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2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
1 PPM Plan
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
1.1 Business Development
1.2 Backlog Management [link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit]
1.3 Freeform IT
1.4 Client Project Management
1.5 Governance & Executive
1.6 Finance
1.7 Administration
1.8 Human Resources
1.9 Freeform Hosting
1.10 Community Outreach
1.11 R&D
1.11.1 Goals
1.11.2 Formulize
1.12 Probono
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
2 Strategy 2: Talent Development
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
2.1 Strategic Priority 2a: Personal Plans
2.2 Strategic Priority 2b: External learning matches organ. goals
2.3 Strategic Priority 2c: Learning Environment
2.4 So That...
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
3 Strategy 4: Inclusive, Positive Environment
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
3.1 Strategic Priority 4a:Feedback
3.2 Strategic Priority 4b: Anti Harassment
3.3 Strategic Priority 4c: Diversity
2022-01-26 23:19:14 +01:00
3.4 So That...
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
4 Strategy 1: Recruit & Retain
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
4.1 So that...
4.2 Strategic Priority 1a: Recruitment
4.2.1 Modify App Form
4.2.2 Strategy integrated with hiring plan
4.3 Strategic Priority 1b: Hiring
4.4 Strategic Priority 1c: Onboarding
4.4.1 3 Month Onboarding Process
4.4.2 Tools & Guidelines
4.4.3 Mentoring
4.5 Strategic Priority 1d: Incentives
4.5.1 Raises
4.5.2 Benefits
4.5.3 Rewards Message
4.6 Strategic Priority 1e: Offboarding
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
5 Business Development Plan
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
5.1 Goals
5.1.1 Increase new clients Academic Research
5.1.2 Support New Products Formulize
5.1.3 Support CiviCRM
5.1.4 Identify Opportunites
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
6 Hosting NG Plan
7 Freeform IT Plan
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
7.1 Fragile
7.2 Tools
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
8 Project Teams
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
8.1 Projects 1-3
8.2 Projects 4-6
8.3 Projects 7 & 8
8.4 General Work
8.5 Learning Needs Plan
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
9 Restructure
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
9.1 Client Centric Process
9.2 Freeform Project Process
9.3 Supportive Systems Plan
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
10 Board and C Planning
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
10.1 Mission Statements
10.2 Values
10.3 Bylaw Review
10.4 Policies
10.5 Business Plan
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
11 Strategy 3: Safety and Wellness
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
11.1 Strategic Priority 3a: H&S Policies & Practices
11.2 Strategic Priority 3b: Health Promotion
11.2.1 Health and Wellness Committee
11.2.2 Work-life Balance Initiative [link: http://hrcouncil.ca/hr-toolkit/workplaces-health-safety.cfm]
11.3 So that...
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
12 Benefits
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
12.1 As Freeform Staff
12.2 Responsibility: HZ, JC
12.3 Release 3
12.4 Have Heather create list benefits against Best Practice & cost
12.5 Have Jason review list
12.6 Have JC & HZ consult with staff
12.7 Have best benefits we can afford
12.8 So that...
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
13 Community Outreach Plan
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
13.1 Goals
13.2 CSI
13.3 Drupal Community
13.4 CiviCRM
13.5 Other
2022-01-02 23:18:02 +01:00
14 Backlog Plan [link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit]
2022-01-03 06:09:35 +01:00
14.1 Go To Backlog Plan [link: https://docs.google.com/a/freeform.ca/drawings/d/1mrtkVAN3_XefJJCgfxw4Va6xk9TVDBKXDt_uzyIF4Us/edit]
2022-01-02 19:57:23 +01:00
15 Strategy Prospecting
16 Stategies: Forecasting
17 Strategies Marketing
2022-01-26 23:19:14 +01:00
18 Exit Interviews
18.1 As Freeform
18.2 Responsiblity: HZ, KS
18.3 Release
18.4 Have Heather write procedures for exit interview process
18.5 So that
19 3 Month Onboarding Process
20 Human Resources Plan
20.1 Related Org Objectives
20.1.1 1
20.1.2 2
20.1.3 3
20.1.4 4
20.2 Related Documents
20.3 Goals
20.3.1 Goal:Staff=Optimal Bus. Growth So that... Related Strategic Priorities: KPI: HR Level equals Planned Growth Methodology Target
20.3.2 Goal: Increase Job Satisfaction So That Related Strategic Priorities KPI: Employee Satisfaction Methodology Target
20.3.3 Goal: Improve Performance So That Related Strategic Priorities KPI: Employee Performance Methodology Target
20.3.4 Goal: Reduce Turnover So That Related Strategic Priorities KPI: Retention Rate Methodology Target
20.3.5 Risk & Compliance