This document provides a step by step Instruction on how to get FabAcess running. At the end of this description you will have:
- 2 Users registered to your system
- 2 Shellies registered to you system
- 1 Shelly configured as a door-opener
- 1 Shelly configured to identify if a machine is just switched on or realy running
- 2 QR-Codes generate to acess a machine
** Step 1 Installing the BFFH-Server
there are multiple ways to install the BFFH server. This can bei either done via
- a docker - see docker installation document.
16. Find the IP adress of your computer
**- new console**
`ip a`
17. Configure your Shelly
as long as your Shelly has not been given the credentials for a WLAN, it will create an access point (AP) for configuration. This AP will appear in your list of WLAN.
Connect to this Shelly-AP and connect to `` in your browser. A configuration page should appear.
If your Shelly is already connected to your WLAN, you must find the assigned IP-Adress (e.g. by looking into your router). Enter this IP Adress in your browser and you will get the configuration page.
Open the file "bffh.dhall" in the GUI Editor (just by double-clicking it)
Change `Shelly_123` to your Shelly name, e.g. `shelly1-123456789ABC` (**case sensitive!, dash sensitive!**) in "Link up machines to actors" and in "actors".
Change the third IP-adress under "listens" to the IP-adress of your computer.
**- save**
21. start Diflouroburane
change to the directory in the console where you checked for the ip-address