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# wisemapping-frontend
This is a WIP migration from [legacy wisemapping](https://bitbucket.org/wisemapping/wisemapping-open-source/) into a modern web development project with multiple improvements.
This monorepo uses lerna and contains all the packages that compose the wisemapping frontend.
## Getting started
Make sure you have NodeJs installed (version compatible with `package.json` engine), and yarn installed (`npm i -g yarn`).
nvm use
yarn install
yarn bootstrap
Please refer to each package's Readme.md for anything specific to the package.
If you want to contribute, please check out [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Scripts
Each package might provide the following scripts.
You can run these for all packages by running it from the root folder. Alternatively you can run it for a specific package from inside the package folder you want to.
### build
> Production build
`yarn build`
## lint
> run eslint
`yarn lint`
## playground
> start a devServer with some browsable examples
`yarn playground`
## test
> run all the tests
`yarn test`
> run only integration tests
`yarn test:integration`
> run only unit tests
`yarn test:unit`
## Image Snapshot Testing
We use [cypress-image-snapshot](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cypress-image-snapshot) for snapshot testing. This is a relatively cheap way of identifying behavior changes based on page screenshots. See [visual testing docs](https://docs.cypress.io/guides/tooling/visual-testing) for more information.
When a test that contains a `matchImageSnapshot` call is run, it compares the snapshot to the corresponding one in the `snapshots` directory. If Any change is detected, the test will fail, and the diff can be found in the `cypress/snapshots/*/__diff_output__` folder. If the change is intentional, we should "accept" those changes by updating the snapshot and include it in the commit.
There is a [caveat](https://github.com/jaredpalmer/cypress-image-snapshot/issues/98) where colors, fonts or ui may differ depending on the host machine running the tests.
A workaround for this is to run the tests using docker. Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed.
Run snapshot tests: `docker-compose -f docker-compose.snapshots.yml up`
If anything changed, and the change was intentional, update the snapshots and then commit the new images to source control.
Update snapshots: `docker-compose -f docker-compose.snapshots.update.yml up`