draw_tabbed_edge(g_r_side, right_side_origin, v_tab, H(thickness), v_tab_count, True)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_r_side, right_side_origin, H(d_tab_size), V(thickness), d_tab_count, True)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_r_side, right_side_origin + V(height), H(d_tab_size), V(-thickness), d_tab_count, True)
# bottom
doc.draw_line(g_bottom, bottom_origin + V(depth), bottom_origin + V(depth) + H(width))
draw_tabbed_edge(g_bottom, bottom_origin, V(d_tab_size), H(thickness), d_tab_count, False)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_bottom, bottom_origin + H(width) , V(d_tab_size), H(-thickness), d_tab_count, False)
draw_tabbed_edge(g_bottom, bottom_origin, h_tab, V(thickness), h_tab_count, True)
# groove
groove_l_side = bottom_origin + H(center_v_groove_l)
groove_r_side = groove_l_side + H(thickness + tolerance * 2)
doc.draw_line(g_bottom, groove_l_side, groove_l_side + V(depth), groove_style)
doc.draw_line(g_bottom, groove_r_side, groove_r_side + V(depth), groove_style)
prev_top = 0
gr_short = thickness - groove_depth + tool_diameter / 2 # avoid that the grooves are visible from the outside
for s in shelves:
s_top = prev_top + thickness + s - tolerance
s_bottom = s_top + thickness + tolerance * 2
doc.draw_line(g_l_side, left_side_origin + V(s_top), left_side_origin + V(s_top) + H(depth - gr_short), groove_style)
doc.draw_line(g_l_side, left_side_origin + V(s_bottom), left_side_origin + V(s_bottom) + H(depth - gr_short), groove_style)
doc.draw_line(g_r_side, right_side_origin + V(s_top) + H(gr_short), right_side_origin + V(s_top) + H(depth), groove_style)
doc.draw_line(g_r_side, right_side_origin + V(s_bottom) + H(gr_short), right_side_origin + V(s_bottom) + H(depth), groove_style)
doc.draw_line(g_back, back_origin + V(s_top) + H(gr_short), back_origin + V(s_top) + H(width - gr_short), groove_style)
doc.draw_line(g_back, back_origin + V(s_bottom) + H(gr_short), back_origin + V(s_bottom) + H(width - gr_short), groove_style)
prev_top = s_top
# Create effect instance and apply it.
effect = Shelves()